"If the toxins are not cleaned up, you will eat them all for me."

This is the wedding cake that he also started and re-cooked.

Adhering to the principle of absolutely no waste, if Caesar can't remove those toxins, Sanji will definitely feed him all.

"The Vinsmoke family..."

Looking at the people who are standing there so peacefully, I am just the [brothers] and [family] on the bloodline.

Sanji's face became extremely calm.

"A mere failure, yet dare to choose to resist..."

Gage's face turned ugly.

With a high desire for control, he saw Sanji, who he regarded as trash, made such a confrontational behavior.

Undoubtedly, it made the anger in his heart accumulate more and more vigorously.

"Disobedient scrap, just make him completely incapacitated."

With long flaming red hair on the side and covering his right eye, his left eyebrow turned left, and his right arm has a tattoo of the word "1" and a flame pattern. The eldest of the Vinsmoke family, Iji who is red with sparks, doesn't care there.

"Anyway, what we want is just a tool that can marry, and we don't need to care about his state."

He has blue wavy hair on the side, curly eyebrows counterclockwise, black goggles and a pair of black ear protectors, and a black cape with the number 2 written on it. Charming smile.

"As long as you can form an alliance and lie in a wheelchair, you can completely finish the marriage."

His eyebrows are turned to the left, and he has a green, pointed hairstyle, and his appearance is very similar to that of Sanji. When he first appeared, he wore headphones, sunglasses, an orange silk scarf, and a black cape.

All three of them had their "feelings" seized by their fathers at birth, so do they feel "poor and sad", or even have no sense of demise.

They only know how to execute orders blindly, and their sister, Vismoke Reju, also evaluates them as "machines without feelings".

Apart from being able to think normally like a human being, it is no different from a robot.

They are also very proud of their royal status, pretending to be very graceful in front of the commoners, but actually look down on commoners and servants, and at the same time they are disgusted by Sanji's kindness to servants.

The difference between the three, apart from their appearance and their respective abilities, is their level of calmness, prudence, and the level of **** and ruthlessness.

But in the face of Sanji, this trash brother who they have been used to bullying since childhood, and who doesn't take it seriously~

There is no doubt that they all looked down on him or didn't see him as a person at all.


Even Gaji nodded slowly after listening to the words of the three brothers.

"Marriage is just a blatant excuse for alliances, and political marriages are understood by everyone."

"This is just a passing scene. What the Charlotte family wants is just my attitude and this relationship."

"It doesn't matter what kind of person is holding the wedding!"

After he made up his mind, Ji Ji's eyes were also rolling with coldness.


Without turning his head, he instructed his daughter who was absorbing poison gas behind him.

"Ready to fight!"

"Okay, father!"

She has pink medium-length hair that covers her right eye, her left eyebrow is a counterclockwise circle, her eyes are purple, and Reiju, who is wearing pale pink lipstick, is there to respond softly.

At the same time, the surrounding green poisonous mist was almost absorbed, and the flying cloak in the shape of butterfly wings gradually calmed down.

Vinsmoke Leiju, the eldest daughter in the family, has a special anti-toxin constitution, which can absorb and release toxins, known as [Very Toxic Powder].

In her combat uniform, she wore black earmuffs with a "6" pattern, a blue scarf, a miniskirt that showed her chest and navel, and white and pink boots.

She usually wears a white or pale pink short-sleeved dress and pink high-heeled shoes.

With tattoos of "6" on both legs, she is slim and has long legs.

Among the five siblings, Reiju and Sanji are the only two members of the family who retain their emotions, but because of her own transformation, she also cannot resist her father's orders.

Therefore, even in the face of his younger brother who had left in the past and did not want to be an enemy.

Reiju still had to obey Jiaji's arrangement, and a layer of pink-purple poisonous light gradually penetrated all over her body.


Iji and the other three also punched each other.

The ascension of flames, the entanglement of thunder and lightning, and the surging of jets all turned into powerful forces at this moment.

Based on science, a powerful force that was born and manipulated!

"It's also the power I've ever hated the most..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Sanji, who had already drawn the line and relieved himself, slowly had a look of disgust in his eyes at this moment.

He really didn't have any good feelings for Vinsmoke and Germa! !

"Since what you think you have is the most powerful scientific and technological power, then..."

Sanji raised his legs slightly, and lightly tapped on the ground twice, making a crisp sound.

"Just let you guys feel, as a real human being, the power that you have acquired through practice is truly your own tempered power!!"


A layer of burning red flames suddenly appeared at Sanji's feet.

At the same time as the red flames rose, the incomparably pitch-black armament-colored domineering arrogance was instantly wrapped around it!

Devil's foot! !

"Is that Germa 66?!"

And just when Sanji was about to start a battle with the opponent, Luo's eyes were also staring at the figures in front of him without blinking.

