so that~

Link doesn't care about what punishment Boya Hancock said.

He is in the view of civilization... watching the beauty of the world's most beautiful king of the daughter country.

Well, just from what Link has seen, there is one thing to say, indeed, it is the most proud beauty that Link has ever seen! !

Don't get me wrong, he just wanted to study the beautiful side of a woman, and he never thought anything of it.

After all, everyone has a love for beauty, and Link is a normal man after all, and he can understand it.

"...The above is the punishment for you, do you understand?"


As soon as Boya Hancock finished speaking with his neck raised, Link immediately responded and said.

"You didn't listen carefully at all..."

Next to him, who had been observing Link's state, the aged and sophisticated Granny New stared at the dead fish and complained inwardly.

After a long life, Link's eyes and words just now made it clear to her that Boya Hancock's words just now were all winking at the blind.

No, this guy is not blind, his eyes can be described as torch-like and piercing! !

"Well, now that you know what the price will be..."

When Boya Hancock heard what Link said, he also tilted his neck back under Link's regretful eyes.

He returned to his normal posture and faced him.

"Then to you..."

"Wait a moment?"

Before Boya Hancock finished speaking, Link interrupted.


Suddenly, Hancock's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.

No one has ever been able to interrupt her since she became the emperor of this Amazon?

"Before executing me, can I tell you what I am here for?"

Link chuckled and said to Boya Hancock.

"After all, I didn't come here for no reason, but with a very important purpose.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Nine Snakes, you might as well listen to it first..."

"Enough, stupid man!!"

This time it was Boya Hancock who interrupted Link mercilessly.

"The concubine is able to arrange the execution for you here, because of that old grandmother!

Her eyes and face gradually turned cold, "My concubine is not interested in any of your goals!!

"Don't think that your concubine can talk to you well, and you can gain an inch, man!!"

"Snake Princess..."

At this time, Granny New next to her also said, "You'd better listen to it, right?"

Knowing how serious the situation might be, she came out there to persuade:

"This may be a matter of life and death on our Nine Snake Island..."

"To shut up!"

Hancock didn't allow her to finish speaking and scolded there:

"Do I still need you to point me when I do things?!"

"You are just the former king, and the current king who decides is a concubine!!"

"Even if the time comes, Nine Snake Island is facing a crisis of life and death, and everyone will not have any complaints, let alone complain about the concubine!!"


"The concubine is so beautiful!!"

After all, she suddenly showed a beautiful and charming expression there.

New mother-in-law who was furious and angry: "..."

This damn, young and old can kill, it is simply a charm that has nowhere to be placed.

If that time comes, Granny New believes that everyone will forgive Hancock, but...

At that time, if their Nine Snake Island was gone, then it would be no use to forgive them! !


Who just said that they would not abandon their country and people? !


Not only Granny New was speechless, but Link also looked at Boya Hancock with a strange expression.

Well, as expected, it is still such a willful and arrogant temperament.

In order not to let outsiders know the fact that he was once a slave of the Tianlong people, he always lived in terror, so he gradually put on a [mask] and showed himself in front of everyone with a proud tyrant attitude.

Whether it is to kick away the small animals that stop on her path, or to throw Granny New out of the window and destroy the statues given to her by the children, she uses this kind of behavior to protect herself. image of the emperor.

But in fact, deep down, Hancock is also a very sensitive and vulnerable woman, afraid of the outside world, especially the eyes of the Nine Snakes after they learned the shameful truth about her and her sister.

This made her not want to show her weakness in front of anyone, and in order to cover up the past, she could even deceive the entire Nine Snakes.

At the same time, in order to protect herself and her people from being used again, she forced herself to be strong, so she gradually became a cold woman, always maintaining an arrogant and indifferent attitude.

Of course, this attitude has been maintained for a long time, making her more and more willful...

All in all, it's a bit under-tuned.

Ahem, the correct way to say it is that the lack of a good life is the cause of her troubles.

Link felt that he could try to help, so that this excellent [Pirate Empress] would no longer continue to live in the terror of being afraid of the fact that the slaves had been exposed.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something more.

"Sweet and sweet!!"

