"It's really a daring and interesting group of people, interesting scene."

He smiled and got up slowly.

After seeing the picture that you want to "see", it is meaningless to stay here.

"Sir, are you planning to leave just like that?".

281 Have a cup of tea and chat, everyone's reaction! The Straw Hat Pirates, the Straw Hat Pirates again! !

"Sir, are you planning to leave just like that?"

Just as he was about to leave, Link's laughter came from the stage.

"Aren't you going to stay and have a cup of tea and chat?"

"This is no longer necessary. If I stay longer, the old man will not be able to leave?"

He turned his head slightly, "When the Navy is coming, the old man won't be able to tell."

If the Draconians are attacked or offended, they must be protected by the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

"Don't be in such a hurry~"

Link waved his hand slightly, "Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, we can't be found."

As he spoke, he took out a prop.

"Let's talk together?"

Link said not only to the blind tourist in front of him, but also to Luo and his party next to him.

While speaking, he also shook the paper he took out in his hand.

"It just so happens that I still have hot tea and fragrant ramen here, and..."

He also looked at Luo and said with a smile, "Grilled fish and rice **** without prunes?"

Ramen, rice **** without prunes?

The Blind Ranger and Luo both showed moving expressions at the same time.

other people:"……"

The Straw Hat Pirates attacked the Human Auction and kidnapped the Celestial Dragons! ! !

This extremely explosive news, like a tornado destroying a parking lot, whizzed past and spread throughout the Chambord Archipelago.


In the restaurant, Bonnie, who was guzzling her drink, heard the news and immediately spit out the salt soda.

"Did you make a mistake?! That's a Tianlong person!!!"

Bonnie looked at the subordinate who had been sprayed on her face in amazement, "How dare they?!"

"It's the truth, Captain Bonnie..."

His subordinates wiped their faces. Although they have heard the news, they are still very shocked.

"This is news from the human auction venue."

"It is said that when the navy rushed into the venue, there were only comatose aristocratic and rich guests who participated in the auction."

"When they wake up, it means that before they lose consciousness, the Tianlong people are going to shoot the people of the Straw Hat Pirates, and then they roll their eyes and don't know anything."

"When they woke up again, the Straw Hat Pirates were gone, and so were the three Celestial Dragons."


Bonnie immediately took over the words: "So the navy believes that the Straw Hat Pirates took and kidnapped the Tianlong people, right?!"

"That's right!!"

The younger brothers nodded.

"This is really..."

Bonnie swallowed the food in her mouth, her face was very ugly, "It's not good to offend anyone, but it's the group of offal."

"Okay now, the Admiral is definitely coming!!!"

"There are also those idiot Tianlong people, but the other party destroyed the Judiciary Island and declared war with the World Government. The crazy pirates with their own brains, you said that such a family

Dude, what are you going to do to touch their bad heads~"

Bonnie leaned against her, and immediately swept away the food on the table:

"Little ones, hurry up and retreat! 々々!"

And on the other side~

"Bastard, they said I left early, why are you chasing me?!!"

In the third area, Apu ran forward quickly with a group of younger brothers.

And from time to time, he complained to the navies who were chasing him behind him.

Since the news that the Straw Hat Pirates had kidnapped the Tianlong Ren came out, he was quickly pursued and pursued by the naval garrison on the Chambord Islands.

The reason is that they were there at the time, and they came in before the guests fainted, and they disappeared after waking up.

Therefore, their group has a very serious suspicion! !

I'd rather kill the mistake and let it go! ! What's more, they are pirates themselves! ! !

"Damn, I just said that there is no good thing to enter the field, there is no good thing! You just don't believe it!!"

Seeing the navy behind him biting him silently, Apu jumped in anger and scolded the younger brothers next to him.

However, his group of younger brothers were also silent, but obviously the pace of their feet accelerated, and they also gradually left behind Apu, who was the captain. Apu: "...Hey!! What are you doing running so fast, wait for me!!!" Bang Bang Bang! !

Mixed with a few gunshots coming from behind, Apu and others can be said to have fled.

It's still the No. 18 area, next to the beautiful fountain.

"Captain, the Admiral is coming soon, let's get out of here quickly, shall we?!"

Hawkins's men persuaded him to leave the road there.

"Anxin West Road

Hawkins picked up the tarot card in front of him, "I am not dead today."

"And the probability of being caught is only 11%, the probability of successfully escaping is 76%, and the probability of being injured is

He looked down at the card, "Sixty-two percent!!"

The genius Hawkins was babbling about his own destiny, and some people were also in a cold sweat.

