The golden lion's eyes instantly sobered up.

Experienced the era of the Rocks Pirates, the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the Battle of Att Wall and the invasion of the Navy Headquarters, etc.~

The battle-hardened Golden Lion, when faced with a powerful opponent, the combat experience on his body also made him alert for the first time.

"Is that an arc just now?"

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Link, "It's the nature department, the ability of the Thunder Fruit?"

"You have eaten a rather rare and powerful thing!!"

The Devil Fruit of the Nature Department, after eating it, already represents an infinitely powerful possibility in the future.

As long as those who get this ability are not mediocre, that will definitely set off certain storms in this sea! !

Judging from the Golden Lion's judgment on Link, it is obvious that this is not an ordinary young man.

"I said boy..."

He calmed down, "Would you like to do it with me?"

"With your thunder fruit ability, coupled with my fluttering fruit ability, you can definitely bring real terror to the sea!!"

However, he sent an invitation to Link, "Your ability and mine are a perfect match!!"

"Is it a great honor to be recognized and invited by Mr. Golden Lion?"

Link took out something, shook his head and refused:

"However, I have already joined a pirate group, and I'm also the deputy captain of that pirate group, so I can only accept your kindness."

"Is that so..."

A pity flashed in the golden lion's eyes.

He really liked Link's ability a bit.

Whether it is matched with his Fluttering Fruit, or the powerful destructive power brought by the Thunder Fruit itself, the golden lion is moved.

And now, he can't force Link to take him over like he kidnapped Nami in the original version.

As a mobile Devil Fruit, he knows very well what this extremely mobile Devil Fruit ability means.

"That's really a pity..."

Golden Lion couldn't help scratching his head, "By the way, where did we just say? Oh, it seems to be Roger, he... turned himself in?!!!"

He suddenly shouted again.

Link: "..."

Why are you yelling so loudly, and aren't you already shocked just now? !

He looked at Shiki, who was snot-snoting, speechlessly, and couldn't help but threw the Yinbei he just took out from his hand.

"this is……"

The golden lion took it subconsciously, and then turned on the button.


"Roger, surrendered."

A familiar voice came from Yinbei's voice.


The golden lion's pupils shrank slightly.

"I met Roger's vice-captain, [Pluto] Rayleigh before, and it was from him that I learned that Roger had turned himself in." After saying this, Link said No more words, quietly waiting for the golden lion to accept this reality.

Before he came here, he specially asked Rayleigh to record this sound, in order to prevent the golden lion from not believing his words.

"Did Rayleigh say that?"

The Golden Lion, who was already shaking in his heart, now confirmed this statement even more in his heart after hearing the familiar tone.

"Roger, he really surrendered..."

He muttered to himself there, and pressed Yinbei again on his hand.

"Roger, surrendered."


Dr. Indigo next to him, who has been with the Golden Lion for decades, knows exactly how he feels at the moment.

Immediately, he wanted to come forward and say something.

"Click... Roger, surrendered."


"Roger, surrendered."

"Hey, I said..."

"Roger, surrendered."

"Stop! You are enough!!!"


The Golden Lion, who was about to press it again to hear this sentence, couldn't help but paused, turned his head, and looked at Indigo, who was a little crazy beside him.

"Can't you just listen to this kind of thing once?!"

Indigo looked at Shiji speechlessly.

"How can that be, this is Roger!!!"

But the golden lion didn't care, and pressed the button as usual.

When he listened to Rayleigh's telling of the real situation about Roger, the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning any longer.

"Jie ha ha ha! Jie ha ha ha!! I know, how can a **** navy catch Roger?!"

Hearty, straight-forward laughter reverberates in this palace!

"I'm really stupid enough to think that Roger turned himself in!!"

"That is to say, apart from what Roger thinks, who in this world can catch him?!"

"Just relying on the trash of the Navy?! Even that idiot Karp can't do it!!"

"After all, he is better than Lao Tzu, Jie ha ha ha ha!!!"

The golden lion only felt that the current self was unprecedentedly comfortable, and the knot in his heart that had been depressed for twenty years suddenly opened at this moment, and suddenly he became enlightened! !


At the same time as he laughed, a powerful force burst out from his body in an instant!

boom! !

The grass and trees of the palace were scraped down, cracks appeared on the walls, the pool was constantly churning, and even the clouds on the horizon were surging violently there.

The domineering arrogance that had been silent on him for twenty years was finally revived.


The golden lion's eyes are clear and bright, and it is also mixed with the domineering who used to be the legendary pirate who ruled the sky:

"Thank you so much for bringing me such a message!!"


He took a hard puff of his cigar, "It shouldn't be so easy for you to come here, just tell me about this matter 3.3?"

After all, it was a golden lion. After regaining some of the heroic postures, the idiot atmosphere on his body gradually disappeared.

"Ah, there is one thing."

Link nodded lightly, "The Whitebeard Pirates are about to start a war with the Navy Headquarters."


The golden lion was ready to smoke again.

"Oh? That old guy isn't dead yet?!"

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "And he's already a lot of age, so he still has the energy to fight the Navy Headquarters?"

"Could it be that he intends to shine again at the last moment of his life? But I don't remember, this old guy is such a person?"

"Because the Navy caught Whitebeard's son and wanted to publicly execute him."

"I'll just say

A look of understanding flashed in the golden lion's eyes, "The only thing that old guy cares about is his family and son. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't be too lazy to fight such an O with the Navy."

Having said that, he smacked his mouth and said with some schadenfreude:

"Look, he has no idea about the Navy Headquarters, but people keep staring at him,"

"Even if he is already this age, the navy still has no intention of letting him go."

[Thanks, 18961.., the thousand-point reward of the boss, thank you very much! ! ].

295 Roger he, has a son? ! ! You can only trouble your ambitions to stop here! !

"So, it's better as I said, join forces with me 20 years ago and sink the Navy Headquarters for him, then everything will be fine."

"What's the point of being kidnapped and forcibly forced to go to war like now, and you won't be able to live in peace when you get old."

"It's so rude, Newgate, Jiehahahaha!!!"

There he scoffed at Whitebeard.

"It's mainly because the white-bearded son caught by the navy has a special status."

Link reminded.

Golden Lion grinned disdainfully, "Special? What? Could it be that he is still Whitebeard's biological son?"

"It's his biological son, but he's not Whitebeard." Link thought for a while.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's Roger's biological son."


The golden lion's laughter stopped abruptly.

At the same time, many question marks appeared on his forehead.

"You said that the one to be executed is Whitebeard's son, but he is also Roger's biological son??"

The cigar in his mouth fell to the ground.

"Wait, I'll take a stroke..."

He covered his head with one hand, and his eyes were a little straight:

"That is to say, Roger's son, who joined Whitebeard's command, became Whitebeard's son, and was to be executed.

"Roger, he has a son?!!!"

Once again, the golden lion burst into fur.

"That's right

Under the stunned expression of the golden lion, Link nodded.

"So, Mr. Golden Lion, even Roger has left a bloodline in this world, but you are still alone.

Seeing the gaffe appearance of the golden lion, Link couldn't help laughing a little:

"At this point 20, you are not as good as Roger..."

"I'm not as good as Roger??"

Originally, the golden lion was still absent-minded, but after hearing this sentence, he immediately raised his head in irritation.

He just wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, he really has no heirs and objects.

"...I'm not that rare to find!!"

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