The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 103 The second floor of the foundation building stage! Invisible sect! The most powerful gol

Cultivation experience value +1!

Cultivation experience value +1!

Lin Changsheng took the Ning Yuan Dan and ran the Five Elements Pure Yang True Secret, prompts popping up constantly on the panel.

After absorbing the power of a Yuan Ning Dan, Lin Changsheng continued to swallow it.

At the same time that the experience value +1 prompt appeared, the aura on his body was also getting stronger.

"I didn't expect that it would be so easy to break through to the second floor of the foundation building stage!"

"Is it because I absorbed the energy of heaven and earth and became the Wuxia Daoji?"

One day later.

Lin Changsheng opened his eyes and looked at his hands with a look of surprise and surprise.

at the same time.

A majestic mana surged out of his Dantian and swept through his body!

He thought that he would be stuck at 999 experience points and would not be able to break through so easily. After he took 5 Yuan-Condensing Pills and one Yuan-Guarding Pill, he naturally entered the second level of the Foundation Building Stage.

"Keep taking the pill!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed anticipation, and he immediately took out the Ning Yuan Pill again and started taking it. At the same time, he paid attention to his dashboard.

"Having become the 2nd level of the foundation building stage, taking one Yuan Ning Dan can only increase 100 experience points?"

Not long after, Lin Changsheng took a Yuan Ning Dan. He looked at the increasing experience value data on the panel with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

[Second Floor of Foundation Building Phase (0/2000)]

To advance from the second floor of the foundation building stage to the third floor of the foundation building stage, you need 2,000 experience points. According to this calculation, if you want to advance to the third floor of the foundation building stage, you need 20 Yuan Condensing Pills!

"Try Guyuan Dan!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he took out a Yuan-Guarding Pill.

The Guyuan Pill was found in Xuan Jing's storage bag. He just swallowed one. It can increase 400 experience points. I wonder how much experience can be gained after advancing to the second level of the foundation building stage?

This Guyuan Dan is light white in color and exudes a strong fragrance. It is about the size of a pigeon egg and is considered to be of high quality.

Lin Changsheng swallowed it, and a majestic sea-like medicinal power spread to all his limbs and bodies in an instant. Lin Changsheng quickly used the Five Elements Pure Yang True Art to absorb this majestic medicinal power!

At the same time, he observed the changes in the experience value on the panel!

"A Solid Yuan Pill originally could increase 400 experience points, but now it can only increase 200 experience points. It seems that as the cultivation level increases, the experience value will be halved, and the effect will be weakened by half!"

Half an hour later, Lin Changsheng looked at the panel with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

As the experience value increased, he felt that the mana in his dantian became more powerful and concentrated.

"Keep swallowing the pills and see if you can break through the third level of the foundation building stage!"

Lin Changsheng saw that there were Ning Yuan Dan and Gu Yuan Dan in front of him, and his heart moved. After all, increasing experience points can improve cultivation, so he should take them first!

He is currently being tracked by ghosts planted by Golden Core monks. Only by improving his cultivation as soon as possible can he be safer.

time flies.

6 hours later.

[Second floor of the foundation period (1999/2000)]

"It seems that we still need to accumulate!"

Lin Changsheng looked at his panel with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He found that no matter how hard he swallowed the pill, he still couldn't get over the experience points!

"Practice the technique first, successfully cultivate the Heavenly Ghost Condensing Yuan Jue, and then simplify and perfect it. When the time comes, merge it with my Qingmu Suoyuan Jue and the Five Elements Pure Yang True Jue. I don't know what it will become. Foundation-building techniques?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed a look of expectation. He knew in his heart that the better and more perfect the skills would be, the greater the help would be in improving his cultivation. When the three skills were integrated, stronger skills would definitely appear!

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng took out the secret book of Tiangui Yuan Condensation Technique and started to read it.

[Ghost Path Condensation Technique (Entry 0/1000)]

When Lin Changsheng read the Tiangui Condensation Technique secret book more than 20 times, a red prompt popped up on the panel.

"Getting started?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the prompts that popped up on the panel, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

[It has been detected that the introduction to the Heavenly Ghost Condensing Yuan Jue will cost 100 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on the panel again.


Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The Heavenly Ghost Condensing Yuan Jue is being simplified... The simplification is successful. The Heavenly Ghost Condensing Yuan Jue == pinch the ghost! 】

Just after Lin Changsheng clicked OK, 20 breaths later, the red prompt popped up again.

"Pinch the ghost?"

Lin Changsheng was stunned when he saw the simplified results.

