The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 107: Kill Yu Xiaochang, three thousand thunders move, the vajra is indestructible,

Southern Territory.

Thousands of miles away from Tianji City, there is a mountain top.

A graceful girl in purple clothes stood on a big rock, closed her eyes and looked at a communication talisman in front of her. After a long time, she opened her beautiful eyes and murmured. "Zhang Han, the alchemist of Tianhu City?! Did you take away the inheritance of Lord Yukun?"

"God Lord Yukun is the most powerful golden elixir that has been around for three hundred years. It can kill people in the Yuanying stage. It is said that his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. If I can get his inheritance, it will greatly improve my strength. However, if I want to Finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.”

Wan Wushuang's beautiful eyes showed a thoughtful look.

Giant Whale Fairy City.

Zhang family, one of the five major families.

In the lobby, there were forty or fifty men in black standing, led by a thin, extremely tall young man with a terrifyingly gloomy face.

"Junior Brother Xuan, tracking shows that the murderer went east!"

"Let's go over there!"

At this time, a man in black next to the young man clasped his fists and said in a deep voice.

This man in black has a powerful aura, and he is clearly at the eighth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage!

Next to the man in black, there was another man in black wearing an iron mask, standing there silently. His cultivation was impressively at the eighth level of the Foundation Construction Stage!

"The east is the direction where Yukun Cave is. It seems that the murderer went there!"

"If I catch him, I will crush him to ashes! To comfort my elder brother's spirit in heaven!"

Xuan Gu's eyes flashed with anger, he flicked his sleeves and said to Tie Ying and Tie Chou beside him. "Two senior brothers, this is the area of ​​the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect. When we are tracking, we need to be careful and not be too showy."

"Junior Brother Xuan, that's natural."

Tie Ying nodded. "Without further delay, let's go!"


Xuan Gu nodded and galloped away with the two senior brothers who were at the eighth level of the foundation building stage.

Tianlang Riverside.

In a cave under an inconspicuous cliff.

The twelfth level of the Golden Bell Jar (Perfection).

Lin Changsheng looked at his panel, and a red prompt popped up on it, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. "The Golden Bell has finally reached its twelfth level!"

Along the way, Lin Changsheng kept rubbing, and finally today, he completed the twelfth level of the Golden Bell.

at the same time.

Lin Changsheng felt his bones explode, and an unparalleled sense of power swept through his body!

Moreover, he discovered that as long as he used the Golden Bell Glove technique, a faint golden halo appeared on his skin. When hard, it was as strong as steel, when soft, it was as soft as cotton wool. It was invulnerable to weapons and bullets, and invulnerable to water and fire!

An extremely light feeling permeates the whole body!

Lin Changsheng left the cave without using his magic power and jumped into the river below!

He found that his body was floating down as light as a feather according to his thoughts. Not long after, Lin Changsheng's feet came into contact with the turbulent river water!

Lin Changsheng walked on the waves, and he found that he could actually ride on the waves without falling!

"My physical body is as strong as steel now. When I was at the eleventh level, there was still half an inch of the shield left. Now there is no trace of the shield left! I don't know if I can withstand the slashing of the magical weapon at the peak of the ninth level during the Qi refining period. ?”

Lin Changsheng clenched his fists and bumped against each other, making a banging sound, he thought to himself.

According to the records in the Golden Bell Jar.

After completing the twelfth level, the whole body shield completely disappeared, and he became an indestructible body. He could be slashed with swords, burned with fire, and flooded with water. He had not slept or eaten for five hundred days, and even ate poison that penetrated the intestines. He was still safe and sound. Can!

"The twelve levels of the golden bell cover are complete, and the body is as strong as steel. Safety is an extra guarantee!"

"I'll get some body-training techniques later and see if I can integrate them by then?"

Lin Changsheng was very satisfied.

[It has been detected that the Immortal Cultivation Techniques Five Elements Pure Yang True Technique (Perfection), Qingmu Suoyuan Technique (Perfection), and Tiangui Condensing Yuan Technique are complete. 300 spirit stones can be consumed to fuse them into a new technique. Do you want to merge them? 】

[The golden bell cover of the skill (twelve levels completed) has been detected. (Barbarian Blood Jue. Residual (sixth transformation completed) can consume 150 spirit stones to fuse it into a new skill. Do you want to fuse it? 】

[The body technique wind thunder (perfection) and ghost path hurricane volume (perfection) are detected. 200 spirit stones can be consumed to fuse them into a new light body technique. Do you want to fuse them? 】

[The techniques Taiyin Invisible Slash (Perfection) and Kidao Sword Technique (Perfection) have been detected. Do you want to consume 200 spiritual stones to fuse them into a new technique? 】

At this moment, four red prompts popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


"All merged!"

Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

[The Immortal Cultivation Techniques Five Elements Pure Yang True Secret (perfect), Qingmu Suo Yuan Secret (perfect), Heavenly Ghost Condensation Secret Secret perfect, fusion in fusion successfully obtained the Five Elements Soul Refining Secret Secret]

[The Immortal Cultivation Technique Wind Thunderous Movement (Perfection), the Ghost Path Hurricane Scroll (Perfection) are being fused. The fusion was successful and the Light Body Technique Three Thousand Thunderbolts was obtained! 】

[Kung Fu Golden Bell Cover (Twelve Levels Completed), (Barbarian Blood Technique. Residual (Sixth Transformation Completed) are being fused. The fusion was successful to obtain the indestructible Vajra Body!]

[The Immortal Cultivation Technique Taiyin Invisible Slash (Perfection) and the Ghost Sword Technique (Perfection) are being fused. The fusion is successful to obtain the Invisible Heavenly Blade! 】

"The Five Elements Soul Refining Secret?"

"Three thousand thunders!"

"Indestructible Vajra?"

"Invisible Heavenly Blade!"

"The name looks good, but I wonder how powerful it is?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed anticipation when he saw the four fused skills, techniques, and body skills.

Lin Changsheng's consciousness flashed, and the panel appeared.

[The Greatest Way to Simple: Foundation Building Level]

[Lin Changsheng: 22/273]

[Cultivation: Foundation Building Period (Second Floor 1999/2000)]

[Exercise: Five Elements Soul Refining Secret (0/1000 for beginners), Vajra Indestructible Body (0/1000 for beginners)]

[Spells: Invisible Sky Blade (entry 0/1000), Meteor Fire Rain (Perfection)]

[Light Body Technique: Three Thousand Thunders (Entry 0/1000), Rebirth (Perfection)]

[Alchemy: Shenyuan Pill (Perfection), Foundation Establishment Pill (Perfection)]

[Puppet: Bronze Corpse (Level 2, Foundation Building Stage)]

[Consuming a certain amount of spirit stones, you can simplify exercises, spells, magical powers, etc. 】

[Status: Ghost Path Tracking]

"Well, not bad, it's time to go to Liuyun Immortal Sect!"

After Lin Changsheng looked at the status of Ghost Tracking on the panel, his heart suddenly froze. He stayed here for a long time and had to leave. If the demon cultivator came to find him, he would be dead.

Thinking of this.

Lin Changsheng immediately flew with his sword, but he always flew at a low altitude, almost close to the treetops and the ground, and did not dare to fly too high to attract attention.

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

The main hall of the clan.

"The inheritance of Lord Yukun was actually taken away by an alchemist at the ninth level of Qi refining stage. How is this possible?!"

"The Divine Lord Jiang Yukun is known as the strongest golden elixir, but he can't enter the cave's Qi refining period at all! Unless, this person's cultivation level is hidden!"

Su Changkong, dressed in white, looked into the distance, his brows furrowed deeply.

"It's a pity that there is no sign of the alchemist at all! The entire Southern Territory is looking for it, but there is no news! The news that came from Tianhu City was also before the fight for the Jade Kun inheritance!"

Master Wanfa was also very depressed.

In order to see clearly who had taken away the inheritance of Lord Jade Kun, he paid a high price and got nothing in the end!

When Yang Sanren used the retrospection technique that day, he actually received a terrifying backlash, and his cultivation level dropped directly from the middle to the early stage of Nascent Soul stage. This was something he did not expect.

"It seems that this Alchemist Zhang Han has a pseudonym. It will probably be difficult to find him!"

"Last time, the energy of heaven and earth was taken away by Lin Changsheng and disappeared without a trace. This time, Master Zhang Hanzhang took away the inheritance of Lord Yukun and disappeared without a trace!"

Su Changkong let out a long sigh.

