The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 111 Three Thousand Thunders Complete, Xiaobai’s Helplessness, Yu Lingfei!

Liuyun Immortal Sect is hundreds of miles away.

In a cave.

Xuan Gu, Tie Ying, and Tie Chou sat cross-legged among them, looking at the tracking disk in front of them. Suddenly, the skull pattern on it flashed and moved into the distance.

"Junior Brother Xuan, the murderer left Liuyun Immortal Sect and ran in the opposite direction to us!"

"Let's chase!"

Tie Chou suddenly looked at the tracking disk, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Two senior brothers, we need to avoid Liuyun Immortal Sect and take a detour to pursue!"

Xuan Gu looked at the tracking disk, his eyes flickering.


Tie Ying nodded.

Yuci City.

It is very prosperous, somewhat similar to Minnan City in Dayu.

East City.

Lin Changsheng strode in through the hook-and-rail door of a store called 'Daguanren Health Shop', carrying the little white fox on his back.

In order to prevent the demon cultivator from pursuing him and to facilitate Xiaobai's teleportation, he did not put it into the spirit beast bag.

The Daguanren Health Shop has two floors. It seems to be quite large and very impressive.

"Welcome home, officer!"

"Sir, welcome home!"


At this time, four painted women at the door pinched their orchid fingers and held red silk scarves. They came forward with smiles and pulled Lin Changsheng inside.

"Give me a girl who can break dance first!"

Lin Changsheng glanced at the four scarfed women and said in a deep voice.

What he wants is something that can increase the experience value of Three Thousand Thunderbolts. He is not really here to have fun. You must know that there are demon cultivators chasing him behind!

He feels that the service concept of this Daguanren Health Shop is quite good.

He actually shouted the slogan "Officials go home". Does this mean that the guests who saved the girl from the fire pit should regard this place as their own home?


"Master, please follow me!"

"Master, is the break dance you are talking about a more intense and crazy dance? It seems that Master is an experienced dancer, and Hong'er likes masters like Master!"


After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, the four women were extremely enthusiastic and led Lin Changsheng to the second floor. They sat down in a five-foot-wide elegant room and served them tea, grapes and other fruits.

Not long after.

A graceful woman wearing purple clothes with her belly exposed walked up to Lin Changsheng and said happily. "Wan'er, Nujia, has met the young master. First, I will perform a bold dance for him."

Not only did the dancers come, there were also four flute and harp players.


Lin Changsheng looked at the woman and nodded, looking forward to it in his heart.

Wan'er cast a flirtatious look at Lin Changsheng, and immediately shook her hair and started beating wildly, with a very large amplitude, accompanied by bursts of fragrance.

"It is indeed a bold dance!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Wan'er's dance and nodded secretly. At this time, a red prompt popped up on his panel.

Three Thousand Thunder Experience Points +1!

Three Thousand Thunder Experience Points +1!

"Huh? It sure works!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he saw the prompt on the panel, and he simplified it to 'Watch a woman break dance'. This bold dance is similar to break dance.

He doesn't care so much, as long as it can increase experience points.

"Almost every three breaths add a little experience, which is still a bit slow. I'll order a few more women to dance together to see if it can increase faster?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately threw out a large handful of gold and said. "Give me another one to do the same dance!"

"One more, good sir!"

Seeing Lin Changsheng taking out so much gold, the eyes of the four silk scarf women all lit up. The leading woman immediately turned around and went out. After a while, they brought in a slim woman who was also dressed in frugal clothes. She was about two meters tall. Seventeen or eighteen years old.

"Nujia Zitong, please enjoy the dance!"

The woman in red stepped forward, greeted Lin Changsheng with a blessing, and began to dance. Her dance was as bold as Wan'er's before.

"Sure enough, the speed of experience points has increased!"

Lin Changsheng paid attention to his dashboard and saw that the speed of increasing experience points had doubled. In almost three breaths, 2 points of experience points were added. He immediately waved his hand. "Give me twenty more people to dance with!"

Since there are more people, the experience value increases faster, so find more dancers.

After all, the demonic monk behind him is on his way.


When Wan'er, Zi Tong and the four women with red scarves heard this, their eyes widened. Is this young master so fierce?

