She clearly remembered that Akainu, who was still a lieutenant at the time, bombarded and sank the boats that all the civilians in O'Hara were on.

Together with the civilians above, they were buried in this sea.

Fortunately, she was disgusted by the villagers and drove her away from the boat, otherwise?~~

"There is no absolute right or wrong between these two concepts, and there is even a certain truth, but these are completely opposite beliefs." "Even the beliefs held by the admirals of the navy have great significance to each other. I hope they will better maintain justice..." "Tsk tsk, Uncle Yixiao, do you want to make a bet with me?"

Link suddenly snapped his fingers, taking a sudden turn.

I was listening carefully to Link's analysis and explanation, and I thought it was quite reasonable. I smiled after thinking about it, and I was stunned when I heard the words.

"Bet? What? 々々!"

"Just bet that within a year, some admirals will withdraw from the navy because they no longer accept the justice of the world government!"

Link stretched out a finger and smiled.

"The bet is, Mr. Yu Yixiao, you will now teach Luffy and the others a higher level of sight-seeing skills. If an admiral withdraws from the navy within the next year, it will be considered as fulfilling the bet ahead of time. "

"And if no admiral quits the navy, then I will personally hunt down ten pirates with a bounty higher than mine, with blood on their hands."

"And after it's done, I go to the navy and surrender myself, what do you think?"

The corners of Link's mouth twitched slightly, "I'm betting on you with my pirate career, Uncle Yixiao."

"Hey hey hey, Link!!"

Usopp and Nami were instantly horrified there, and even Luo looked at Link unexpectedly.

"You're talking about..."

Chopper also panicked and wanted to step forward to stop him, but before he could take two steps, he was hugged by a few flowery hands.

"Trust Link!"

Robin's laughter echoed in his ears, "Deputy captain he, but he has never let us down."

"He does this, he must have his own calculations in his heart, but he still has to reach the end of the great route with us~~

" that so?!"

Chopper turned his head hesitantly, but found that Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, the three of them had no other expressions at all.

They all look like they trust Link very much.

Although I don't know why Link has such confidence, but if he said so, it must be so! !

The trio had absolute confidence in Link! !

Seeing this, Chopper couldn't help but gradually put a heart back into his stomach.

"It's very courageous, to make a big gamble with the Admiral of the Navy and myself..."

Rayleigh suddenly felt itchy when he saw it, and he really wanted to participate in such a gamble.

But unfortunately, he doesn't have any relevant chips?~

"Betting on the Admiral and myself..."

A smile also raised his head earnestly and faced Link directly:

"No wonder a man who can do crazy things like kidnapping the Tianlong people dares to pay such a price for his companions..."

He said slowly, "I have to say, the old man is indeed a little moved."

"Whether it's the ten pirates whose bounty is higher than yours, or you can feel the change of the admiral from your extremely confident tone.

"This is really the biggest gamble that the old man has ever participated in."


Shaking his head with a smile, he said, "I will teach you the advanced application skills of arrogance and domineering. It is to participate in this battle that will affect the situation and direction of the entire sea, and it will affect the lives of millions of people.

"Once your strength improves and you help Whitebeard rescue Fire Fist Ace, so that the pirates win this victory. At that time, if the pirates are attracted to rise up, the old man's sin will be big..."

K[ONEPIECE], is real. "

Before he could finish laughing, Link softly interrupted him.

"……What did you say?"

"I said, this is what Whitebeard will definitely announce before he dies."

Facing the slightly stunned face of the smile, Link chuckled lightly:

"If this battle is really won by the navy side and Whitebeard wants to hate it, as an old man, he will definitely use himself as an opportunity to usher in a new age."

"Like the One Piece King Roger, he used his own execution to announce the news of the great secret treasure to the world, thus ushering in the era of great pirates."

"And now, if Whitebeard, who is in the same era as Roger, is about to end, do you think he will pay tribute to Roger and bid him farewell in the same way?

"Then once it has been silent for 20 years, the legend of the [Great Secret Treasure] that the world gradually no longer believes, can be confirmed from the mouth of Whitebeard..."

Link smiled and said word by word, "What kind of waves do you think it will cause in this sea?"

"Is it really intimidated by the navy? Or do you think that without the suppression of the strongest pirate, Whitebeard, and at the same time learn the news of the true existence of the [Great Secret Treasure], and choose..."

"What about going out to sea with ecstasy and creating a new era of great pirates?"

After Link finished saying the last word of these words, a scene like that suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

Pirates are pirates because of their lawless nature and fearless nature.

If Whitebeard can really say those words...

For a while, everyone shuddered.

The situation that Link said is really possible! !

Yi Xiao Wen Yan was also silent for a while, and Link added another fire:

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Reilly if Whitebeard would say that.

"Well, with my decades of friendship with Whitebeard and my understanding of him..."

Reilly scratched his itch, "It's really at that moment that he'll really say something like that."

Then the situation is already obvious~


With a smile, he could not help clenching the staff and knife in his hand, "Whether the navy wins this battle, or Whitebeard wins

"In the end, it is the inhabitants of the sea who suffer."

Link continued, "There is also a saying in my hometown, which is called: Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer."

