And his knowledge is domineering, even more extensive, and he can even detect the location of meteorites in the sky.

Not to mention advanced skills like [Predicting the Future].

Speaking of which, Rayleigh would not use this technique.

In the two years he taught Luffy, he once said: "Among the strong in the world, it is said that there are people who can see a short future."

Well, [it is said] these 20 words are used well, obviously he himself failed to master this ability.

Then, in order to make up for Luffy's shortcomings, Link also specially planned to ask for a smile.

There is no doubt that he must have this strength.

So here comes the problem, Yixiao doesn't have any intersection with Link and the others, but just because of this bowl of noodle friendship, it is really unreasonable to want people to help Link and others so much.

not to mention……

"The old man refused

With a smile, he shook his head and refused.

"Although you invited the old man to eat a good meal, and also informed the old man such news, but this does not mean that the old man has to violate his bottom line and life standards!!"

He said seriously there.

This romantic chivalrous man is sometimes very stubborn.

Otherwise, he wouldn't choose to poke himself in the eyes because he didn't want to see the filth of the world.

"The purpose of your desire to become stronger is to go to prison and rescue another big pirate from prison."

"This kind of behavior that violates justice, please forgive me if I can't agree with you!!"

This blind swordsman, who is gentle and upright, has an extremely strong sense of justice, attaches importance to the safety of the people, and hates injustice, tapped the ground with a cane, showing his attitude at the moment.

"Justice? What is justice!?"

Luo next to him couldn't help but speak.

"If the so-called justice refers to the auction of human beings as slaves, and the result is also called a job referral agency..."

He sarcastically said, "What's the point of maintaining such justice!?"

A smile: "..."

The ill-spoken he remained silent.

What Luo said was very precise. The [Human Auction] just now was enough to show the uglyness of the so-called "justice".

"You also want to say that, despite the ugly side of the world government, for the navy in general, it still guards the balance of the sea, right?"

As if stimulated by the 'justice' in the mouth of a smile, or because he couldn't stand the so-called righteous man who opened his mouth and closed his mouth, Luo seemed to have eaten gunpowder, and he outputted one after another:

"If the navy guards the balance of the sea, then scum like these three guys will never be allowed to harm the sea!!"

Luo unceremoniously pointed to the three Tianlong people lying there.

"Although the navy is a navy that maintains world peace and stability and symbolizes justice, but..."

Luo said word by word, "You must know that the one who founded the Navy was the World Government, the one who paid the Navy's military expenses, the World Government, the one who decided the promotion of the Navy, or the World Government!

"The navy is just the navy of the World Government. It is one of the three major institutions under its jurisdiction, and it is also the most violent institution!!"

"The root of their existence is to maintain the rule of the world government!!"

Luo made a loud noise there, and whether it was the Straw Hat Pirates or the members of the Heart Pirates under Luo's command, they all felt his emotions and were a little excited.

Smile or silence.

Although Luo's words were a bit extreme, it was undeniable that what he said really made some sense.

"Is your name Trafalgar Law?"

Link looked at Luo, who was breathing slightly heavier there.


He pressed his hat on the armrest, "I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now."

Luo whispered, apologizing.

"I can understand

Link said slowly, "After all, you may also think of your original hometown, right?"

"Trafalgar? D? Vatier? Law?"

D? Like Luffy and Sauro?

Robin's heart moved when he heard the name.

And Luo suddenly raised his head, "How could you..."

His eyes were fixed on Link, "Do you know the name?!"

Trafalgar? D? Vatier? Law, this is Law's real full name.

However, he is also aware of the existence of some secrets in the D family, and regards D as an incognito.

When introducing to the outside world, he will not say the name.

It stands to reason that the last person to know this name was Mr. Corazon.

But he had already died under the gun of his own brother, Doflamingo.

Watier was a taboo name.

In other words, his name is in this world, only he knows it.

"I'm a props artist

Link said in a stern voice, "It's reasonable to have tools to know other people's intelligence, right?

"In addition to your name, I also know a little about your life."

"For example, your hometown of Fravans, Doflamingo and Corazon of the Don Quixote family..."

He whispered, "That's why, I invited you in too."

"I feel like you should have the same language and the same purpose as we do."

Fravans, Doflamingo and Corazon...

Luo's breathing suddenly became heavier in an instant.

What Link said was all at the point of Luo's stress.

Those were all the past that he didn't want to recall.

"Freyvans, is that the Fravans called [White Town]?"

At this time, Rayleigh next to him also opened his mouth.

"As I remember, that country is dead and dead."

"Ah, not only the country is gone, except for the royal family, other commoners are also dead."

Luo took a deep breath, with hatred flashing in his eyes, "Including my sister and my parents."

