Only when the boss came to check the situation, the three brothers were exposed.

Then he immediately grabbed the window and fled, without spending a penny, and ate the king's meal.

Well, it seems that since that incident, Ace, this guy, has developed the habit of eating without giving money whenever he goes to the store.

That is, the so-called Bawang meal professional households.

I feel that he used his overlord aptitude for eating overlord meals~~~

That is to say, at that time they ate the Overlord Meal, but how many bowls they ate... He really couldn't remember.

Sabo really didn't expect Luffy to ask such a question...

No, or rather, is it Luffy who asks such a question?

He was a little speechless, and told Peibo the answer.

"We ate Bawang meal, but how many bowls did we eat..."

Sabo said honestly, "I really don't remember, but I'm really the Sabo who chatted with him before..."


Before Sabo could finish speaking, Peipo slapped the bear's paw.

Sabo: "?"

How is this correct? !

"The answer is no payment!"

Peibo said with a posture, "As for how many bowls he ate, the straw hat owner said he doesn't remember, so the answer is that he doesn't remember!" Sabo: "..."

Such an answer, well, it really has Luffy's unexpected demeanor. He smiled and shook his head, "Can you tell me where Luffy and the others are now?"

"Luffy and the others are all in that [Canning Workshop]."

Suddenly, from the door, there was another voice.

"[Prop Master] is in charge!"

Seeing Link's return, Pei Bo, Pei Jin and others hurriedly said hello.

"Not so polite."

Link waved to them, then looked at Sabo in front of him.

"Our captain just got on the phone with you, I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly," he said to Sabo with a smile.

"It was my comrades in the revolutionary army who sent me here."

Sabo also held up his hat, and then extended his hand to Link with a smile.

"Revolutionary Army, Chief of Staff, Sabo."

"Straw Hat Pirates, Deputy Captain, Link."

The two were the second-in-command of their respective organizations and held hands together.

"This time, it's really thanks to you for taking care of Luffy."

Sabo expressed his gratitude, "He should have made you worry a lot and caused you trouble, right?"

"Well, it's good to get used to this kind of thing?"

Link nodded accustomed to it, "Then you can have a big heart and look at your future and destiny." "Hahaha, that's really how it is."

Sabo suddenly felt that the deputy captain in front of him was also a wonderful person.

"I received news that I came to this place and when I entered a wallpaper, I felt a little weird."

He let go of his hand and sighed:

"This should be your prop, right? I didn't expect that there would be such a vast space inside. A simple piece of paper can have such an effect. The name [Prop Master] is really amazing."

Sabo praised again and again, "The Lindbergh who sent me here, he is also a scientist, if he knew that there is such a technology in this world, I am afraid that he will be very fanatical pulling you to talk about it for three days and three nights."

Lindbergh, commander of the Confederate Army, one of the four major armies of the Revolutionary Army, offered a reward of 316 million Baileys.

He comes from the fur tribe and likes to fiddle with various scientific instruments. He seems to be a scientist or an inventor.

When he first appeared, he was driving down from the sky with a jetpack behind him.

With the ability to fly like this, it is indeed possible to send Sabo over in a short period of time.

"I'm just fiddling with props, and I don't know anything about science."

Link smiled and shook his head.

"you are too humble…"

Sabo first praised sincerely, and then looked at Link's figure curiously:

"I take the liberty to ask, you seem to have just experienced a battle?"

He looked at Link's wrinkled clothes.

"Ah, an old lion with dim eyes and unable to keep up with the times, I helped him develop a long memory and let him know what it means to listen to people's persuasion and eat enough?"

Link said indifferently, and then walked towards the three Heavenly Dragons.

"I need to take one away now, and you can continue to be optimistic about the remaining two."

Link told Peibo and the others.

"Don't worry, [Prop Master] is in charge, everything will be handed over to me (cadd)!"

Peibo and the others immediately patted their chests and said.

This kind of guard's work is really too fragrant.

Because other than waiting for these guys to wake up yo-yo, one person comes up and knocks them out again, there is hardly any difficulty.

They simply finish the job and enjoy the many fun and addicting games that Link has left behind.

This kind of work is simply not too cost-effective!

"Well, it looks like you've done a pretty good job.

Seeing these three Tianlong people still maintain a state of coma, and also to prevent them from opening their eyes and seeing pictures of themselves and others.

Peibo and others also specially used some cloth strips to seal the field of vision in front of their eyes, so that they could not see anything.

In this way, neither their identities nor the scenes in this prop will be exposed to the vision of the Tianlong people.

Link is also quite satisfied with the performance of several people.

After thinking about it this way, he brought out a new prop for this group of people.

