The golden lion who was strong in his life said stubbornly, "If I want to, what kind of woman can't be found?!"

"Woman, it will only affect the speed of my sword!!"

"Besides, what if the bloodline really stays?! Does that guy recognize Roger as a father? Isn't he still someone else's son?!!"

Suddenly thinking of this batch in my mind, the golden lion suddenly came to a little spirit:

"That guy's son Roger went to recognize Whitebeard as his father, and even his own son didn't recognize him. That idiot really failed! Jie hahahaha!!" The golden lion laughed again and mocked, And this time the object of ridicule changed from Whitebeard to Roger.

It seems that the Golden Lion is also very happy to see that Roger has a disadvantage.

"But then again..."

The golden lion's laughter gradually stopped, "Why doesn't Roger's son want to recognize him?"

"Even if Roger is an idiot, he is much stronger than Whitebeard, no, compared to everyone in this world, right?!"

Above the golden lion's eyes, black lines gradually dropped, "The act of accepting Whitebeard as his father is saying that Roger is worse than Whitebeard?!"

"Ah? Roger who conquered the great route, Roger who defeated Lao Tzu, Roger Roger, the pirate king recognized by the world, was actually considered by his ignorant son to be inferior to Whitebeard?

"What's the joke?!!!"

At the end, he was so angry that he roared directly.

The surrounding walls and trees swayed.

And the reason why the golden lion has such gaffe thoughts and actions...

Question: Who is the No. 1 Roger Blow in the whole sea?

There is no doubt that if the Golden Lion is ranked second, no one will be ranked first.

After hearing that Roger was arrested, this guy shot his subordinates in disbelief, and then broke into the Navy Headquarters alone.

After finally being imprisoned in Pushing City to escape from prison, he thought that it was an insult to him that a man like Roger was executed in the East China Sea, the weakest sea.

Thus planning for twenty years, intending to destroy the entire East China Sea! !

It can be said that this guy has been completely stunned since the end of the battle at Ait Wall.

It's a black and deep natural fan, how much I hated and angry Roger before, so now the golden lion is so unwilling to what happened to Roger.

No normal person would spend twenty years studying these strange things, just to destroy the East China Sea...

The thought of venting for Roger had even occupied the golden lion's mind, even forgetting his previous ambition to dominate the world.

After he escaped from prison, he found the island of Viermeyo, and together with other islands, he made this floating island domain.

What he did was because there was a plant called [IQ] on this island, and there were also many animals on the island that were violent by eating plants with the ingredient [IQ]. For 20 years, the golden lion has hidden his whereabouts, researched [IQ] with his trusted deputy, Dr. Indigo, and lived on a floating island to plan his comeback.

His plan was to show the world government his vengeance by liberating these rampant animals into the East China Sea to wreak havoc.

Well, it took nearly 20 years for this kind of revenge to be destroyed...

Well, it can only be said that after losing his eyes due to hatred and having the rudder plugged into his head, his intelligence was indeed greatly affected.


Only now did Link ask the real purpose of his coming here: "Aren't you going to ask him in person?"

"Go in person?"

The golden lion stared at Link, "I said boy..."

With a calm expression on his face, he said slowly, "Is this what you came to find me for?"

"Want the old man to also participate in this battle?"

Although his IQ has dropped, he is not really a fool! !

"That's right

Link also nodded, "mainly because Mr. Golden Lion should not use the achievements accumulated in the past 20 years in the East China Sea."

"After all, Roger himself is from Donghai, and the truth is not that he was arrested but surrendered."

"And now, Roger's son is going to be executed, the Navy and Whitebeard are going to fight, such a good stage, if the Golden Lion, who has been silent for 20 years, will make an appearance.

Link couldn't help laughing and said, "Then it must be very good, right?"

"Sounds really good..."

The golden lion couldn't help but slap his chin, "But..."

"Boy, with just a few words from you, you want me to change the plan I have made for 20 years. Isn't it a little playful?"

He folded his arms around his chest and said with deep eyes.

"I can destroy the East China Sea first, and then rush to the battlefield depending on my mood!!"

"Then if Mr. Golden Lion is determined to destroy the East China Sea..."

Link also smiled and said slowly, "Then only trouble your ambitions to stop there."


A dazzling thunder beam emerged from Link's body.

"After all, that's where I came from and the hometown of my companions."

"It can't be like this, let you destroy it!!!"

Above the sky, the white clouds are gradually turning towards the dark clouds, and the thunder and electric light are gradually intertwined and flashed! !


The corners of the golden lion's mouth grinned, "Are all newcomers so bold now?!"

