[Thank you for the five-eighth reward of 'Call Me Monster'! ! '? +Run’s reward! ! 】

280 [Red Hair] Take turns calling, come to my house this year! ! Very interesting group, interesting scene

The other party is obviously manipulating those iron weapons into the sky, and has absolute control over items of this type!

Don't just pull out the knife in your front hand, and your back foot will be controlled and taken away by it! !

Now their entire ship is in a special moment of combat readiness.

If the time comes to rescue Ace and the knife in his hand is gone, it will be troublesome.

"What kind of vision is high? What are you talking about?!!"

Luffy was still a little confused about Kidd's words.

"I have serious things to do now, and I will talk about it later!!"

Kidd: "..."

He actually heard a little impatient from Luffy's tone? ! !

"How dare you be so arrogant, straw hat boy!"

The red crossroads and the blue veins on Kidd's face were almost invisible.

"Then let you give me a good try..."

He just wanted to swing his arm and drop all the weapons in the sky and storm towards Luffy.

Stab it! !

It's just that before he could make a move, a beam of light flashing thunder arcs rubbed his head and passed through instantly!

Feeling the burning sensation of the high temperature on the left half of his head, Kidd's movements stiffened there.

"So fast, I didn't react at all..."

He turned his head like a machine, looked at the wall behind which had been pierced with a huge hole, and his throat couldn't help rolling twice.

The move just now, if the angle is shifted a little more, it can definitely penetrate his forehead and easily take him down!

But he didn't have the slightest sense of danger, or in other words, the opponent's 20 attack speed was too fast, and the attack was too fierce! !

"If you want to die, you can directly say that I can still satisfy you with this request."

Link slowly put down his raised fingers and said calmly.

Kidd: "..."

He pursed his lips twice, but still couldn't say anything.

Just from the blow just now, it can be seen that the gap between the two sides is too big.

In other words, it is not on a level at all.

Whoa! !

The iron weapons floating in the air all fell to the ground.

"What kind of ability is this, and can you control these weapons?! What kind of [weapon fruit]?"

Chopper asked curiously while trying to avoid being hit as much as possible.

"It should be [Magnetic Fruit], which can control all metal items such as magnetic force and electrical manipulation iron."

Sanji, who had read the Devil Fruits Encyclopedia next to him, replied casually, "This is one of the four basic forces in the world. If it can be developed properly, it also has a very powerful strength."

"That's it~"

Little Chopper nodded in understanding, then looked at Kidd, who was standing there, looking rather desolate, blinked his eyes and thought:

"Shouldn't his nickname be something like [Magnetic Demon]? Why is he called [Captain]? Such a straightforward title?"

"Besides, isn't the so-called captain the kind of person who does things recklessly and recklessly and idiotically causes trouble and trouble, and asks his companions to wipe his ass?"

Chopper looked at Luffy Road, who was picking up the Dragonborn there.

Sanji: "..."

Link: "..."

The rest of the Straw Hats: "..."

Rayleigh on stage: "..."

The following is Kidd, who is nicknamed by Chopper: "..."

And Luo, who is also the captain:

"Hahaha, this view is really good?!!"

Rayleigh on the stage suddenly raised his head and laughed.

He remembered the time when Roger led a pirate group to destroy a country for the sake of a companion.

I also thought that in order to realize my dream, I asked Kozuki Oden from Whitebeard, and I knelt down to him without hesitation~

It was even more thought that after the voyage, he chose to disband the pirate group, which was unexpected and unexpected, but it felt reasonable and something that Roger could do.

And what he said to Rayleigh at the end, "Maybe the next time I come to the island and find the [Great Treasure], it will be my son."

Really, do you have a son, just say something like this~

Rayleigh also recalled those past events in his mind.

I have to say that Chopper's views on the word "captain" are indeed in line with Roger's character.

Not even just Roger.

"That's right at all!!"

In the Kidd Pirates, the second-in-command Kira also looked at Kidd's back and nodded indiscernibly.

The companions behind him also looked very agreeable.

"What do you see me doing?"

Luo on the other side glanced slightly, and saw Peibo's small eyes staring straight at him.

"No, the bear didn't see anything!!"

Peibo hurriedly covered it up and turned his head aside.

But after a while, it involuntarily glanced at it.

Luo: "."

Am I being too kind to this guy on weekdays? !

"What Chopper said is not true at all!!"

