Therefore, when they see another person, they will subconsciously treat the other person as a sister.

Just like when Luffy ate the mushroom that grew all over his body, he fell to the ground and was almost sucked to death by the mushroom.

Then they were discovered by the three of Margaret and brought back to the bathroom on the island. Together with the other kingdom guards, they removed the mushrooms from Luffy's body one by one.

It wasn't until the last mushroom was pulled out that no matter how hard it was, and the crowd was so crowded that Granny Guru Liosa was attracted, that she knew it was a man.

"...Then let's have a bunch."

Looking at the fragrant meat skewers that were grilled to the point of sizzling oil, Link also decisively took out a stack of Baileys.

"There are so many Baileys?"

The proprietress was still a little surprised, "I didn't expect you, sister, to look weak and thin, but I didn't expect you to have so much money in your hands."

"Fortunately, I picked up some rare mushrooms outside and sold them for a lot of money."

Link replied casually while stroking the skewers.

On this Nine Snake Island, the entire Amazon? Lily country is built in the mountains covered by the jungle, and the buildings have a full Chinese classical flavor.

Outside the country, there are jungles everywhere, there are many huge beasts, and there are all kinds of mushrooms with special functions.

For example, the laughing mushrooms that make people laugh when eaten, and the smooth mushrooms that someone sold just now, which makes people's stomach smooth, and the original version of Luffy's mushrooms that will grow all over the body to absorb people's essence after eating them...

Wait, wait, so many mushrooms, if you are lucky, if you pick up some rare varieties and sell them, you can also sell them for a good price.

"That's it, then your luck is really good."

The proprietress laughed boldly, "But I suggest that you better train your body, so that you can better survive in the dangerous forests and mountains."

She persuaded with good words: "In this way, not only can you get a guarantee of safety, but you can also hunt higher prey to improve your life."

"And if you perform well, you might be able to join the palace guards, or even join the Nine Snake Pirates, and become an excellent pirate who will be on the same boat with the king!!"

At the end of the day, the proprietress had a longing look in her own eyes.

"Mmm, you're right, Mrs.

Link wiped the corners of his mouth, then handed the signature over.

"Please give me another bunch, no, three bunches, no... Forget it, please pack them all for me, and I'll bring them back to my comrades to have a taste of Big Sister's craftsmanship." "Yes, you think too. Is the eldest sister's craft good? Well, since you like it, then the eldest sister will bake as much as you want, and I will bake it all for you!!" After that, the enthusiastic eldest sister was busy working there. on.

With such a big customer as Link, if she is done with her work now, she can go out hunting again in the afternoon.

Can earn extra prey again!

In this way, I can make more money, and maybe Ah Fang next door will be able to look at her differently! !

Thinking of this, the proprietress was also very happy about it, and she couldn't help but add three more heat.

At the same time, her gaze involuntarily or unintentionally turned to the nearby stall selling seafood and fish.

There, a tall, tall female man with a size equal to that of the proprietress, who is five-five and three-thick, holds a pig-killing knife... a fish-killing knife, and greets the guests coming and going with the same enthusiasm.

At the same time, the kittens and puppies she raises are also playing around, and she also seems to be a woman who loves life.

After a few glances, I suddenly felt that the lady boss, who was so beautiful, couldn't help grilling the meat there.

While roasting, I chatted with Link next to me in a comfortable mood.

"I said sister

"What's wrong, ma'am?"

"Where's the snake on you?"

The inhabitants of Nine Snake Island are characterized by a snake wrapped around their bodies and have the ability to transform into weapons at will.

"What about the snake on you, eldest sister?"

"I put it at home to prepare the goods?"

"Well, mine was also cleaned by me at home."

Link followed and said nonsense.

Then he saw the eyes of the proprietress, and from time to time, he also looked towards the opposite vendor.

I couldn't help but follow her gaze, seeing the other side's back, and then look at the admiration in the eyes of the proprietress.

Link: One"

What a steely lily! !

"I said Mrs.

It was rare for Link to come to talk about Xing: "Do you think the lady boss who sells fish across the street is very good-looking?"


The proprietress of the barbecue nodded subconsciously.

Then he immediately came back to his senses and patted his head, "What nonsense are you talking about~!"

She immediately blushed a little shyly.

"Since you think it looks good, go after it if you like it."

Link encouraged while stroking the skewers.

Not to mention the gender, just talk about the body shape of the two, it is an absolute first-class match!

"But Ah Fang doesn't necessarily like me like this..."

??0 asking for flowers...

The lady boss hesitated.

Ah Fang... that's really a good name.

"There is a girl in the village? It's called, Xiao, Fang! She looks good? And, kind, kind!!"

The "nature" [Xiaofang] of the **** version of Menglong's band reverberated in Link's mind.

"If you're worried that the other party doesn't like you, then just use an umbrella?"

