The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 106: Wanted by evil spirits, the magic of refining the gods is accomplished! I know this per

"I was. was bitten back."

"This person. This person has great luck. I."

There was a look of fear in Tianyang Sanren's eyes. His face turned pale, and his hair turned white instantly. It was like his energy and spirit passed away in an instant. A small figure flashed out between his eyebrows.

It is the Nascent Soul of Tianyang Sanren.

The little man was holding a compass, his eyes were slightly closed, and he looked lethargic. He waved his hand, threw a white pill into his mouth, and quickly meditated to recover.

"Backlash? This."

Seeing Tianyang Sanren become like this after performing the retrospective operation, Jiujianxian, Yuexianzi, Wanfu King, Wanfa Zhenren, etc. were all shocked. This was a result they did not expect.


The sun is scattered and the Yuanying is dim, just like the eighteen young men overnight.

"Fellow Taoist Tianyang, you are for the sake of the righteous path, which is why your essence is depleted. We will protect you and you can recover with peace of mind! This is my sect's Yuan-Returning Pill. Please recover the three pills first!"

Upon seeing this, the Jiujianxian touched the storage bag, and a white porcelain bottle suddenly appeared and landed on the big rock next to Tianyang Sanren.

Fairy Yue, Master Wanfa, and King Wanfu all took out the elixirs and placed them beside Tianyang Sanren.

Tianyang Sanren remained silent and recovered silently.

"Fairy Yue, Zhenren Wanfa, and King Wanfu, the two people in this picture, the one holding the box should be a puppet, a bit like the bronze corpse of the Corpse King Sect, mainly the short-bearded middle-aged Confucian cultivator!"

"Let's send the news back to the sect first and capture the middle-aged short-bearded man shown in the retrospection technique! This man has taken things from our five major sects, and we must recover them!"

Jiu Jianxian looked at the three Nascent Souls beside him and said in a deep voice.

"Brother, what you said makes sense! The inheritance of Lord Yukun is of great importance. This person must be found! The art of refining gods cannot fall into the hands of the devil!"

King Wanfu spoke in a deep voice.

Moon Fairy and Wanfa Daoist all agreed, and they all sent out communication talismans and flew out.

Not long after.

There were 10 figures galloping towards them, it was the 10 golden elixirs who had previously bombarded the Zitian Earth Vein Formation!

All 10 Jindan came forward to meet the Yuanying Patriarch of their sect.

The two golden elixirs of the Yin Yang Dao Sect were shocked when they saw their ancestor in such a miserable state. However, the matter was so important that after learning that the ancestor was fine, they turned around and left, spreading the news and hunting down the middle-aged boy in the picture of the retrospection technique. Need to cultivate Confucianism.

For a while.

The order to find the middle-aged short-bearded Confucian cultivator was sent back to the five major immortal sects and many small sects, immortal cities, and even spread to the entire southern realm of immortal cultivation.

Three days later.

It is thirty thousand miles away from Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Tianlang Riverside.

In a cave under an inconspicuous cliff.

Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged on the stone platform, closing his eyes and concentrating, looking at his panel from time to time.

[The Art of Divine Refining. Qi Refining Chapter (Perfection)]

"It's finally complete!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the red prompt on the panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

A majestic flow of information instantly merged into Lin Changsheng's mind. It was a complete understanding of the divine refining technique and the Qi refining chapter.

at the same time.

He felt a shock all over his body, and at the same time, a warm current suddenly rose in his mind, nourishing his spirit and consciousness. At this moment, Lin Changsheng felt that his spirit was particularly good, and he had a feeling of ecstasy.

"My consciousness has improved a lot!"

"As long as I continue to practice this divine refining technique, my divine consciousness will become stronger and stronger! Far beyond the same level!"

Lin Changsheng silently operated the Divine Refining Technique. Qi Refining Chapter. As he operated, he felt that his divine consciousness was slowly getting stronger, being tempered, nourished, and slightly improved!

He believed that as long as he was given some time, his consciousness would become stronger!

"The Divine Refining Technique. The Qi Refining Chapter has been completed. Now let's practice the Foundation Building Chapter!"

Lin Changsheng was secretly looking forward to it.

The Divine Refining Technique and Foundation Building chapter has also been simplified, and it still becomes a matter of closing your eyes and resting your mind. However, it consumes 2,000 spiritual stones to simplify it.

After this divine refining technique has been simplified, by closing your eyes and resting your mind, you can achieve a complete understanding of the divine refining technique. However, in the later stage, you can improve the strength, tenacity, and coverage range of your spiritual consciousness through your continuous practice of the divine refining technique.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Lin Changsheng sat in the cave and looked at his panel.

