So fast, so easy to be soft? !

Is it really the Judiciary Island destroyed by this group of scoundrels, claiming to be the enemy of the world government?

Just stop laughing! !

The captain also felt a little tougher, while the vice-captain seemed to have no bones at all! !

Not to mention the crew members behind him, none of them could even speak.

With such a captain and co-captain, how dare he have a bounty of more than 550 million Bailey? !

The overall reward level exceeds 1.9 billion? is that a lie?

Compared with the thirty or forty million pirates they have seen, the bones are even weaker.

Immediately, a group of aristocratic and celebrity guests unabashedly cast contemptuous glances at Luffy and Link.

"That [Prop Master], is such a stubborn person?!"

Apu, who came in and found a random seat and sat down, was also a little surprised.

But soon, he denied there again:

"No, if they were so easily submissive, they wouldn't have turned against the World Government and destroyed the Judicial Island, one of the three major institutions, in the first half of the Great Route."

"It's not like something a cartilaginous head can do!"

"They must have other ideas and plans, right?!"

Apu frowned, thinking about it there, and intending to wait and see, waiting for the next move of the Grass 880 Hat Pirates.

Eh read? Was the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates such a person? ! "

In the east corner, even Peibo was a little shocked and said, "Xiong really misread them! Such people, Captain, are you still planning to cooperate with them?!"

"Be quiet, Peibo~"

Trafalgar Law's expression didn't change much, but the corners of his mouth lifted, "Just look down."

"That prop master is not the one who can be soft-hearted so easily!"

On the other side, in the remote west seat.

"Is this about to start making trouble?"

Kidd also grinned, and the eagerness in his eyes gradually became uncontrollable.

"In front of the Tianlong people, I want to make something happen, but it really deserves to be a group of people who destroyed the Judicial Island in the first half!!"

"This bold, crazy energy, I like it!!"

Kira next to him didn't say anything, but the two special scythes in his hand turned slightly, indicating that he was also somewhat boiling at the moment.

Apu, Luo, and Kidd and Kira, after Link said these seemingly soft words, realized that they were going to make something happen.

After all, as the leader of the [Supernova], a group of people who stirred up a great storm in the first half of the journey came all the way to this Chambord Archipelago, and they were about to go to the new world.

It's when you're full of pride and ambition, how could you suddenly lose your backbone and ambition, and accept the counsel and surrender there? !

Judging from the things this group of people have done before, most of them are holding some bad water there.


They thought about Luffy Link and they were going to take some excessive actions, but they, or almost everyone present, didn't think of it.

The next actions of their group will be unbelievable, shocking and crazy.

No, in fact, there is still one person who can think of it.

"I see

A red light flashed through the open white pupils of the blind ranger sitting at the back.

He couldn't help but chuckle softly there.

"What a bunch of crazy people!!"

His tone was full of admiration and admiration.

And just after his voice fell, the disco on the auction table said there:

"I don't know this guest, what commodity slaves are you going to auction?!"

Disco seemed to be very polite on the surface, but there was some sarcasm in his tone.

"Could it be that you are planning to auction your so-called companions?"

As he said that, he looked at Sauron in a serious way, "It looks like Zhou Zheng, and it can really sell for a good price!!"

With the Tianlong people in charge, and the fact that Link seemed to be stepping back just now, he couldn't help but make the disco feel a little high.

"Especially the two beautiful young ladies beside you, they sold for a higher price!!"

He looked at Nami and Robin as if he was really looking at the merchandise.

\"That bastard..."

Sanji's forehead is bulging with blue veins, and now he wants to go up and give this **** a few perpetual pain kicking skills! !

How dare to judge Nami D Siwa and Robin sister like this, this guy is completely tired of life! !

After the disco finished speaking, the noble guests present all looked at them playfully.

In their opinion, disco is to humiliate these pirates and have fun with them.

"Of course, the partners of these guests, no matter how valuable they are, in my opinion that's what it is!!"

"Want me to say..."

Disco immediately clapped his hands, and the corner of his mouth also showed a teasing smile at Link:

"Among the guests and your group, you are the most valuable guest!!"

"According to your appearance, there are definitely a lot of beauties and rich people who like your style, and they will bid for you!!"

He was sincere on the surface, pretending to be thinking about Link.

