"Whoosh whoosh!"

In the sky, the glutinous rice bullets attacked Caesar like a heavy rain from the sky.

On each bullet, there is an incomparably dark luster, obviously wrapped in a domineering armed color that is not weak.

Even a gas-like elemental incarnation like Caesar can easily shoot through it.



Accompanied by a low drink.

The blue-and-white inverted circle seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and instantly appeared to cover the audience.


In an instant, those glutinous rice bullets that were about to hit Caesar were all transferred to another location on the island.

"[Death Surgeon], Trafalgar Law..."

Under the influence of the glutinous rice, his arm had already turned into a machine gun. Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared beside Caesar and stood on the high wall, black lines fell on Katakuri's face.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

"If I remember correctly, the Heart Pirates have been following the Straw Hat Pirates since the top war began~"

"So then..."


Red light flashed in Katakuri's eyes one after another, and then blue veins appeared on his forehead.

That is at this moment.


Luo's fingers trembled slightly.

In an instant, several figures appeared one after another in the center of the field.

"Waiting for so long..."

Zoro walked at the forefront, "It's finally time for a big fight!"

His eyes looked around the entire field, and finally fell on the tall Katakuri.

The fiery fighting intent in his eyes was also surging rapidly.

"[Pirate Hunter], [Double Guns], [Nose Song], [Son of Demons]...Is this a big gathering of the Straw Hat Pirates?!"


Next to Katakuri, there was a fiery toasting aura all over his body, burning all the green poisonous smoke around him, unable to affect his fellow brother, Charlotte Owen also stepped forward.

Obviously he is the superhuman type of hot fruit ability, but the expression on his face at the moment is gloomy and is about to drip.

"It seems that the members of the Straw Hat Pirates have come prepared this time~~~"

Short yellow hair, a mustache, wearing earrings, wearing a blue padded jacket, the shoulders of the clothes resemble two mochi, and the same brother Charlotte Daifuku wearing a yellow cape.

At this moment, he was also enveloped by the transpiring breath that emerged from the belt with the symbol of the magic lamp, and the poisonous gas couldn't penetrate it.

He is a superhuman type, capable of transpiring fruit. He can summon transpiration demons through friction, which can be used to fight enemies or defend himself.

"Sure enough, he was able to destroy Judiciary Island, break into the big underwater prison and advance the city, and also followed the White Beard to make a big noise in the Navy headquarters, and participated in the war on the top..."

Squeezing out all the poisonous smoke around the body, even the air became clearer. Charlotte Smooch, one of the four dessert stars, also walked forward with a pair of slender long legs. Come slowly.

She was very tall and much larger than ordinary people, with striking white hair covering one eye.

He wears a pair of gloves, his slender legs are tattooed with the characteristics of the long-legged tribe, he carries a long sword with a spiral scabbard behind him, and he wears a pair of pink boots with patterns.

She is a superhuman type with the ability to squeeze fruit, and has the ability to squeeze dry objects and squeeze the water out of them.

It can be seen that even under the attack of the poisonous mist, these monsters of the Charlotte family have shown their powerful side and various means of evasion!

Their monster name is well-deserved.

It's just that there are guys who are more worthy of the name of monsters than them, and haven't shown up yet~~~ Enter.

494 The excitement of Morgans, Link appeared, facing the Charlotte family of monsters!

"Oh oh oh!! I didn't expect the Straw Hat Pirates to appear here!!"

Under the closed beak of Morgans, there was a dull excited sound.

I didn't expect that the Straw Hat Pirates would suddenly come.

This is known as the most powerful and vicious supernova in history. Did you come here to declare war with the Four Emperors? !

This is absolutely super big news, BIG NEWS!

His plump bird body couldn't help but tremble, holding a small camera phone bug and shooting wildly at the scene.

Since his face was covered with fluffy bird feathers, the passages such as breathing holes were temporarily closed, so that he was not affected by the poisonous gas.

Equally unharmed, there is Stuthy next to him.

"A group of Straw Hat Pirates?!"

This stunt, who is proficient in [Return of Life], also resists the poison gas from the CP0 outside the body, his eyes are shining there, and his eyes are staring straight at the field.

It seemed that everything that had happened would be firmly engraved in his mind.

Regardless of whether it is the Four Emperors or the Straw Hat Pirates, they are all the focus of the World Government.

I didn't expect that there would be a collision at such a point in time.


