The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 101 Another attack to build the foundation! The anger of the Tiangui Sect’s Jindan elder, th

Lin Changsheng estimated that it was impossible for the Tiangui Sect to have no foundation building period in Giant Whale City.

It would be easy to say if it was a level one in the foundation building stage, but it would be hard to say if it was in the middle stage of foundation building.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately put away all his things with a wave of his hand and went out. He was going to go straight to the direction of Yukun Cave to find a hidden place to stay.

"It's only one level of the foundation building stage. Tonight is the day you die!"

A hundred feet away from the Lingxiu Inn, Xuan Jing, dressed in black, stood in a corner, looking at the Lingxiu Inn with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Xuan Jing is a core disciple of the Tiangui Sect and is currently on the second level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. His father, Xuanting, is the Jindan Elder of the Tiangui Sect.

This time, he and his younger brother Xuan Gu followed an eighth-level senior brother in the Foundation Establishment Stage and were specifically responsible for the Tiangui Sect's secret infiltration in the Giant Whale City, laying the foundation for the Tiangui Sect's future entry into the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Territory.

Because the news of the opening of the Jade Kun Divine Lord's Cave came out, his younger brother Xuan Gu and the senior brother who built the eighth floor went to the Jade Kun Divine Lord's Cave.

He took more than fifty Tiangui Sect disciples to guard here.

But I didn't expect it.

Four disciples were killed by this first-level foundation-building monk who came from nowhere!

Since the time has not come yet, it is not appropriate for the Tiangui Sect to appear in public, so we can only wait until night to kill the monk, or wait for him to leave the city!


"He actually left the city!"

"A God-sent opportunity!"

When Xuan Jing saw this, a trace of bloodlust appeared in his eyes, his body flashed, and he followed closely.

Lin Changsheng was very fast.

More than an hour later.

Just left the city.

"Second floor of foundation building stage!"

Lin Changsheng turned around and glanced behind him, his eyes extremely gloomy, because he felt someone was following him!

He was not afraid of the second floor of the foundation building stage.

He has a bronze corpse on the second floor of the foundation stage.

His strength is also at the first level of the foundation building stage. You must know that he has no time to build the foundation, and his magic power is extremely pure. Compared with the second level of the foundation building stage, he is not weak at all!

Lin Changsheng came out of the city, took out the Immortal Killing Sword, and took off with the sword!

The moment is like the wind and lightning.

"It's so cool!"

Lin Changsheng's sword was in the sky, and he could only feel that he could see the mountains at a glance. His consciousness instantly swept behind him, and he did not notice the man in black following him. However, he did not dare to be careless and went faster.

Half an hour later, it fell from a valley several miles away. The moment it fell, more than ten formation flags appeared in Lin Changsheng's hands.

These are all the formation flags he refined. They flew out one after another and were instantly planted around the valley. The tiger-shattering death formation was instantly deployed!

at the same time.

Lin Changsheng also arranged a psychedelic quarry array, and the Five Elements array was deployed outside.

After setting up all this, Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged on a big stone outside the formation, took a Yuan Condensing Pill, activated his skills, absorbed the power of the medicine, and at the same time, observed the panel.

"Huh? One Yuan Ning Dan can only increase 200 experience points?"

After Lin Changsheng absorbed the Ning Yuan Dan, his eyes widened when he looked at the growth data in the experience value column. He remembered clearly that at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, one Ning Yuan Dan could increase experience points by 2,000 points. .

did not expect.

Entering the foundation building stage, the effectiveness of this Yuan Condensing Pill has shrunk tenfold!

"However, currently, I need 1,000 experience points to advance from the first level to the second level of the foundation building stage. In other words, I only need 5 Yuan Condensing Pills to reach the full level!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the panel and thought to himself.


The experience value of the Ning Yuan Dan has shrunk. However, after the panel was updated, it became the foundation level. The experience value required to upgrade to a level became 1,000 points. Relatively speaking, 200 points is not a lot.

at this time.

Giant Whale City is fifty miles away.

A young man in black, with a flying sword under his feet, was galloping forward!

"Bullshit! Kill my Tiangui Sect disciples, how can you run away?!"

Xuan Jing's eyes were gloomy, and his speed became faster.

Not long after.

Xuan Gu came to the sky above the valley, holding a black mist in his hand, and the mist floated towards the valley below!

"Here it is!"

Xuan Jing looked down from a high position, and a trace of bloodlust suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he fell downwards. After a while, he landed in the valley. He looked at the thin middle-aged man sitting on the big rock, with murderous intent on his face, and said. "Old guy, why don't you run away?"

"Little beast, what did you say?"

Lin Changsheng stood up, looked at the young man in black in front of him, narrowed his eyes, turned around and left.

"Where to go!"

When Xuan Jing saw the thin middle-aged man about to leave, he immediately dodged and chased after him. At the same time, the magic sword in his hand rose three feet in the wind and slashed forward!

