
Before everyone could react, that momentum had already selectively swept the entire audience.

clang clang~

clap clap.

The bullet landed, and the sound of a group of people falling to the ground one after another sounded one after another.

I saw the many famous aristocratic gentlemen who were sitting on their seats in neat clothes, all with their mouths wide open and their eyes white.

As ugly as it was, he fell to the ground with no image.

Not only them, but even the three "dignified" Tianlong people on the VIP seat were swept away by Link's momentum and fell on their seats.

That Charles Ross even had a runny nose, piled up in the bubble hood, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

"What just happened?!"

Apu, Kidd, Kira, and Luo, the pupils of the four suddenly shrank at the same time.

They also felt the aura that Link had exuded just now.

However, because they were all in the most remote corners of the venue, coupled with Link's control, they were not affected by Naha Wang's domineering! ! Also unaffected are the two auction items standing on the auction platform, and the disco who was just chatting and playing tricks.

"What... what's wrong?!"

He first stared stiffly at the collapsed crowd below, where his body began to swing involuntarily.

Especially when he saw that even the three VIP Heavenly Dragon people fell there and lost consciousness.

As soon as his body softened, he felt that he could not stand on his feet, so he held on there.

"It's a good domineering king~"

Behind Disco, Rayleigh's eyes flashed a little, and he smiled a little.

He saw everything that happened just now.

Especially when Link broke out just now, the great control of the tyrannical arrogance, whether it is scope or strength, is just right.

Such talent is really a pretty good junior.

It is not in vain that he is looking forward to it, waiting for the arrival of their group.

Well, when Luffy and Link came in, he had already recognized them. This group of people was the Straw Hat Pirates that he had been waiting for for a long time.

Especially that straw hat...

"I saw it again, do you really miss it?"

A flash of nostalgia flashed in Reilly's eyes.

Seeing Luffy standing there, it was as if the familiar figure who once wore a straw hat was also standing there.

"how so……"

Disco's voice trembled, trembling constantly there.

Whether it was the destruction of the auction that came to an abrupt end, or the people of Tianlong suffered an accident and lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

This is not the consequence that he, a small auction venue host, can bear! !

Especially if the Tianlong people wake up and get completely angry, then the ending that they may face...

Thinking of this, Disco's body trembled once again.

"By the way, and Doflamingo!!"

Suddenly, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, as if someone who fell into the water had grabbed the last straw.

He quickly took out the phone bug from his arms, and wanted to call Doflamingo and let him coordinate the matter.

"If it was Brother Doflamingo, he would definitely be able to protect me in front of the Tianlong people, he would definitely be able to!!"

Disco murmured, pinning all his hopes on the phone bug in his hand.


"I'm not sure if Doflamingo can really keep you safe, but..."

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded in Disco's ear.

"I know you are destined to escape today."

Disco raised his head suddenly, and saw that Link suddenly came to him at some point.

"Is that teleportation?!"

In the corner of the venue, the four [Supernovas] who had just recovered from the shock, saw this scene, and they were still in shock.

It was clear that Link was still at the gate of the venue a second ago.

As a result, the next second, he came to the auction table in an instant.

The only person who noticed it only felt that a blue-white luster flashed in front of his eyes just now.

"Are you capable?!"

The crowd secretly weighed in their hearts.

"Don't come here!!"

Seeing Link appear beside him, Disco jumped up in fright.

It was like a mouse that saw a cat and kept retreating back.

"I, behind me is Brother Doflamingo, here, here is also the most favorite auction venue for the Tianlong people.

"You, you can't do anything to me!!"

Disco's hands were haphazardly there, and the incoherent Serenity threatened.

"I even moved the Tianlong people, are you still afraid of the master behind you, Brother Doflaming?"

Link smiled at the disco.


He choked there immediately.

Indeed, the three Heavenly Dragon people have all fallen and lost consciousness, and he has already done such a lawless thing.

Do you still care about your own little life? !

"Let... let me go!!"

After seeing that the threat was useless, he decisively began to beg there.

