"Then old man, what are we going to do next?"

Zhan Taomaru asked about the next move, "Continue to follow the trail of the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Ah, just look for it slowly. If you encounter some pirates on the way, you can catch them if you can beat them. Don't force them if you can't beat them..."

Huang Yuan said, and was about to hang up, "I still have some things to deal with here, so let's do this first.

"What? What? Can you tell me about it, sir? Hello? Hello?!!"

On the other side, he has a huge body, with a stocky figure like a wrestler, with a face and hairstyle like a girl, with a seam on the left side of his face from the eye to the corner of his mouth, wearing a red apron on his upper body, with bandages wrapped around his hands and feet, and a shoulder strap. Zhan Taomaru, who was holding a big axe, scratched his head.

"What the **** is going on 々々?"

At this time, the Chambord Archipelago was almost empty on the streets.

"Yo, it's really rare.

Kizaru narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the figure in front of him.

"We've been looking for traces but couldn't find them, but you came to the door yourself..."

He pouted and said slowly, "The deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, [Prop Master] Link."

"You, and your captain, what the **** are you thinking..."

"The old man is very curious~!!"


A gust of wind blew, and the navy hipster on his shoulders rattled.

"There is a saying, "Curiosity killed the cat, I don't know if General Kisaragi has heard of it."

Link put his hands on his back and responded with a chuckle.

"Of course, Admiral Kizaru is strictly a monkey, not a cat."

He shrugged, "But it's all the same."

"What about your other companions?"

Kizaru didn't continue, and turned to look behind Link, still empty.

"They, and the three Heavenly Dragons, are all in a very safe place!!"

Link emphasized the three celestial dragons a little bit.

It was possible to make Kizaru, a general who can cut corners and paddle water, make a special trip to come here, and what he did was the Tianlong people.

"It seems that you don't want to have a good chat with the old man."

Kizaru raised his hand slightly, and the flickering laser light on his fingertips reflected the indefinite gaze under his pair of sunglasses.


There was also a surge of thunder around Link's body, as if there were live thunder snakes dancing wildly there.

"Nature is the ability of the Thunder Fruit, Kuzan is right..."

Kizaru's eyes gradually became serious, "It's scary."

The power of that thunderbolt alone was enough to make him take it seriously.

"But before starting, there is one thing that the old man must make clear."

Kizaru rubbed his shining fingers.

"You should know what the consequences of attacking the Tianlong people will be, right?"

"Well, there will be admirals coming?"

Link nodded slightly, "So you're already here, General Kizaru?"

"Yeah, as long as the Tianlong people are a little disturbed, a general will arrive, then you say..."

He adjusted his glasses, "If there are daring guys like you who not only violated the Tianlong people, but also kidnapped them to hold the navy and the world government hostage, what would be the consequences?"

"Don't use the word [violation], those scumbags don't deserve it~"

Link first corrected Kizuna's words, "Then please let General Kizuna tell me."

"It's very simple. If you threaten and persecute, you will have to pay a higher price..."

Kizaru squinted at Link and said, "[Straw Hat Boy] Luffy's hometown is in the Windmill Village of Goa Kingdom, right?"

"[Pirate Hunter] Roronoa Zoro used to practice at the Yixin Dojo in Seymour Zhiji Village, right?"

"[Little Thief Cat] Nami also seems to have an older sister, in Coco Yaxi Village."

"[Stick Gun] Usopp's home is also in the village of Xiluobu in the East China Sea?"

"[Black Foot] Sanji also studied and lived at the sea restaurant Balati."

"Tony Tony Chopper of [Desert Guardian] was born in the Drum Kingdom, which is now the Sakura Kingdom."

:『!Ling;Long;』!8561\"097\'8;2 "[Transformer] Franky, his former subordinates, and his senior brother Bingshan, should have also participated in the previous Judiciary Island invasion incident, And also helped the Straw Hats..." As Kizaru spoke, the expression on Link's face gradually calmed down.

"If you disturb the Tianlong people, you will attract the admiral of the navy. If you kidnap the Tianlong people, you will also be implicated in your hometown and your relatives." Huang Yuan flicked the debris on his fingertips, "Although we Can't find 【Props Master】Your hometown, but most of it is also the hometown of Nicole Robin and O'Hara has been destroyed, she should

This is the one who can best understand the determination of the world government. "

"Sometimes, once the situation is so serious that it is beyond control, even our navy cannot violate the resolution from the world government."

"So the navy is the navy of the World Government?"

Link smiled lightly, and he had expected this for a long time.

The navy is the navy of the world government, this is the most indisputable point.

So what if it is advertised as justice? It is not necessary to honestly obey the orders of the world government.

Link believes that once the news of the Tianlong people being kidnapped by the Straw Hats is completely spread out, their hometown will definitely be affected to some extent.

The navy may not be involved in that kind of thing, but for the Tianlong people who feel that their dignity has been insulted, these scumbags can do anything.

You must know that seven hundred years ago, the Tianlong people issued an order for some purpose to build a large bridge connecting various islands in the East China Sea.

These bridges are collectively referred to as \'the country on the bridge? Taiqila wolf', and the laborers who work are the slaves of the dragon people.

They are criminals sent by various countries, or nationals of countries that refuse to join the world government.

For seven hundred years, people have been falling down, and people have been pouring in.

Even citizens of countries that refuse to join the world government can be thrown as slaves, not to mention the homeland and relatives of the rebellious pirates.

