"It just so happens that the old man also wants to see what Mr. Karp's grandson is like?".

282 The determination of the Warring States! Smile with Lamb Clam Noodles! 【Wallpaper House】! The name of [Prop Master] is well-deserved!

"The Justice Island incident, the Alabasta incident, and the defeat of Moriah sounded like a monster."

"However, as Mr. Karp's grandson, Dorag's son, he deserves his name, but I don't know if his crew members are as terrible as Kuzan said?~

Having said that, Kizaru, one of the three generals of the naval headquarters, Polsalino stood up.

When he first joined the navy, he was known as a monster because of his strength, and he liked to put the word monster on his lips the most.

"Then please~"

Sengoku rubbed his temple that was about to explode.

"At this juncture, the Straw Hat Pirates actually hijacked the Tianlong people... They don't know what the consequences of kidnapping the Tianlong people will be."

"But they still chose to do it so crazy, so there must be a reason for them to do it anyway..."

The Warring States period was worthy of the names of the Great Buddha and the Wise General, and it was easy to calculate the answer in his mind:

"I'm afraid it's for [Fire Fist Ace]?"

"If I guess correctly, they kidnapped the Tianlong people, I am afraid they are also to rescue [Fire Fist Ace]?"

"I thought I just kidnapped the Tianlong people, so I grabbed the navy and the world government, so I was able to rescue Fire Fist Ace..."

Warring States' face was gloomy, and his expression gradually became colder.

"You are too underestimated by the navy, and the courage of the world government?! Straw hat boy!!"

Warring States clenched his fists with both hands, and there was an unprecedented firmness in his eyes.

"This time, no one can stop this war from breaking out!"

"I bet on my last career as an Admiral, all the unfavorable factors that hinder this war can be discarded!"

"Even if it's Tianlong 880 people..."

Here, the navy headquarters dispatched the general Kizaru to the Chambord Islands in response to the Tianlong people incident.

The initiator of all that, or the Straw Hat Pirates who are the culprits, was hidden in the city, on a street that could be seen everywhere.

To be precise, it was in that street and alley, on an old wall.

Outside the street, rows of serious navy passed by the alley intersection.

Naturally, some of them will look to see if there are people hiding in the alley.

But the empty cul-de-sac that looked to the end made them look away quickly after only one look.

But he didn't even look at the things stuck on the walls of the alley.

At this time, there was a strange wallpaper similar to a door on that wall.

"As long as we're here, no matter how noisy or how loud we make, we won't be able to hear the movement outside, and we'll never be discovered." Link was carrying a bowl of mutton prepared by Sanji, which he taught him just now. Fried noodles, while drinking and drinking, he introduced.

There was also a contented look on his face, it had been a long time since he had had this kind of hometown-style noodles.

Not only him, but the other Straw Hats in the room were all sucking and slipping while holding a stack of sea bowls.

Especially Luffy and Brook, the sea bowls around the two guys have been piled high.

Well, Luffy can still understand that this guy doesn't have enough to eat. He clearly had barbecued meat in Xia Qi's shop before, but now he has such a big appetite.

As for Brooke, because he has no stomach, stomach and intestines, he absorbs food differently from normal people.

Especially after he received the Liu Sakura perception brought by the shadow that returned from Ryoma, his demand for food energy became a little bigger (cadd).

"How about it, Mr. Yixiao (Lifetime), does the taste still suit your taste?"

While blowing hot air, Link looked at the person who was also sweating while eating and said with a smile.

A smile, or a lifetime.

[Its real name is called "Lifetime", and "Lifetime" is also written on the exclusive naval warship, but it was a smile when it was first translated, so it will be automatically referred to as "Yixiao" in the future


"very good?"

Yi Xiao nodded in approval, "This is the first time this old man has tasted such a novel and refreshing taste!"

As a ramen and gambling fanatic, it is quite good to be able to give such a high evaluation.

Of course, Sanji's craftsmanship also accounts for the vast majority of these factors.

"As long as you like it."

Link smiled.

To be honest, even Link himself never thought that he would be at the auction venue~

When I met this future recruit through the naval world, and then ascended to the sky in one step, relying on the tyrannical strength of the monster, he became the future admiral of the navy, the blind swordsman codenamed [Fujitora] smiled.

However, thinking that he and the others came to this Chambord Archipelago a week in advance, there is a certain possibility of encountering him.

After all, a smile is also famous for its good gambling, and on the Chambord Islands, there is no shortage of casinos.

If you don't meet this general-level powerhouse, it's fine, but once you do, it's worth a good plan.

That's why Link invited him in to eat noodles together.

And the reason why Yi Xiao, a knight who has always had a sense of justice, is willing to agree to the invitation of the pirate Link.

On the one hand, it was because he had liberated all the slaves at the Human Auction, which made Yi Xiao have a slight fondness for him.

On the other hand, he was naturally curious as to what purpose Link and the others had in targeting and kidnapping the Tianlong people.

After all, he dared to do something to a guy like Tianlongren, and he still did such a crazy and bold act of kidnapping.

Therefore, he is also willing to come over and listen carefully to Link and their plans.

Well, of course, there are certain reasons why Link said please eat noodles, but...