Seeing this scene, Boya Hancock, who frowned, didn't want to listen to what Link said any more, so she immediately made a loving gesture with Link's hands.

That pink heart-shaped light instantly shot out from her hands towards Link! !

This is a classic move of her [Sweet Fruit] ability, which can instantly turn anyone who is attracted by her charm to petrification! !

And the man in front of him is similar, right?

Fall down under her pomegranate skirt and become that stone statue! !

"Snake Princess?!"

Seeing this scene, Granny New's expression changed greatly.

Hancock's such a presumptuous shot, whether successful or not, will have an uncontrollable impact on the situation! !

She anxiously wanted to stop it, but found that the ray of radiance had already passed through Link's body.

"It's over!!"

Granny New slapped her forehead.

She had seen all of Link's eyes on Hancock just now.

?For flowers....

"Did you make a big move when you came up?"

However, a soft voice sounded in the arena.


Granny New and the two sisters next to them raised their heads and widened their eyes at the same time.

The expected stone statue did not appear, the man was still standing there intact, and he took it along and stroked his sleeves.

"I said, it's too rude to do it without even saying hello?"

Link moved his wrist and said softly.

"how is this possible?!"

Hancock, who was in the top position, also shrank slightly.

"My concubine's [Sweet Sweet Wind] didn't work?!"

"Is the charm of the concubine reduced? Or..."

She looked at Link below in disbelief, "Does this man really have no other thoughts about him?"

Well, to be honest, Link is not as stupid and rude as Luffy after all. As a normal man, seeing Hancock's beautiful appearance, his heart will definitely fluctuate.

And the reason why it can resist this wave of petrochemical Ganfeng light is of course thanks to the props in hand.


"Huh, fortunately I didn't get hit

Link quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and calmly took the [Calm Ball] in his sleeve back into the [Four-Dimensional Treasure Bag].

Item: [Cool Ball].

Introduction: If you are hit by this kind of ball, you will instantly calm down.

Well, the effect is very, very simple, but it is also quite practical.

This is Doraemon's sister, a prop in Doraemon's hand. When three junior high school students wanted to beat Nobita because of anger, Doraemon used this prop to stop him.

Doraemon also has a similar item in his hand, called [Forget it], but that can only make angry people calm down.

And this [Calm Ball] can completely make people feel calm in any situation.

It is said that in the 22nd century, these [calm balls] were also made into wooden fish by eminent monks in some temples to deepen their spiritual practice~

Therefore, under the effect of [Cool Ball], Link can still look directly at Hancock without changing his face.

Of course, you can also use pain to divert your attention by hurting yourself, like the Haoshu on the original version, without being affected.

But it's totally unnecessary.

Link couldn't help looking up at Boya Hancock at the moment.

Just seeing the other party's red lips slightly parted, the face full of amorous feelings with a trace of stunned, it really makes people's hearts can't help but move.

This also reminded Link of a novel he had read before.

It seems that the protagonist in it has a golden finger that simulates space, and when he encounters a beautiful woman, he is also heartbroken.

Because every time he saw that peerless beauty, he would simulate that beauty in his own simulation space, and then wow, he played the game dozens or hundreds of times.

Until I'm tired of playing, I'm tired of playing, I'm tired, then when I face it naturally, Gu Bo is not surprised...

What are you thinking! !

Link shook his head slightly, expelling those thoughts from his mind.

Then facing Hancock, he reached out and took out an item.

"I have a present here. I want to give it to His Majesty the King to watch. After your Majesty the King, if you feel that you are not satisfied, then let's talk about it."

[Thanks, 15168.., Thousand Rewards from the Big Brother! The five-eighth reward of the 'Demon Emperor - Dijun' boss! ! '? Another reward for the old age & the old age?’! ! 】Big.

304 Hancock's shock and ripples, how could this umbrella be in this place? ! Did someone really do something to the Tianlong people?

Link took the [Trap Bag] in his hand.

As for the sweet and sweet wind that Hancock suddenly released to himself just now~

Let’s talk about it first, if it really doesn’t make sense, then the new account and the old account are counted together!


Hearing Link's voice, Hancock came back to his senses.

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