The most conspicuous ones are Hancock's two tall sisters.

The second sister, Sundar Sonia, with green hair, was born with a very tall body.

And the third sister Marie Groud, who has orange hair and a fat body, originally had a body shape similar to that of Hancock, and even her appearance was quite beautiful.

But later, after breaking out of the control of the Tenryu, in order to become stronger, she eats sumo hot pot and builds muscles, which makes her look completely different from the slender she used to be.

These are the three Boya Hancock sisters, all of whom are famous at sea.

For some reason, they were called the "Three Gorgon Sisters" by the citizens of the island.

And just when the eldest of the three sisters, Boya Hancock, was about to move forward with her long slender legs and burgundy high heels.


Suddenly, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the owner of the kitten and puppy scattered with a pink oil-paper umbrella that looked very classical and elegant.

"This umbrella looks great~"

Her voice was cold, but she was extremely charming.

"Give it to your concubine."


The owner of the kitten and puppy was startled.


Immediately, Hancock raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing her exquisite peerless face.

"is it not OK?"

The red lip opened slightly, and the breath was like a blue, and the bones were brittle when he heard it.


The owner of the kitten and puppy lost his eyes for a while, and subconsciously obeyed in his mouth.

"Thank you so much then

Behind her, Sundar Sonia spit out a snake letter and took the umbrella. She looked at it and saw how it had a classical charm, as if it had magical powers. She was amazed and liked the more she looked at it.

"No wonder my elder sister wants this umbrella, it really feels different from other umbrellas."

Sandasonia was a little surprised, "Maybe it's a work left by a master who made umbrellas? I just took it back to decorate the palace."

She put away the umbrella, and then looked at the owner of the kitten and puppy who was still a little absent-minded.

"What's your name? What do you do?"

"I, my name is A Fang, I'm a fish seller."

"Does it sell fish..."

Sandasonia thought for a while, and then warned the soldiers next to her.

Although it was offered by the other party, it was also the elder sister who was willful and asked for it directly, and she also seduced the other party with her beauty.

Since I have taken such a good umbrella, I have to have the care and compensation that I should have.

After all, this is his own citizen, not the nasty group of pirates in the outer sea.

After finishing the instructions, she took a group of pirate warriors from the Nine Snake Pirates behind her to keep up with Boya Hancock's pace.

"Lord Hancock!!!"

Immediately, wherever Boya Hancock went, there was a warm welcome sound like a tsunami in the port.

Everyone is fascinated and fascinated by Hancock's peerless appearance.

"Ah, shit!!"

Awakened by the cheers of the mountain and tsunami, the woman named Fang also came back to her senses instantly.

"I think I lost Sister Chunbo's umbrella."

She was aware of this serious problem, "and was told to leave by His Majesty the King."

"This... how can this be done?!!"

A Fang suddenly showed a sad face, and was worried there.

And unlike her sighing worry, everyone else was cheering and celebrating for the Nine Snake Pirates.

In addition to the three sisters Boya Hancock enjoying the cheers, there are also members of the pirate group who are equally popular behind them.

Such as the heroic, cannon-carrying, tall and slender sniper dragon with black hair tied into a bun, flowing sea covering the entire forehead, wearing leather trousers and black leather boots


There are others, who are also very revealing, revealing healthy wheat-colored skin, combatants Daisy, purple fan flower and so on full of wild power.

"Come on, Margaret."

Kikyo immediately greeted the trio of Margaret, and greeted the one who stepped off the Nine Snake Pirates, who was quite large, with a big belly. Compared with his body, his face was small, with a wide mouth but lipstick. Only the female warrior in the middle is painted.

"She's Cosmos, a friend I used to train with."

Kikyo said kindly to the three of Margaret, "Currently working as a fighter and ship doctor in the Nine Snake Pirates."

"If you want to join the Nine Snake Pirates in the future, you can ask her any questions."


Hearing this, the Margaret trio was a little excited there.

"Please advise, Cosmos!!"

"Hahaha, don't be so polite, I also came here like this?"

With blond hair, wearing an orange tube top bikini, a round hat with the pattern of the Nine Snakes Pirates, and an armband on his right shoulder, Cosmos, who is always smiling, said with a smile.

"When I saw you now, I also remembered me and Kikyo back then."

Said, she was still very emotional.

