"I'll leave it to you for the outside affairs, Link..."

Luffy's expression was rarely serious, and he said to Link softly.

He didn't say much, but he was very clear in his heart.

After their group committed such a bad incident of kidnapping the Tianlong people, there must be a person to face these things.

And there are other things that need to be dealt with, like the placement of the Sonny.

The reason why they were able to practice peacefully in the [Wallpaper House] and [Canning Workshop] was precisely because of Link's presence.

In other words, it was precisely because Link was outside that they were able to let go of everything without any scruples and devote themselves to cultivation.

For them, Link is like a needle that stabilizes the sea, so that their minds will never be disturbed.

"Leave everything to me

After Link said these short and plain words, but they were the most powerful promise to everyone, the lid of the [Canning Workshop] was slowly closed.

A group of people all threw themselves into formal cultivation.

I believe that after the twelve days in the outside world are over, everyone will be shocked.

"Okay, then I will be busy with some things in the next twelve days."

He clapped his hands and looked at the [Wallpaper House], the remaining members of the Heart Pirates under Luo's command.

"I want to make sure that those three people can stay alive during these twelve days. Well, this is the most basic requirement, no problem?"

Link pointed to the three Heavenly Dragons who fell there and were knocked out by Luffy again.

"Just leave it to us, [Prop Master] is in charge!!"

Peibo immediately put on a kung fu pose and patted his chest like Luo's tone.

"As soon as these three wake up, the bear will knock them unconscious!!"

Well, this is the crudest but also the easiest solution to the problem.

After Peibo finished speaking, the other Heart Pirates crew also nodded.

Before their captain Luo entered this strange can, he warned them.

During these twelve days, let them all obey Boss Link's orders and arrangements.

Naturally, they listened carefully to this.

Of course, it was mainly because Link had real skills and these actions that they were convinced to follow the arrangement.

"Then you will stay here for the past 12 days. If there is any problem with someone in the can, you can contact me by phone bug immediately."

Hearing this, Link was relieved.

"Here is nearly a month's worth of supplies, enough for you to stay..."

After taking out the food and some daily necessities, Link looked at the obedient guys in orange diving suits sitting in a row, and thought for a while.

Then came out some new props one after another.

"If you feel bored and lonely, you can play these games."

"Well, they are all very good games, you can pass the time."

After all, they have to stay in this closed space for twelve days, even if they can endure it, there is absolutely no need for it.

They are all working for themselves, so it should be a little bit of welfare.

Link, who is very boss-conscious, can't help but praise himself.

"Have fun~"

After putting down the game props and some instruction manuals, Link said hello and walked towards the door.

"[Prop Master] The master walks slowly!!"

A row of members of the Heart Pirates greeted Link at the same time.

And after he left~

The venue was quiet for a while, and then a group of people spontaneously ran to the pile of living supplies to see if there was any food they liked.

Then, he came to the pile of game props that Link had left behind.

"what is this?!"

Peibo was a little curious and picked up a game console that looked like a handheld.

"This is called... [physical video game machine]?"

Peibo looked at the manual, "As long as you point the game interface at a certain person, and then lock a space area, you can manipulate that person and play the game in that area?" "Really or not?

He didn't quite believe it. He picked up the game console, thought about it, and pointed it at Pekin, his companion beside him.


Immediately, he pressed the button.

eh talk? ! "

Peijin, who had just picked out the daily necessities, only felt that his body suddenly stood up straight.

"How is this going?!"

He waved his hands there with a veiled face, "My body doesn't seem to be under control?"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the sky above him, and suddenly various dangerous things such as hammers, sharp knives, and darts appeared out of thin air.

Pekin: "???!!!"

"It's really possible!?"

Peibo was also a little stunned..0

His bear paw manipulated Peikin to hurriedly avoid the weapons that fell from the sky. As a result, Peikin was accidentally hit with a meteor hammer on the head~

"It hurts!!"

Pekin touched his head and fell to the ground with a grin.

Well, there is no harm, just a little pain as a punishment from the game.

"No harm, only pain..."

Peibo's bear ears twitched slightly, and his small eyes instantly turned pitch black.

