The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 102 Big harvest, talisman! Heavenly Ghost Sword Technique!

"Okay! Just follow the sect leader's words! Let the foundation-building disciples go!"

Xuanting's bones cracked with his fists, but there was nothing he could do. With the current situation of good and evil, if he forced his way deep into the southern region and affected the evil plan, even if he had a golden elixir, it would not end well.

"Well, let's make arrangements!"

Jiu Wushang, the leader of Tiangui Sect, said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Xuanting turned and left.

Xuanting returned to his main hall, sat on the main seat, and spoke in a deep voice. "Come here, let Tie Ying and Tie Chou come to see me!"


A young man in black turned and left.

"Disciple Tie Ying has met Master!"

"Disciple Tie Chou, I have met Master!"

After a while, two young men in black clothes came quickly. After entering the hall, they clasped their fists respectfully towards Xuanting.

These two young men were both of medium build, one of them had a handsome face, but there was a hint of evil in his eyes.

The other person was wearing a hood, with only two eye sockets exposed, and there was a chilling light shining inside them!

"Tie Ying, Tie Chou, you are my most proud disciples. Currently, you are all at the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Now, I order you to go to the Southern Territory and bring back the murderer of your junior brother Xuan Jing. , can it be done?”

Xuanting looked at Tie Chou and Tie Ying and spoke in a deep voice.

"Follow your orders! You will definitely live up to your master's trust! Bring back the murderer!"

"Yes! Master!"

Tie Ying and Tie Chou made a grand promise.

"Go ahead and be safe. I'll leave this talisman to you for emergencies! Be safe!"

"There is also this soul-chasing disk, which can be used to determine the approximate location of the murderer by using the divine sense!"

As Xuanting waved his hand, a talisman with flowing black brilliance and a black plate as big as a bowl floated in front of Tie Ying.

On this talisman is a ghost face pattern, lifelike and exuding a strong evil spirit!

The soul-chasing plate is black, with a skull pattern on it, and black energy lingering on it!

"Yes! Master!"

Tie Ying and Tie Chou took the black plate and talisman, turned around and left.

Lin Changsheng flew into the southeast with his sword, flying for more than a thousand miles before stopping in a canyon.

He did not go east, because the east is the direction of the cave of Lord Yukun. There were many monks looking for opportunities for Lord Yukun, so he could only avoid them!

Let’s get rid of the skull marks on our hands first.

Lin Changsheng was sitting in a temporarily opened cave with a radius of four feet.

He sat cross-legged on the chipped stone platform, running his magic power and rushing towards his arm, hoping to drive away the black skull pattern!

However, after working for a full hour, it was to no avail.

Lin Changsheng looked at the status column of the panel, which showed: [Ghost Path Tracking]

"The ghost path tracking should be the ghost path restriction placed on Xuan Jing's body by his father. Once Xuan Jing is killed or something happens, his father can follow the ghost path tracking restriction and find the murderer!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the status column on the panel with a gloomy expression.

With this ghost tracking, I'm afraid Xuan Jing's father will chase him soon.

Xuan Jing is on the second floor of the foundation building stage.

His father is definitely in the Golden Core stage!

"Currently, the war between good and evil is less than 10 years away. If you are above the golden elixir stage, you cannot enter. It is very likely that stronger foundation builders will be sent to catch me!"

"No matter what, I have to do my best to improve my strength!"

Lin Changsheng felt a deep sense of urgency in his heart.

he knows.

Only before Xuan Jing's father comes, do your best to improve your strength, otherwise you will definitely die when Xuan Jing's father arrives.


The ghost tracking restriction on his hand can only be removed by those whose cultivation exceeds the restriction placed on it!

"If you can't get rid of it, improve your cultivation first! Once you reach the cultivation level, you won't be afraid!"

Lin Changsheng simply stopped thinking about ghost tracking, took out the storage bag, and opened it.


Lin Changsheng took out a big talisman with a skull face on it. He remembered that when Xuan Jing knew that he was losing, he took out this big talisman and spit out a mouthful of blood.

At that time, the power of this great talisman continued to rise, and the terrifying pressure made Lin Changsheng still tremble when he thinks about it.

"Could this be a talisman?"

Lin Changsheng looked at this big talisman and his heart moved.

There is a skull grimacing group on it with three black lines on it.

He had read in the Liuyun Immortal Sect's books that the Golden elixir monks would use their own natal magic weapon as the basis to refine a talisman with 30% of the strength and power of the Golden elixir stage, leaving it for their descendants to use for self-defense.

This great talisman was killed by his Taiyin Invisible Slash just before the Xuan Jing was fully activated, and the power within it was still preserved.

"If it is really a talisman, it will give me an advantage!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the big talisman with a look of expectation in his eyes. Suddenly his heart moved and he took out the Ten Thousand Soul Flag and waved it to summon Murong Tian.


Seeing Lin Changsheng calling him out, Murong Tian's soul immediately bowed and clasped his fists with an extremely respectful expression.

Now, Lin Changsheng has upgraded to the foundation-building stage, and his titles are more respectful.

"Murong Tian, ​​do you know what this thing is? Talisman?"

Lin Changsheng handed the big talisman to Murong Tian and asked.