"This machine can also bring more excitement and benefits. If you win the grand prize, you will have a very good reward."

Link explained the relevant rules and introductions to them, "But once you get addicted to it, it will be boring."

"Also, the rest of the specific things here, you can tell Sabo well, I still have something to do, go first!"

After telling Peibo and the others, Link said goodbye to Sabo again.

The latter also watched quietly, and waved to Link politely and gracefully until Link was about to leave.

As for those dragons~

Sabo didn't ask any more questions. As he lives in the revolutionary army, he deeply understands that the private information of others can be inquired less, and it is best not to inquire.

Especially for someone so solemn and critical to the Tianlong people, it would be bad if they delayed their plans.

Despite the scar on his left eye, he was bombarded by the Dragons as a child.

The loss of memory and the separation of Luffy Ace and the others were also caused by these celestial dragons.

Link used the [Trap Bag] that had imprisoned Xiao Feng before, and took out the Heavenly Dragon who was Saint Charles Rose.

Peibo and others were also studying the new styles of props that Link left behind, and they had a lot of fun testing them there.

And Sabo looked at Link's disappearing figure,

"Really an amazing person?"

A smile slowly bloomed on his face, "If there is such a person by Luffy's side, then I can feel at ease."

"Luffy, he really found a very good companion."


Link came out of [Wallpaper House] and walked to the street outside~

"And this last place..."

Link weighed the fish tank in his hand, and took out the [Tracking Cane] again.

"After going here, you can almost wait for the arrival of the top war."

Looking at the distant direction where the cane fell to the ground, Link couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth. That direction was pointing in the direction of the windless belt!

The windless zone is the lair of the sea kings, and those giant sea kings will gather in this place.

There are also many islands on the islands with no wind.

But most of them are deserted, or islands where wild beasts gather.

There are very few islands that are suitable for humans and used as habitats by humans.

However, on a certain island in the windless zone, there are many humans living on it in full swing.

"Fresh sea king meat, whether it's brought back for barbecue or soup, it's all first-class taste!"

"This year's new style of floral fabric strips, look, what beautiful and bright colors!"

"Eat the mushrooms that make people's gastrointestinal passages, and after eating, they will definitely be excreted very smoothly!"

Um? Shouldn't this last mushroom be a laxative?

Link walked on this bustling street, feeling this cheerful and warm atmosphere, and felt very comfortable.

Self-sufficient, adequately clothed, earning a living with their own hands, and living an optimistic and cheerful life.

Instead of feeling sorry for themselves and resenting that there is no man to help them, on the street, these women who are fighting for themselves can still live well by themselves.

Looking at this picture, Link has a way of drawing this kind of firework and recording it well, if he has the opportunity to return to his world in the future.

Be sure to speak well to the puppies raised in the pastoral gardens of your own home! .

298 [Love Umbrella]! Skewer! Chunbo and Fang! We both have a play!

Those idyllic puppies don't eat or don't eat, and even the glutinous rice dumplings are disgusted to find fault, they are really jumping on the edge of death repeatedly!

I have to say that these women in Amazon? Lily are the real strong women!

Link stood on the side of the street and sighed as he looked at the women who greeted the whole street warmly.

That's right, the country Link is currently in is the daughter country named [Amazon? ~Lily].

The Nine Snake Island, located on the Great Airway, is populated by the Nine Snake Clan formed by fighting women.

In other words, this is an island where only women live. They are born to be trained as warriors, carry all the family and labor on one shoulder, and only give birth to girls after pregnancy.

Because this island has the absolute norm of "man ban" hundreds of years ago, once a man enters this place, he will be wiped out.

This island is located in the windless zone beside the Great Shipping Route. Due to the huge sea kings in the windless zone as a natural danger, ordinary ships cannot enter the waters near Daughters Island.

People on the island can be isolated from the rest of the world, and living here in An Ran can be regarded as a rare pure land.

However, over the years, Dr. Bergapunk of the World Government has developed a method for navy warships to pass through the windless belt, allowing the navy to freely travel to other four seas and drive on the windless belt.

The natural barrier of Nine Snake Island has disappeared, and the original position of being alone outside the world is also in jeopardy.

"However, judging from the later behavior of Boya Hancock in the original version, it seems that Nine Snake Island has not been affected."

Link thought while rubbing his chin.

"This sister..."

Suddenly, a woman who set up a stall next to Link greeted him.

"Look, I have a skewer made of manatee and sea kings that I just caught today. Would you like to buy it and try it?!"

The proprietress, who was quite tall and strong, held a large skewer of meat and enthusiastically recommended it to Link.

Well, since there won't be any men on the Nine Snakes Island, and except for the women of the Nine Snake Pirates, most of the women living on the island have never seen a man.

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