There are only a few of them standing, and the huge Charlotte family, in addition to their mother, has only ten people left to fight.

This is undoubtedly a slap in the face for the name of the strongest family they have always been proud of!

But Perospero also knew that now was not the time to talk about such things.

As long as they take down all the opponents and use their heads and blood, not only can the shame be wiped clean, but they can even overwhelm the sea once again.

Even the Straw Hat Pirates, who have been in full swing recently, have already defeated them, so the prestige of their Charlotte family will definitely reach its peak!

Therefore, for this group of people in front of them, taking necessary measures is the most important action at present.

Then the first step is to find out in 1.6. They are also under the poisonous gas. Why can the other party move freely without being affected? !

"Either it was the traitor Caesar Courant who gave the Straw Hat Pirates the antidote in advance, or it was the props in the hands of the [Props Master] that avoided the effect of the poisonous gas..."

Katakuri's arm was transformed into a normal shape, and he could see it clearly.

Well, the truth is exactly what he thought.

Originally, Caesar was going to develop an antidote, but this new poison gas has more power and a stronger chemical reaction.

It takes a certain amount of time to prepare the antidote.

Therefore, Link also directly took out the [Adaptation Lamp] that he used when he broke into the Deep Sea Prison Advance City.

After everyone took a light photo, all the troublesome poisonous gas problems were solved.

As for why they still appear on this battlefield in such a form~~~


[Thank you for the 1,000-point reward from the boss of ‘Qiju’, thank you! ! ].

495 Eating disorder attack! It's gone, it's all gone... You guys ruined my wedding like this!

In fact, Link also thought about stopping a group of people from the Kingdom of Germa in the sea ahead of time.

Directly knocked them down and completed the purpose of this trip as soon as possible.

However, Germa had already concluded a covenant with Charlotte Lingling before, and they had discussed to form an alliance in the form of a wedding.

So no matter whether the Vinsmoke family is overthrown or not, Charlotte Lingling, who covets their science and technology, will still not be shaken.

In other words, they will still stare at Sanji, and he will still be affected.

So in this way, in addition to the Vinsmoke family, it is still necessary to let the Charlotte family feel the anger and strength of the Straw Hat Pirates.

As Link said before, for danger, it is the best solution to eliminate it from the source.

Only by hurting and terrifying the Charlotte family, so that they dare not continue to act rashly, at that time, Sanji will truly not be entangled and harassed by this group of people!

Of course, there is one more major reason.

That is, I finally came to the territory of the four emperors. You said that you are here. You can't even see the face of the four emperors, so I just retreated~~~

Link doesn't matter personally, as long as he maximizes his interests, he can accomplish his goals.

However, the group of guys headed by Zoro strongly expressed that they must fight with the Four Emperors to see how much difference there is between them.

So, since I decided to find fault.

Well, they are all here to make trouble, so why not make a grand debut in front of everyone at this grand wedding celebration!

Sanji, disguised as a chef, and Pokemus entered the arena together, which played a role in mobilizing the atmosphere in the arena.

Then it is when the atmosphere gradually condenses and reaches the peak of seriousness.

Let Caesar release the gas he has been re-studying these days.

On the Totland side of the world, it is connected with the dark emperors of many underground worlds.

Therefore, in this country, there are naturally many slaves bought in.

In the underground world, human beings are naturally a commodity, and they all have clearly marked prices.

Humans 500,000, Small Humans 700,000, Furs 700,000, Long-Hands 700,000, Long-legged 700,000, Snakehead 700,000, Murlocs (male and female) 1 million, Giants (male) 50 million ( Female) 10 million, Mermaid (male) 1 million (female) 70 million~~~

Charlotte Lingling's ambition is to collect all races in the world, and of course, human trading activities are also indispensable.

Therefore, Link, who originally thought that he would reduce the number of people with a domineering shock, simply ignored Caesar's thoughts and actions.

The ideas he upholds have always been very simple and simple.

Traffickers, kill the whole family.

Both buyers and sellers have certain responsibilities.

After all, without buying and selling, there is no killing!

Then he was assisted by Luo, always paying attention to the situation on the field, and when the powerful cadres took action, just like Katakuri just now.

Luo will use the power of the surgical fruit to bring everyone to the scene.

As for Link himself, he doesn't need it. He has the strongest mobility. For him, this place is just a place to come and go.

You can reach any location and location as you like.

Therefore, in the current situation of the Straw Hat Pirates, the effect is indeed not bad.

At least most of the ministers of the Charlotte family fell to the ground, and only about ten people could still stand here intact.

Of course, these ten people naturally do not include their mother, Charlotte Lingling, who has a steel balloon body.

"Caesar! [Prop Master]! Straw Hat Pirates!"