Actually ordered so many girls?

However, since there was money to be made, they didn't care about that much, and the four women with red scarves left immediately.


Suddenly, Lin Changsheng heard the dissatisfied cry of the little white fox next to him.

Lin Changsheng turned around and saw that the little white fox's big eyes were full of contempt and dissatisfaction. It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Lin Changsheng's dancing. Lin Changsheng immediately waved his hands and said. "Xiao Bai, I have something serious to do. Don't think too much about it. If you show me, do I still need to come here?"


The little white fox was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Changsheng and lay aside and ignored him.

After a while, a group of chattering women walked in quickly.

They saluted Lin Changsheng one after another.

"Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand, his heart full of expectations.

After hearing Lin Changsheng's order, the twenty-two girls stood in three rows and began to dance.

Three Thousand Thunder Experience Points +1!

Three Thousand Thunder Experience Points +1!

"The experience value increases really fast!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the panel, and his eyes suddenly lit up. At this speed, it is estimated that it will be perfect in a few hours.

Upon seeing this, Lin Changsheng called for 30 people again. However, there were not enough people, and even the madam came to the battle to make up the number.

2 hours later.

【Three Thousand Thunders Complete】

"It's finally complete!"

Lin Changsheng looked at his panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. At the same time, a majestic flow of information instantly poured into Lin Changsheng's mind.

Astonishingly, it was the realization of the perfect cultivation of Three Thousand Thunderbolts, the techniques for displaying it, and the method of exerting energy. These insights were instantly integrated with Lin Changsheng's consciousness.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng felt as if he had been practicing the Three Thousand Thunderbolts for decades and was extremely proficient.

"I'll go, these demonic cultivators are really haunting!"

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt that the skull pattern on his wrist suddenly trembled, his expression changed immediately, he picked up the little white fox and said to the girls. "Okay, no need to jump, this gold is yours!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he walked out. As soon as he walked out, he used Three Thousand Thunderbolts and appeared fifty feet away in an instant.

"Yes, when the three thousand thunderbolts of perfection are used, they are really smooth and the distance is much farther!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the three thousand thunders this time with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.


As Lin Changsheng waved his hand, the Immortal Killing Sword appeared, and his figure flew out with the sword!

Heading north in an instant.

Just when Lin Changsheng was avoiding the pursuit of the demon cultivator.

Demonic sea.

There are palaces all over the island that is thousands of miles in radius.

In the center of the island, in one of the main halls.

"Sect Master, Bei Mu invaded and the Southern Territory was in chaos. Xuanting requested to go deep into the Southern Territory to hunt down the murderer of my son!"

A middle-aged man stood in front of the hall and said to the sect leader who was sitting in the main seat and wrapped in black armor.

This middle-aged man is Xuan Ting, the father of Xuan Jing who was killed by Lin Changsheng!


Xuanting's eyes flashed with anger and murderous intent.

His beloved son Xuan Gu and his two disciples Tie Ying and Tie Chou have not returned yet, and he can't wait any longer.

"Xuan Ting, currently, Baimu has invaded. However, the covenant between good and evil is still there. You have already sent your disciples there. For the sake of the overall situation, we should wait a little longer!"

After hearing Xuanting's request, Jiu Wushang frowned slightly and said.


Hearing this, Xuanting was stunned for a moment and nodded.

The world of immortality in the Southern Region.


This is the scope of Jinfu Immortal Sect.

at this time.

In the main hall of the Golden Talisman Immortal Sect, a tall old man with a powerful aura was sitting in the main seat. Below him were three Nascent Soul Stage monks and 9 Golden Core Stage monks!

The Wanfu King who appeared in the cave of Jade Kun God Lord was among them.

"Junior brothers, the Beimu Immortal Clan has invaded today and has occupied most of the territory of Qin State under the jurisdiction of our Jinfu Immortal Sect, and even occupied Jiuyuan Immortal City!"

"Our Golden Talisman Immortal Sect is located near Beimu and the Demonic Sea, and is in an extremely difficult situation!"

"From today on, the disciples of our sect will not leave and wait for the outcome of the discussion between the Supreme Elder and the other four sects!"

