Sanji, who couldn't see this scene the most, immediately clenched his fists, his pupils shrunk slightly, and wished he would rush to the stage to save the tearful beautiful lady.

"Be quiet first, and then finish the purpose of our trip."

Nami immediately shouted at Sanji.

And Zoro, next to her, also observed the situation on the field.

"Three [Supernovas]..."

Soon, his eyes swept over, and he found Trafalgar Law, Kidd, and Kira sitting there one after another.

There are also Apu and his group who sneaked in behind.

Of course, these people are not strictly speaking.

Even Zoro felt that if he fought one-on-one, it would not be a problem for him to win.

But mainly, the person sitting at the back~

Zoro's gaze couldn't help but finally stay on the ranger-like man who was leaning on crutches and had X scars on his face.

"This person... is very strong."

He could tell at a glance that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

He even had a faint hunch that the stagnant aura he felt on this blind ranger was different from the one he had with the green pheasant on the uninhabited island before.

As soon as this thought arose, Sauron wanted to forget it immediately.

How could an unnamed powerhouse appearing casually have the same strength as a navy admiral? !

While Zoro was concerned about the blind ranger, others also noticed their group.

"Oh, the Straw Hats, have they finally come to this place?!"

Kidd's expression was a little excited, "I've been waiting for this day, but I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Calm down Kidd!"

Kira next to him also knew to dissuade him, "Now that the Tianlong people are still there, let's not act rashly!!"

"Of course I know~!"

The corners of his mouth were wide open, and his eyes were already full of the look of looking at the prey, and Kidd was still licking his lips subconsciously.

Resisting the desire to go forward to fight, he sat back again.

"That's the one with the straw hat, and the prop master?!"

Seeing the arrival of the main lord he wanted to wait for, Luo's mouth faintly smiled.

But soon, when he noticed that Luffy's group's attention was focused on the stage of the auction venue, but it was obviously not the look of wanting to buy something, but Luo Wei was startled.

"Looks like there's going to be a good show coming up 々々."

After reacting, Luo leaned back, followed by an interesting look in his eyes.

However, Yaodao Guikui was also held in his hands by him, and he took a precautionary attitude.

"Okay, the following product will surely not disappoint the guests!"

At the time, the staff in the backstage slid two figures to the front of the stage.

One is a tall, middle-aged man with a red beard, a fat body, thick lips, and a relatively sturdy body.

Beside him, however, stood an old man with white hair, round glasses, and a box of wine in his hand. He looked a little drunk.

"This is the latest pirate caught in our auction venue. The reward is as high as 66 million Bailey's [Redbeard] Barre Mado!"

"Look at this strong arm and huge physique, whether it is used as a mount or used to watch a home and a nursing home, it is everyone's absolute first choice!"

"Even if you throw him on the field as a gladiator, it's enough to win you back countless money! This is a sure-fire deal!"

"And, in order to give back to our customers for their support, we also provide a coating worker slave! Even though he is so old, he is very experienced, and it is definitely worth the money as a top-up!"

There, Disco enthusiastically introduced the general situation of the two.

Especially when it came to Rayleigh, he took it directly.

Well, mainly this old guy, who sold himself four or five times, even disco already knew him.

After almost every time he sold him, it didn't take long for this guy to sell it by himself.

In the beginning, Disco put a price on him, but it turned out that people were not interested in buying an old man at all.

He didn't introduce him to the auction alone, he just treated him as a gift, and just put him out for auction and it was done.

I have to say, just like what Disco introduced, a group of people are very interested in the pirate named [Redbeard].

Whether it is pulled out as a mount, or thrown into the arena to fight for a test, it is a very good choice.

And when a group of people are just around the corner~

"Is that the person?!"

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates also noticed the gray-haired old man.

Wearing slippers and holding a square wine box... This feature is exactly the same as what Xia Qi said!

"Yes, he is Rayleigh!"

Frankie, who had seen Rayleigh on the side, affirmed: "If you just look at his face, it's definitely him!"

"I just didn't expect that he is so old now. He was blond before, but now he has turned white."

Although Franky is not very familiar with Rayleigh, but since his master Tom has a very good relationship with the Roger Pirates and others, he can also talk to each other.

"Yoshi, then bring him here!"

Seeing that the goal of his trip had already appeared, Luffy immediately shook his arm.