And after he finished speaking, the rich and famous nobles in the arena couldn't hold back any longer, and there were bursts of low laughs.

It's not that they don't want to laugh loudly, but that there are three Lord Tianlong people in the front.

(cadd) If the sound of laughter is too high, causing the dissatisfaction of the three Tianlong people, it will not be worth the loss.

"How about it, guest, what do you think of this proposal?!"

Disco also suppressed a smile and teased there.

"Well, your idea is really good

The smile on Link's face remained unchanged.

And hearing Link's saliva as if he swallowed his broken teeth, the mockery and contempt of a group of nobles and celebrities became more intense.

Even the disco was slightly startled, and immediately prepared to step up its efforts again, "Then guest, you..."

"Just like your dog's owner, Doflamingo, likes to kill, jump, make trouble and disgusting people!!"

Before Disco finished speaking, he heard the second half of Link's words pick up, and blocked the words from his mouth.

Immediately, the smile on his face froze.

"This guest..."

Being humiliated by Link's words by naming him by name, Disco's face also felt a little overwhelmed.

He was about to say a few more scenes, but Link didn't give him any chance to play at all.

"I didn't want to let you go in the first place, but I'm just going to say what you said to my comrades just now..."

Link nodded slightly, "Very good, now I have another reason to attack you?!!"

After all, he didn't even look at Disco, and he didn't want to communicate with him anymore.

As if talking to him again, what a disgusting thing.

His eyes turned to the VIP seats of the Tianlong people who were sitting at the front and didn't care about everything, or at all didn't put these things in their eyes. "I heard that all those who are used as commodities are pirates and other criminals in the sea, as well as some citizens of countries that are not members of the World Government..."

"Then these guys are also non-joined countries, even people who don't even have a country..."

Link raised his fingers slowly, and said with a light smile:

"In my opinion, they are almost the most appropriate slaves!!"

"It's just right to take them to auction!!"

Link's words echoed in this hall, and even after he finished speaking, no one answered.

Even the low laughter, ridicule and discussion just now disappeared.

Because everyone's eyes widened, looking at Link's fingers in disbelief, and where his fingers were pointing.

That place is the VIP seat of the Tianlong people! !

"What did this guy just... say?!"

Some nobles are very suspicious of what happened to their ears just now, causing him to hear the wrong words.

He swallowed, and asked with trembling lips.

He didn't even dare to repeat what Link said just now.

But his incomparably frightened eyes indicated that he also realized that such a thing was a big deal! ! "Slave...slave?!"

After the Xia Luliya Palace became quiet for a moment in the field at first, there was still some unresponsiveness.

But when she saw Link's finger pointing towards her without any dignity...

Without a doubt, she exploded! !

"You lowly pariah, take your dirty fingers away from me!!"

Xia Luliya Gong Wei had to stand up and looked at Link with an ugly face.

She felt that her dignity as a Tianlong person was offended! !

"Also, did you just say slaves?!"

With a gloomy face, she said coldly, "How dare you say slaves to us Tianlong people, and she also has bad intentions towards us.

The more she spoke, the more angry she became, and her body began to tremble there:

"How dare you blaspheme the identity of me and other Tianlong people, I will treat you as the most humble slave!!"

She said sharply, her voice extremely sharp and harsh.


Saint Roswald, who was sitting there, also looked very stinky and ugly.

But he didn't say much.

In his heart, Link, who just said this, and his partner, are already their slaves.

It's not too late to wait for this auction to concoct them again. It's not worth it for these lowly pirate pariahs, their future slaves.

Li Zhiqi, this is simply not worth the loss!


And that stupid, runny nose, Saint Charles, also noticed the subtle atmosphere and thought about it. He took out a golden pistol from his arms.

[Thank you for your rewards and support, plus one more update! Talk about sincerity! ! 】

278 What about the good domineering overlord? I really miss it! Is it a natural ability?

Then, he aimed the gun at Link who was speaking just now.

Well, although I don't know what happened, but it made my father look ugly and my sister very angry, so this pariah doesn't need to think about it.

boom! boom!

He pulled the trigger continuously, and in a blink of an eye, how many bullets were shot towards Link.


Before those bullets flew towards Link, he saw Link-'s pupils open slightly.

In an instant, a tyrannical aura emanated from him and swept away quickly towards the surroundings.

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