"Where did the applause come from?!"

His eyes bulged out again, "I remember, there are only three of us in this palace at the moment!!

He turned his head immediately and looked at the place where the applause sounded.

"Dancing really well!!"

Link applauded and praised there, "It's the first time I've seen this kind of trio dance so well together."

"Really? Listening to you say that, the old man is really happy, Jie ha ha ha ha..."

He first touched the back of his head and laughed, and then~

"By the way, who are you guys?!!"

Immediately reacted again, pointing at Link and shouting.

"Me? Just a little pirate who just made his debut this year and is nothing to talk about?"

Link said modestly, "I came here mainly because I heard about the legendary pirate, the Admiral of the Flying Sky Pirates who once traversed the sea, and the Golden Lion Shiki is here, so I specifically wanted to come and see."

As he said that, Link's eyes kept looking at the man in front of him, especially for a while longer at the clear rudder position on the other's head.

"Oh? It's also a pirate.

As soon as he heard the word pirate, the man with the rudder above his head was instantly awake, his body slightly straightened, and he once again showed a powerful aura that was like a lion king, making all beasts terrified! !

"I am the golden lion?"

He took out a cigar from his pocket, lit it for himself, and couldn't help grinning:

"Boy, what are you doing to me?"

The man with the rudder on his head in front of him is the legendary great pirate who used to be as famous as the Pirate King Gol D Roger and [Whitebeard] Edward Newgate! !

It is also the first pirate ever to escape from the city since its establishment.

Once on the same boat with Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling, and Kaido the Beast, and later formed his own fleet, a man with the ambition and courage to swallow the world! !

Well, that's all about Scy from twenty years ago.

And now, just look at his hot dance just now to know what kind of situation he is now.

Twenty-five years ago, in the year 1495 of the Haiyuan calendar, he wanted to join forces with Gol D? Roger in order to rule the world, but was furious after being rejected by Gol D? Roger.

The pirate groups on both sides therefore broke out in a fierce battle in the sea area of ​​​​Aite Wall, which was called the [Battle of At Wall].

The Roger Pirates, originally driven to a dead end by the golden lion occupying the top, were rescued by a sudden storm.

Most of the fleet of the Air Pirates was sunk into the seabed, and an accident caused the rudder to be unfortunately inserted into the golden lion's head.

Because it would be life-threatening to pull the rudder out forcibly, the rudder is still inlaid on the head of the golden lion Shikey.

This also makes the golden lion affected by this rudder almost all the time in the past 25 years, so that his current brain circuit is gradually becoming different, gradually moving towards second-hand goods and idiots. direction of development.

??0 asking for flowers...

The most typical performance is that he will suddenly be there in a daze or make a lot of funny actions such as answering questions about other people's culture, being surprised by some normal things, etc.

Also likes to laugh at himself as a "rooster" and dance with people there.

And having this rudder inserted into the brain caused his own spirit to be affected to a certain extent.

Not only has his own strength regressed rapidly, but even the level of domineering has regressed beyond recognition.

The advanced application skills of the armed color and the knowledge color can no longer be used, and even the overlord color is almost no longer used.

The means that he can use to maintain his powerful attack now is nothing more than the slashes of the world's top swordsmen from the two famous swords [Sakura Ten] and [Withered Wood] under his feet. And the ability of his own superhuman fluttering fruit.

When the Golden Lion heard the news of Roger's arrest, he single-handedly entered the Navy Headquarters.

After killing a large number of the navy, Sengoku, who was still an admiral at the time, and Garp, the hero of the lieutenant general, were attracted.

The two sides fought for most of the day, at the cost of destroying most of the naval headquarters, Sengoku and Garp joined forces to send the golden lion into the deep sea prison to advance the city.

Later, in order to escape from the Pushing City, Shi Ke cut off his feet that were bound by Hailoushi's shackles. From then on, his feet used "Sakura Ten" and "Deadwood" as prosthetic limbs to escape the Pushing City.

Become the first powerful pirate ever to escape from the advancing city.

Therefore, the golden lion, as the legendary great pirate, has left endless legends for future generations.

But now, twenty years later, everything is not as good as it used to be.

People will eventually grow old.

"I'm here mainly to say something to Mr. Golden Lion."

Link smiled.

"Say one thing? Say something? I'm very busy right now, so I don't have time to pay attention to those miscellaneous things."