These demonic techniques, after being simplified, are actually related to ghosts.

Pinch ghosts, this is easy to say, there are many ghosts in his Ten Thousand Soul Banner, Qi Hui, Xuan Jing, find a few ghosts, pinch them until they roll their eyes, torture them, and gain experience points in the skills at the same time, it is not too fun!

"Come out!"

As Lin Changsheng waved his hand, the Ten Thousand Souls Flag appeared in his hand. He waved the Ten Thousand Souls Flag, and the souls of Qi Hui and Xuan Jing appeared in the cave.

"Senior... have mercy on me..."

"It was the villain who deserved death, and I shouldn't have taken action against you. The villain is willing to atone for his sins, so don't torture the villain anymore..."

When Qi Hui saw Lin Changsheng summoning him out, a look of horror appeared on his face. He quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Ever since his soul was captured by Lin Changsheng, he has been tortured every now and then. His soul was burned, cut in two, and cut into pieces with a thousand knives. This was all a daily routine. This kind of death and inability to die, endless torture, was driving him crazy. .

"Spare your life? Haha..."

Lin Changsheng looked at Qi Hui and sneered. He knew in his heart that if he hadn't improved his strength and made a comeback, if he had become Qi Hui's soul seed, his end would have been extremely miserable.

"bring it on!"

Lin Changsheng sneered and grabbed Qi Hui's soul by the neck like a chicken. Qi Hui's soul rolled its eyes and struggled with its hands and feet.

The experience value of Tiangui Ning Yuan Jue +1!

The experience value of Tiangui Ning Yuan Jue +1!

"Sure enough!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the added red prompt on the panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. The next moment, he summoned Dugu Yun, Zhang Hansheng, and many other souls from the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, and pinched them one by one!

Sure enough, the experience points increased rapidly!

"Forget it, pinch the soul and check the Ghost Road Hurricane Scroll at the same time!"

Lin Changsheng thought for a moment, then immediately took out the Kidao Hurricane Scroll and began to read it.

This is a foundation-building spell from the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

Once used, it is like a black hurricane, extremely fast.

"Boy, if you have the ability, give me a good time! What's the point of torturing me!" Xuan Jing rolled her eyes as Lin Changsheng pinched her soul's neck, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and immediately cursed with a vicious expression.

Along the way, Xuan Jing has been tortured by Lin Changsheng several times, and life is worse than death.

He knew he couldn't escape.

Instead of living like this, it would be better to have a good time, dissipate the soul, and enter reincarnation as soon as possible.

"You want to die early?"

"Stop dreaming and look at Qi Hui!" Lin Changsheng pinched Xuan Jing's neck with one hand and patted his face with the other. The experience value on the panel continued to increase!

Lin Changsheng continued to pinch ghosts.

【Kido hurricane rolls in the door】

[The Kidō technique was detected, and the Kidō hurricane rolled into the door. Do you want to consume 100 spiritual stones to simplify it? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

[The Great Road to Simplicity: The Kidō Hurricane Scroll is being simplified... the simplification was successful... the Kidō Cyclone Scroll == Let the ghost spin in circles! 】

Lin Changsheng clicked OK. Less than thirty breaths later, the red prompt popped up again on the panel.

"Make ghosts spin in circles?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he looked at Qi Hui aside.

Seeing Lin Changsheng looking over, Qi Hui immediately showed fear in his eyes and took a few steps back.

"Come here you go!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward, grabbed Qi Hui's head and spun it around in circles.

Kidou Hurricane Scroll experience value +1!

Kidou Hurricane Scroll experience value +1!

"Not bad."

Lin Changsheng watched Qi Hui spinning around, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and said in a deep voice. "Keep spinning in circles!"

"Don't be idle! Turn it over to me!"

Lin Changsheng slapped Zhang Hansheng's soul on the head, and Zhang Hansheng immediately spun around in circles.

Lin Changsheng strangled the souls of the disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect who were collected together with Zhang Hansheng, and the experience points of the Ghost Dao Hurricane Scroll and the Heavenly Ghost Condensation Technique continued to increase.

Lin Changsheng took out the Heavenly Skull Refining Technique and the Heavenly Ghost Sword Art to watch.

About half an hour later.

Both ghost arts are beginners.