"Fortunately, it didn't pass the first time

Knowing this news, Capone Becky couldn't help wiping the sweat that trickled down from his head.

"Otherwise, would it be a big trouble?"

He was smoking a cigar, and his heart was full of emotion.

He guessed that the Straw Hat gang are unpredictable and wild, but he didn't expect to be so arrogant, even the Tianlong people dared to kidnap. Is this because he thinks his life is too long?!

In any case, in Becky's heart, the Straw Hat gang had already been labeled lunatic and dead.

Well, they did have the limelight before, but since they offended the Tianlong people, they have no second result when the Admiral is present.

Of course, one's own side has to prepare early, so as not to be affected by this inexplicable turmoil.

Immediately, with a wave of his jet-black coat, he absorbed all his subordinates into his castle body.

Then he helped his hat, and disappeared in this street alone.

"The Straw Hat Pirates are really daring..."

Hearing this news, Derek's eyes twitched fiercely.

Unlike other pirates such as Becky, who received less information, he knew that the general Aokiji had played against them and nothing happened.

Then this time

"It seems that the Navy and the World Government have some headaches."

Derek sat there thinking, but he was quite happy inside.

Well, even though his real identity is a navy, the kidnapped is a dragon man.

Tianlong people, people hate ghosts, are considered by many navies to be the biggest obstacle to the execution of justice! !

Unfortunately, although Drake is not that extreme, he still owes the slightest favor to the creatures like Tianlongren! ! And although his identity is a secret among the secrets, at least the admiral knows it.

In other words, the three generals knew his identity, and no matter who came because of this incident, they would not embarrass him too much.

At most, if you meet him, you will play a little bit, but you won't really knock him down and take him back.

Well, there is nothing serious here, it means that the people who came are Kizaru and Aokiji.

If it comes from Akainu, although his life is not a serious problem, it may be a serious injury if the insurance is not complete, and it may be half-dead if not fully protected~~~

But no matter what, he can stay at ease on this island to watch the show and watch the lively, as long as he is a little careful.

As for the strange monk Urky on the other end.

This guy is huddling in a remote ancestral hall, enthusiastically explaining Buddhist scriptures to the female benefactors and female monks he gave to him~~~

All in all, as the news of the kidnapping of the Tianlong people in the human auction venue spread, the whole island suddenly felt a turbulent feeling.

Not only this island, but the naval headquarters not far from here, Marin Vando.

Inside the Marshal's office.

The Straw Hat Pirates, the Straw Hat Pirates again! ! ! "

Warring States angrily tore the information in his hand into several pieces, and the lamb at his feet was still screaming, as if complaining that Warring States had ruined its food. "Kapp, why is your bastard's family again, this is the first time you tell me!!!"

Warring States saliva splattered, and he spit at the phone bug in his hand without covering it at all:

"Starting from Alabasta, then G8 Fortress, Judiciary Island, Terrorist Barque, this is great, and directly kidnapped the Tianlong people!!!

"Why would your grandson do such a troublesome thing, ah?!!"

"Pfft hahaha?!"

However, the phone bug was eating senbei and picking his nostrils while laughing until tears came out:

"As expected of the grandson of this old man!!!"

This kind of appearance of doing three unrelated things at the same time, it is really difficult for the phone bug to express it.

"This is not complimenting you!! Also, I remember that your share of senbei was not stopped? Why do you still have it there?!!"

When Warring States heard the hearty laughter, he felt a tingling pain in his temples.

"Ah, don't worry about this, the old man has his own way."

(Qian Qian's) The phone bug showed a smug smile again.

And after searching twice, he took out donuts, chocolates, cream cakes, egg rolls and other snacks one after another.

It seems to be showing off to the Warring States completely:

Look! Even if you stop the old man's supply of snacks, the old man can still have a bite to eat! !

"You bastard~!"

The Warring States gritted his teeth with hatred.

That is, Garp ran to the deep sea prison, otherwise if he was here, he would definitely be mad at him.

But next week, he has to come back from a shift, and at that time, he has to talk to him well! !

"The top priority now is to deal with the Tianlong people, first of all to ensure their safety!!"

Warring States supported his forehead, his face lightly hurt, "The World Government has already called me just now, what do you say, Polsalino?!"

He looked at the man sitting on the sofa, wearing a yellow striped plaid suit, white shoes, and a navy admiral's cape, holding a cup of hot tea there.

With a slightly curly black hairstyle, wearing a pair of sunglasses, with a circle of stubble on his face, the tall and thin man wearing a purple tie took a sip of tea.

"Then let the old man go for a trip~"

He said in a slow tone, and slowly raised his head, revealing that rather wretched face.

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