Zhao Cheng glanced at the many Nascent Souls and Golden Cores present and spoke in a deep voice.


As the leader of Jinfu Immortal Sect, Zhao Cheng was extremely anxious.

The Jinfu Immortal Sect lost three golden elixirs when facing the Demonic Sea monks. Today, Jiuyuan Immortal City fell and lost another golden elixir!

In the world of cultivating immortals in the Southern Territory, everyone will be prosperous if one is prosperous, and everyone will be harmed if one is harmed!

The five major sects must resist together, so the Supreme Elder has gone to the Tianjian Immortal Sect to discuss countermeasures with the Supreme Leaders of the five major sects.

"Damn! Our Golden Talisman Immortal Sect is now under attack from both sides."

"With the invasion of Beimu and the invasion of Demonic Sea, we, the Golden Talisman Immortal Sect, have suffered the greatest loss! Guarding the Southern Territory is the responsibility of the entire Southern Territory of Immortal Cultivation! The entire Southern Territory must unite to resist!!"

"Yes, yes, our Golden Talisman Immortal Sect defends the gate of the Southern Territory, and the losses are already big enough!"


After hearing the words of the sect leader, many Yuanying and Jindan elders all started talking about it.

"Junior brothers, please pass on the news. Disciples are not allowed to go out for training. They will not go out!"

Zhao Cheng spoke in a deep voice.

News of the Beimu Immortal Clan's invasion spread.

The entire southern realm of immortality was shaken, and many monks were in danger.

The Tianman Mountains are located on the outskirts of the Eastern Wilderness.

Adjacent to the Southern Territory.

The mountains are three hundred miles deep.

Seven or eight foundation-building monks, Yuqi Tian, ​​looked at a valley below and attacked.

These seven or eight monks, three women and five men, are all at the fourth or fifth level of the foundation building stage!

"Junior Sister Yu, Junior Sister Zhang, fellow Taoists, this formation should be a natural concealment formation. Looking at the spiritual energy leaking out, the things inside are definitely extraordinary!"

Among the eight people, one of them, a young man in his mid-twenties, attacked with a glint in his eyes.

There was a sword in this man's hand, and the sword light shot into the sky, just like the man himself, it also looked like an unsheathed sword, exuding an extremely powerful and sharp aura!

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Zhuo knows the formation, otherwise, we would really have missed it!"

A graceful woman wearing pink clothes held a long silk spiritual weapon in her hand and said with a smile.

"Junior sister Zhang, thank you. This formation has been around for who knows how many years. It is extremely powerful. Let's attack quickly. I estimate that we will be able to break this concealment formation in a few hours!"

Zhuo Yijian's eyes showed expectation.

He took four junior disciples from the Tianjian Immortal Sect and found this natural hiding formation that had existed for unknown ages, but it was difficult to break it.

They happened to meet Concubine Yu Ling from the Moon Covering Immortal Sect, Junior Sister Zhang Aoxue from the Yin Yang Dao Sect, and Junior Sister Fu Qingyu coming here to practice, and they immediately invited the three of them to break the formation together.

After seven or eight days of hard work, this hiding formation will finally be broken!


Concubine Yu Ling nodded. The spiritual energy in this concealment formation was too strong. If she could absorb some of it, her cultivation would be able to break through from the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage to the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage!

at this time.

When Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue and others bombarded this hiding formation.

Hundreds of miles away.

A figure dressed in black comes with a sword!

It was to avoid Lin Changsheng who was being chased by the demonic cultivators of the Tiangui Sect.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng transformed into Yu Xiaochang, carrying Xiaobai on his back, preparing to let Xiaobai take him to teleport thousands of miles if a high-level monk chased him.


Lin Changsheng estimated from the black skull pattern on his wrist that the chasing monk should be more than a thousand miles away from him.

[Cultivation: Foundation Building Stage (Third Floor 1509/4000)]

Lin Changsheng checked his dashboard. During his escape, he had taken all the elixirs in the storage bag, increasing his cultivation experience value at the third level of the foundation stage to more than 1,500 points.

"It's a pity that we can't stop refining the elixir now, we have to keep running forward."

Lin Changsheng glanced at the panel and thought to himself.