With one sword shot, a violent aura swept across all directions!

All the surrounding vegetation was bent down by the momentum!


What Xuan Jing didn't expect was that when his sword struck down, there was no earth-shattering sound as he imagined. Instead, the scene in front of him flashed. He felt as if he had arrived in a mountain forest, and five tigers appeared around him, fiercely attacking him. Come on!


Xuan Jing narrowed his eyes. For him, a monk in the foundation building stage, these five tigers were of too low a level and were not a threat. He killed five tigers with one sword!


The next moment, he frowned, and saw that after the five tigers were split in half, they instantly recovered as before and pounced again. But the next moment, he found that the tigers were still there, almost continuously, endlessly!

"Open it for me!"

Xuan Jing's expression changed, and his sword flew up. He knew that if he wanted to get rid of this fierce tiger, he had to break the formation!

Although the tiger could not cause him any harm, it was still annoying him.


At this moment, Xuan Jing felt a feeling of extreme danger coming from behind. His spiritual sword turned and struck out, and immediately struck a copper bell, making a 'buzz' sound wave!

It hit his eardrums instantly!

Xuan Jing's consciousness swept away and he found a middle-aged man covered in yellow, exuding a terrifying and sinister aura!

"Level 2 Bronze Corpse!"

"From the Corpse King Sect?"

Xuan Jing's heart sank, and a bad feeling came over her.

The opponent is on the first level of the foundation building stage, and there is a level 2 bronze corpse equivalent to the second level of the foundation building stage, as well as a magic formation. He is obviously well prepared!

When Xuan Jing thought of this, he immediately activated his magic power and fell rapidly, but he found that the bronze corpse was punching towards him like crazy!

With terrifying speed, the tip of the fist rubbed in the air and screamed!


Xuan Jing narrowed his eyes, waved his hand, and a humanoid skeleton appeared!

The skeleton's bones are as white as jade, and it exudes a terrifying evil aura that belongs to the first level of foundation building. Its eye sockets are flashing with green fire!

The moment he appeared, he met Lin Changsheng's bronze corpse!

"Netherworld Ghost Armor!"

Xuan Jing stepped back, shouted loudly, opened his mouth and spit out bursts of black energy, covering his whole body, turning into a armor that shone with a cold light. Even his head was wrapped in it, leaving only two eye sockets!

Xuan Jing put on the Nether Armor, held the spirit sword, and prepared with the white jade skeleton to kill the level 2 bronze corpse first, and then break the formation. At this moment, he felt a cold light standing upright from behind, and he had no time to dodge, so he suddenly swung to the left. Avoided the vital point!


There was a loud noise, and Xuan Jing felt as if he had been hit hard by a giant hammer. His body flew backwards five feet, and hit the grass hard, creating a large pit with a radius of five feet in the grass!

Xuan Ming lay at the bottom of the pit, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. A crack appeared in his Nether Armor, and the black light flashed and he recovered!

"Ah! That bitch! You!"

Xuan Jing was furious, his consciousness was fully activated, his whole body was full of ghostly aura, and he was extremely vigilant!

The sword strike just now was invisible. With his divine consciousness at the second level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he didn't even notice it at all. This was simply too terrifying!

Currently, I am in the formation with a Level 2 Bronze Corpse, and I still have to worry about being attacked!

at this time.

The bronze corpse didn't know the pain, and came violently. Xuan Jing controlled the white jade skeleton to block it in front of him. The white jade skeleton was no match for the bronze corpse. The skeleton frame was beaten to pieces, and the bones were scattered on the ground!

Xuanjing Yujian flew into the sky, preparing to break the formation with force, but at this moment, the bronze corpse caught up!


Xuan Jing's eyes were gloomy, and with shaking hands, seven or eight talismans flew out!



There was a loud noise, and in an instant, the bronze corpse was wrapped!

At this critical moment, a sense of crisis struck again. Xuan Jing was already injured, and in addition to dealing with the bronze corpse, he had no time to dodge, and was hit hard on the back!


With a loud noise, Xuan Jing's body was blasted into the earth again, creating a crater several feet high and causing mud to splash everywhere!


Xuan Jing opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, adding to his injuries. This time, the Netherworld Ghost Armor on his body became much darker!

Right now.

The bronze corpse rushed towards him, a pair of iron fists, and struck his head with a sharp whistling sound!


Xuan Jing roared, slashed out with a sword, and exchanged fists with the bronze corpse. The violent energy swept across all directions, and the earth was lifted up by the energy, like a wave of earth sweeping away!

"Boy, you die!"

At the same time, Xuan Jing took out a large black talisman with a skull pattern on it. It was extremely dark. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood and sprinkled it on the talisman!

Vomiting blood and essence, Xuan Jing's face suddenly turned pale.

The big talisman absorbed Xuan Jing's blood, and suddenly the light shone, and a terrifying aura continued to rise!

"What is this?!"

