Well, Kiabou's favorite food is miso ramen with ginger, and if the fruit is served with bananas after drinking the noodles, then it will be wonderful! ! "That... Admiral Kizaru~"

Kebi, who was helping to take care of the ranch next to him, said cautiously, "This ranch can only make dim sum come alive."

"And ginger, and plants and fruits like bananas, probably won't do the trick."

Belumebe, who was following next to him, nodded again and again.

"Is that so? Is that really a pity?"

It's a pity that Kizaru got back the **** and bananas.

These are the best categories to pay tribute to the Tianlong people, and even he doesn't have many of them.

"Speaking of which, are you both marines that Mr. Garp brought back from the East China Sea?

He looked up and down at Kirby and Belumeb, and nodded slightly.

"It's really a good seedling!"


The two who were praised immediately puffed out their chests.

"Are the two of them going to participate in this war too 々々?"

Kizaru pointed to Kirby and Belurmaber.

"Well, Mr. Karp said that only the marines who have experienced the baptism of blood and fire are excellent marines!"

Aokiji yawned slightly, "So the two of them were temporarily assigned to me by Mr. Karp, and let me train them."

"Training? It's very troublesome to listen to

As soon as Kizaru heard about this extra work besides work, he immediately lost interest.

To say who is the most leisurely in the entire naval camp that is currently operating at a high level, then there is only Kizaru who is a leisurely general.

On the other side, in a huge and spacious room hidden underground somewhere.

It is filled with all kinds of scientific instruments, and there are many indescribable and high-end equipment, where the lights are flashing.

"Actually, there's still about a week left, so don't be in such a hurry."

Next to a huge operating table, a voice that could not see the figure floated out.

"You can totally deal with other things before making this choice."

"Thank you..."

On the operating table, Xiong's large body was lying on it, "I have dealt with everything."

"Next, it's up to you, Dr. Vegapunk."

His eyes under the rimless glasses, staring straight ahead, do not know what he is thinking.

"Okay, now that you've made your choice..."

The figure shook his head and said nothing more.

Turn around to prepare other equipment and tools for remodeling.

"Even Kizuna can't help the Straw Hat Pirates, so I can let go of my last worry.

"They have all grown up to the point where they don't need me to come forward."

"Then, after the transformation here, I hope I can retain my consciousness..."

Big Bear's mind flashed what Link had given him on the Terror Barque at the time.

At this moment, that kind of thing was already in his mouth.


Hearing the footsteps of Vega Punk going back and forth, Big Bear swallowed the thing in his mouth without any hesitation.

Since it was a prop given to him by his friend Link, there is absolutely no place to harm him! !

He also has incomparable trust in Link and the others! !

"Then I'll start."

Vega Punk, who came back, held a tube of anesthetic in his hand and inserted it into the neck of the bear.

The final experiment of the reformer pacifist [PX-O] starts here~

The navy here is fully equipped and has assembled almost all the forces that can be assembled.

And the incident where the Dragon Man was kidnapped by the Straw Hat gang that day was due to the presence of General Yellow Monkey on the Chambord Islands, and the Straw Hat Pirates gradually disappeared in the follow-up.

As a result, people have aroused all kinds of speculations. Could it be that the Straw Hat Pirates have been taken down by Admiral Kizaru?

Of course, some people speculated that the Straw Hat Pirates had left the island ahead of schedule, and General Kizaru went out to chase them.

There are different opinions, but this incident has gradually subsided after the incident was used as a discussion point for everyone after a meal, and after there was no follow-up.

Of course, the supernovas on the island who were affected by this incident did not think so.

Because no matter what, if such an important thing happened, there will definitely be a World News and Economic News agency to report it.

But now, Morgans, the big bird with all the news, has fallen into silence strangely.

This is not normal! !

And why did the Straw Hat Pirates kidnap the Tianlong people? What is their purpose? !

No one knew that there was something weird going on here and there.

Therefore, on the island, all the supernova pirates dare not act rashly.

In particular, Kidd and Apu are the most aware of the seriousness of the problem.

And they also discovered that in addition to the Straw Hat Pirates, Trafalgar Law of the Heart Pirates also disappeared along with them.

This group of people seems to be brewing some unspeakable secrets, which makes people very afraid.

All supernovas are waiting vigilantly to prevent Chiyu from being affected again.

At the same time, the headquarters of the World News and Economic News Agency.

"President, why didn't we send out the news that the Tianlong people were kidnapped?!"

