These scientists have been studying meteorological science for many years, and they are some very good at meteorological research. Even Nami is amazed by their technology.

But sometimes, in order to earn a certain amount of research activity fees, they take a weather boat to go to places outside the island to use meteorological science to help people in difficulty to earn some extra money.

That is, they are relatively short of money.

After all, researching technology, which one is not a money-burning activity?

In the original version, this group of meteorologists took Nami to the arid areas in the sea below to help the local drought relief, in order to raise funds for climate science research.

And it just so happens that the most important thing Link currently has in his hands is money?~~

After using the [Tracking Cane] to locate Harada, the little old man in blue who rescued Nami on the original version, Link found this unobtrusive little island with ease. .

After a brief explanation of his intentions, Link received warm hospitality from meteorological scientists such as Harada.

"So we just have to teach a good navigator for a year and that's all right?"

With a snow-white beard that crossed the waist and split into two fishtail-shaped beards, Harada, who, like other local scholars, wore a robe and a pointed hat similar to a Western wizard, was talking to Link on his mouth.

But his eyes were fixed on Link's hands, the green bills in the suitcases.

Ah, that's the smell of money! The taste of scientific research! !

"To be precise, it's less than a year, only two hundred and eighty-eight days."

Link first put the suitcase in his left hand on the ground, and said with a smile, "This is 300 million Bailey, which is the price of buying your excellent meteorological knowledge."

\"Then these are..."

Harada and the others stared at the suitcase in Link's right hand again.

"There are 200 million Baileys here. If you are willing to follow me to teach people below, it will be regarded as your travel expenses..."

"We do!!"

Before Link could finish speaking, this group of old men with beards who were short of funds and must have their beards on fire, with red eyes, agreed in unison.

"...Then I'll leave it to you."

"You're welcome!!!"

Again, there was an enthusiastic response in unison.

Well, having money is an uncle, and Link has fully experienced it here.

Then, the small sky island Visalia was quickly moved over the Chambord Islands by this group of scientists.

Then, according to Link's instructions, go to the [Wallpaper House] to find Nami.

And this group of simple and straightforward scientists, in order to show that they are worthy of the money that Link paid.

Almost all the essential meteorological knowledge on the entire Visalia Island was brought down.

Well, I have to say, it's comfortable to deal with scientists?

Especially the money-strapped scientists.

After getting this group of people and ensuring that Nami's professionalism is guaranteed.

Link made another trip to the [Island of the Future], that is, Balkimore, the hometown of Dr. Bergapunk, the most outstanding scientist in the navy who is currently working for the World Government, and who is known as the leader of human technology for five hundred years.

Using the [Tracking Cane] to locate the kid Kidon who helped Franky on the island, who was very interested in his perverted dance, Link also easily touched the island on this great route.

At the same time, a larger and more mechanized huge laboratory left by Vega Punk was also found.

Not only have all the equipment and data in the laboratory been emptied, but also the many high-quality materials stored on the island have been cleaned up.

Then he returned to the Chambord Islands, and gave them all these things to Frankie.

It is worth mentioning that Peibo and the others had quite a good time.

Not only the [physical video game console], but also other games, such as the FC version of [Space Invaders], a [remote control simulation car] with a real driving experience, and a [fitness ring] with a wireless VR somatosensory device for running. Great Adventure] and so on.

That's called a lot of fun.

Even Peibo, Peijin, and Xia Qi all had bruised noses and swollen faces, as if they had fought each other.

In this regard, Link did not see it.

So, after basically everything that the buddies need has been done?

"Then the next step is to officially start to make some preparations for this upcoming war..."

Link was holding the old, yellowed card in his hand, and at a glance, he knew that it had been a wanted notice for many years.

And on the wanted notice, the man in the photo has blond hair that stretches to the ground, like a lion's mane, domineering and mighty! !

"But before that

He put away the arrest warrant, "I still have to settle some unnecessary troubles first.

Link looked at a street in the distant Chambord Islands.

In that position, golden light shines everywhere! !


A dazzling laser shot from the fingertips, blasting a group of trafficker pirates out of the illegal zone.

"Oh yeah, hit it again."

The yellow monkey wearing sunglasses, nodded his outstretched fingers, then turned his head and looked at the tall strange monk who was gasping for breath next to him.

"Can you please tell me about the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Old Na...Old Na has never seen them at all."

[Strange Monk] Urgi holds a huge pencil column in one hand, and even with the blood gurgling down his head, he still maintains a rather optimistic smile.