"Or, after 20 years of not showing up, has the current sea forget the name [Golden Lion]?!"

The next moment, Link and the golden lion floated out of thin air at the same time.

"Boy! Remember, in this sea, only strength can be used as the capital of common conversation!!"

He snapped his fingers, and the surrounding situation all followed along with agitation! !

"If you rely on mere calculations alone, you will not be able to gain a foothold in this sea!!"

In an instant, the wind and clouds gradually condensed into groups of lion-like shapes in midair! !

"I know

Link looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Before I came to this world, I had already discovered the essence of this world."

"So, before I came to find you, I must have made the necessary preparations."

"Golden Lion, Shiki!!"

After Link's voice fell, he saw the big hand of the golden lion slammed towards Link's side.

"Lion Might? Imperial Scroll!"

The wind and cloud that turned into a huge lion head roared towards Link.

"Five hundred million volts? Thor!"

Link's body was suddenly wrapped in dazzling thunder, and a figure that looked like a **** stood there, no less than the huge lion's head. 887

"Thor? The sky is shining!"

boom! !

The ultimate thunder light and the lion wind and cloud collided in an instant! !

When Link and the Golden Lion were stirring up the wind and clouds, and the lightning and thunder were violent? The Navy also gradually completed the deployment of living forces.

"The battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters is not so easy to fight..."

Inside the training camp of the Navy Headquarters.

"So are you going to follow along?"

Smog looked at Dasqi, who was working hard to practice swords next to him.

"Well, I want to participate in this top-level battle anyway!"

Dasqi, who was sweating like rain, showed extra determination on her face:

"I also want to take those powerful swords back from the hands of those famous swordsmen of the Whitebeard Pirates!!"

"Whatever you want, when the battle situation is so critical, I may not be able to care about you?"

"I will take care of myself!!"

Smog just nodded, and the smoke in his mouth couldn't help but thicken.

"After this war is over, it's time to move up..."

His vicious eyes aimed at a certain location outside, that is, the location of the new world! !

On the other side, in the office of a certain admiral.

"It's a rare

Someone who was sitting on an office chair with his arms crossed his chest, said in a low voice.

"I didn't expect you to be willing to temporarily abandon your peaceful fortress and participate in this war."

He looked at Jonathan, who was sitting on the sofa, sipping tea.

"Don't say that~\"

Jonathan, the chief officer of the G8 fortress where the Straw Hat Pirates landed before, took a sip of tea and looked at the figure sitting at the table lightly:

"It's not that I don't understand the impact of losing this battle."

"When the pirates flock here, I will have no time to drink tea and free time in the fortress, so I will be busy."

【I go! Thank you for the great reward from the boss of 'Z Pretend ADHD'! ! See you again, thank you so much! ! One more in the evening! ! ].

296 Saab is here! Props to preserve awareness! Get ready for a transformed bear and navy! !

"I can still figure it out."

Jonathan put down the teacup and picked up the many food boxes wrapped around his feet.

"These are the special dishes specially prepared by the chefs of our Baron Fortress before I came. They are definitely dishes that you have never eaten before. You can try them." He then put the food boxes on the table. A swing away.

"Is it new research by the chef in your fortress?"

The man at the desk glanced at the dishes on the table that he had never seen before, "I heard that two chefs from the Holy Land went to your fortress."

"Well, it should be~"

Jonathan said vaguely.

He dared not say that these dishes were made according to the recipes left by a certain pirate, otherwise, the dishes on this table might have been burnt and melted by him! In another room next door.

"Aha la la?"

Aokiji, who was lying on the sunny chair, took off his blindfold and looked at Kizaru who stayed in his room and didn't leave.

"I said, when do you want to see?"

This guy has been stuck in his room for a while.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel so new

Kizaru looked at the pastry ranch in Aokiji's room, and looked at the senbei, egg rolls, doughnuts and chocolates that were alive and kicking...

"Is this the item of the [Item Master]? It can make the dim sum come alive and reproduce. It's a terrible method.

He adjusted his glasses, and in his heart he had a deeper understanding of what he had talked to with Link before.

Maybe he can do what the other party said.

Today's young people are really like monsters! !

Kizaru sighed with emotion, and then took out **** and bananas.

"Alas?! What are you doing?!!"

"I just wanted to try and see if I could survive and reproduce with **** and bananas."

Under Aokiji's vigilant gaze, Kizaru wanted to throw these two things in.

"Anyway, this is before Lieutenant General Garp goes to advance the city, let you take care of it, let me put some things too.

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