She hurriedly picked up the newspaper on the desktop and compared the articles above and some introductions about the [Straw Hat Pirates].

At the same time, he also took out the attached reward orders, and read them one by one.

"found it!!"

Suddenly, her movements stopped and she took out a reward order.

She looked at the picture above carefully, and then looked at the people on the street below who were skimming...

"It turned out to be that person!!"

The old woman couldn't help taking a deep breath:

"How did he come to this place?!"

She looked at where Link was, and muttered to herself in confusion:

"The deputy captain of the Straw Hat One Piece, [Item Master] Link..."

Especially when she thought of the other party's reward amount of 550 million Bailey, she was very calm.

It was so dangerous, and someone who was in the limelight came to this Nine Snake Island, so she couldn't help but worry.

"Does this guy come here because he heard the legend of the Nine Snake Island's daughter country?"

There was a little bit of vigilance in the eyes of the old woman.

It's no wonder that she would have such an idea, after all, judging from her experience of living in the outside world for decades.

She had a fairly thorough understanding of the nature and nature of men.

But the other party didn't do anything else, and she didn't act rashly.

At this moment when the Nine Snake Pirates are out on a crusade, there is not much living force on the island that can compete with this big pirate with more than 500 million Baileys.

After thinking about it, the old woman quietly left the attic.

"Thank you so much, ma'am."

"Don't be so polite, if you think the taste is good, next time you and your partner come again, my sister will give you a discount!!"

After wrapping all the remaining kebabs, the lady boss waved goodbye to Link enthusiastically.

"The next words

After Link ate the skewer of barbecued meat in his hand, he took two steps forward.


"Would you like to try it too, Granny New?"

He took out a new string of skewers and asked Granny New who pretended to be looking at the goods in front of the flower cloth vendor next to him.

Granny New: "..."

He actually knew me? !

New mother-in-law, who was seen through, could not help coughing.

"I didn't expect that Laoshen is already a lot of age, and there are still people who can know Laoshen..."

Since her identity has been seen through by the other party, there is no need to hide it anymore.

"Mr. New, see what you said, as long as you leave footprints on this sea, there will be someone who will remember it later."

Link smiled.

"Leave a footprint..."

Granny New couldn't help but reminisce, recalling the time when she left this land in pursuit of true love and went to the outer seas, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Tell me."

She still looked at Link curiously, "How did you know me?"

"During this time, we arrived at the Chambord Islands, where we met Uncle Rayleigh and Sister Xia Qi, and we chatted a lot."

"Rayleigh and Shaqi~"

A look of surprise appeared on Granny New's face, "It's really been a long time since I saw you."

"I didn't expect them to still live on the Chambord Islands... so how did you come here?"

"It might be inconvenient to speak here?"

Link looked around and saw that some women had already cast curious glances towards him.

"I don't know if Granny New can admire her face and ask my junior to invite you to a cup of tea?"

"Hey, since you know Rayleigh and Xia Qi, how can you say that you don't appreciate your face, come to my house~\"

In the end it's a good job for an acquaintance.

With this level of relationship between Rayleigh and Xia Qi, it can be clearly felt that Granny New's attitude towards Link has become a lot more friendly.

Link just followed Granny New to the door of her own small house.

At this time, at the door of Granny New, three figures were already waiting.

"Grandma New!"

The slender female warrior with short blond hair and the ends of her hair curled upwards immediately stepped forward to say hello when she saw Granny New coming back.

"Come on, Margaret, Stoby, Aphilandora

New mother-in-law seems to have already taken it seriously, and said hello to the three of them one by one.

"Well, this month, Captain Kikyo asked us to bring you your living supplies."

Margaret in the middle of the trio replied with a smile, and then looked at Link behind Granny New with some curiosity.

When she looked at Link, Link was also looking at them.

Well, the three people in front of them are the three people who first discovered Luffy on the original.

Margaret in the middle is wearing a swimsuit made of animal skin on the upper body, and a miniskirt made of animal skin on the lower body. She is also wearing a white cloak behind her.. Black and green striped snake, also wearing black and white striped trousers and high-heeled boots on the right leg.

A very capable female warrior image full of wild beauty.

"This guy is weird

On Margaret's right, Aphi Landora, who was extremely tall and several heads taller than normal people, said with some doubts.

She looked at Link in a natural way and said, "She doesn't have **** on her upper body?"

"Really, Scroll!!"