"I said before, I didn't want to let you go, and then you humiliated my companion with such a comment~"

"That's a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding... ah ah ah!!!"

The dazzling thunder light mixed with the miserable cry of the disco suddenly shone in this empty hall.

It shone so brightly that everyone could not open their eyes.

"Link, he's a little angry.

Luffy sucked his nose and gave such an opinion.

"After all, that guy who can't spit out ivory from the dog's mouth is a bit too ugly to speak."

Nami crossed her hips, feeling relieved.

"After all, what about the vice-captain who loves the crew and can't tolerate any grievances for us?"

Robin also pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Maybe it's also related to the place here, as well as the environment and method of the auction, which makes people feel very uncomfortable, right?"

Zoro also nodded, "Auctioning humans as slave commodities makes people feel very uncomfortable!!"

"If it were me, it might be even more ruthless than Link's actions. These **** would do such a thing to such beautiful young ladies!!" Sanji was still a little resentful.

"Ah! It's Vice-Captain Link after all. This is a real man. It's never a joke if you talk about it!!"

Franky put his hands together and said excitedly.

"Yo hoo hoo hoo, such a wonderful electric light, I want to compose a moving electronic sound, yo hoo hoo!!"

Brooke's hands were itchy and he wanted to take out the guitar.

?For flowers....

"That's right! Link, you've done a lot, and you've turned that **** into a charcoal grilled octopus!!"

"That's right! No matter how you call him!!"

Chopper and Usopp, who were also angry at the **** for treating himself and others as cargo, also expressed their full support for Link's behavior.

This is what the Straw Hat Pirates care about, and the others?~~

"A natural ability person?!"

Everyone noticed the dazzling brilliance that Link had radiated just now, and couldn't help but look a little heavy.

Such a huge power, and a move that is comparable to a natural disaster that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, except for those with natural abilities, he would not be second to him.

"It turned out to be the ability of the nature department..."

Kidd grinned, "That seems to be difficult to handle."

The natural system, the rarest but also the most powerful ability.

Falling on the other side, looking at the power that radiates out, you know that he has developed to the point where it is not weak.

Kidd understood for a while, why the other party could have such a high reward amount.

"Nature ah..."

[Hai Ming] Apu next to him smacked his mouth, and a look of jealousy flashed in his eyes.


Who wouldn't want an invincible and powerful ability if they could, and could have a choice? !

Especially, when he thought of the cyan dragon hovering high in the sky, this feeling of envy and jealousy became even stronger.

"Nature is..."

Luo Yao looked at Link's figure exuding power, and the light flashed in his eyes.

Not only the refraction of the lightning flashes, but also his own, the radiance of hope that comes from the heart.

He saw more possibilities in Luffy, Link and others.

That, can help him achieve his goal, the possibility of revenge! !

Thinking of this, Luo couldn't help but feel a little excited, and his hands unconsciously turned there.

"Zizzy la la

In the end, after Link released a sufficient amount of electricity, the disco was charred into a black piece, almost turned into a charcoal block, and fell to the ground softly.

In the surrounding space, a smell of meat suddenly filled the air.

"Although a guy like you will die a thousand times ten thousand times, it is not an exaggeration..."

Link looked at the disco who fell to the ground and twitched every now and then, "But killing someone like you will only get my hands dirty."

"And, sometimes, living is more painful than dying."

"Just be a cripple, or as a slave, and continue to live in this world."

The strong high-voltage current just now did not kill Disco, but it also caused irreversible repair damage to his body.

Whether it was his five senses such as his throat and vocal cords, or the five limbs on his torso, all of them were completely destroyed by Link.

In the future, even if he is a slave, he will be the most lowly and no one wants.

In the original version, what happened to this guy later was quite miserable.

Two years later, due to the incident of Luffy beating the Tianlong people, Doflamingo pushed again and again, shied the responsibility, and transferred the human auction venue to Disco.

It was this guy who took the blame, causing him to go bankrupt and become a desperate bum.

In some abandoned garbage heaps, drunkenly looking for food with wine bottles.

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