That extremely special battle suit is completely a shape memory armor specially made by the legendary Germa Technology.

It seems that the armor is very defensive, resistant to flames and high temperatures.

Moreover, the style and appearance are much more realistic than those presented in the comics, and they are also more cool and cool.

Luo felt a little excited when the legendary Germa appeared in front of him.



When there was a sound of leather boot spurs stepping on the ground, Luo's expression moved slightly and he turned around.

"¨〃Straw Hat Pirates, I didn't expect that they would dare to break into the territory of our Four Emperors."

He had already placed his younger brothers and sisters properly, and Katakuri, who was carrying a pitch-black trident, strode towards this side.

On his forehead, violent blue veins appeared on his forehead.

"You guys, have you figured out how to die?!"

At this moment, Katakuri's whole body showed endless killing intent.

Meanwhile, behind him.

Brothers Daifuku and Owen, the biscuits of Smoothie, Snug and Cracker, who are also the four dessert stars, and their eldest brother Perospero, all stared at them, staring at them.

As for Garrett, Opera, Mondor, and others, they were busy taking photos of Charlotte Lingling, who had already fallen into an eating disorder.

Even a few of them did not dare to approach, for fear that their lifespan would be taken away by Charlotte Lingling who was in a state of chaos.

That would be a bit too wrong to die, right?

"Get ready for the fury of our Charlotte family, Perrault!!"

Perospero's long tongue flicked there, and the anger in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Came to the scene to destroy their wedding, released poisonous gas to attack them, made their mother fall into eczema, pouted the face of their Charlotte family, and made them lose face in front of many guests...

This one after another thing is enough to be called a deep hatred and hatred! !

These shames can only be washed away with blood!

And the whole team of the Charlotte family was staring at the Straw Hat Pirates who were eager to get skins and cramps.

As everyone knows, the latter are also looking at them up and down early.


[Thanks to the boss of 'Keke Yueyue' for the reward at 588 o'clock! Thanks again and again for the reward of "There was a Eunuch Once upon a Time"! ].

497 The battle against each other and the chosen opponent! Straw Hat Fleet VS Dessert General Star Minister!

"Are you finally going to start?!"

Zoro put his hand on the scabbard at his waist, and his eyes also showed the hope of a fulfilled battle.

"The strong cadres under the four emperors..."

His gaze was fixed on the tall figure of Katakuri with the trident.

"The strongest one will give me the star!"

Without turning his head, he said firmly, "That's my prey!"

Others naturally have no opinion and will not rob him.

After Sanji went to fight against Germa, Zoro who stayed behind, as the strongest fighting force other than Link, went to fight against the No. 2 character except the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling. things that should be.

"Then if that's the case..."

Luo knocked on the Ghost Crying Demon Sword in his hand, and his eyes were also on Smooch who was carrying the big sword and his expression was serious and serious.

"The other general, leave it to me~"

As he said that, he also glanced at Usopp who was nervous and serious beside him.

"[Double Gun] Master, do you want to choose a general as well?"

Usopp: "...I really don't seem to have any other options."

Zoro and Luo, both of them have chosen a general, so as a sniper, he is also considered to be an important combat force, and it is natural to choose a not weak opponent~

"Do you want to choose a general too..."

Usopp looked at the biscuit soldier and Snug holding a long knife one after another.

The former has a stiff face, while 897 the latter~

Appearance is a very fat man, with a long nose, black hair tied in a bun with a hairpin, hairstyle like a gourd, wearing a wool coat, a scarf with red and white stripes, and armor on his arms.

Compared with his body, his head is very small, but his body is full of boundless killing intent, and the long sword in his hand is also wrapped in a strong domineering armament.

Usopp: "…"

"Then I'll choose the Biscuit Minister General Star of [Thousands of Hands]!!"

He was decisive and determined his next opponent there.

"Yo **** ho ho, then the remaining one, leave it to my servant~"

Brook shook the stick and sword in his hand, and looked at Snug, who had a bad look, with a smile.

For him, no matter who the opponent is, as long as the opponent can be defeated, the purpose of coming here has been accomplished!

In this way, the four-star dessert star of the Charlotte family, who made countless pirates in the sea terrified and made their name out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, was chosen between the words of Sauron and Luo et al. opponent!

"This is really wonderful!"

Morgans, who was hiding aside, was shivering with excitement as the camera in his hand photographed the scene in front of him.

"I didn't expect to be here, to see the strongest newcomer's Straw Hat Pirates, who caused the tide of the sea, and the old-fashioned powerhouse Four Emperor Charlotte Clan duel!"

Unable to restrain himself, he shouted in a low voice:

"This trip is really here!!"

Sure enough, every time he personally came to participate in this tea party, it was definitely an extremely correct decision.

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