It was unfortunate to say that when the yellow monkey stepped on the cannonballs fired by the warship and landed on the island, it happened to land on the side of his area, and he was the first one, right. The navy admiral.


Before Kizaru continued to ask, he saw Urki slamming the pencil post towards him.

The body also swelled up suddenly.


It seemed to have a huge body that had increased a lot of strength, waving a fist that was bigger than a sandbag, wrapped in the wind, and swung towards Kizaru.


Undoubtedly, Urki, who didn't know how to domineering, inserted his fist straight into Kizaru's golden chest.

"Is it possible to convert the damage you receive into size and strength?"

Kizaru's eyes moved down slightly, "And it seems that the more damage the body suffers, the greater the size of the body and the increase in strength?"

"It's almost like a monster's ability, so scary?"

He pouted and commented lazily there.

"It's obvious that your ability is like a monster..."

Seeing that he couldn't even hit a hit, sweat dripped slightly from Urki's forehead.

887 Just as he was about to retreat, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of him.


Two laser beams pulsating from his fingertips easily penetrated one of his shoulders and arms.


There was a trace of pain on his smiling face.


"It's a good thing to increase your strength, but if you increase your body, you can hit a wider area.

Kizaru carelessly, lifted his foot and hit Urki's waist with the heel that was shining with golden light.

"Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

Under this extremely powerful light-speed flying kick, Rao Yiwuerji's body and waist were deformed for a moment.

boom! !

He flew upside down in an instant, cutting through several streets in a row.

"Moxy? Moxy??"

Kizaru stretched his tone there, talking to the little black phone bug on his wrist.

"What, is it broken?"

Just as he was about to check it out, there was a sudden movement in his arms.

"Limp Kanlu Kanlu? Kacha!!"

"How many times have I said that, old man!!"

Just as the phone worm he took out from his arms was connected, the phone worm's face became slightly rounded.

"The black phone bug is a phone bug for eavesdropping. If you contact me, use this phone bug to find me." A man complained from the phone bug.

"How about you, Zhan Taomaru-kun~"

Kizaru didn't care about the other party's complaint, "Have you found any trace of the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Ah, there are no, nor any, naval reports at present."

Zhan Taomaru on the other end of the phone worm was easily changed the topic, and his tone was still a little puzzled:

"It stands to reason that the garrison we sent to the Chambord Islands should have discovered their traces long ago."

"But they seem to have evaporated from the world. Not only have they disappeared, but even the three celestial dragons they kidnapped and their ships have also disappeared."

[Thanks, 17386..) Big brother's reward, thank you! ! ! ].

291 Face the Yellow Monkey! What a terrible thunder fruit ability! 【Ling Chi】? !

"If I hadn't passed the news with the soldiers stationed in the nearby waters and knew that the Straw Hats gang had not been found on the sea, otherwise I would have thought they had left the island." Said, Zhan Taomaru, who was carrying a big axe. Still scratching his head in confusion.

"Where did that group of them go?"

"Do you have any special discoveries over there?\" Kizaru asked slowly.

"Well, I just met [Red Flag] Drake, that [Degenerate Rear Admiral], huh, is he a character who has been promoted to the rank of Admiral, and his strength is really unusual?"

Zhan Taomaru seemed to wipe the sweat from his face, "I brought two pacifists with me, but he just let him run away."

"Thanks to us being the man with the strongest defense in the world, he didn't do any harm to us!!"

Speaking of which, he seemed a little proud.

"Then did you hear about the Straw Hat Pirates from him?"

When Kizaru heard the name of Drake, his eyelids jumped.


Zhan Taomaru said without hesitation, "He said he didn't know the trace of the Straw Hat Pirates either!!"

"I think it should be true, he has been besieged by pacifists, and I have introduced him to the power of pacifists, and he should be telling the truth."

"Introduced him to the pacifist..."

Kizaru couldn't help but be slightly silent, "Aren't you going to tell the other party everything about the pacifists?!"

"How is this possible, old man!!"

Zhan Taomaru immediately shouted, "We are the most tight-lipped men in the world, how could we casually disclose secrets to others?!"

"Even if we said it, we told them intentionally, so as to undermine the confidence of the other party and let them be captured!!"

"So, everything Drake asked about the greatness of pacifists, we told him well, and we didn't mention the rest!!

After all, Zhan Taomaru was quite proud.

Yellow Ape: "..."

That is to say, as long as it was Drake who asked, he would tell all the information, and you didn't say anything if you didn't ask, right?

You are really a very sincere person, and your tone is really "tight"! !

Kizaru also confirmed once again that it was an extremely correct decision not to inform Zhan Taomaru of Drake's true identity.

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