The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 105 The magic of divine refining is obtained! Backtracking! Immortal Burial Domain! Tianyang

Although refining a flying boat is easier than a magic weapon.

But it’s not a temporary thing.

Lin Changsheng put down the flying boat and picked up the jade slip with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Lin Changsheng's consciousness slowly enveloped the jade slip and penetrated deeply in an instant.

Lin Changsheng saw an illusory space.

In the space, a figure in white floats.

This man was dressed in white, handsome and handsome, with his eyes wide open, revealing an arrogant aura that looked down on the world!

"Destined person, I am Lord Yukun. The fact that you can enter the Purple Heaven and Earth Meridian Formation means that you are destined to me!"

The man in white was none other than Divine Lord Yukun. He looked at Lin Changsheng, smiled slightly, and continued. "I am just a spiritual thought now, and my true body has already gone to explore the Burial Immortal Realm. The reason why I left my spiritual thought behind is just to prevent my inheritance of the method of refining gods from being cut off!"

"I have failed to live up to what I promised others back then!"

"This god-refining technique can enhance and strengthen spiritual consciousness. I hope those who are destined to learn it will be able to have a righteous mind!"

"If I'm lucky enough to survive, I can see you again in the future!"

After the Jade Kun God spoke, his white figure turned into large characters floating in the space of the jade slips!

Above these big characters, there are three big characters [divine refining art].

"God Lord Yukun! Divine refining technique!"

Seeing the Jade Kun Divine Lord's spiritual thoughts turned into large characters, Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he quickly looked at the divine refining technique, because he didn't know how long the characters in the jade slips could exist.

If one exists for a period of time and then disappears, that's the end of it.

Lin Changsheng remembers how difficult it was to obtain the Fire Element Art!

The entire Divine Refining Technique is approximately nine thousand words long.

Lin Changsheng immediately took out a blank jade slip and printed the Divine Refining Technique on his own. Now that he had a backup, there was no need to worry about losing it.

This blank jade slip was also obtained by Lin Changsheng from Xuan Jing's storage bag.

About half an hour passed.

Lin Changsheng finally rubbed the God Refining Technique word for word on another jade slip. After the rubbing was done, he checked it several times to confirm that it was correct. Then he felt relieved and continued to look inside the original jade slip. The God Refining Technique.

"What's going on? I've tried it more than twenty times and it still doesn't show the entrance?"

Lin Changsheng looked at it more than twenty times. This divine refining technique still failed to show the mastery, and he suddenly frowned deeply.

He remembers.

Many of the previous exercises can be read through at most 20 times, and then the entry status will be displayed on the panel, and then it can be simplified.

But now.

I’ve read it more than 20 times and still can’t get started.

"Let's take a look at this book and this parchment first!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself as he picked up the parchment scrolls and books obtained from the cave of Shenjun Yukun.

The parchment seems to be a map.

The paintings on it don't look like mountains and rivers, but there are round balls, flat, polygonal, and diamond patterns, big and small, densely packed. Right above the map, the words "Burial Immortal Domain" are engraved.

On the other side, there are some road maps, a sea, and islands.

"God Lord Yukun said in the jade slip that he went to the Burial Immortal Realm. If he was lucky enough to survive, he could meet again. It seems that this Immortal Burial Realm is very dangerous and can bury immortals."

"This parchment should be the map of the Immortal Burial Domain."

Lin Changsheng looked at the parchment and couldn't understand it for the moment, so he put it away first.

Lin Changsheng immediately opened the last book.

It actually records the life and achievements of Lord Yukun.

The original name of God Yukun is Jiang Yukun.

Three hundred and eighty years ago, I was born in a small mountain village in the secular world of immortality in the Southern Region. Because I got a jade tablet and the inheritance inside, I embarked on the road of cultivation and became a casual cultivator!

After eight years of cultivation, I have gained the energy of heaven and earth, and I have no time to build a foundation!

After eighteen years of cultivation, the foundation has been completely established, and in the twenty-third year, I entered the golden elixir!

Because of his crime of possessing the art of refining gods, he was coveted by both good and evil!