"And what caused all this is the so-called spokesperson of justice, the masterpiece of the world government!!"

He looked at the silent smile there, not without sarcasm.

[White Town] Fravans, is Luo's hometown.

The country has a thing called Perkin, for which it brings wealth to the country.

In addition, due to the presence of lead in the country, the ground and trees are as white and flawless as the country of ice and snow in the fairy tale world. Therefore, it is like a country that is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth, known as the "white town". ].

Fravans relied on the large amount of wealth accumulated by the lead, but he did not know that the lead contained enough toxins to kill.

As early as 100 years ago, the World Government went to Fravans to investigate on the spot, and they already knew the truth at that time.

However, in order to obtain this endless wealth, the world government and the royal family of the country concealed the truth of the matter, causing the citizens to contract and die of lead disease one after another.

When the lead disease could not be concealed, the World Government declared that it was a very powerful infectious disease, and the personnel and agents of the World Government started a massacre mode for all the residents of Fravans.

At the same time, it also arranged for other nearby countries to launch wars against it to completely drown these evils.

883 In the end, the citizens of the country were successively shot and died in the war, and Luo's parents and sisters also fell into this crime.

Only a civilian like Luo survived among the dead.

"Besides me, the people arranged by the World Government, as well as the royal family of Fravans, all survived safely, and changed to another country, and continued to enjoy themselves as they were.

the nobles..."

After talking about everything in the past, Luo, who hadn't talked to anyone so smoothly for a long time, also said faintly:

"Does such a world government represent justice in the world?"

"If that's the case, it would be too funny."

Maybe other people are saying that the world government is not good here, and it may be more of a rebellious mentality, or they are talking about the world government's unhappiness there.

But for Luo, he is a real victim of the world government.

And it's a typical example of a broken family.

A smile will not refute, nor can he refute.

The reason why he closed his eyes was precisely because there was too much filth and darkness in the world.

It is not only the dark camps of criminals such as the evil pirates that are represented on the sea.

And those who claim to be righteous, or even represent justice themselves, do these shocking things, which will also make a smile even more unacceptable.

Because criminals have done evil things, they will be cast aside, hated and condemned by everyone.

But once this has the right to speak and is on the side of justice and is evil, the damage to the sea and the people will be even more serious.

"So what you think in your mind is that if you have the opportunity, you can start from the top, and after you have mastered power and status, set an example and change the atmosphere of the navy and even the world government from top to bottom, right?"

Link's voice echoed in the ears of a laugh, causing his body to pause slightly.

"Ah, the old man has such an idea."

Yi smiled and nodded without much concealment.

His tone was obviously not as firm as before, especially after listening to Luo's tragic experience.

286 A bet with a smile! I'm betting my pirate career with you!

"Let's not talk about it, uncle, can you really enter the high-level of the world government and the navy? Even if it is possible, let's not talk about the world government. Let's take the navy as an example.

Link folded his arms and carefully analyzed with a smile:

"Uncle Yixiao, you haven't joined the navy before, which means that you are equivalent to those in the wild, and you can't compare with those members of the direct line who have joined the navy since childhood."

"Even if you join the navy, Uncle Yixiao, the highest position you can achieve is nothing more than a self-contained admiral, a marshal of the admiral, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, and a high-ranking official of the world government, so don't think about it. Now, you should be able to recognize this, Uncle Yixiao?"

"It's natural

He smiled and nodded lightly, "I don't think I have the ability and qualifications to be a naval marshal~"

"That being the case, let's take the Admiral as an example. There are now four people with the rank of Admiral, and only the current so-called three generals are active outside."

Link gave examples one by one:

"Kizuna, Aokiji and Akainu, as well as [Black Arm] Zefa who retains the rank of general but is now an instructor.\"

"They seem to be very powerful and have great power and status, but?

Link smiled, "As a navy admiral, can you really make a difference to the navy as a whole?!"

"Don't forget, we just invited these three Heavenly Dragon people to drink tea here, and the admiral will rush over without stopping, and still can't escape the category of serving these scumbags."

"Even a general, who claims to be the highest combat power to the outside world, is just a bodyguard running errands for the Tianlong people.

He was very direct, and also revealed the essence of the Admiral?

"What's more, even at the level of an admiral, their understanding of justice is different."

"Some admirals believe that ensuring the safety of civilians and protecting civilians from being violated are the most important criteria, and even for this reason, one or two pirates can be released a little."

"There are also admirals who think that they would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go, because once the murderous pirates escape, there will be another wave in the sea, affecting more people, and if necessary, even the civilians will be killed, and the iron and blood will be carried out. justice……"

When Link said this, Robin could not help but stroke his arm a little uncomfortably.

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