The Divine Refining Technique and Foundation Building Chapter has also been completed. At the same time, he beat ghosts, pinched ghosts, and split ghosts, causing Qi Hui, Dugu Yun, Xuan Jing, etc. to suffer from pain. His Heavenly Ghost Condensation Technique, Ghost Dao Hurricane Scroll, The Heavenly Ghost Sword Technique has all reached perfection.

"Now, it's time to integrate these techniques!"

Lin Changsheng looked at his panel with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Just when Lin Changsheng was practicing in seclusion.

Two major events happened throughout the Southern Territory.

The first thing is that the five major immortal sects in the southern realm of immortality have all issued reward orders for a middle-aged Confucian cultivator who is about forty years old and has a short beard. Moreover, the reward is very generous.

Whoever provides information about this middle-aged short-bearded Confucian cultivator will be rewarded with 3 Foundation Building Pills and 3,000 Spiritual Stones! A top-notch magic weapon!

Those who help capture this monk will be rewarded with 3 pills! 2 magic weapons!

The portrait of the short-bearded middle-aged Confucian cultivator has spread all over the southern realm of immortal cultivation!

The second big thing.

It was the Taixu Palace that showed signs of opening a hundred years in advance.

Taixu Palace is a magical fairy palace in the Southern Territory. It is rumored that it is a heavenly temple. There are endless opportunities in it. As long as the monks who enter, their cultivation will greatly increase after they come out!

Nine hundred years ago, Ling Wuji, a powerful Nascent Soul master from the Southern Territory, entered the Taixu Palace and received a shocking opportunity. In the end, he became the strongest late-stage monk in the Southern Territory, successfully advanced to the stage of divine transformation, and left in Shattering the Void!

Taixu Hall is divided into the foundation building area, the golden elixir area, and the Nascent Soul area, corresponding to various cultivation levels. After entering, you will get endless opportunities, such as elixir-forming spiritual objects, infant-forming spiritual objects, body shaping holy pool, refining temple, etc. Many treasures, endless!

As soon as the Taixu Palace showed signs of opening, it immediately aroused the expectations of the good and the evil, and the geniuses of many sects in the foundation building stage and the golden elixir stage!

Even the powerful ones in the Nascent Soul stage are gearing up to find treasures that can advance to higher levels!

Southern Territory.

Covering the Moon Immortal Sect's scope.

Whale City.

A row upon row of grand halls is located in the east of the city, where the industry of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect is located.

In one of the main halls.

Two women with extraordinary looks were sitting among them. One of them looked at a jade slip in her hand, her beautiful eyes revealed a look of shock, and she murmured. "Is he the one who took away the inheritance of Lord Yukun?!"

At this time, if Lin Changsheng were here, he would definitely know that these two women are the contemporary genius disciples of the Moon Covering Immortal Sect, Concubine Yu Ling and Fu Qingyu!

"Senior sister, it's really him!"

Fu Qingyu took the jade slip and looked shocked in her beautiful eyes.

She and Senior Sister Yu Lingfei once hunted down the Demon Cultivator of the Corpse King Sect in Tianhu City, and met the alchemist Zhang Han. Unexpectedly, this alchemist Zhang Han was the one who took away the inheritance of the Jade Kun God. people!

"I remember that his cultivation at that time was only at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage. How could he possibly open the cave of Lord Jade Kun? How did he do it?"

Concubine Yuling's beautiful eyes were also shocked and she murmured. "It seems that Zhang Han, Master Zhang at that time, also hid his cultivation. Even we couldn't see through his hiding. I'm afraid, his cultivation is not in the Qi refining stage at all!"

Concubine Yu Ling felt embarrassed when she thought about how Master Zhang Han and Alchemist Zhang saluted her and called her uncle.

"Senior sister, what should I do? It looks like this Han Zhang Alchemist is pretending to be one!"

Fu Qingyu's beautiful eyes wrinkled slightly and said.


Concubine Yu Ling nodded. "This man is extremely cautious. His cultivation level is obviously higher than ours. He also calls us Uncle Master. It may be difficult to find him. I am curious about his true face!"

"Then it is estimated that if we report it to the sect, it will be difficult to find Zhang Hanzhang."

Fu Qingyu said.

"We don't need to report it. I'm afraid everyone in the sect knows about this. Alchemist Zhang Han is hiding in Tianhu City and selling elixirs. His portrait has been spread, and there are many people who have received the rewards!"

Yu Lingfei's beautiful eyes showed curiosity as she murmured.

