"I'm here mainly to meet the [Pirate Empress], Boya Hancock, who is the king of the Seven Wuhai Sea."

"Want to see the world's first-class peerless face?"

The vigilance in Granny New's eyes still hasn't diminished, but she still shows a hint of clarity:

"Kid, I advise you to die. Hancock is like an iceberg of ten thousand years and will never melt.

"Be careful if you come here with your life, if you don't see it!!\"

She kindly reminded there.

"Don't worry, Granny New, I know what to do...and I said, I'm not here for this."

"Then why are you?"

"Well, you can temporarily understand that it is to find help?"

"...Looking for help??"

Under Granny New's expression full of question marks, Link took out the [Trap Bag] and knocked it towards the ground.

Suddenly, a fainted man in a white spacesuit and a bubble mask fell to the ground.

"Can you change people out of thin air?"

Granny New looked at the [trap bag] like a fish tank in Link's hand with some surprise.

"Is this your tool?"

She remembered Link's nickname of [Prop Master].

"Is it the ability of the Devil Fruit? Or something else..."

She thought so, and her eyes followed the person who Link knocked out.

Immediately, her eyes couldn't be moved from the man's body.

"This is...々々..."

Granny New's pupils shrank suddenly, "Tianlongren?!!"

The teacup in her hand almost overturned, pouring out the hot tea inside.

She is so familiar with this iconic outfit! !

"You... kidnapped the Tianlong people?!"

Granny New was very disbelieving.

She wanted to deny this idea in her heart, but everyone in this world knew that Tianlong people had incomparable privileges.

Anyone who dares to imitate them and wear the same things as them will definitely be regarded as an insult and provocation to the Tianlong people, and it will be reduced to a tragic end.

In other words, the [Prop Master] Link in front of him, the Heavenly Dragon Man he brought out is definitely the real thing! !

It is precisely because of this that Granny New feels even more incredible.

How bold and crazy this person must be to make such a move that makes the sea make boundless waves! !

Wait, the sea?

No, since the other party has kidnapped the Tianlong people so boldly, the outside world will inevitably be madly reported on this matter.

In particular, Morgans, the big bird who fell into the eyes of the news, would never let this news go.

But why... neither the newspapers nor the outside world have such news spread? !

It feels like a blockade, calm, and there is no sign of this incident happening?

"That's because there will be a major event that is more serious than this and that is enough to affect the world order."

Seeing the doubt in Granny New's eyes, Link explained to him softly.

"A major event more serious than the matter of the Tianlong people?!"

Granny New suddenly felt the weight in Link's words.

If Link came up to tell her about the big event, she might not feel anything, and she might even disagree.

After all, she has had ups and downs in her life, and she has had interactions with Rayleigh and others, and her life has been extraordinarily exciting. She has never seen any major events or scenes.

But after Link took out the Tianlong people as a comparison, and noticed the unusual and strange atmosphere on the sea~

She also instantly felt the far-reaching impact of this incident.

This is a big event that is even more important than the Tianlong people! !

"Oh, oh, that's why you came to this island, looking for Snake Princess, right?"

Granny New slapped her forehead and said, "After all, she is the King of the Seven Wuhai under the World Government."

Since it is a major event that affects the world pattern more seriously than the Tianlong people, one of the participants will definitely have a world government.

In this case, the combat power of the seven pirates under their subordinates must also be involved.

"That's right, since some time ago, the navy has implemented a mandatory call to Qiwuhai, and Jiu Snake Island is located in a windless belt, so those who come to call may be later."

Link nodded lightly, "And this incident is mainly..."

"Hold on?"

Granny New interrupted what Link was about to say.

"It's better to wait for Snake Ji to come back and tell her yourself."

"If it's so important and it's about Qiwuhai, you should tell the old man first and let him know in advance. With Sheji's temperament, he will definitely be unforgiving!!"

Granny New, who knew Boya Hancock's character well, could not help but sigh.

"Especially Lao Shen brought you home to drink tea. If it is revealed that you are a man, Lao Shen will follow along and eat and walk around. She won't know how to ridicule Lao Shen at that time."