With a cigar in his mouth, Skye gave Link a sidelong glance, and then slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"By the way, boy, where did you come from?"

What he meant was to ask how Link found his place and how he got here

And Link's answer to him was:

"I'm from the East China Sea."

East China Sea? !

Hearing this place, the golden lion's smoking action was taken aback.

"Donghai? That's a good place, isn't it?"

He bowed his head slightly, covering the upper half of his face in the shadows, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment

"Yeah, it's a beautiful place, and it's where I came."

Link smiled, "So I can't just let people destroy it!!!"


The golden lion raised his head slightly and looked at him.

The atmosphere in the arena suddenly froze.

Skye just stared at Link like that, and then~

"Ah, is today your birthday?"

He widened his eyes, the cigar in his mouth was churning.

Link: "...???"

"It's all said, that's where he came, his hometown, where's his birthday?!"

Dr. Indigo next to Skee was speechless again and gave Skee a big pot sticker on the back of his head.

[Thanks to the \'Saber!\' boss and the '339966\' boss for the thousand-point reward! Thanks for the reward from the 'please give me a face' boss! 】Big.

294 what? ! Roger turned himself in? ! Boy, do you want to **** me?


The gorilla in human clothes next to the two snickered happily.


He had thought that Shi Kee would get sick, but he never thought that he would be so sick.

Place and time, these two different dimensions, how did he get involved?

It's like looking in a mirror and thinking of yourself in the mirror as a rooster and a storm as an exploding head??

"is that so?"

Shi Ke touched his head and looked Link up and down:

"It came from the East China Sea, and he said that the East China Sea cannot be destroyed, and he came to me specially..."

Shi Ji smiled, folded his arms around his chest, and once again a powerful aura emanated from his body.

"How do you look at it, it seems that you know something and come here with bad intentions?"

"I do know some news, but..."

Facing the oppression of the golden lion, Link smiled unmoved.

"I have no ill will."

"I just want to ask, Mr. Golden Lion, what is the purpose of your plan to destroy the East China Sea after preparing for the past 20 years?"

"Purpose? How can there be so many purposes?

The golden lion was holding a cigar, looking unconcerned.

"For me, I want to destroy which sea area I want to destroy. Everything is according to my interest."

He raised his arms, and even "Eight Eight Seven" swayed with the clothes draped behind him,

"Isn't it just a mere East China Sea? In a place known as the weakest sea, weakness is the original sin. There is no need for such a sea area to exist!!"

Seemingly seeing that Link was able to stand still in front of his aura, and that he was a native of the East China Sea, Shi Ji was happy to talk to him.

"Is it really?"

Link smiled slightly, "Isn't it because Roger, the Pirate King, was executed in the East China Sea and died in the East China Sea, so even you hate the East China Sea?" "Huh?!"

The golden lion raised his eyes and looked at Link with a slightly gloomy gaze.

"What the **** are you talking about?"

"Or, do you think that Roger was arrested by the Navy and then arranged for him to die in the Sea of ​​Weakness. You think it is an insult to Roger, so you want to get justice for him?" Link was unmoved. Continue.


The golden lion's eyes were already full of badness.

"Stop talking to Lao Tzu about yourself..."

"Roger he turned himself in."

Link said lightly.

The roar of the golden lion stopped abruptly.

"What did you say?!"

He suddenly widened his eyes, "You just said

"You say Roger is a spider?"

Link: "???"

"He said he turned himself in, and Roger turned himself in!!"

Dr. Indigo, who was behind the golden lion, patted his forehead again and reminded.

"Oh, it turned out to be a surrender... Roger surrendered... what?! Roger surrendered?!

The golden lion's eyes bulged out, and the tongue in his mouth was shaking there.

Link: "..."

Well, he can't be saved, wait to die~

The hero is too late, obviously this golden lion, the claws and mane on his body are about to fall off completely

"Hey, boy, say it again!!"

The golden lion, who came back to his senses, still had a little disbelief on his face.

Using the mobility of the fluttering fruit, he rushed to Link with a drink.

Excitedly, he wanted to grab Link's collar and yelled at him.



A flash of thunder flashed in place, and Link's figure suddenly disappeared.

When it reappears, it is already another place away from here.

"Huh? Teleportation?!"

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