[The Kidō Technique Heavenly Skeleton Refining Method has been detected, which consumes 10 spirit stones. Simplify it? Do you want to simplify it? 】

[It has been detected that the Ghost Sword Technique, Fatian Ghost Sword Technique, can consume 10 spirit stones. Simplify it? Do you want to simplify it? 】

Two red prompts popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

[The Greatest Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Sky Skull Refining Method is successful. The Sky Skull Refining Method == Touching the Skull! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The Heavenly Ghost Sword Technique has been simplified successfully. The Heavenly Ghost Sword Technique == Splitting Ghosts! 】

The moment Lin Changsheng clicked OK, a red prompt appeared on the panel.

"You want me to touch a skeleton? Kill a ghost?"


Seeing the simplified results, Lin Changsheng's eyes widened in shock.

He thought of the white jade skeleton obtained from Xuan Jing. Wouldn't it be possible to increase the experience value of the sky skull refining method by simply touching the skeleton?

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately waved his hand and touched the storage bag, and the white jade skull appeared in front of him. He immediately reached out and touched it, and the Immortal Sword in his right hand appeared, cutting the soul of a Tiangui Sect disciple in two!

The soul screamed and returned to its original state again, looking at Lin Changsheng with fear and resentment in its eyes.

+1 experience value for Sky Skull refining method!

Heavenly Ghost Sword Technique experience value +1!

"Yes, Not Bad."

Lin Changsheng was beating ghosts by touching their bones and making them spin in circles. After half a day, Lin Changsheng stood up, packed up everything, and galloped away into the distance.

He now has the marks of ghost tracking on his body, and he definitely cannot stay in one place for too long.

"Just running away is not an option."

"It seems that I still have to find a sect to join and survive!"

Lin Changsheng was thinking secretly in his heart as he galloped.

At present, he has the mark of ghost tracking on his body. The best way is to enter the righteous sect. Even if Xuanjing's father or fellow sect is found, will they dare to enter the righteous sect?

I have the method of rebirth, changing my life and entering the sect is the best choice.

As long as you stay in the sect for a few years and your cultivation reaches the Golden Core level, you won't be afraid of being tracked by ghosts.

"It's just that it's not time for the sect to recruit disciples now..."

Lin Changsheng frowned slightly and thought to himself. "Forget it, I'd better go to Liuyun Immortal Sect to have a look! If that doesn't work, I'll disguise myself as a disciple and join the sect in hiding!"

Lin Changsheng is more familiar with Liuyun Immortal Sect.

This makes it easier for him to hide his identity.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately spread out his figure and galloped towards Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Three days later.

Lin Changsheng had already left the sphere of influence of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect and entered the Tianyao Mountains.

"After passing the Tianyao Mountains, and traveling another 20,000 miles, we should reach the sphere of influence of the Liuyun Immortal Sect."

Lin Changsheng stood on a high peak and thought to himself.


Lin Changsheng saw several rays of light streaking across the sky in the distance, heading east. His heart suddenly tightened and he quickly restrained his aura. At the same time, he also heard the roar of spells in the distance.

Farther away, on the mountains, there were many monks galloping in the east.

"There are so many monks. Could it be that the cave of Lord Yukun is here?"

Lin Changsheng looked at these monks speeding past and thought to himself.

“Since we’re passing by, why not take a look before we go?”

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed, he made up his mind, immediately spread out his body, and galloped towards the place where the roar came from.

at this time.

Nearly a hundred miles away from where Lin Changsheng was, there was an endless dangerous mountain with sheer cliffs, towering trees, and spiritual mist.



Waves of roaring sounds sounded in front of a cliff as smooth as a mirror!

Thousands of monks in the Qi Refining Stage, Foundation Building Stage, and Golden Core Stage are all over the nearby cliffs and peaks!

More than a dozen Golden Core Stage monks were using magic weapons to bombard the stone wall. A large array of light shields and bursts of purple brilliance were reflected on the stone wall!

These golden elixir stage monks bombarded the formation together, but the purple light rebounded from the formation without any sign of collapse!

"Oh my God! God Lord Yukun is indeed the most powerful golden elixir!"

"It's the formation he set up. Over the past 300 years, more than ten golden elixirs have been bombarding it together, but they can't blast it away!"

"Yes! Divine Lord Yukun is so powerful! It's a pity that he passed away. Otherwise, how powerful would he be if he became Nascent Soul?"


Around them, there were those who wielded swords in the sky, and there were also those standing on the mountain peaks, green pines, and cliffs. They were talking a lot as they watched the golden elixir monks bombarding the cave.

Not long after.

In the distance, a figure in gray approached here cautiously, standing behind many monks, watching the golden elixir monks in front of them bombard the formation.

This person is none other than Lin Changsheng.