This strong woman who can shatter poison gas bombs just by roaring, her eyes are full of bloodshots at this moment.

"You guys ruined my wedding like this, ruined my wedding cake..."

All over her body, the breath continued to rise and roll there, and the boundless killing intent suddenly descended on this field.

Let everyone feel the freezing cold.

This is the anger from the Four Emperors, the Great Pirate [BIG·MOM] Charlotte Lingling!


At this moment, even in the Totland Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations, in the sky above this cake island, dark clouds are constantly gathering, blocking all the warm sunlight.

"It's obviously a cake that smells so sweet, but it must also taste extremely delicious. You guys actually destroyed it like this..."

She kept talking about the wedding cake, which was also infected with poison gas, and the anger in her eyes gradually changed.

"I've obviously been looking forward to it for so long, especially in front of this wedding cake that is completely different from the past..."

Those dessert ministers of the Charlotte family can find that this cake is different from the past.

Not to mention, Charlotte Lingling, who is an absolute lover of sweets.

As soon as this wedding cake entered the venue, she realized that it was different from all the wedding cakes she had eaten before.

The color is brighter, the appearance is more fresh, and the smell is sweeter, which also arouses endless appetite and reverie.

Even if Charlotte Lingling hadn't known that she was one of the four emperors and the head of a clan, she would be in front of so many people on such an occasion.

Otherwise, she would have rushed up and threw herself in front of the wedding cake to feast on it.

And now~~~

"No, everything is gone..."

There she muttered to herself, "I've been waiting for a long time, the wedding cake..."

Charlotte Lingling's eyes gradually turned into yellow swirling circle-shaped pupils.

At the same time, her tone and actions gradually became weirder!

"this is?!"

Seeing this scene, whether it was the ministers of the Charlotte family who fell to the ground and could not get up, or Katakuri, Perospero and others, their faces changed drastically.

"Mom's eating disorder is committed!"

"At this time..."

"Cheke Hugh! Hurry up and save people, or my mother will go crazy, but even her own family will be killed together!!"

The few Charlotte family cadres who were still active also acted in a hurry to rescue their brothers and sisters there.

Charlotte Lingling suffers from severe eczema, which is a chronic problem of hers that will flare up from time to time.

Once it starts, you will fall into a delirious madness, and you will smash and destroy everywhere.

After the onset of the disease, he even denied his six relatives, and even killed his own son, no matter who it was.

When the disease occurred, Charlotte Lingling would not dodge or defend, but would only attack indiscriminately.

There is no other way to bring her back to her senses than to let her eat the food she wants to eat.

Perospero and the others have spent decades, but they have not been able to find other means to make Charlotte Lingling recover from eczema.

You can see the severity of her symptoms.

"Flowing glutinous balls!"

Katakuri's hands suddenly pressed on the ground, and in an instant, he assimilated the entire ground into a glutinous ball and wrapped it around the fallen brothers and sisters, pulling them away from here.

clap clap clap!

There was a dull clapping of hands, and next to the biscuit soldiers, many soldiers continued to emerge.

Picking up the ministers and cadres, they rushed into the distance.

Opera and Garrett also quickly responded to Katakuri's awakened Devil Fruit ability, activated their own cream and butter, and transported their companions.

Mondor also took out his own book and put the ministers into the book for the time being.

Perospero also created a candy wave channel, wrapping everyone to leave the vicinity of Charlotte Lingling early.

And just when these people act.

Snug, Daifuku, Owen, and Smoothie stared at Link and Zoro.

Once the other party takes the opportunity to make a move, they will not be outdone and let the other party know how powerful their Charlotte family is!


They obviously looked down on Sauron's style.

In the face of this situation, they will not take action, or disdain to take action.

They can't do things while people are in danger.

On the contrary, it was Charlotte Lingling's transformation that made Zoro and the others somewhat interested and strange.

A group of people could not help but look up and down this famous four emperors on the sea.

Sanji, on the other hand, was holding a cigarette, his face was calm and calm, and he looked at the Vinsmoke family standing on one side.


He extinguished the spark of the lighter in his hand, stepped out slowly, and walked towards Germa's direction.

Some things, but also time to do a break! !


[Make up for the fourth update yesterday, I was too busy with work to stay up late to update, sorry everyone, it is still the fourth update during the day! ].

496 The confrontation with the Germa family! The fury of the Charlotte family! Have you figured out how to die? !

"Caesar, you said before that the toxins on the wedding cake can be removed, right?"

"Hehehehehe, please rest assured Mr. Sanji about this, there is absolutely no problem!"

He patted his chest loudly, "There will be no waste."

"That's fine~"

Sanji walked towards the Vinsmoke family ahead.

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