Without elixirs, it would be difficult to increase the cultivation experience value.


Lin Changsheng's figure galloped forward!

Time passed, and Lin Changsheng flew for several hours, and gradually penetrated deep into a huge and towering mountain range.

"Have you left the Southern Territory?"

Lin Changsheng watched the monster beasts roaring around him and thought to himself.

More than half a month has passed since Three Thousand Thunders reached perfection.

Lin Changsheng flew all the way and carefully looked around. After a while, he saw a valley ahead.

There were also bursts of roaring sounds coming from the valley!

The valley is not big, about a few hundred feet in diameter. It is surrounded by cliffs on one side and mountains on two sides. It has an exit and is filled with white stones.

Five men and three women, a total of eight foundation-building monks were casting spells. The spirit sword bombarded one of them, causing bursts of white light to flash.

He discovered that the cultivation levels of these monks were all at the fourth or fifth level of the foundation building stage.


"Isn't this Concubine Yu Ling, Fu Qingyu?"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to get into trouble and was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, his eyes glanced at the two women and he couldn't help but be stunned.

He didn't expect that Fu Qingyu, Concubine Yu Ling of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, would be here!

Five of the male cultivators all have a sword-shaped mark on their bodies, and the other female cultivator is wearing a cyan dress with a yin and yang pattern.

In the valley.

Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue, Yu Lingfei and others were bombarding the concealment formation. At the last critical stage, suddenly, he glanced at the entrance of the valley and saw a monk in black, and he frowned.

At the same time, Concubine Yu Ling and Zhang Aoxue also looked over.

"He is a monk at the third level of foundation building!"

Zhuo Yi Sword God's expression did not change, and he accelerated his bombardment of the concealment formation. A monk at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage could not catch his eye!

He is a fifth-level monk in the foundation building stage, and he has no time to build the foundation!

Now, it has reached the most critical moment to break the concealment formation, and there can be no delay.

Of course, if the monk here doesn't have eyesight, he wouldn't mind using his hand to kill him!

at this time.

The eight monks continued to bombard the formation, and the light shield outside the concealment formation continued to tremble, leaving only a thin film. Finally, under the bombardment of the eight monks, it collapsed!

The mask turned into spots of light, sweeping across all directions!


As the concealment formation collapsed, the entire valley seemed to have lost its support, collapsed, and a huge vortex swept across!

In an instant, Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu and other eight monks who were bombarding the hiding formation in the valley were sucked into it without any struggle!

"not good!"

Feeling this fierce suction, Lin Changsheng was shocked and instantly used three thousand thunderbolts to appear fifty feet away!


He found that his feet were in the air and he fell downward instantly. Lin Changsheng immediately took off with his sword, but a fierce suction force was generated!

He sucked Lin Changsheng downwards and disappeared instantly.

In place, there is only a huge sinkhole that is spreading in all directions for several miles!

Inside, there was a huge circular formation that disappeared in a flash!

Lin Changsheng woke up leisurely.

He only felt that there was darkness in the sky, his mouth and nose were full of fishy smell, and his heart felt stuffy.

"Where have I been?"

Lin Changsheng turned around and looked around. He found that this was an endless seaside. He was lying on the beach with his feet soaking in the sea water.


There was something lying across his chest. Lin Changsheng immediately reached out and pushed it, but he felt that his hand was soft and had strong rebound power.

Lin Changsheng subconsciously retracted his hand, only to find that it was a person lying on top of him, taking the form of Liujiu.

He immediately got up, turned the man over and was shocked.

"Concubine Yu Ling?"

Lin Changsheng didn't expect that the person lying on the beach with him was actually Concubine Yu Ling of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect!

"No wonder I was pressed so hard, it turned out that someone was pressing on me!"

Lin Changsheng suddenly understood.

"Huh? Xiaobai is still here! Are you okay, Xiaobai?"

Lin Changsheng's heart moved, and he immediately opened the backpack on his back and found that Xiaobai had woken up. When he saw Lin Changsheng, he screamed and shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"Are you okay, miss?"

Lin Changsheng checked Concubine Yu Ling's breathing and found that her breathing was steady, but she did not wake up. She must be fine. He immediately moved her to a large rock aside and looked around.

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