Kikyo looked at Granny New, "Since you are with Granny New, there may be some special circumstances here."

"That's why His Majesty the King specially approves you to enter the palace, please explain it well!"

"take away!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, and naturally a team of guards came forward.

Some even took out shackles and chains.

"I say?"

Link glanced at it, "I don't need this kind of thing, right?"

The soldiers who protected the country stepped forward without hearing it.

"Cough cough!!"

Seeing that the group of people really wanted to tie up Link's prisoner, Granny New hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

"If it's just to explain, then there's no need for this!!"

This is the ruthless man who dares to sink the Judicial Island and kidnap the Tianlong people! !

If these soldiers do something to this man and anger him, it is likely to cause some unnecessary losses! !

"Grandma New."

When Kikyo faced Granny New, her tone softened, but?

"I have to trouble you to come with us."

Eh? Do you want old age too? "

She was startled at first, then sighed.

"I know, Snake Ji's 890, there will naturally be an old man to explain to her."

"It's fine for this man to be taken care of by the old man, you only need to be responsible for leading the way." After that, she hurried to his side for fear that Link would be violent.

Seeing that Granny New, who was the former king, spoke up, a group of people looked at me, I looked at you, and then nodded one after another.

In this way, under the care of rows of soldiers protecting the country and a group of members of the Nine Snake Pirates, Link and Granny New rushed to the palace.

At the same time, the explosive news of a man on the island spread throughout the country in an instant.

Immediately, all the citizens who had never seen a man boiled over.

"Have you heard? A man has come to the island!!"

"Well, this is really the first time!!"

"It is said that she was with Granny New, and was she invited by Granny New?"

"Who knows, but being able to come to this island is already a violation of the regulations."

"Yeah, the defenders of the country have already gone to arrest that man, should that man be executed?"

"Read, when I really want to be executed, let us meet."

"Yeah, we haven't seen a man yet."

Link, have you really cultivated well?

In the brightly lit streets at night, almost everyone was chattering about the arrival of the man.

There were only two women, some moaning there.

"Sister Chunbo, how should you explain it to your sister?"

Fang, who was holding the kitten and puppy in her arms, was asking questions, and when she was questioning, Sister Chunbo, who was grilling the skewers for Link during the day, also sighed.

"After all, His Majesty the King is leaving, so let's just tell her the truth."

"It's because we are sorry for others and lost (cadd) other people's things. When the time comes, we should pay compensation and pay back what we should pay back."

Ah Fang kept nodding when she heard it:

"That's right, he helped us so much with that umbrella. We haven't had time to thank others... By the way, Sister Chunbo, what's that sister's name?"


Chunbo was stunned when she heard the words. She seemed to have no idea what the sister's name was! !

When Chunbo and Fang were worried about losing Link's [Love Umbrella], the other end.

Link, whose real name the two of them didn't know, had already come to the palace with Granny New.

At this time, inside the palace.

"Sir, they and the man have arrived."

In the hall of the palace, Marigold walked in and reported to Boya Hancock, who was sitting on the main seat in front.


Boya Hancock responded lazily, a jade arm with skin that was better than snow rested on the armrest of the main seat, and that palm supported the jade-like cheek.

There is some impatience in the arrogant tone:

"That old grandmother is really getting more and more senseless, and even a man dares to bring it to this island."

Boya Hancock staggered the slender and straight legs of Erlang, changed his sitting position, and showed his beautiful and exquisite curves perfectly.

"Yes, after all, she irresponsibly left her country and citizens a long time ago, and went to the sea to chase a certain man. It's not surprising to her concubine that she can do such a thing."

Boya Hancock snorted there.

"Don't say that, my sister."

Standing in the center of the hall, Sandasonia smiled and persuaded:

"Mother-in-law New is not the kind of person who deliberately breaks the rules. Maybe she has some last resort reason~"

Her hair took the shape of a snake and fiddled with the ceiling.

Then, she clapped her hands.

"Sister, look, this umbrella is decorated."

Sandasonia beckons Boya Hancock to look up at the ceiling.

I saw that this umbrella, which was obtained from the fish seller named A Fang, matched perfectly with the decoration of the palace, and it looked very beautiful.

"not bad?"

Boya Hancock came over and looked up, then gently tapped her golden-ratio collarbone.

Although she also likes this style and embellishment very much, but as arrogant as she is, she will not express her favorite emotions so easily.

"It's good if your elder sister likes it

Leaving the center of the hall for Boya Hancock, Sandasonia stepped aside and stood with Marigold and the two of them in agreement.