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates, after listening to Chopper's evaluation, immediately nodded there with deep sympathy.

They all raised their hands and feet in agreement with this statement.

"Actually speaking, the nickname of the pirate reward order is generally based on the person's physical characteristics, past identity, things committed, etc." "For example, Luffy's [Straw Hat], Frankie's [Reformed Man], Sanji's [Black Foot], etc."

Nami also looked at Kidd curiously: "It stands to reason that the biggest feature of this guy should be his striking red hair, red hair? Suddenly, Nami's tone stopped.

Because she also remembered that the nickname [Red Hair] had already been called.

And it is still in the second half of the great route, called by an incredible character in the new world.

In that case... Indeed, Kidd's nickname is a bit subtle.

"If they all have the same obvious characteristics, they are often the strong and the seniors who can obtain the

Link also looked at Kidd, whose face was blue and white there.

Indeed, the most striking thing about Kidd, that is, the red hair on that end, is the first impression.

As a result... his nickname is the most unimpressive [Captain], a lousy street guy with no indication.

Come to think of it, Kidd also knows that the most suitable nickname for him is [Red Hair], but this nickname is in the hands of another big pirate.

So what he has to do, who is quite unhappy about this, is to take a random nickname first, and then be ruthless to completely pull that big pirate down!

[Red Hair] Take turns calling, come to my house this year! !

Kidney must be holding his breath, otherwise, he would not go to Shanks as soon as he entered the new world.

As a result, after Shanks broke an arm, he still worked tirelessly to build a pirate alliance with Apu and Hawkins, and continued to focus on Shanks.

Well, people who don't know think that there is a deep hatred between the two people.

"let's go!!"

Kidd, however, listened to everyone's comments on his hair color and nickname. After poking at the center, he gritted his teeth.

Feeling aggrieved and depressed in my heart, I immediately greeted my subordinates to leave here.

Well, if he can fight or if he can fight, he will have to fight a few tricks with the Straw Hat Pirates.

But the attack from Link just now really left a lot of shadows on him.

If he continues to stay and fight against the Straw Hat Pirates, maybe the next second, it's not just his red hair that gets burned.

The skull may be able to be punched out.

Following Apu's group, Kidd left in a rather embarrassed manner.

Originally, I wanted to find trouble with the Straw Hat Pirates, but now I was forced to retreat by Link's move~

How high-spirited he was when he came, and how miserable he seemed when he left.

In this way, only Luo and his party were left in the arena, as well as the blind ranger swordsman.

There are also fewer and fewer people.

But the fewer people there are who know what the Straw Hat Pirates are going to do, the better it will be for them.

"In this case, Rayleigh, Tianlongren, both of our purposes for coming here are ready!!"

Luffy looked at the rope that tied the three Heavenly Dragons in various twists and turns, and nodded in satisfaction with his masterpiece.

"They... they are going to kidnap the Tianlong people?!!" 880

And at this moment, there was no one to guard them in the backstage, and the slaves who came out boldly when there was no movement in front of them.

As soon as he came out, he saw Luffy's extremely rebellious behavior, and he was so scared that he lost his soul.

"You just don't see it~"

Link found the keys of the collars around the necks of the group of people from Disco's body and threw them away.

"As if nothing happened, it's good for both of you and me."

"Otherwise, if you ask, once you are investigated by the Tianlong people

When they saw Link giving them the keys, those eyes full of expectations for freedom immediately lit up.

And then after hearing what Link said, they quickly said that they would rot this matter in their stomachs.

Then, after everyone unlocked the locks one by one, they immediately thanked them a lot and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

Not only was this group of people who were about to become slaves shocked, but even Rayleigh was a little surprised, not to mention the off-court, Peibo and the others, whose bear hair was about to stand up.

"They... dare to attack the Tianlong people?!!"

Peibo, and the crew of the Heart Pirates next to him, all looked unbelievable.

Especially looking at the actions of the Straw Hat Pirates and others, the actions of pinching and tying up the nobles of the world are no different from tying up livestock.

"So, their group of people really often do unexpected things!!"

Luo was also shocked, a fiery look flashed between his eyes.

He also saw the move that Link played with Kidd just now.

To be honest, even he is not sure that he can take over!

But this kind of power is exactly what he expected! !

"Sure enough, this trip is not in vain..."

The blind ranger swordsman sitting at the back was also smiling lowly.

"The Tianlong people were kidnapped..."

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