Some stupid Tianlong people would definitely dare to give such an order.

In order to maintain the majesty of the Tianlong people, the world government is bound to take some measures.

Whether it's the Taiqila wolf in the country on the bridge, or Robin's hometown O'Hara, or Franky's master, Mr. Tom, who was convicted of building a ship for One Piece, etc.?

The world government has a history of destroying a country and destroying a country! !

It is absolutely possible that they will imprison the inhabitants of everyone's hometown as mentioned by Kizaru just now as slaves.

Link had no doubt that the World Government and the Navy would do such a thing.

"The choice is yours

Huang Yuan said leisurely, "If you can send the Tianlong people back safely, then everything that was said just now (Qian Qian Zhao) will not happen."

"The goals of the Navy and the World Government will still only be placed on you."

"For this, the old man dares to use his identity as a general of the Navy Headquarters as a guarantee!!"

"As for the fact that you want to use the Tianlong people as coercion and let the navy and the world government reach your opinion... This old man advises you to give up this idea!" Having said that, Kizaru also had a poor opinion of Linktu and said the final request.

This soft and hard, the threat is mixed with some soothing words...

"I'm afraid that only a [wise general] like the Warring States period can think of it?"

In Link's mind, the thought of tiger turned.

His eyes were on the yellow monkey: "If you want to get the Tianlong people back, it's not as simple as that."


Huang Yuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Why, are you going to fight the World Government and the Tianlong people to the end?"

"Of course not, guys like Tianlong people, I think it's a waste of food on our boat and dirty our boat

Link shook his head, "It's not impossible to pay it back, but when and how to pay it back, it's up to us." "The old man said..."

Kizaru's tone couldn't help but stretch a little again: "You guys didn't bargain..."

"I wonder if General Huang Yuan has heard of [Ling Chi] this kind of punishment?"

Link suddenly interrupted his words.

292 Make them the world's joke! Really, a terrible idea! Evil spirits, devils in human skins! !

"Ling Chi?"

Kizuna muttered the word for a while.

"Well, it's a very cruel punishment. The criminal is first tied and hanged, and then

Link stretched out his hand and gestured like a knife: "I will cut off the flesh of the prisoner one by one!!"

"It depends on the circumstances of the crime committed by the criminal. Generally speaking, eight cuts are made. First, the head and face are cut, then the hands and feet, then the chest and abdomen, and finally the head is cut."

His tone also slowly cooled down, "But more often, it is much more than eight knives, such as twenty-four knives, thirty-six knives, seventy-two knives, and one hundred and twenty knives. kind."

"And the executioner who is good at these late executions can completely cut the prisoner's body with a hundred and twenty knives without letting the prisoner die."

"The prisoners will suffer tremendous pain, and have been mourning for three days and three nights, until the blood dries up and they can't cry, and then they will die tragically in great pain..."

Link's tone was cadenced, and at the end, it seemed like a bone-shattering wind from hell, which made people shudder.

"General Kizuna, you said, if such a punishment is applied to the Tianlong people, so that it will be broadcast live to the world, Link's mouth will draw a demon-like arc, "What do you think? ! "

Kizuna remained silent.

The first time he heard of this terrifying punishment, he was indeed quite shocked.

You know, in modern times, when [Ling Chi] was introduced to Ouzhou, it shocked the whole Ouzhou, and it gave countless literary and art workers a lot of inspiration.

In the world of pirates, I am afraid that such appalling punishment has never happened before.

Even the death penalty of Roger, the pirate king, was nothing more than piercing his chest with a sharp knife.

And if this kind of punishment is used on the Tianlong people, and as Link said, it is broadcast live to the world, then...

"I think it's a little too easy for a scum like Tianlong to use such a punishment."

He showed a more infiltrating smile, "There is also a punishment called dismemberment by five horses."

"It's just putting a rope around a person's limbs and neck, and putting the other end around five horses, so that the horses are frightened and run in five directions. In this case, that person will... bang!"

Link pretended to make an exaggerated gesture to Kizaru, and then he clearly saw the corner of Kizaru's eyes twitching slightly.

Then he continued to intensify his words: "There are also [Eight Pieces], [Mercury Filling], [Buried and Skinned Alive]... If you want to hear it, I can tell you all of them."

Yellow Ape: "--"

"Sounds like a terrible punishment?"

Kizaru looked at Link, "But can you really broadcast it to the world?"

"Also, even if it can, the world government doesn't necessarily recognize those people, but they are Tianlong people."

His remarks have already shown the bottom line of the attitude of the world government and the navy to this matter:

That is these three Heavenly Dragon people, all of which can be given up.

A creature with a strong ability to act to death, such as the Tianlong people, has such a wonderful thing as Doflamingo's father, Don Quixote Huo Minggu, who quit the Tianlong people.

There is also Don Quixote Musgarud, who specially dived to the fish-man island in order to hunt down his own murloc slaves. As a result, he encountered a sea king on the way and capsized all the guards.

It was also thanks to his own good fortune that he survived and was rescued by Princess Otoji.

It can be seen that the scumbags of the Tianlong people are also a group of restless masters. If they keep trying to die, there are still a lot of deaths every year.

Just like Musgarud, if he was killed and died, it was a big deal to declare to the outside world that these dragon people died in shipwrecks.

"My thunder fruit can (cadd) power, you heard from Aokiji?"

In response, Link asked an irrelevant question.

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