After finishing the skewer of barbecued meat in his mouth, Link took out an umbrella for the eldest sister who was chatting hotly, pretending to be taking something from behind.

One looks ordinary, the whole is pink, but the umbrella handle is vermilion red, which is quite ancient, and people can like a traditional oil-paper umbrella at a glance.

"You and that... Sister A Fang are standing under this umbrella. As long as they stay under this umbrella for five minutes, the person standing on the right will fall in love with the person standing on the left." Link said this. Passed the umbrella over.

"Is it really possible?"

The eldest sister is still a little hesitant.

"Of course there is no problem, this is the [love umbrella] that can protect love."

Link picked up another skewer of grilled meat.

Props: [Love Umbrella].

Introduction: The appearance is a traditional oil-paper umbrella. As long as you stand under the umbrella for more than 5 minutes, the person standing on the left will like the person standing on the right. There are no restrictions on the object, and both the same **** or the opposite **** are valid.


However, it is worth noting that this can also be used as a general rain cover, but be careful of friends who go out without an umbrella and want to shelter from the rain, and spend more than 5 minutes under the umbrella together.

"But if Ah Fang doesn't like me, isn't I forcing her to like me?"

The eldest sister has some expectations, but also some worries.

What she wants is true love that does not depend on foreign objects! !

"Then you can also stay under the umbrella for two or three minutes. At that time, she will have love for you in her heart, and then you will leave under the umbrella with her."

Link gave the correct usage: "It doesn't take five minutes, and she doesn't love you irrationally. When you come out from under the [Love Umbrella], she will slowly regain her reason."

"If at that time, she was very angry about it, it means she didn't like you."

"But if she's shy and blushing, that means..."

"It means we have a play!!!"

The proprietress's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said excitedly there.

"That's how Link snapped his fingers.

"Oh, thank you so much!!"

The eldest sister grabbed Link's hand excitedly, "You really helped my sister a lot."

"It's okay, it's just a little effort."

"Don't say anything, sister, the eldest sister will exempt you from today's order. If you want to eat meat in the future, feel free to come to the eldest sister! The sister's name is Chunbo!"

Well, no wonder you were able to fall in love with Ah Fang~~~

Link felt that with this name alone, even if the [Love Umbrella] was not used, most of them would be able to do it.

This is fate for the two of them.

"No need, one yard is one yard, and the money still has to be paid."

"That can't be done. Listen to your sister Chunbo. This is settled. If you pay again, my sister will be angry!!"

The proprietress involuntarily waived the bill for Link, "By the way, sister, where is your home? I'll send it back to you when she runs out."

"No, leave it here with you first, and I'll come to you to get it when I'm free, anyway, I still have the same one here.

enough. "

[Thanks to '1370..\' for the 2,000-point reward! ! 1000-point reward from the 'pig who loves to watch a single heroine'! ! grateful! ! 】Big.

299 New mother-in-law! Is that a man? ! It's that person! How did he come to this place? !

Well, during this period of time, Link took out some strange umbrellas a lot.

Like an umbrella for weightlifting, an umbrella for celebrating fireworks, an umbrella for bats flying, etc.?

In this way, the relationship between Link and the proprietress has made rapid progress under the witness of this [Love Umbrella].

Then, just as Link was enjoying the meal, the eldest sister was even more excited, the roasting was in full swing, and the two were having a good time talking.

Somewhere in the attic on the side of the street, an elderly man with a height shorter than ordinary people, white wavy hair, and a flower in his left hairline looked at the newspaper in one hand, and took a sip of the herbal tea on the table in the other. .

At the same time, he also tapped on the ground a walking stick that was curled from a pet snake beside him.

"The world is really not peaceful recently?!"

"This year's [Supernova] actually has as many as thirteen!! Whether it's more than last year's [White Horse] Cavendish, or the previous [Fire Fist] Ace, both in quantity and quality

The amount has been raised by more than a notch. "

"Especially the Straw Hat Pirates, including the captain, vice-captain and crew, has four supernovas!!"

"And the captain and co-captain both exceeded the 550 million reward limit. In the first half of the great route, there are such numbers. What kind of wrathful things did they do?!"

"Well, if the Judiciary Island is destroyed, it is true that "890" is an unforgivable sin..."

Saying that, she took another sip of tea, and couldn't help shaking her head.

"The world is really getting more and more corrupt."

"If the Navy doesn't do something, maybe there will be more [supernovas] next year..."

The old woman who shook her head also looked towards the street below.

"And the navy has also developed the technology to use sea tower stones to enter the windless zone, so that the original barrier of Nine Snake Island will disappear..."

"How far will the future develop?"

She was a little worried, and there was a sigh of compassion.

Then, her eyes subconsciously looked at someone on the side of the street, who was there.


The old woman was slightly startled, and she couldn't help blinking her eyes again.

"That person is..."

She blinked many times, and after confirming that she was not mistaken, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"It's a man!!!"


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