The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 104 The treasure of Jade Kun God! Refining magic! Big catch! Flying boat! Magic weapon [plea




The experience value of the purple sky earth vein formation +1!


As Lin Changsheng kept digging, prompts kept popping up on his panel. Every time he dug a hoe, more experience points appeared on the panel.

[Purple Sky Earth Meridian Formation (Proficient 212/4000)]

[Purple Sky Earth Meridian Formation (Dacheng 7212/8000)]

As time passed and the night gradually deepened, Lin Changsheng, like a young cow, plowed the soil on the two nearby hills. The two hills looked like new soil and looked very different.

He looked at the data on the panel from time to time, becoming more and more energetic.

further away.

The sounds of those Golden Core Stage monks bombarding the Zitian Earth Vein Formation were still heard.

[Purple Heaven Earth Meridian Formation (Perfection)]


When it was almost dawn the next day, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Is it finally consummated? I spent the whole night digging in the ground in vain!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the red prompt on the panel and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

at the same time.

Lin Changsheng's mind suddenly surged with a large flow of information. It was surprisingly about the formation method, secrets, formation gates, and opening and closing methods of the Purple Heaven Earth Meridian Formation!

At the same time, pictures of formation layouts were constantly rotating in Lin Changsheng's mind.

In an instant.

These insights merged with Lin Changsheng's consciousness and became part of his memory.

this moment.

Lin Changsheng felt as if he had been setting up this purple heaven earth vein formation for nearly a hundred years!

"It turns out that the gate of the Purple Heaven Earth Meridian Formation is here!"

Lin Changsheng put away his hoe and closed his eyes to comprehend the formation in his mind. His eyes suddenly lit up with anticipation.

This purple heaven and earth vein formation.

It was a formation that mobilized the whole body and was arranged using the nearby earth veins with a radius of hundreds of miles!

Moreover, it can also absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth within a radius of thousands of miles to replenish its own consumption. This is why this formation has existed for hundreds of years and still has strong protective power.

The ten golden elixir stage monks took turns bombarding, which was equivalent to bombarding the earth veins with a radius of hundreds of miles!

How can it be destroyed in a short time?

It is recorded in the formation that there are a total of 49 formation flags and a central formation disk. One of the formation flags is the door to enter. Moreover, the door to entry is not at the place bombarded by many Jindan monks, but dozens of miles away. outside!

As long as you enter through the formation flag gate, you can be teleported to the cave of the Jade Kun Golden Pill Divine Lord within a short distance.

Although the bombardment of these ten golden elixirs can eventually break through this formation, I don't know how long it will take.

"First enter the cave of Lord Yukun and have a look before we talk!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed anticipation as he headed towards the mountain peak in his memory.

It is fifty miles away from the cave of Yukun Shenjun.

In a low mountain peak.

There was a platform on a hundred-foot cliff with green pines hanging on it. Lin Changsheng carefully checked according to the direction of the purple sky earth vein formation, and finally found the formation flag under a huge ancient pine tree in the middle of the cliff.

What appeared in front of Lin Changsheng was a small stone crevice.

After entering the crevice, there was a natural cave to the left, about three feet in diameter. It was dark and light-free, but Lin Changsheng's consciousness swept away and every detail was revealed.

In the cave, there was a stone platform with a radius of one foot, with patterns of mountains and rivers carved on it. Lin Changsheng stepped forward, cast three spells, integrated into the stone platform, and immediately stepped forward.


The stone platform shook, and a faint light shrouded Lin Changsheng's body. In the next moment, his figure disappeared into the cave.

Lin Changsheng felt his body tremble and his eyes dimmed. The next moment, he felt his eyes light up.

Appeared in a stone hall on the mountainside with a radius of a hundred feet.

In the stone hall, there are eighteen huge stone pillars supporting it. On the stone pillars, mountains, rivers and birds are carved.

On the top of the main hall, there are nine unknown stones that emit bright white light, illuminating the stone hall clearly.

In the middle of the stone hall, there is a stone table with three simple boxes on it, which are faintly covered with dust.

"Is this the cave of Lord Yukun?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the stone palace with doubts in his eyes.

There was no remains of Lord Jade Kun inside. The whole hall was empty, except for the three boxes on the stone table, there was nothing else.


Lin Changsheng thought for a moment, then summoned the bronze corpse immediately, and under the control of his spiritual consciousness, asked the bronze corpse to get the three boxes.

The bronze corpse stepped forward.

First, take out the first box and open it.


There was a soft sound, but no poisonous arrow was shot out as expected. Inside the box, there was a knife, a fan, and a guqin.

"Is this a magic weapon?"

When Lin Changsheng looked at these three things, his eyes suddenly widened with shock.

As far as he knows.

The magic weapon is a monk at the golden elixir stage. It is a natal treasure that is warmed by the Dantian. It can be enlarged or reduced to a mini size by mana input. These three things are so mini, it is obvious that they are magic weapons!