Lin Changsheng was in the formation. When he saw the big talisman in Xuan Jing's hand, the terrifying aura it exuded was so strong that he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. His consciousness controlled the copper corpse to bombard Xuan Jing!

Boom boom boom!

Bronze corpses and mysterious crystals kept bombarding!

Lin Changsheng's figure flashed with lightning, and he cut Xuan Jing's throat with an invisible sword in his hand!

"not good!"

Xuan Jing only felt a sense of life and death approaching. At the critical moment, the talisman had not been fully used, so he had to duck down to avoid the knife that cut his throat. However, the right half of his shoulder was cut off and his right arm was disabled.


Xuan Jing screamed, covering the broken part of his right arm, and retreated quickly. He was hit hard by the invisible sword light, and the ghost armor on his body completely dissipated.

At the same time, the bronze corpse rushed towards him desperately!


Another invisible blade flashed across Xuan Jing's chest!


Xuan Jing's eyes widened with a look of unwillingness, and he fell to the ground suddenly.

Because of the death of Xuan Jing, the big talisman's light and momentum gradually dissipated and fell to the ground.

He commanded the white jade skeleton, used the Netherworld Ghost Armor, and used his blood essence to activate the life-saving talisman "Heavenly Ghost Skeleton" given by his father, hoping to change the situation, but it was still too late, and he was repeatedly attacked by invisible attacks, leading to his death!

"Finally killed!"

Lin Changsheng's figure flashed and appeared in front of Xuan Jing's body. He stretched out his hand and touched the storage bag. The Ten Thousand Soul Pan suddenly appeared, mana surged out, and the Ten Thousand Soul Pan suddenly grew into a ten-foot-sized Pan flag. Black light swept across, and suddenly in the A phantom soul flew up from Xuan Jing's body and was trapped in the Ten Thousand Souls Pan!

at the same time.

A black mist flew out from Xuan Jing's body and landed on Lin Changsheng's arm!

"What is this?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked and looked at his arm, only to see a skull pattern as big as a copper coin appeared on his wrist!

Lin Changsheng wiped it hard, but found that the substance had penetrated deeply into his skin and could not be wiped off at all.

"come out!"

Lin Changsheng cast several spells in succession, dragging out Xuan Jing's soul from the restraint of Wanhun Pan, and said with a gloomy expression. "What is this?"

"Hmph! Damn, this is the protective mark on my body!"

"Now, even if you run away to the ends of the world, you can't escape my father's pursuit!"

At this time, Xuan Jing's soul looked at the skull pattern on Lin Changsheng's hand, with a sad smile on his face and said bitterly.

"Even if you're dead, you'll still be stubborn!"

"See if I don't drain your soul and refine your soul! Burn you a hundred times a day!"

Seeing Xuan Jing being so arrogant, Lin Changsheng immediately cast the spell. Suddenly, Xuan Jing's soul was tortured and screamed, his face was twisted, he was in pain, and he begged for mercy again and again.

"Clear the battlefield first, and then attack you!"

Lin Changsheng threw Xuan Jing into the storage bag, put away the copper corpse, then put away the scattered white jade skeleton, Xuan Jing's body, the storage bag, and the Tiger Evil Death Formation, turned them into a streak of escaping light, and galloped away go.

The skull pattern on his body was like a bomb, making Lin Changsheng feel uneasy.

You must find a safe place to get rid of it!

at this time.

Demonic sea.

There are palaces all over the island that is thousands of miles in radius.

In one of the main halls in the center of the island, a middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at one of the two jade tablets around his waist. There were cracks on it. His expression suddenly changed and he stood up suddenly. "Jinger has died?"

"who is it!"

Xuanting's eyes showed anger and grief, and a violent aura belonging to the Jindan monk suddenly spread in all directions!

"Elder Xuan!"

"Elder Xuan! What happened?"


Less than a moment after Xuanting's angry aura spread, more than ten figures flew into the sky on the island and came towards the main hall where Xuanting was located. They all looked shocked.

"My son Xuan Jing died in the Southern Territory."

Xuanting's eyes showed sadness. "I want to go to the Southern Territory! To avenge my son!"


Hearing Xuanting's words, many elders were shocked. Now, both the good and the devil have an agreement that monks below the foundation building stage can take action, but the golden elixir cannot be taken.

Once Elder Xuan goes to the Southern Territory for his son, a war between good and evil will inevitably begin in advance!


Many elders find it difficult to persuade them. After all, others have lost their sons. How can they persuade them?

Xuanting clasped his fists at the many elders, turned around and headed towards the sect leader's hall.

Not long after.

Xuanting arrived at the main hall of the Tiangui Sect.

"Elder Xuan, I understand your pain. However, the Supreme Elder told me that the time for the battle between good and evil has not yet come. Why not let the late-stage Foundation Establishment or peak monks go to the Southern Territory to catch the murderer?"

The sect leader, whose body was wrapped in black armor, looked at Xuanting and advised in a deep voice.

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