At this moment, a disciple of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect wearing Izumo Moon robes walked in quickly, bowed and clasped his fists, saying. "Uncle Yu, Uncle Fu, there is news from the sect that the wanted person has appeared in Tianhu City under the sect! This is a message from the sect."

"Well, I understand, go ahead!"

Concubine Yu Ling glanced at Fu Qingyu, showing an expected look, and asked the messenger disciple to leave.

Tianhu City.

Tianhufang City.

A couple, approximately in their 40s, stood outside the market, looking at the wanted notices of monks who were pointing in a circle around them. They looked at each other and retreated to a deserted place.

"Husband, I didn't expect that Zhang Dan would teach him."

Yan Fen looked at Taoist companion Gong Cheng with a complicated expression.

"It seems that Alchemist Zhang Han is not at the Qi refining stage. He can seize the treasure of Lord Yukun, and his cultivation level is at least Danjie. When Alchemist Zhang was in Fangshi, he also helped us refine several furnaces of elixirs. He is a good person! "

"We don't deserve those rewards! Let's go back."

After Gong Cheng finished speaking, he walked towards his grocery store.

"Well, I just hope that Master Zhang can escape the wanted arrest safely."

Yan Fen nodded, turned around and left with Gong Cheng.

Tianhu City.

Wang family.

The head of the family, Wang Lin, was sitting in the main hall, looking through the newly purchased spell books in his hand.

"Dad, I just got the news that our previous specially appointed alchemist - Zhang Han Alchemist! He stole the inheritance of Lord Yukun! Now he is wanted by the five immortal sects!"

"Now, both good and evil are looking for him!"

At this time, a handsome young man hurriedly walked in and clasped his fist respectfully at Wang Lin.


"Alchemist Zhang is the one who stole the inheritance of Lord Yukun?"

Upon hearing his son Wang Teng's report, Wang Lin's eyes widened in disbelief.

During this time, he was still regretting why Master Zhang left.

To know.

Divine Monarch Yukun was the strongest person in the Golden elixir stage three hundred years ago. His inheritance from the Cave Mansion is no small matter. There are also many Golden elixir foundations from both the good and the evil paths that covet him. Master Zhang can only cultivate in the Qi refining stage. How can he succeed in this? Stealing the inheritance of God Lord Yukun from the mouth of many golden elixir foundation-building tigers?

"Dad, it's absolutely true. There are wanted orders from the five great immortal sects outside. Anyone who provides information about the alchemist will be rewarded with 3 foundation-building pills and 3,000 spiritual stones! A top-notch magic weapon!"

"That Alchemist Zhang was once the specially hired Alchemist of our Wang family. As long as we provide the information about his past visit to the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, we will have the Foundation Establishment Pill. Father, you can hope to advance to the Foundation Establishment stage!"

Wang Teng's eyes showed anticipation.

As long as you provide information, even if there is no Foundation Establishment Pill, the reward will definitely be extremely generous.


When Wang Lin heard this, his eyes showed excitement. He thought for a moment, then shook his head and said. "Teng'er, Master Zhang Han is able to seize the inheritance of Lord Yukun from the hands of so many powerful Jindan foundation builders. His cultivation is definitely more than what he appears on the surface! He must be hiding his cultivation!"

"If we go to provide information, we will become enemies with Master Zhang. Why bring disaster to the family for this reward? Besides, Master Zhang hired a special alchemist for our Wang family a few months ago. I don't know where he is now. The information we provide can change the situation." Got a reward?"

"There are definitely a lot of people in Tianhufang City who have seen Master Zhang. You should practice honestly! Teng'er, you have good qualifications. If you practice hard, you may not be unable to build a foundation in the future!"

"Dad, the child has learned a lesson!"

Wang Teng nodded.

Tianji City.

East of the city.

A short-bearded middle-aged man looked at the wanted notices and portraits of the five immortal sects on the city wall, his eyes widened suddenly, and he murmured. "It's him? He stole the inheritance of Lord Yukun?"

"Isn't this man cutting grass in the wild? Does he know the inheritance of Lord Yukun, or did I tell him this."

Cao De was a little confused.

That day, he went to the cave of Lord Yukun to watch the excitement. Passing by the wild, he saw a monk at the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage cutting grass, so he was particularly impressed.

After all, it is still unbelievable for a cultivator to cut weeds.

"Could it be that the flowers planted intentionally do not bloom, but the willows planted unintentionally create shade?"

Cao De murmured with surprise in his eyes.

Please give me a monthly ticket. It will be doubled at the end of the month, brothers.

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