After Boya Hancock once again admired the perfect match between the umbrella and the ceiling decoration, the delicate face once again showed a cold and awe-inspiring look.

"Even if there is any other reason, it is entirely possible to finish things with the men outside the town, on the coast, instead of bringing people into the city..."

She couldn't help but snorted: "She is such a person with no sense of responsibility."

"So, she was not qualified to be a king in the first place."

"If she were a concubine, she wouldn't wantonly trample on the laws of the country like her, and would not tolerate any man coming in."

She couldn't help but sarcastically said, "I wouldn't give up my country and people for a man."

"Yes Yes?"

Both Marigold and Sandasonia nodded in response to her.

Although Hancock's mouth is a bit poisonous, the two sisters also know what kind of character their elder sister is.

It's just a knife and a tofu heart. In fact, she still cares about this Granny New who helped her three sisters and brought them back from the Chambord Islands and was a big favor to them.

Otherwise, the country's guards would not be specially dispatched to deliver supplies to Granny New every month.

"I'm so sorry, is Lao Shen such a person who has no sense of responsibility and responsibility?"

Granny New's voice suddenly came through the gate.

Sandasonia and Marigold looked over, and saw Granny New walking in with a cane, who they didn't know, but who could tell at a glance that it was a man.

While coming in, Granny New was still complaining about what Hancock said just now.

"Grandma New!"

The two sisters immediately greeted Granny New.


And Boya Hancock just snorted softly, but didn't even look at her, as if he didn't want to argue with her at all.

In this regard, Granny New, who knows how self-willed and arrogant Snake Ji is, is too lazy to argue with her again.

"Is this the man you brought to the island, Granny New?!"

Seeing this, Sandasonia also came out to mediate.

She looked Link up and down and nodded slightly, "Does she look pretty?"

At the same time, she was also slightly suspicious.

It seems that this man, as if, has seen it somewhere.

"Don't get me wrong, Lao Shen is not the kind of person who knows the law and breaks the law."

Hearing Sandasonia's statement, Granny New coughed twice and immediately clarified:

"Although the old man is only a white body now, he was once the king of this Amazon? Lily. The basic rules are still known to abide by."

"This man broke in by himself, but he just happened to meet the old man."

Her tone gradually intensified:

"These basic things must be emphasized clearly, otherwise, someone will use these things to deliberately say that they are too old and still don't understand the rules."

"You must know that the old man has drunk more water than the sea you have sailed!!"

"Hi? Hi? Granny New, calm down!"

Seeing that Granny New unknowingly became angry and wanted to forget about her eldest sister, the two Sandasonia sisters hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Granny New aside to comfort her. In the center of the hall in the arena, only Link was left standing.

"Are you the man who broke in for no apparent reason?"

Boya Hancock didn't listen to Granny New's resentment there at all, but looked at Link with the kind of eyes that looked at objects.

Well, in the eyes of this group of Nine Snake Pirates, if they go out to loot, men can be regarded as one of the things they harvest.

"You should know where this place is, what taboos there are, and what the price will be for breaking into this island, right?"

But she didn't even bother to ask Link's name, and she didn't even want to know the man's name.

"And after you come in, you can still go to her house with this old grandma, which means you should have a certain understanding of this island?" Boya Hancock stood at the top, condescendingly said to Link .

"So... according to the rules of the island, men who step into this land must be punished!!"

[Thanks to the 'touch her dog's head' for the reward! ! This is the third time, thank you so much! ! ].

303 [Calm Ball]! ! 【Sweet Sweet Wind】It didn't work? ! Is the charm of the concubine reduced?

"Originally, I was going to execute you [Snake Yanwu], but since you were received by that old grandmother..."

Having said that, she suddenly leaned back and stretched out a slender finger towards Link.

"Therefore, you..."

She posed in that very classic leaning back position, tilting her head and neck back out of sight.

It can't be said that she can't see it, but it was blocked by the huge Gao Wei'an peak on her chest.

The so-called "mountains with long peaks and high peaks cover the eyes", nothing more than that.

Especially Hancock is now wearing a classic deep-space burgundy shirt, showing most of the hollow, all tied at the waist with a gold seal.

It will not cause the clothes to be broken open, so that some unobstructed blankets may jump out.

So, in Boya Hancock wearing such a dress, he also made such a gesture to Link condescendingly.

It can be said that her arrogant character, that extremely proud side, was vividly displayed to Link.

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