A strong woman always adds the word "volume" at the end of her speech, and Stowby, who looks very similar to a man, is also a little surprised.

"And the clothes she wears are completely different from ours. Is it a style I have never seen before? Is it to better cover the upper body?"

"Generally speaking, when she is fourteen or fifteen years old, she begins to develop. Is she lacking nutrition, or is she suffering from some strange disease?"

Having said that, Margaret also thought about Link a little:

"I know Maladonna, she's a great doctor on this island, and I can take you there if you need it."

Link: "--"

"Cough, thank you for your kindness, but I think it's fine now."

Well, it's better not to continue discussing this basic physiological structure issue.

"Okay Margaret, it's also hard for you to come here."

New mother-in-law also hurriedly rushed people, "Go and have a good rest, and thank Kikyo for me."

There are clear orders and rules that men are forbidden to enter on Nine Snake Island.

If Margaret and the others knew that Link was a man and spread the word, there would be a lot of trouble on this island.

"Okay, we know, then bye, Granny New!!"

Margaret and others didn't want to stay and harass anymore. After saying goodbye to Granny New, the three of them left along the path.

"It's weird

On the way, Aphi Landora was thinking there again with her head tilted.

"What's Wrong Volume?"

"The feeling that that person gave me just now seemed to be different from other people I met."

"Really? I thought I was the only one who felt this way, even you?"

Margaret, who was at the forefront of 3.3, also recalled carefully:

"In addition to her lack of a chest, she also seems to have a raised area in her throat, and the tone of her voice is also different from normal people."

"I thought she was stuck eating something, but seeing that she didn't seem to be in serious trouble, I didn't ask any more..."

"Maybe it's because of some strange changes in your body, so you came here to see Granny New, right?"

The trio guessed so.

They didn't think of Link in the direction of the man at all.


At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side of the street.

"Captain Kikyo!!"

The three of them looked over and found that they had been asked to deliver supplies to Granny New before, and Kikyo, the captain of the Kingdom Guard, was calling them.

"The warriors of the Nine Snakes have all returned!"

With a tall black ponytail, a glamorous woman with slender phoenix eyes greeted Margaret and the others:

"They have already entered the port, you will come with me to meet them."

"Has the Nine Snake Pirates returned?!!"

The eyes of the trio lit up at the same time.

[Thanks to the 'Call Me Monster' brother for another thousand-point reward! Thank you! More today! ! ].

300 Boya? Hancock! ! This umbrella looks very good, give it to your concubine~

In this country, for the people, the Nine Snake Pirates are the idols of the whole people.

The crew are elite warriors carefully selected from the Amazon? Lily Kingdom.

"We're going too soon!!"

Immediately, the three of Margarita quickened their pace and rushed towards the port.

Every month, the Nine Snake Pirates go out to hunt several times, the length of time is uncertain, the date of going out is also uncertain, and the date of returning is even more uncertain.

The reason why it is so casual is naturally because the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates is the king of this Amazon? Lily country.

"The most beautiful woman in the world, Pirate Queen, Boya Hancock!!"

At the port, the three of Margaret looked at the figure who stepped on the red carpet from the pirate ship [Perfume You Snake], which was dragged forward by two giant sea kings [Swing Snake], and their eyes were also bursting. fascinated.

"who is it?"

The one walking at the forefront has a tall stature of 191cm, an extremely thin waist of 61cm, and has black hair that stretches beyond the waist?

One of the King's Seven Martial Seas, the world's most beautiful peerless beauty, the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, the king of the daughter country, [Pirate Queen]? Boya Hancock's soft lips without a single wrinkle opened his mouth gently road:

"On the only way forward for the concubine, put kittens and puppies?"

Having said that, the low-waisted salon skirt with the nine snakes pattern on her lower body revealed her lower abdomen and thigh-crotch line, and her slender legs could be seen lifted by the slit in the skirt.

Kick the kitten and puppy away.

"I'm really sorry, Hancock-sama!!"

The kitten and the owner of the 20 puppies rushed forward, hugged the two pets who had been kicked and grinned with anger, and apologized to Hancock.

And Hancock ignored it.

Under her slightly wide smooth and flat forehead, she has dark blue eyes, the corners of her eyes are slender and delicate, and there is a little indifference in her almond eyes.

The tall nose bridge, the small nose just wrinkled slightly.

In addition to Hancock, the members of the Nine Snake Pirates behind her also walked down one after another.

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