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng's heart suddenly started beating loudly.

Lin Changsheng suppressed his excitement and asked the bronze corpse to put the three treasures into the storage bag, then went forward and opened the middle box.

After a soft sound, the second box opened.

There was only a pale white jade slip inside.

About two inches long and two fingers wide.

"There is only one jade slip. Could it be that it contains the skills of Lord Jade Kun?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up and he asked Bronze Corpse to put it away.

Finally, the third box was opened.

Inside, there was a light gray boat, only three inches long, nothing surprising, a rolled up parchment, and a yellowed book.

"Is this a flying boat?"

Lin Changsheng looked at this light gray boat and his eyes flashed. He had seen Elder Li Jiantang's flying boat. After incorporating magic formulas and magic power, it would be able to fly in the wind and become a hundred or even hundreds of feet in size. It could also be stored away as desired. Palm-sized mini model.

Whether you are transporting people or traveling, it is very convenient.

"Put it away first and then talk!"

When Lin Changsheng thought about this, he naturally knew that outside the cave where he was currently, there were Jindan elders from the five immortal sects bombarding the Zitian Earth Vein Formation, and he had to leave as soon as possible.

Once these ten golden elixirs find out that he has entered the cave of Lord Yukun, he will probably be torn apart by them.

Lin Changsheng put away the three boxes and looked around the stone hall again, but found nothing else. He immediately erased his traces quickly, followed the formation gates, returned the same way, and left Divine Lord Yukun. The cave.

After Lin Changsheng left the cave of Lord Jade Kun, he cautiously galloped toward the southeast. After traveling hundreds of miles, he headed towards the Liuyun Immortal Sect.

He planned to find a suitable place to inspect the treasures of Lord Jade Kun first, and then go to the Liuyun Immortal Sect to become invisible.

Tianyao Mountains.

Outside the Yukun Shenjun's cave, ten Jindan were divided into two groups for rotation. One group of five people bombarded the formation, and the other group meditated and adjusted their breath.

As time goes by.

The purple light mask outside the formation was rippling with purple light, gradually weakening slightly.

At this time, the person responsible for bombarding the formation was Liao Bugui, as well as a golden elixir cultivator from the Tianjian Immortal Sect, the Jinfu Immortal Sect, the Hiding Moon Immortal Sect, and the Yin Yang Dao Sect.

"Fellow Daoist Liao, look at this, if we want to open this big formation, it won't be a matter of time!"

A slightly fat and happy Jin Dan looked at the sturdy Liao Bugui and said.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, this is the most powerful golden elixir cave from three hundred years ago. As long as we can open it and obtain the god-refining technique, our strength will be even higher!"

"No matter how much time it takes, it's still worth it!"

Liao Bugui looked at the purple light mask with expectation in his eyes.

"That's what Fellow Daoist Liao said!"

"If it was opened by us so easily, it wouldn't be called the strongest golden elixir!"

Hearing this, Jin Wuchen nodded.

at this time.

Five figures appeared outside the cave, and powerful pressure swept across all directions!

"Oh my God! They are all powerful Nascent Soul!"

"The Wan Fu King of the Golden Fu Immortal Sect, the Yue Fairy of the Covering Moon Immortal Sect, the Jiu Sword Immortal of the Tian Sword Immortal Sect, the Tian Yang Sanren of the Yin and Yang Dao Sect, the Wan Fa Zhenren of the Flowing Cloud Immortal Sect! The Nascent Soul Stage of the five great Immortal Sects! They’re all here!”

"There are Yuan Yingqi from the five major sects coming, and the formation of Lord Jade Kun can no longer hold up!"

"That's inevitable. The five great Nascent Souls must be here for the god-refining technique of Lord Jade Kun!"


Seeing these five powerful auras sweeping through the world, the surrounding monks were inexplicably shocked and started talking a lot.

Upon seeing this, the ten Golden Core cultivators no longer bombarded the formation, but stepped forward to bow to the five Nascent Souls.

Many monks in the foundation building stage stepped back one after another.

"You guys, step aside and let me wait to break the formation!"

A middle-aged man with a red wine gourd hanging on his waist and long hair shawl looked at the many Jindan monks and spoke in a deep voice. After speaking, he stepped forward. At the same time, the other four Nascent Soul stage monks also stepped forward and floated. Around this purple light mask.

Liao Bugui, Liu Jinyan and ten other Jindans retreated a thousand feet after hearing this.

"Fellow Taoists! This is the purple heaven and earth veins formation. We can only break the formation with force at the moment."

Jiujianxian looked at the Wanfu King, Yue Fairy, Tianyang Sanren and Wanfa Zhenren beside him and said in a deep voice.

to be honest.

This time, with the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul stage, I came to the cave of the Jindan monk Yukun Shenjun. The Jiujianxian did not want to come. You must know that 300 years ago, Yukun Shenjun was a monk of the same era as them!