"Do you still have any bids?!"

On the auction table, Disco was there to encourage other bids.

And at this time~

"Hey, Pentagram, we want that person!"

Luffy immediately pointed at Rayleigh above it.

"Pentagon star??"

Disco lifted the pentagram glasses, followed the sound and saw Luffy pointing here.

"Are you talking about me?!"

He was startled for a moment, then immediately put on that iconic smile:

"Since this guest is also interested in the products on the stage, please make an offer. The current price on the stage is

"I have no money!"

Luffy said confidently.

"No money?!"

Disco was stunned for a moment. Not only him, but other nobles and celebrities also cast their eyes on him.

"Ah, no... Actually, I have money."

Thinking of the many small vaults he had in Link's place, Luffy hurriedly changed his words.

"I'll just say

Disco breathed a sigh of relief, but before a smile appeared on his face again, he heard Luffy continue: "But I have money and I don't plan to spend money to buy him!"

Don't want to spend money to buy it? ? ?

Disco stared at Luffy carefully, and his most obvious sign and face were also quickly recognized by Disco:

"You guys are the Straw Hats!"

He immediately shouted with the auction hammer.

"The Straw Hats?!"

The other rich and famous people were also surprised.

Of course, they have all heard of this name. Recently, the limelight is booming. Before, even the Judiciary Island was destroyed by a ruthless character! !

It is the first person in this year's [Supernova], and the strongest pirate group!

Dare to declare war on the world government, crazy criminals.

This is the impression of the nobles and rich people in the arena on Luffy and others.

Involuntarily, a group of people looked at them with fear and wariness.

As for fear or worry, there is no such emotion at all.

Because in the front of the auditorium, there are three Tianlong people present.

No matter how vicious a pirate, the Tianlong people will definitely not be able to make any waves!

This is their unwavering judgment based on their inherent cognition of the privileges of the Tianlong people.

Immediately, a group of people also put on some playful eyes and expressions, looking at the group of Straw Hat Pirates.

If they make the Tianlong people unhappy, then there is a good show to watch.

'This guest...'

Disco also responded, "You said you have money but you don't plan to pay for it?"

He said there without smiling, "Do you know what you are talking about, what is this place?!"

"I don't care where it is, all I know is, that person, I'm going to make a decision!"

Luffy replied without giving up.

"It seems that this guest did not come to participate in the auction sincerely, but to make trouble?"

Disco's expression also gradually cooled down.

With Doflamingo, who is relying on Qiwuhai behind him, and three Tianlong people (Qian Zhaozhao) in front of him to suppress the audience, he can be said to have infinite confidence now.

Not to mention the Straw Hat Pirates in the first half of the Great Route, even if the cadres of the Sea Emperor came here in the second half, he was not wrong at all! "The one in the straw hat, and the man standing beside him..."

There, watching the lively Xaluria Palace, glanced at Luffy and Link next to him, and immediately showed a gleam of interest.

"Father, what do you think I'll use the two of them as slaves?"

She asked there, "It just so happens that those two people are not over 20 years old, and they are not big, but they are just suitable for my training!" "You can do whatever you want!

Roswald said without raising his eyelids.

These are all trivial matters for him, and he can just go to Xaluliya Palace to toss.

"We... turn"

Luffy in the back was just about to answer, but was stopped by Link.

"I'm sorry, my captain didn't explain the comparison just now. We really came to participate in the auction."

Link said quite sincerely, "It's just that we don't plan to trade with money, but we have a good slave in our hands. We plan to auction him first, and then replace the old man."

"Is that so?"

There was a smug look in Disco's eyes, and a slightly mocking arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

[Thanks 'jind.., the big guy's thousand-point reward, thank you! ! 】

277 If you use them for auction, it's just right! That kind of thing, big deal!

Sure enough, in front of the Tianlong people, they finally became soft.

Disco is such a recognition, and the other nobles and celebrities also showed a rather regretful expression.

It seems that the liveliness is impossible to see.

Moreover, the captain of this Straw Hat Pirates is a stupid idiot, while the vice-captain is quite clever and knows how to adapt to changes.

One stupid and reckless, one smart followed by the aftermath, such a combination is indeed not bad.


Is this the Straw Hat Pirates who are the most powerful recently? !

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