"Hehehe, it looks like it's funny!!"

Although he, Pei Jin, and Xia Qi next to him are partners of a pirate group.

But he didn't forget that when he was a child in Beihai, he was bullied a lot by the two of them.

If Luo hadn't come forward to stop him, he might still be teased by the two of them.

And now--

It's not too late for ten years to take revenge! !

"Ah fight!!"

After the iconic thunder roar, I saw Peibo's hands like a storm, and a BABA came up on the game console!!

"Hey, Peibo, you're the one who made the **** out of it, right?!"

Seeing what Peibo was doing to him, Pekin immediately yelled in exasperation:

"Hurry up and let me go!!"

boom! !

Another sledgehammer hit him on the head.

Here, Peipo, who avenged his personal revenge, took Pekin to play games.

Outside, Link also walked out of the [Wallpaper House].

At this moment, the street outside is already full of turmoil.

A large number of navy soldiers constantly interspersed on the street.

The Tianlong people were kidnapped. Even at such a critical juncture, a lot of troops were still sent to the island to rescue them.

Link just glanced around in the alley, then a flash of lightning flashed in place and disappeared here.

When he reappeared, it was already near the coast of Area 13, on the Merry.


When Anniu, who was chatting with Papagu, saw his master coming, he hurriedly said hello.

"Something happened on this island..."

Link briefly explained the current situation of the island to Aniu 3.3, then told him the location of the [Wallpaper House], and let him go there by himself, go into the [Canning Studio], and join Luffy and the others. practice.

After all, they are all companions and their own disciples, so of course they will not favor one over the other.

As for Papagu~

"Xiao Ba and Kemi are both ripping off the bar. If you go to them, just go by yourself."

"Also, by the way, explain to Xia Qi that we have found Rayleigh, and he will be with us for the past two weeks, so that she doesn't have to worry... um, although it is impossible for her to worry?"

Told it about the two mermen, after Aniu and Papagu disembarked one after another~

Link took out the [airplane-type universal joystick], drove the Merry, and flew high into the sky, then sprayed [solid cloud gas] on a cloud, and temporarily stopped the Merry in the sky.

out there.

After thinking about it, Link felt a little unsafe, so he took out another canned prop that looked like Navas gas.


He sprayed the cloud of gas on the Merry.

Props: [Magic Smoke Screen].

Introduction: It is a smoke screen that can make a thing look different from the inside and the outside.

[Thanks to the 'Call Me Monster' brother for another thousand rewards, thank you! ! ! ].

290 That's the taste of money! The taste of scientific research! ! The coming yellow monkey! ! Find a professional

This is a hidden prop. In "Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds", Doraemon used it to surround the Kingdom of Clouds, making the Kingdom of Clouds look like ordinary clouds from the outside.

In this way, after Link used this prop, people outside looked at this cloud as if it were a normal cloud.

"That's all right

He took out the [Transformation Robot], gave him a bag of fried tofu, and made him transform into Link's appearance to protect the Merry?

Link clapped his hands and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then all the follow-up preparations are in place. Next, we can help Nami and Franky find the right expertise."

Link looked at the clouds in the sky in the distance.

The thunder light on his body surged again.

Then he disappeared into the clouds.

On the islands below, no matter how the navy searched, they could not find any trace of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The group of them seemed to disappear out of thin air.

At the same time, not far from the Chambord Islands, several warships came slowly towards this side.

Looking at the special sign on it, everyone knew that the person who came was Kizaru, one of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters! !

Admiral, finally arrived! !

There are many empty islands in this world, including Angel Island where Luffy and the others arrived, and Bica Island, his hometown destroyed by Enel.

Visalia, a small empty island, is a country that studies meteorology. The whole island is composed of most of the clouds and a small part of the land, and even the bed is made of clouds.

Unlike Dakong Island, the island is in a state of flight, and the direction and speed are all determined by the wind.

The reason why this place is called a small empty island is because this is not a naturally formed island, but a small island made by some meteorological scientists, in order to better study the weather, using the technology of creating clouds on the empty island.

Scientists on the island are very good at meteorological research, and have created unique meteorological props such as "Knot of the Wind".

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