Murong Tian looked at the big talisman carefully, and said with surprise in his eyes. "Senior, this is indeed a talisman that can be used three times and has 30% of the power of a Golden Core monk! Judging from the aura on it, it should be refined by a Golden Core monk from the Tiangui Sect."

"If this junior guessed correctly, the senior should be the direct descendant of the Jindan monk from Tiangui Sect who beheaded him."

Murong Tian said with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Indeed, by the way, do you have any way to eliminate this ghost tracking?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed, he rolled up his sleeves, showed Murong Tian a look at the skull pattern, and asked.


Murong Tian looked at the pattern and said with a hint of worry in his eyes. "Senior, I have never seen this, but I have seen records in the sect's classics. This is a monk from the Golden Core Stage of the Demonic Path. It is planted on the bodies of relatives and descendants. Once the descendants are in danger or killed, this mark will be locked. It will be helpful to track the murderer!"

"Unless a monk whose cultivation exceeds the Golden Pill takes action! Or the senior's cultivation reaches the Golden Pill!"

"Senior has beheaded the junior who is a cultivator in the golden elixir stage of the demonic path. You must be more careful!"

Murong Tian knew in his heart that he could still negotiate with Lin Changsheng.

If Lin Changsheng is killed by the demonic monk, then he will fall into the hands of the demonic monk, and his end will definitely be worse than now!


Lin Changsheng nodded and took Murong Tian into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

Lin Changsheng then took out Xuanjing's white jade skeleton. The strength of the white jade skeleton was equivalent to that of the first level of the Foundation Stage. At that time, it was duel with Lin Changsheng's bronze corpse, and the skeleton was finally broken up.

"Well, let's see if there is any repair method in the Xuanjing storage bag?"

Lin Changsheng looked at this skeleton. The bones were as crystal clear as jade and very hard. It had the strength of the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. It would be a pity if it could no longer be used.

"Xuan Jing's physical body can be refined into a level 2 bronze corpse when the time comes, and can be merged with my original level 2 bronze corpse. By then, there will be a level 3 bronze corpse!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Xuan Jing's body and said secretly.

Lin Changsheng finally looked at Xuan Jing's storage bag.

"Oh My God!"

"Are all demon cultivators so rich? As the saying goes, a horse won't get fat without night grass, and a man won't get rich without windfall!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Xuan Jing's storage bag and couldn't help but widen his eyes with shock.

There are a lot of light spirit stones inside, and the initial estimate is no less than 4,000 yuan!

There are a bunch of ghost parasitism techniques, a ghost ghost condensing technique, a ghost hurricane scroll, a soul searching technique, a sky skull refining technique, a ghost sword technique, and many other techniques.

There was a spiritual sword, and what seemed to be a jar lid. It was dark and made of unknown material, and there was a handle on it.

There are also 8 bottles of Yuan Ning Dan, 1 bottle of Solid Yuan Dan, 10 bottles of Albizia Julibrissin, many medicinal materials, and a lot of monster materials.


"The material of this thing is somewhat similar to the clay pot obtained from Dugu Yun, the Dugu family in Tianhu City?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the lid, and suddenly his heart moved. He stretched out his hand and immediately took out the lidless clay pot from the storage bag.

Lin Changsheng tried this clay pot before. Although it was only one foot high, the space inside was very large. Even if a lot of things were stuffed into it, it would not be full. Moreover, the little white fox had absorbed a lot of white spiritual energy inside. Finally fell asleep and haven't woken up yet.

Lin Changsheng picked up the lid and put it on the pottery pot.

"Eh? It's perfect?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that the lid was similar in color to the appearance of the clay pot, and it fit perfectly, just like the lid!


The moment Lin Changsheng put the lid on the pot, the pot suddenly shook!


Ripples rippled around the pot, and a vortex actually appeared. Spiritual energy from all directions gathered towards the pot like silk and mist!

Not long after.

There is white mist next to the clay pot, and even a whiff makes it feel extremely fresh.

"Huh? This clay pot can absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw that there was a vortex around the pot, absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. He did not expect that this pot had such benefits. If he went into retreat in the future and sat next to it, wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort?

Abundant spiritual energy?

Lin Changsheng picked up several other skills and spells such as Ghost Path Parasite Technique, Heavenly Ghost Condensing Yuan Jue, Heavenly Ghost Hurricane Scroll, Soul Searching Technique, Heavenly Skull Refining Technique, Heavenly Ghost Sword Technique, etc., and looked at them carefully.

"This Heavenly Ghost Condensing Yuan Jue can be practiced. When the time comes, merge it with my Five Elements Pure Yang True Jue and see what kind of skills you can get!"

"Also, this Heavenly Ghost Hurricane Scroll is a body technique used in the foundation-building stage of the ghost path. It can be integrated with my wind and thunder!"

"You can also try to practice the Heavenly Ghost Sword Technique, and then merge it with Taiyin Invisible Slash!"

"You can also practice this sky skull refining method. When the time comes, you should be able to repair the white jade skeleton!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the many techniques and spells in front of him and secretly made up his mind.

"Now, let's swallow the Ning Yuan Pill first to increase my cultivation experience!"

Lin Changsheng put away all his things and took out the Yuan Ning Dan and a bottle of 5 Yuan Solid Dan obtained from Xuan Jing. He knew that the only way to deal with the current situation was to improve his own strength!

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