"That's right, Kizuna nodded lightly.

"Then you naturally know that in addition to the ability of the devil fruit, I also have those many props, right?"

"Well, this old man also heard Qingzhi say this.

Kizaru continued: "The title of [Prop Master] is very loud in the sea."

"Then since you know, I have so many props in my hand..."

Link couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Then you can try to gamble and see if there is anyone in my hand that knows that this is a Tianlongren's prop?"

"No matter how much you cover up, no matter how you don't admit it, I can still use props to let the world and the sea still clearly realize that those who are punished are Tianlong people."

Link shook his hand,

"If you don't believe it, we can give it a try. Take the sacred and inviolable iron law established by the world government for 800 years. Come and try it with me. Anyway... it's not me who suffers."

Having said that, he suddenly remembered something, and clapped his hands suddenly.

"By the way, I remember that there was a father and daughter in the Tianlong people I caught."

"You say, if I throw that father and daughter in the sty and spray them and the pigs in the sty with aphrodisiacs

Link also elongated his tone like the Kizaru just now, "What interesting things do you think will happen?"

Yellow Ape: "..."

He suddenly felt that the Link in front of him was an evil spirit, a devil in human skin!

"It's really, a terrible idea."

Huang Yuan was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"I feel honored to be called terrifying by General Kizaru."

Link smiled, and his eyes gradually became deeper:

"So, if my friends, their hometown, and relatives and friends, if something really happens, I promise, it will definitely wipe out the majesty of the Tianlong people!!"

"I will let everyone in the world see the ugliest appearance of the Tianlong people, and make them a joke in the world!!"

"Also, I don't believe that the Tianlong people will not leave the Holy Land Mary Joa!"

Link's tone gradually calmed down and said, "As a natural-type glittering fruit person, I think you can best understand what an enemy with a very powerful mobility means.

"If something goes wrong with my partners and their relatives, as long as there is a dragon from the Holy Land Mary Joa."

"I promise……"

Link looked directly into Kizaru's eyes and said word by word: "Come out one, I'll tie one, come out two, I'll tie a pair!!"

"Then, broadcast them to the world, and if necessary, play as big as possible!!"

"For example, let the Tianlong people kneel and call their father and grandfather to their most despised slave, what do you think of this?!"

Link touched his chin, "Actually, I think I can play more..."

"All right!!"

Huang Yuan finally couldn't listen anymore.

"What you said, the old man will report to the marshal and the world government one by one!!"

He couldn't help interrupting, "That is to say, are you sure you will return the Tianlong people intact?"

"It is certain that they are returned, as for whether they are intact?

Link shrugged, "Who knows then."

"For example, if they speak rudely to us, I may be inattentive, slap them a few times angrily, and maybe even blow their teeth out!! Kizaru: "..."

He felt that he had not been as speechless as he was today in a long time.

Although he doesn't like to talk much on weekdays, there are very few situations like this that make him speechless.

"These words of yours, the old man will bring..."

Huang Yuan can only emphasize one last time: "Don't think about using the Tianlong people to achieve some whimsical ideas, otherwise, if the fish die and the net breaks, it will not be good for both parties.

"After all, the World Government has an 800-year heritage, and the power and means he can use are far beyond your imagination!"

Well, the main reason is that if they cause big trouble, they will have to run errands to solve them.

It's very troublesome to say, can't you just let him sit in the office drinking tea and wait for get off work? !

"Of course I can

In the Pongle Castle in the ancient city, there is still an Aunt Yi who dances with butterflies among the flowers. Well, I don't know if he is a woman.

As for the fact that the Tianlong people want to threaten Luffy and their hometown relatives?

This kind of thing can be done by Tianlong people.

But within the navy, the doves led by Aoki Kap will definitely express fierce opposition.

Moreover, Drago founded the Revolutionary Army, which is extremely rebellious. At the beginning, neither the Navy nor the World Government could do anything with Karp.

It can be seen that with the navy as resistance, even if the stupid Tianlong people want to do this, it will be difficult to push.

But that doesn't mean they won't do it~

Therefore, unless the matter reaches the last minute, when both parties are at the point where the fish die and the net is broken, even if the world government wants to do such a thing, it still needs to be considered.

The things that Kizaru said just now are most likely to be mostly threats.

But if it's really urgent, it's very likely to be real.

Both sides have their own concerns, but at least Link has let the other know, and they are not easy to mess with.

Come to think of it, as long as the World Government and Sengoku are not stupid, they will naturally know what to do?

In this way, after doing this simple but deeply impressed with Kizaru, the two sides naturally couldn't fight, so they planned to separate.