"Besides, the old man is already a lot of age, and I really don't want to get involved in so many things."

Granny New also seemed to have a headache.

After all, there were so many indigestible things that she encountered today that she couldn't digest it for a while.

Especially the dragon man that Link kidnapped~~~

"Dragon people, maybe after Hancock and the others come back, we can..."

Granny New had other thoughts in her mind for a while.

"Fortunately, Hancock and the others have gone out. They are not on this island at present. Your identity should not be exposed for the time being."

Suppressing the thoughts that flashed through her mind, Granny New said to Link.

"But I'm not sure when they'll be back, so if you want to see her, you might have to wait a while longer."

"no need?"

Link said leisurely, "They have already returned."

Granny New was startled: "Huh?"

"And there are decent people coming here. It is estimated that they will arrive in ten seconds, ten, nine, eight..."

\' Came here? ! "

Before Granny New could react, Link had already used the [Trap Bag] to put away the Tianlong man, and counted "one".

Mouth click!

Suddenly, the door of Granny New was knocked, and then~

After two symbolic knocks, the door was pulled open.

Then rows of sharp arrows on bows made of snakes were aimed at the house.

Granny New: "..."

"How did you know?"

She looked at Link, who was still sitting there relaxing, with a confused look on her face.

"Seeing the color is domineering~"

Link put the cup after drinking the tea on the table.

"But even if you are arrogant and domineering, your scope is too broad..."

When Granny New was still confused, the group of Nine Snake soldiers outside and the guardians of the kingdom would not be confused.

"Is that the one?!"

Kikyo asked Margaret and the others next to her while holding her bow and arrow.

"Well, that's the guy."

Margaret and the others nodded again and again, and at the same time looked at the man in front of them with great curiosity.

that man.

"Yes, he is indeed a man!!"

Cosmos took a careful look at Link and affirmed.

"Hoo~ I didn't expect to meet a man who sneaked in after we returned to the country."

There was no underwear on the upper body, only a jacket with orange inner lace and purple swirl pattern that exposed the center of the chest and abdomen, and a sniper gentian with a cigarette in his mouth, whistled heroically there.

"Peng (Chanuo's) haha, pout haha, there are really stupid men here!!"

Daisy, who has a shaggy hairstyle and covers her mouth with her hands to laugh but hides a lonely Daisy, does not hide her emotions there.

"The laughter is too low, Daisy!"

Next to him, Lan, who has medium height and short black hair, has one side flowing and has earrings on both ears, couldn't help criticizing.

"But this man is quite handsome, much better than the ugly men we've seen outside."

Beside her, she was petite and round, with big eyes, small mouth, and small nose, and the purple fan flower with orange hair also winked at Link.

"But this is not the reason why he broke into this island as a man!!"

Lan raised her eyebrows and said loudly to Link in the room:

"You are now surrounded, if you are sensible, then..."

"Okay, I know~"

Link consciously waved at them, indicating that he was not malicious.

"I'll go to the palace with you~"

He clapped his hands and prepared to get up, "I just want to meet Boya Hancock for something.


As soon as Link finished speaking, he heard the entire row of Nine Snake Island warriors shout in unison:

"Your Majesty's name is something that a man like you can call directly?!"

[Thank you for your support and love, and if you add one more update, there is really no chapter left, try to code! ! 】 Yin.

302 Meeting with Boya Hancock! ! Are you the man who broke in for no apparent reason?

"It's a man, so rude and rude!!"

"A man like this should be thrown into the river!!"

"Or chop it up and throw it into the sea to feed the sea kings!!"

"Man really stinks!!"

Link: "???"

The first few sentences were all normal, but when it came to the last sentence, something changed? !

It's kind of rustic~

"Everything is quiet!!"

Captain Protector's Kikyo raised his eyebrows and shouted, and after the venue was quiet, he looked at Link:

"Originally, according to the laws of our country, after a man is found, he should be sentenced to death, or directly exiled to the sea and thrown into the windless belt."


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