In the thirty-second year of training, he defeated Liuyun Immortal Sect’s Jindan Wanfa Zhenren with the middle stage of Jindan!

In the thirty-third year of training, he defeated the Jindan Ten Thousand Talisman King of the Jinfu Immortal Sect with the middle stage of Jindan!

In the thirty-fifth year of his cultivation, he destroyed the appearance of the Jindan Yue Fairy of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect with the late stage of Jindan!

In the forty-fifth year of training, he killed one person in the late stage of the Corpse King Sect’s golden elixir and three in the middle stage with his late stage golden elixir!

In the fifty-seventh year of training, he killed a late-stage Jindan member of the Tiangui Sect with a late-stage Golden elixir, and defeated a person at the peak of the Golden elixir!

In the sixty-fourth year of his cultivation, he used the peak of the golden elixir to defeat the elder Xuanyin in the early stage of Yuanying on Taiyin Island, and became famous in the immortal world and the demon sea in the southern region!

"Oh my god! So strong?!"

"The peak of the golden elixir kills the Nascent Soul?"

After reading the lifelong achievements of Divine Lord Yukun, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel shocked.

This is awesome!

He is completely invincible at the same level and can kill Nascent Soul cultivators in reverse. This is really amazing!

"If I practice this divine refining technique, I should be as powerful as the Jade Kun Lord in the future! Even more powerful than him!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed anticipation.

Continue to read the art of alchemy.

This refining technique.

It is a means of tempering your spiritual consciousness. Through various cruel practices, you can make your spiritual consciousness strong and powerful!

Powerful spiritual consciousness, whether it is refining elixirs, refining weapons, setting up formations, fighting skills, or making breakthroughs, has a huge amplifying effect!

The art of refining the gods is divided into Qi refining chapter, Foundation building chapter, and Golden elixir chapter.

To practice this divine refining technique, start with the Qi Refining chapter, from easy to difficult.

[The Art of Refining God. Qi Refining Chapter (Introduction 0/1000)]

Just when Lin Changsheng was carefully looking at the divine refining technique for the fiftieth time, a red prompt popped up on his panel.

"Finally getting started!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he saw the prompt on the panel.

[Introduction to the Divine Refining Technique. Qi Refining Chapter has been detected. It can consume 1,000 spirit stones to simplify it! Is it simplified? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up again on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

There are a lot of spirit stones in his storage bag. This divine refining technique is no small matter. After Yukun Shenjun practiced this technique, he became invincible in the foundation stage and the golden elixir stage. He counterattacked all the way. It must be simplified.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: Simplification of Divine Refining Technique Successfully Simplified. Divine Refining Technique. Qi Refining Chapter = Close your eyes and rest your mind! 】

The moment Lin Changsheng clicked OK, a red prompt popped up on his panel.

"Close your eyes and rest your mind? This is easy!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he saw the simplified results.

Just rest with your eyes closed and you will gain experience points.

Lin Changsheng immediately closed his eyes and rested for a while, then opened his eyes again, glanced at the panel, and found a red prompt popping up on the panel.

[The Art of Refining God. Qi Refining Chapter (Introduction 8/1000)]

"This is not bad. After a night's rest, I guess I can perfect my divine refining skills!"

"First complete the Qi Refining Chapter and the Foundation Building Chapter!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the increased experience points on the panel with a look of anticipation in his eyes, and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

In his storage bag.

There is a lot of food, although he has not yet eaten grains, but with his cultivation in the foundation-building period, it is no problem to go without food for a few days. Of course, if you are really greedy, you can go out of the cave to fight some monsters and come back and cook them. Tooth-beating ceremony.

Tianyao Mountains.

More than half a month has passed.

There are still many low-level monks going to Yukun Jindan Cave, hoping to gain something, so much so that several lighting stones in the cave of Yukun God Lord were taken away by some monks who were unwilling to be empty-handed.

Just when many monks were going to the Jade Kun Golden Pill Cave.

Thirty miles away from Yukun Shenjun's cave, on the top of a mountain.