The subordinate next to him was very puzzled, "Isn't this the big news that you have always dreamed of, President?!"

"Well, although this news is indeed very tempting, but..."

In front of the boss's desk, Morgans was lying on the rocking chair, rubbing his chubby belly lazily.

"The world government and the navy have given us the most serious ultimatum. As long as we report, there is no need for the World News and Economic News Agency to exist."

""\'Are they so domineering? ! "

The subordinates were all startled.

It's not that the Navy and the World Government have not asked Morgans to restrict some news before, but it has never been as tough as this time.

"It seems to be because there is some kind of secret in the middle that we don't know about?"

Morgans scratched his itch and said indifferently.


The subordinates also found something wrong, "When things like this happened in the past, didn't you curse the world government and the navy there? Why this time...

"Quack, now is different from the past~"

As soon as this was mentioned, Morgans smiled happily:

"In return, the Navy and the World Government promised to give me an exclusive report on [Super News]!"

"It's super big news that doesn't lose to the Tianlong people incident at all!!"

When it comes to things related to news and exclusives, Morgans is like eating a popsicle in summer, which is extremely refreshing.

"Quack, this will be the best [BIG-NEWS] I have ever encountered in my career!!!"

Some families are happy and some are sad, whether it is the heaviness of the supernovas or the joy of Morgans, some established gears of fate cannot be slowly moved.

"It's time for the bear to play!!"

"Come on, you've been playing for so long!!"

"That's right, you get up too, it's my turn!!"

In [Wallpaper Room], Peibo, Xia Qi, Pei Jin and several others fought hard to win a game (Cian Nuo's).

"excuse me!!"

At this time, a man with wavy blond hair and burn marks on his left eye, wearing a black jacket, blue shirt, and white tie, with a water hose on his back, pushed the door and left with a confident smile on his face. Come in.

Eh? "

Peibo and the others suddenly stopped the scramble and looked at the man who suddenly appeared.

"who are you?!"

Peipo asked the man who was looking around curiously.

"Ah, hello, my name is Sabo, looking for a man named Luffy?"

The visitor took his eyes and eyes away from the three Heavenly Dragon people, and bowed in a gentlemanly manner, with the demeanor of an aristocrat.


Pei Jin next to him thought for a while, "Is it the Sabo who was on the phone with the Straw Hat Master?"

"If there wasn't a second person who called him by that name..."

Sabo supported his black hat and smiled, "That should be me."

"Is that so?"

The other Heart Pirates nodded slightly.

"Ah, the head of the straw hat even specifically told the bear to ask a question!"

Peibo took a stance again, "As long as you answer correctly, the bear can really confirm your identity and tell you where the straw hat is!!"

[Thanks to 'ak45678\' for the five-eighth reward, plus more! ! 】

297 The daughter country of the windless belt! Deputy Captain and Chief of Staff! The meeting of the two second-in-command! !

"Problem? Okay

Sabo was startled at first, then nodded.

Most of the time when a few people played and practiced together when they were young, those are the memories of only the three of them, right?

Sabo thought so, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I want to test me, have you remembered all the past memories of my childhood? Luffy, this guy, really sometimes gives people some unexpected ideas. A flash of nostalgia flashed in Sabo's eyes.

"Who took care of the three of them when they were young? Dadan; who learned Ace's etiquette from? Aunt Makino, ah, I don't know if the two of them are okay now? I really miss them.

"And where did you meet as a child? The Uncertainty Terminal; who coveted our treasure? The Bruggem Pirates, that's when Ace was revealed for the first time.

Overlord's qualifications, right? "

"Or the master who taught us to fight for the first time, Mr. Nagli..."

Sabo is now looking forward to what kind of problems will happen to Luffy.

"Cough cough!"

I saw Peibo clenched the bear claw into a fist, put it in front of his mouth and coughed twice:

"You went to eat ramen for the first time, how much did you spend, and how many bowls did you eat?"

Sabo, who was still looking forward to Luffy's question: "...?"

Pull... ramen? ! !

He remembered that when they were young, the three of them piled up together, wrapped them in green robes and entered the ramen restaurant in Goa Kingdom.

Then he used his jewelry that symbolized his aristocratic status in exchange for the experience of eating ramen in a private room.

The two guys other than him, Ace and Luffy, ate it for the first time.

And Luffy, Hanhan, took the ramen bowl with his stretched rubber arm, which surprised the waiter who delivered the meal.

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