"By the way, Cosmos, are you a ship doctor?"

Aphi Landora next to her thought for a while, "Then can I ask you a question?"

"I only have a rough understanding of medical skills, but I can still solve general small problems and problems."

"What's the matter, Yafei Landora?"

Kikyo also came over and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable in something?"

"No, not me."

Aphi Landora shook her head, "We sent supplies to Granny New before, and we met someone there."

"That person is very strange, she has no chest on her upper body, and her throat has a bulge, and her voice is a little thicker than ours. She described it there, and then she saw the smile on Cosmos' face, which was gradually disappearing. .

"You said that person..."

Cosmos confirmed again, "Her throat has an obvious bulge, and her voice is different from ours, right?"

"Yes, not only the voice, but also the style of clothes on the body is completely different from ours..."

"Right Scroll!!"

Stoby suddenly thought of one thing, "That person, she doesn't have a pet snake like us, clinging to her!"

"I see……"

After listening to Margaret's description, Cosmos nodded slowly.

"What's wrong?"

The 890 Kikyo next to him saw Cosmos's face that was gradually becoming serious, and couldn't help asking:

"Any questions?!"

"That's a big problem..."

Cosmos said seriously, "The person you're talking about is with Granny New, right?"

"Yes, we saw Granny New bring that person into her house with our own eyes."

"Is that so..."

Cosmos couldn't help sighing, "I heard that Granny New had a wonderful experience in the outer seas, but I didn't expect that in her later years, she would still be involved and interact with people outside."

"And they've all been brought to the island..."

Beside him, he was really confused, and the confused Kikyo couldn't help but ask, "What exactly does this mean?"

"If I'm not mistaken..."

Cosmos looked at the Margaret trio with a solemn expression:

"The person that Granny New brought into the house should be a man."


Kikyo's pupils shrank suddenly, and the three of Margaret also shouted out at the same time.

"Well, probably so."

Cosmos saw the unbelievable expressions of several people, and continued:

"So there is a man landing on Nine Snake Island, we have to report to His Majesty the king as soon as possible!!"

"Margaret, the three of you are the first to find out, right? Go to the palace with me and clarify this matter."

After all, Cosmos is ready to leave.

Nine Snake Island is completely forbidden to men, and it is undoubtedly a serious matter to have men come to this island!

"It turns out to be a man..."

Margaret murmured there, and the figure that was about to fade in her mind suddenly became very clear.

Link's outfit, Link's face, and Link's smile...

There was a slight loss in her eyes.

It was the first time she saw a man in her life, it was also the first man she saw, and it was the closest moment she was to a man! !

【grateful'? Beginning & growing old together?' Reward from the boss! ! grateful! ].

301 Are you... kidnapping the Tianlong people? ! Yes, he is indeed a man! !

"Go, Margaret!!"

Kikyo, who was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, saw Margaret in a trance and couldn't help but remind her.

"oh oh!!"

The latter came back to his senses, and hurriedly followed the steps of Kikyo with his partners, and a few of them walked in the direction of the palace.

On the other side, in Granny New's solitary hut.

"Really? Rayleigh and Xia Qi are still the same, one often hangs around in casinos, and the other continues to open bars to collect information?"

After learning the news about Rayleigh and Xia Qi from Link, Granny New's old wrinkled face also showed a smile of memories.

Well, the former emperor of Amazon? Lily, whose real name is Garland Lily, was once a man of influence who had crossed paths with Rayleigh and others on this sea.

Being able to be the emperor of this country, Glorioza's own strength is not bad.

Even though he is old, his skills are still strong, and he still has the physique of a nine snake warrior. He can subdue Luffy running in one move, and he is still as stable as a mountain when he is thrown off the window sill by Hancock from a height.

"Then, [Prop Master] Link, what is the purpose of your coming to this country?"

Taking a sip of tea, Granny New couldn't help but ask again.

"It stands to reason that you have already found Rayleigh and Xia Qi. The next step should be to coat the ship and go to Fishman Island, and then to the new world?"

"I can't think of any reason why you came to this island in the windless belt."

"It's not so, it's for the so-called "Daughter Country" legend, right?"

There was vigilance against perverts in her eyes. After all, the daughter country is indeed a great temptation for those old and abusive people.

"of course not

Link also took a sip of tea and denied it there.

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