That's definitely not the point~!!!

"Sha! It's the first time Xiong has eaten such delicious noodles... It's so hot!"

Peibo next to him nodded and took a sip of soup.

As a result, after his mouth was hot and red and he stuck out his tongue, he couldn't help but put on a chopstick of noodles and sucked it again.

Luo is eating rice **** without prunes and grilled fish, enjoying it with relish.

His taste is also very unique. He likes rice **** and hates prunes very much. Two years later, he even had a fight with Sanji about this on the Sonny.

"Such delicious noodles, but I haven't had them for a long time."

Rayleigh also helped the glasses covered by the heat and sighed.

"But what makes the old man even more unimaginable is that there is such a large space in a mere piece of paper..."

Rayleigh looked back and forth, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's really amazing!"

"How about Uncle Rayleigh, the props in the hands of the vice-captain of our ship are very powerful, right? Ah hoo!"

Franky was also holding the sea bowl in one hand and introduced to Reilly proudly.

"Indeed, the name of [Prop Master] is well-deserved!"

Reilly nodded in admiration.

"Is this a prop similar to a house of cards? You can have a wide space like a house inside the wallpaper..."

Luo, who has the ability to space himself and is also more sensitive to space, looked up and down the environment here.

"It's almost like this, and the space is definitely big enough."

Link thought for a while, and it seems that Xiaofu said in the original version that the space in this [Wallpaper House] is much larger than that of his mansion.

Props: [Wallpaper House].

Introduction: This is a kind of hut that can be pasted on the wall to open the door above and lead to the four-dimensional space.

If you put this wallpaper-like prop on the wall, no one will notice that there are many characters hidden here.

At this time, in this spacious [Wallpaper Room], Link and a group of Straw Hat Pirates and Trafalgar Law's Heart Pirates group. There was also Rayleigh, Smile, and the three Heavenly Dragons lying crooked in the corner.

"I can understand why you came to me~"

Rayleigh finished the noodle soup in the sea bowl and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"If you want to go to the new world, I can indeed help you to coat, but I don't think you are ready to go to the new world." He also looked at the group of Tianlong people:

"Especially because you also **** these three Tianlong people, you shouldn't be in a hurry to go to the new world, right?"

After Rayleigh finished speaking, everyone including Yixiao and Luo raised their heads.

Indeed, they had learned from Disco's introduction that Rayleigh was a very good coating boatman.

Moreover, coupled with the names of the people to him, it is already known that this old coated boatman in front of him is One Piece's right-hand man, [Pluto] Rayleigh!

In this way, it is understandable that a group of straw hats who are interested in the position of One Piece come to find such a character.

But why...

But he still had to tie up the three Heavenly Dragon people? !

Isn't this deliberately provoking the Navy Headquarters and the World Government? !

To attract the general to come, is this because he was afraid that he would not have enough troubles on his own, and deliberately increased the difficulty? !

Not to mention that Rayleigh is a little curious, Luo is also puzzled. Although Yi Xiao has the powerful knowledge and domineering look of [Predicting the Future], this does not mean that he can guess the direction of future destiny--

Therefore, the three parties are very interested in the current actions of the Straw Hats.

Dare to tie up the Tianlong people, then it must be done in order to achieve a certain purpose, right? !

"Well, no hurry~"

Link nodded, then glanced at his second cargo captain.

"Like, like this Yada (it's like this)..."

Luffy's mouth was full of fried noodles, and his words were slurred.

Reilly: "…"

Luo: "."

Sure enough, the civet cat named Chopper from the Straw Hat Pirates had really not bad at all in their evaluation of their [Captain].

Chopper: You are the civet cat! Your whole family are civet cats!

"Let me tell you~"

Seeing this, Link shook his head slightly.

[Thanks to '15200..' for the reward! '1370..' Five-eighth reward for the boss! And... it's another thousand-point reward from the 'Shang Shan Ruo Shui' boss! Thanks again big man! Plus one more! Also, it’s not that I don’t want to add more updates, but I really have enough energy to spare. The daily guarantee is 14,000. If you add more updates, it will be close to 20,000 updates. ].

283 Fire Fist Ace, the son of One Piece Roger? He is about to be executed? !

"That's it, just recently, you should feel some wind and rain coming, right?"

Link asked first.

"Ah, recently, in some places on the island, there are obviously more navies stationed than before, and the atmosphere has begun to become subtle."

Rayleigh, who has lived on the island for the longest time, nodded.

In the past two days, such an atmosphere change has indeed occurred on the island.

And the Chambord Islands, which are located near the naval headquarters, have such changes, which can only explain one thing:

Something big is about to happen!

The last time there was such an atmosphere was dozens of years ago, when Fisher Tiger, the hero of freedom and liberation of the murlocs, climbed up to the holy land of Marjoya on the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands.

A fire was set there, burning the face of the world government? It can be said to be clean.

That was the time when the entire Chambord Archipelago was under martial law, searching for slaves from the Dragons, and went to hide on this island.

I still remember that at that time, I and Xia Qi, two people, helped Glorioza of Nine Snake Island and brought back three little girls.

Later, it seems that they also became the kings of the island, and they are also a member of the world-renowned king Shichibukai in this sea.

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