"Sect Master, what I'm most worried about is that this cold alchemist is a demon cultivator! If the demonic path obtains the refining technique, our righteous path may be affected."

Wanfa Zhenren's eyes showed deep worry.

"Well, the decisive battle between good and evil is about to begin. No matter what, we have to continue to find the person who took away Yukun's inheritance!"

Su Changkong said in a deep voice.

One month later.

Within the scope of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

A mountain top.

Lin Changsheng stopped flying.

He remembered that the place ahead was the location of the cave where he met Murong Tian.

There, there are some disciples of Liuyun Immortal Sect practicing here.

at this time.

It is thirty miles away from where Lin Changsheng is.

In a valley covered with bluestones.

A young man wearing Liuyun logo fairy clothes, handsome face, thin lips, fourth level of Qi refining stage, holding a low-grade magic sword, and three fellow disciples of similar age, besieging a two-foot-long iron sheet monitor lizard.

The monitor lizard is black and covered with scales, shining with a stunning luster in the sun.

The fireball technique and the sword light kept greeting the iron-skinned giant lizard. The giant lizard kept screaming and rushed towards the four Liuyun Immortal Sect disciples.

Right now.

Farther away, from a cave, a larger and longer iron monitor lizard rushed towards the four of them!

"not good!"

"Junior brothers, let's scatter and escape!"

The leading fat man yelled, turned around and walked away. The other three people also spread out their movements and fled. The two giant lizards saw this and pursued them hard.

"Huh~~~ I finally got away!"

Yu Xiaochang galloped for thirty miles and came to a mountain top. He held a low-grade magic sword with both hands and gasped for air. Cold sweat broke out on his vest. He had just seen with his own eyes that Junior Brother Li was torn in half by the giant lizard!

I was out training on a mission and encountered a stronger monitor lizard. I was really lucky to survive.

"Huh? Is this Yu Xiaochang?"

Lin Changsheng stood behind a big rock on the top of the mountain. His consciousness had long since noticed a disciple of the Liuyun Immortal Sect rushing towards him, as if he was running for his life. He suddenly found that this disciple of the Liuyun Immortal Sect looked very familiar. After thinking for a while, I finally remembered that this was Yu Xiaochang, the King of Qi in Yu!

The person who tried to kill him several times in the beginning!

"What a good time!"

"The feud that has lasted for so long must be settled!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Yu Xiaochang behind the boulder, walked out suddenly, and asked. "Yu Xiaochang, do you know me?"

"This senior brother, who are you?"

Seeing Lin Changsheng walking out from behind the big rock, Yu Xiaochang's eyes suddenly widened with horror. He didn't realize there was anyone behind the big rock just now. It seemed that this person knew him?

But, I don’t know him!

"You may not know me, but I know you!"

Lin Changsheng's consciousness scanned the area for dozens of miles and found that no one was there. He looked at Yu Xiaochang and sneered.

He was worried about who would be better to disguise himself as Yu Xiaochang and infiltrate the Liuyun Immortal Sect. Now, he unexpectedly met his original enemy Yu Xiaochang.

Wait until your cultivation level improves, then slowly go out.

"Senior brother, I haven't seen you before?"

Yu Xiaochang was very vigilant, took a few steps back, and grasped the low-grade magic sword in his hand.

He couldn't see through the cultivation of the young man in front of him.

At this moment, only a low-grade magic sword could give him a sense of security.

"Do you still know me?"

The corner of Lin Changsheng's mouth curved with a cold expression, and he sneered. After saying this, his body shape changed and he returned to Lin Changsheng's appearance!

"You!. Why is it you!"

"You're not dead yet!"

Seeing Lin Changsheng's changed face, Yu Xiaochang was suddenly shocked and confused. He fell to the ground, turned around and walked away. In panic, he rolled and crawled and even forgot to use his body skills!

In the past year.

What Yu Xiaochang was most worried about was that Lin Changsheng would come back.

He was worried that he would meet Lin Changsheng while doing tasks in the wild. After learning that Lin Changsheng was being pursued by many monks for seizing the energy of heaven and earth, he gradually let go of his worries.

After such a long time, he thought that Lin Changsheng had been killed by the demon cultivator or died outside, so he came out to practice the mission with peace of mind.

But I didn't expect it.

Lin Changsheng actually came.

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