He had been defeated by Lord Yukun before, so coming here this time was indeed a loss of face.


The divine consciousness of Lord Yukun is comparable to that of the Nascent Soul stage, and he is proficient in formations, especially the purple heaven and earth vein formation. If you want to break through it in the Golden Core stage, you don't know how long it will take.

At present, the war between good and evil is about to come. In order to prevent the divine consciousness inheritance of Lord Yukun from being taken away by demon cultivators, the heads of the five major sects discussed and each sent a Nascent Soul monk to break the formation and take out Lord Yukun's refining spirit as soon as possible. God's method enhances the combat power of righteous monks.

The sect master opened his mouth, and he, the Jiujianxian, had to come.

"Okay! Let's take action together!"

"I am also very curious about Fellow Taoist Yukun's method of refining gods! Let's take action together!"


Hearing Jiujianxian's words, Master Wanfa and other Nascent Souls nodded.



The five powerful Nascent Souls all took action together, with brilliance, sword light, and explosions, five consecutive bombardments!

The purple heaven and earth vein formation arranged by Lord Yukun collapsed instantly, and purple light flashed between the sky and the earth, revealing a huge cliff hundreds of feet high. On the cliff hundreds of feet high, there was a platform with a radius of five feet.

Behind the platform, moss and rotten leaves were spread all over.

On the stone wall, there is a simple stone door about two feet high!

Swish, swish, swish!

Five figures flickered and appeared on the platform.

Further away, Liao Bugui, Liu Jinyan and other ten golden elixirs, as well as thousands of foundation builders, the monks in the Qi refining period looked at the platform expectantly.


The stone door suddenly split open, revealing the scene inside.

Passing through the stone gate, there is a stone passage several feet deep, and you can see the space inside.

The five Jiu Sword Immortals each opened their defenses, and their figures flickered into the stone path. At the same time, with a sweep of their spiritual consciousness, the entire stone hall's eyes fell on the stone table.

"Yukun's cave is empty? This is impossible!?"

"It's impossible. There's a purple sky and earth pulse formation outside, but there's nothing inside?"

"Huh? There are traces of spiritual energy fluctuations in here! Someone has been here!"

"There are subtle traces of cleaning on this stone platform. There should be three boxes placed here. Now that the boxes are missing, could it be that the demon cultivators who are proficient in formations got there first?"


Jiujianxian and other Nascent Souls looked at the empty stone palace, and suddenly frowned deeply. The method of cultivating the spiritual consciousness of Lord Yukun was very important even to the Nascent Soul monks!

If it is taken away by the devil, one will decline and the other will increase, which is not a good thing.

"Fellow Taoist Tianyang, your Yin-Yang Dao Sect seems to have a retrospective Taoist technique. You can see the scene at that time. Can you use it to see who took away Yukun's god-refining method?"

Master Wanfa glanced at Taoist Tianyang, showed a thoughtful look, and said.

After hearing what Master Wanfa said, Jiujianxian, Moon Fairy, and Wanfu King all looked at Master Tianyang.

"Fellow Taoists, our Yin Yang Dao Sect does have a retrospection technique. However, it is too expensive to use the retrospection technique. It will consume life span and blood essence, so it is difficult to use it."

"Moreover, with the retrospection technique, you can only see a very short scene at that time. If it is longer, you won't be able to see it."

Tianyang Taoist said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

He was not willing to waste his lifespan for a divine refining technique.


When the Jiujianxian and Wanfa Zhenren saw this, they couldn't force themselves anymore. They searched the hall one after another and searched everywhere, but they couldn't find anything.

Only two side rooms of the stone palace were found, and apart from some corrupted herbal residues, there was nothing else.

The five Nascent Soul cultivators found nothing and left one after another.

Next, 10 golden elixirs also came in to check, but found nothing. Next was the foundation building period, and the monks in the Qi refining period came in to visit.

It is thirty thousand miles away from Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Tianlang Riverside.

Under an inconspicuous cliff, there is a newly dug cave. A vine hangs down to cover the cave. The stones dug out of the cave are thrown into the river under the cliff.

In the cave.

A handsome young man, about twenty years old, sat cross-legged, with a bronze corpse beside him.

It was Lin Changsheng who turned into what he is now by running the method of rebirth.


In Lin Changsheng's hand, he held a mini long knife, a fan, and a guqin.

"With my current second-level spiritual consciousness in the foundation building stage, it is too difficult to refine these magic weapons!"

"It seems that I can only grind out one magic weapon slowly, and wait until I reach the peak of the foundation building stage to see the rest!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the three mini objects in his hands and thought to himself.

With a magic weapon in your hand, your strength will be greatly increased!

What's more, there are three of them?

Lin Changsheng immediately put the three magic weapons into his storage bag, and then took out the small boat.

His spiritual consciousness penetrated in and found that the flying boat also needed to be refined. However, refining the flying boat was easier than the three magic weapons.

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