"I didn't expect the old man to meet the rumored [Props Master]. Not only did he not experience the power of the so-called props in your hands, but he felt another terrifying side of you."

At the last moment of leaving, Kizaru gave Link a deep look, and left behind such intriguing words.

"Really? It's the feeling you left me, General Huang Yuan, that makes me feel like a spring breeze?"

Link's mouth was also very casual, saying those indifferent words.

Yellow Monkey: "??? Gone!"

His whole body suddenly turned into a dazzling golden light, and disappeared on the street of this commercial street in a blink of an eye.

It came and went in a hurry, and the momentum and atmosphere that were drawn with swords and swords were also dissipated in an instant.

After all, it is also the best choice for Kizaru to be able to talk without having to do it.

[Thank you for the thousands of prizes from the two bosses \'1370..\' and 'Flying Pigeon'! ! There are also rewards from the 'Dark Philosopher' and the 15200..\" boss, thank you all!!].

293 Golden Lion! ! [The world of the strong]! ! Do people get old after all?

Originally, he was only taking the salary of the general.

And unexpected events like Tianlong people are just overtime work of last resort.

This amount of overtime pay is not enough for him to run errands, let alone pay~~~

If he can solve the problem without fighting, he will never do it.


This incident of the admiral of the navy caused by the kidnapping of the Tianlong people was actually forced back by Kizaru by Link's mouth cannon, and it could come to an end for a short time.

But everyone on both sides knew that as long as the war didn't start, no one could say that things would end there.

With twelve days to go, anything is possible.

"Our partner's professional guide has been found, and the yellow monkey has also retired, so we can continue with peace of mind? After looking for foreign aid, I recall the domineering side leak in the photo, like a golden lion king. , Link once again took out the [Tracking Cane].

In the first half of this great route, somewhere high up in the sky, there is - such a place.

A dozen or so seem to be empty islands, but they are actually islands of the islands below, floating and guarding together in a random pattern.

Rainbows are used as connection points between these islands, and there are all kinds of mountains, rivers, lakes, plants, trees, and rocks that should be found.

It's like a fairytale beauty born in the sky.

However, in the very center of all these islands, there is an island in the sky called Viermeyo.

This island, together with more than a dozen other islands, together form the domain in this sky.

Named [STRONGWORLD], the floating island area of ​​"The Strong World"! !

"Jie ha ha ha ha!!"

And in the very center of the island of Navir Mayo, there was a palace, and a domineering hearty laughter sounded in it.

"How about it, Dr. Indigo? Are there enough animals with IQ in both quantity and quality?"

Inside the castle, there are two famous knives on his feet. Thirty years ago, the majestic figure who stared at the world of the sea and committed suicide alone in the headquarters of the Navy 20 years ago sat there. Up to now, it is still so domineering.

Well, except for the one stuck in his head, it's a really funny rudder to look at.

"Puff puff

The man who was called Dr. Indigo was wearing a white coat and a blue scarf with yellow spots around his neck. The top of his head was bald and there were thick blue-haired men on both sides.

He stepped on his feet with a sound like a fart, and swayed his sleeves, which were obviously strengthened, and came to the front of the figure.

"It's all ready, it's almost there~"

Dr. Indigo, as if using a mime, presented this meaning,

"Is that so..."

The domineering man first nodded there, and then...

"Ah, did you call me a 'rooster'?"

The man suddenly widened his eyes, revealing the whites of his eyes, and raised his voice there.

Dr. Indigo: "..."

I didn't say that.

But he also knows what virtue his captain is currently, so what?


He snapped his fingers.

Then, from an unknown corner of the palace, an orangutan in human clothes suddenly appeared.

He also held a radio in his hand, put it on the ground skillfully, and pressed the switch.


Suddenly, a melodious music came from the radio.

D rich mouth rich mouth rich! !

That domineering figure, who was like a lion just now, swayed suddenly after hearing this music.

Stepping on the two famous knives under his feet, he walked down from the seat and came to the middle of Dr. Indigo and the gorilla in human clothes.

The three of them posed their poses and swayed together as the singing went on.

Let's paddle, paddle... no, we're rocking together! !

Well, this song is as magical as the natural version of Xiaofang.

With the singing and dancing, there was a burst of joy in the castle.

Until the end of the song, the three of them also contributed a beautiful dance performance! !

clap clap.

Warm applause followed.

"Jie hahahaha, this time dancing is really comfortable."

The man with the rudder above his head also laughed.

He just wanted to put his hand into his pocket, and wanted to have a good time with the cigar.

Suddenly, his movements came to a halt.

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