Five monks were sitting cross-legged. One of them, a man with long hair and a wine gourd hanging around his waist, looked at a Taoist wearing yin-yang clothes and said. "Fellow Taoist Tianyang, the battle between good and evil is approaching. This divine refining technique is of great importance. As long as fellow Taoist is willing to use the retrospection technique once! If we find the person who took away the inheritance, we will share the divine refining technique obtained by the five sects. Our sect is willing to How about taking out an extra realm-breaking pill to compensate?"

"Breaking Realm Pill!?"

Hearing Jiujianxian's words, Tianyang Sanren's eyes suddenly widened and showed emotion.

This realm-breaking pill was made by the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect. If a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul takes one, he has a 30% chance of breaking through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul!

If a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul takes it, he will have a 10% chance of breaking through to the late stage of Nascent Soul!

However, I heard that this medicine can only be taken once per person.

Moreover, the medicinal materials are rare and hard to find, and only 3 pills can be made into one batch!

I have been at the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying for many years. If I can get a realm-breaking pill, I might be able to break through to the later stage. When the time comes, I will advance to become a late-stage great monk, and my longevity will increase automatically, which will offset the use of the retrospection technique this time. consumption.


The Jiujianxian spoke in a deep voice.

His Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect only cultivates one sword. If he can strengthen his spiritual consciousness, it will be a great good thing for sword cultivators!

The combat power of that sword cultivator will be doubled.

"Fellow Taoist Tianyang, our Liuyun Immortal Sect is willing to give us a piece of Tianxuan Crystal!"

"We, the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, are willing to take out the Millennium Snow Ganoderma lucidum!"

"My Golden Talisman Immortal Sect is willing to take out a Heavenly Tribulation Talisman!"

Seeing that Tianyang Sanren was a little moved, the Yuanying monks from the other three sects spoke one after another.


"This time, I will risk my life for the sake of justice!"

Seeing the many compensations, especially the realm-breaking pill, Tianyang Sanren was extremely moved and nodded immediately.

"However, you guys are here to protect me. I'll prepare myself and use the retrospection technique!"

Tianyang Sanren said in a deep voice.

Say it.

While waving his hands, he took out a palm-sized yin-yang roulette from the storage bag and said in a deep voice. "This is the Yin-Yang Roulette, the most precious treasure of our Yin-Yang Dao Sect. The stone case in the Jade Kun Cave is the closest to the person who took the treasure, so it is most suitable to use the stone case!"

"When the time comes, use the retrospection technique, and a picture of the person who took away the Jade Kun inheritance will appear next to the stone case!"

Say it.

Taoist Tianyang began to perform the technique.

Jiujianxian took out the stone case in Yukun Cave.

As he waved, the Yin-Yang Wheel in his hand suddenly became three feet in size and landed on the mountain peak. Taoist Tianyang's figure flashed and sat cross-legged at the intersection of the Yin-Yang Wheel, his hands constantly making seals.


The yin and yang roulette is filled with brilliance and flashes of white light!


Taoist Tianyang bit the tip of his tongue, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood essence. Immediately, the essence blood flew up and merged into the leaving light beam. The light beam instantly turned blood red!

Taoist Tianyang stretched out his hand to make secrets and continued to hit them!

The light pillars on the Yin and Yang roulette are getting stronger and stronger!

Suddenly, a stone case appeared on the light pillar, and two figures appeared. One figure had dull eyes and bulging muscles, like a zombie.

The other man is thin and has a short beard. He is a middle-aged Confucian monk.

at this time.

Seeing the appearance of these two figures, Jiujianxian, Wanfa Zhenren and other Nascent Souls quickly took out the blank jade slips and printed out the scene in order to trace this person.


Just when the middle-aged Confucian cultivator appeared, the scene suddenly collapsed. Tianyang Sanren's expression changed, he sprayed out blood mist, and fell to the ground. His face aged rapidly, and his hair turned from gray to snow-white in an instant!

He looked extremely depressed.

"Fellow Taoist Tianyang!"

"Fellow Taoist Tianyang, are you okay?"


Seeing this change in Tianyang Sanren, Jiujianxian and others were shocked and gathered around.

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