"It didn't take long for the Straw Hat Pirates to enter the new world? They have already defeated Brother Doflamingo, and now are they going to attack the Fourth Emperor again?!"

Stuthy was there analyzing and judging.

At the same time, she looked left and right, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes.

"[Pirate Hunter], [Black Foot], and [Double Guns], the pillar members who have made great achievements in the battle on the top and have strong combat power have all arrived, why can't they see their captain, [Straw Hat Boy] Luffy?!"

Not only Stucci, Morgans also has the same doubts.

"Strange, why don't you see the captain and deputy captain of their group?!"

The huge bird head kept looking for the trail of the target.

"Could it be hiding somewhere, planning to attack Charlotte Lingling?"

"But as far as I know, they are not that kind of people, and many members have been exposed. Under such circumstances, Charlotte Lingling's side has already raised its vigilance, so there will be no more sneak attacks. any meaning..."

"In the end, where are [Straw Hat Boy] and [Prop Master]..."

"Luffy's words, some things went to other islands, so he didn't come here."

Behind Morgans, a light laughter suddenly sounded.

"Is that so?"

He nodded subconsciously, "So [Straw Hat Boy] didn't come here... eh??!"

Morgans paused slightly, then turned his head quickly.

And he has the same action, and Stucci.


"no one?!"

They looked at the empty field behind them and couldn't help but startled.

Then in the next second, another voice entered their ears.

"Therefore, for this trip to Cake Island, I will lead the team for the time being."

in front! !

The pupils of the two shrank slightly and turned their heads again.

In a short period of time, the two were played twice, but~

When they saw the back of the man in the black trench coat in front of them, their expressions all changed.

"[Prop Master], Link!"

This legendary [Prop Master], the deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, appeared in front of them for the first time.

"The mate of the Straw Hat Pirates..."

Morgans recovered from the shock, his eyes were full of fire.

If the timing wasn't right, he wanted to rush up now and have a good interview with Link!

He has too much curiosity about this man who controls the wonderful props enough to affect the pattern of the sea.

And it's not just him who is curious~

"[Prop Master] Is it..."

Stuthy's beautiful eyes were also staring at Link's back.

She didn't forget one of the strict orders sent by the Tianlong people after the war on the top.

"Capture [Prop Master] alive, or at the very least, at least get his hands, the water of the years that restores Whitebeard to his youthful state!"

It was almost equivalent to the requirement of a death order, and it was something that made Stussy feel awkward for a while.

But now, the goal is right in front of him, so since that's the case...

There was a slight glint in her eyes.

"As expected of the strongest family in the sea, the Charlotte family does have quite a few monsters..."

Link looked at the situation on the field, and just glanced at it, and he had a panoramic view of the whole scene.

Needless to say about the Katakuri triplets, Smoothie also successfully escaped the danger by relying on the strength of the general level and the ability of the devil fruit.

And apart from them.

"Is that the deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates [Prop Master]?"

Click and click.

The body wrapped in the hard armor of the biscuit stomped on the ground and made a dull sound.

"The captain didn't arrive, but a vice-captain came. It's too contemptuous, isn't it?!"

One of the four generals, the [Thousand Hands] Cracker, manipulated the huge body of the biscuit soldier, and his tone was extremely unkind.

This sturdy armor that can withstand even Urgi's [Karma] move, the poison gas can't affect it in the slightest.

Standing beside him, Charlotte Snag, who is also a four general star who has not yet been delisted, is also holding a long knife in his hand.

He stood there intact, with a layer of white film covering his body, which was obviously some kind of Devil Fruit ability, which helped him resist the attack of poisonous gas.

At this moment, Snug glared at Sauron and the others...

Behind him, Garrett of the butter fruit and Opera of the cream fruit, relying on the characteristics of their devil fruit, they also successfully prevented the poisonous gas.

They also looked gloomy and fearful, looking at the Straw Hats who were present.

pat pat pat.

Above the sky, Charlotte Mondor, who hid in the book, put on a gas mask and ran out by using the ability of her book fruit, also had a happy look on her face.

"They don't seem to be afraid of being disturbed by the poisonous gas at all~ Perrault."

The eldest son of the Charlotte family, covered in sugar, Perospero holds a giant lollipop in his arms.

He drooped his long tongue, and his eyes were full of deep anger and murderous intent.

Obviously it was a grand and lively wedding, and we had a new force to join us, such a great joy.

As a result, it has become a mess because of the intervention of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Even most of their younger siblings fell to the ground under the influence of poisonous gas.

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