"So, whether you teach the advanced application of the domineering and domineering, in fact, does not have much impact on the final result of this battle."

Link paused, then added another fire:

"How about we escalate the stakes again?"

He smiled and looked up at him.

"Within a year, two admirals leave?"

Link raised two fingers.

"I bet that if two sailors with the rank of general will withdraw from the navy, otherwise, in addition to the conditions I just said, I will go to Twin Points, the entrance of the Wei (Qian Qian Hao) Great Airway, and be stationed there. In two years, all the pirates who tried to break into the great route were killed."

"And what you have to do, Uncle Yixiao, is that within this one-year period, if the navy has the intention to recruit troops, don't go for the time being, and we'll see the results after the one-year period is over."

"In that case, what do you think?"

After Link finished speaking, he looked at him with a burning gaze and smiled.

"The departure of the two admirals?"

Hearing this with a smile, he subconsciously shook his head, "If it's what you said, the justice of the navy and the world government will let their highest combat power leave again and again in disappointment."

"Then why don't you go to such a navy and world government! Uncle!"

D often! Mouth rat! !

The cane in his hand tapped the ground hard, and solemnly said in a low voice:

"The old man bet against you!!!"

"The old man just doesn't believe that the navy and the world government can let their two highest combat powers leave him in disappointment!!"

"In this case, what qualifications do they have to talk about justice? Representing justice?!!!"

Belonging to the old angry youth, the gambler's upper body smile finally made this bet under the condition that Link gave him that he seemed to win!

He himself still has certain expectations for the world government and the navy, but if it is like what Link said~~~

So no matter what you do, you won't suffer! ! .

287 Luffy's invitation to smile! I said uncle, you and I get along very well, do you want to be our partner?

Needless to say, if he wins, the world government and the navy are still the spokespersons of justice in his mind, and Link will also contribute to the security of the world and the stability of the sea. And if he loses, it's nothing, just let him see the true face of the world government and the navy.

As for what he paid, it was only to teach the Straw Hat Pirates higher-level arrogance and swordsmanship, which might affect the next major war. What's more, Link had already told him that this battle, whether the Navy wins or Whitebeard wins, the situation will become corrupt.

So what is the power of teaching the Straw Hat Pirates? !

In this way, Link has given him so many huge advantages, and he is a person who is addicted to gambling and can hardly live without gambling.

He didn't accept this bet, that's weird! !

With such a big advantage, he can't believe that he can still lose the bet after the flying dragon rides his face? !

"Very good, then we're done!"

Finally, Link's face also showed a sincere smile, and at the same time he was slightly relieved in his heart.

"It is much more stubborn than I imagined. In the end, he is the one who is upright and has a strong sense of justice. He has his own bottom line and cognition, and can become a naval admiral in the future~" Link also sighed in his heart. Flickering with a smile... No, persuading to this point is already quite difficult.

After all, the price of the gambling contract that he paid is indeed not small.

As for the possibility of losing this bet?~~

Then don't worry too much, it's not how well Link thinks, but the world government is really dying.

In the one year after the war on the top, the Warring States chose to resign from the position of marshal because he felt that he could not stop Whitebeard from talking about the great secret treasure.

Although Aokiji, who had a good reputation in the Navy, was recommended to take over before the Warring States Period, the 883 upper ranks of the World Government favored the iron-blooded Akainu to become the marshal. Aokiji and Akainu have different ideas and disputes. In the end, they took the form of a capable person and chose to go to Punk Hazard Island in the new world for a ten-day war.

Fierce duel.

The final result of this battle was that Akainu won and Aokiji was defeated and quit the navy.

In addition to such a general in the editor, the other is his teacher Zefa.

In order to fill the vacancy of Shichibukai in the world government, he recruited his enemies.

In this way, he learned that the pirate who cut off his arm and killed many of his own students, Whitebeard II joined the world government and became the king of Qiwuhai~

Beginning to have a strong sense of doubt and distrust within the Navy, and resolutely quit the Navy, and established a new "NEO Navy" for the purpose of annihilating pirates around the world.

It can be said that, based on the operation of the World Government, in less than a year, Aokiji and Zefa, the two naval soldiers with the rank of general, left one after another.

The two of them were enough to complete the bet between Link and Yi Xiao.

Let laugh teach Luffy and the others, and this is just the first step in Link's idea.

It is rare to meet such a strong man who is in the field, has the strength of a general, and is also very honest and has a romantic sense of justice?

How can you say let it go, just let it go so easily?

"Of course, when Mr. Reilly and Uncle Yixiao came to help us in our practice, they indicated that we would certainly not be short of it." As he spoke, Link took out a water bottle and two water glasses, and went to the A glass of blue liquid was poured into it.

"After drinking it, it is just enough to make up for a year's time."

Link handed over two glasses of water.

This is what he had prepared in advance with the [Age Spring Water Cable], and he was able to drink a glass of blue spring water that was one year younger.

"The magical water that makes up for the years?"

Rayleigh took it and poured it into his mouth without hesitation.

When he finished drinking, he noticed it immediately.

"The body is indeed a little different!"

He was a little surprised to notice the change in his body.

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