He used the method of rebirth and transformed into a young monk who was about twenty-seven or eighty years old and at the peak of the ninth level of Qi refining stage.

"Oh my God! Even 10 golden elixir stage monks couldn't break through this formation?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the many golden elixirs in the sky with shock in his eyes.

"Huh? The golden elixir of my Liuyun Immortal Sect! Liao Bugui! Is Elder Liu Jinyan here?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly discovered that two of the golden elixirs bombarding the formation were elders of Liuyun Immortal Sect!

"This time, each of the five major sects has two golden elixirs. It is estimated that when the five major sects jointly open this cave, we small sects will be out of luck!"

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Zhang, don't even think about casual cultivators like me."

"Having said that, I feel that opportunities depend on luck!"

"It is rumored that Lord Yukun has super powerful spiritual consciousness. Of course the five major sects want to get their hands on the method of cultivating spiritual consciousness!"


Suddenly, there was a burst of discussion around Lin Changsheng.

"It's really the golden elixir of the five major sects!"

When Lin Changsheng heard the discussion of these monks, he immediately took a closer look and found that there were really two Jindan elders from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, the Hiding Moon Immortal Sect, the Liuyun Immortal Sect, the Yin Yang Dao Sect, and the Golden Talisman Immortal Sect!

at this time.

The ten golden elixirs bombarded this formation, and the purple light shields flashed continuously, causing the mountain to tremble!

However, this formation is very mysterious. It seems to be integrated with the mountain. The bombardment of ten people has minimal impact on the formation!

"This Lord Yukun has a powerful spiritual consciousness. If I can get the method to cultivate his spiritual consciousness."

Lin Changsheng felt that this large shock wave made his heart beat wildly!

He looked at the purple light shield covering the mountains with a radius of ten miles, and could only feel hot when he thought about the treasure inside. Even the ten golden elixirs could not be destroyed, let alone the second floor of the foundation building stage.

"Forget it, I'd better go to Liuyun Immortal Sect, find an ordinary disciple, and sneak in under a pseudonym!"

Lin Changsheng made up his mind and prepared to leave immediately.

[Introduction to the Purple Heaven Earth Vein Formation]

[The entrance to the Purple Heaven Earth Vein Formation has been detected. Do you want to consume 1,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave, a red prompt popped up on his panel.


"Getting started with the Purple Heaven Earth Vein Formation? This."

After seeing the prompt on the panel, Lin Changsheng's eyes widened with shock, and his heart beat wildly.

He didn't expect that when he was about to leave, he actually showed the introduction to this formation!

Is this purple sky earth vein formation the same purple light mask formation bombarded by these ten golden elixirs?

If his panel shows the entry level, if it is perfect, wouldn't he be able to open this formation and obtain the legacy of Lord Jade Kun?

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he was filled with expectation.

Divine Lord Yukun was the number one golden elixir three hundred years ago!

His method of cultivating his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. If he obtains his method of cultivating his spiritual consciousness, his future achievements will be


Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

He has 1,000 spiritual stones!

This must be simplified!

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The Purple Heaven Earth Vein Formation is simplified successfully. The Purple Heaven Earth Vein Formation == Digging! 】

The moment Lin Changsheng clicked OK, a red prompt popped up on his panel.



Seeing the simplified effect, Lin Changsheng blinked. Digging was so simple!

Hoe, he has it in his storage bag.

The digging hoe was still there to dig out the foundation.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately turned around and left, more than twenty miles away, found an uninhabited land, took out his hoe, and started pretending to dig up herbs.

The experience value of the purple sky earth vein formation +1!

The experience value of the purple sky earth vein formation +1!

Lin Changsheng was digging the ground. Suddenly, two sword lights flew in the sky. He couldn't help but be startled when he saw the two sword lights. "Eh? Xin Yuner? Li Muyun?"

These are two acquaintances from Liuyun Immortal Sect.


Lin Changsheng looked at the two women with emotion in his heart.

When he was dancing on the mountain peak near Liuyun Immortal Sect, he was discovered by these two people. At that time, he was so envious of others who could fly with swords. Now Lin Changsheng is also a monk on the second level of the Foundation Establishment Stage and can also fly with swords!

However, the two women did not pay attention to Lin Changsheng and flew forward.

The experience value of the purple sky earth vein formation +1!



Lin Changsheng continued digging!

He knew that the purple sky earth vein formation could not be broken by the ten golden elixirs for a while. As long as he continued to dig the ground and completed the purple sky earth vein formation, he could secretly enter the formation and destroy it. Take away all the treasures of Lord Yukun!

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