Lin Changsheng discovered.

This is a beach with mist everywhere.

The sea was also covered in fog, and he couldn't see very far. He felt that it was very strange here. Not only was there no spiritual energy, but it seemed that he couldn't practice cultivation.

The magic power in the Dantian will be reduced if you use it a little.

Moreover, the spiritual consciousness was actually suppressed and could not be used, and the storage bag could not be opened!


The little white fox trembled all over and shook off the water droplets on his body, causing water mist to splash everywhere.


Lin Changsheng heard a soft cry and found that Concubine Yu Ling had woken up.

At this time, Concubine Yu Ling was soaked to the skin, and her white clothes clung to her body, giving people the feeling of being able to see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance.

"Where am I?"

Concubine Yu Ling used the magic power on her body to evaporate the water mist on her body, and immediately looked at the surrounding scene.

She frowned slightly and thought carefully, remembering that she, her junior sister Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue from the Yin Yang Dao Sect, Zhuo Yijian from the Tianjian Immortal Sect, and other five foundation builders, bombarded the hidden teleportation array together, and finally , the teleportation array collapsed and turned into a terrifying vortex!

He and his junior sister were all sucked into the whirlpool.

It seemed that he had fallen into that terrifying vortex and was doomed.

"How would you like to call this fellow Taoist?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked around, finally her eyes fell on Lin Changsheng, she cupped her fists and asked.

She remembered that the young monk in front of her came to the valley when they were bombarding the formation. Unexpectedly, he was also sucked in by the huge vortex.


Lin Changsheng was stunned for a while and said. "Be safe in Halong! What do you call a girl who is a casual cultivator?!"

Lin Changsheng is not dressed up as Yu Xiaochang now, because Yu Xiaochang is an outer disciple of the Liuyun Immortal Sect, but he has reached the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage. He is now the third level of the Foundation Building Stage. He is worried that he will be betrayed by then, so he simply changes his identity. .

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Long. My name is Yu Lingfei. I come from the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Long knows where this place is?"

Concubine Yu Ling said to Lin Changsheng, cupping her hands and fists.

"I don't know either. The current plan is to explore slowly."

Lin Changsheng said helplessly.


Concubine Yu Ling nodded.

Lin Changsheng picked up the little white fox and walked forward. He could not use his spiritual consciousness and could only see with his eyes.

More than ten feet away, it was still foggy.

Behind the beach, there seems to be a wasteland.

Concubine Yu Ling followed Lin Changsheng, and the two of them walked in opposite directions to the sea.

"Huh? There's someone in front!"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng stopped and looked ahead. More than ten feet away, more than a dozen strong men wearing animal skins and holding harpoons, knives and guns were walking quickly.

"Looks like a group of fishermen?!"

Concubine Yu Ling also discovered these people, with joy in her beautiful eyes.

If there is anyone, you can ask where this place is.

Not long after.

The group of strong men with harpoons and swords piercing animal skins discovered Lin Changsheng and Concubine Yu Ling, and immediately stepped forward and looked at them warily.

Lin Changsheng discovered that among this group of people, the middle-aged man headed by him actually had martial arts cultivation, which was equivalent to that of an early martial arts master.

Most of the strong men behind him were second-rate and first-rate in strength.

"You were sucked in by accident too?"

The leader, a middle-aged man, about forty years old, tall and exuding a strong aura, looked at Lin Changsheng and Yu Lingfei and asked.

"Also? Brother, was there anyone before us who was also sucked in?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he asked.

He knew it.

Also sucked in were Yu Lingfei's seven companions.

"Of course, in this soul-stealing place, many people will be sucked in every few years or more than ten years. We just rescued 7 people, and together with you two, there will be 9 people!"

The middle-aged man at the head said with a slight smile.

"What do you call this big brother? Also, why did you say this is the place where souls are captured?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Little brother, my name is Tu Mu, you can call me Lao Tu. There is no spiritual energy in this soul-stealing place. Even an immortal master cannot practice here. Once the magic power in the body is exhausted, he will Just like ordinary people!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Can't practice? Brother Tu, is there a way out?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he asked.

"go out?"

Tu Mu and the many strong men looked at each other, looked at Lin Changsheng and Yu Lingfei, shook their heads and said. "Once you've come in, don't even think about going out. Many immortal masters like you can't get out after they come in. In the end, they die of old age like us."


Lin Changsheng frowned deeply when he heard this.

If we can't get out, wouldn't it be doomed?

After hearing Tu Mu's words, Concubine Yu Ling also changed her face.

"What do you call us? If you have no place to go, you can follow us to settle in the tribe. It is not safe here. There are many sea monsters in the sea, which are extremely powerful."

Tu Mu looked at Lin Changsheng and Concubine Yu Ling and said in a deep voice.

"Have a safe stay in Halong! Since Brother Tu invited me, I won't bother you!"

Lin Changsheng said in a deep voice.

The current plan is to enter this place by mistake. The only way is to settle here first, find out the situation and then follow up.

"Concubine Yu Ling, I'm disturbing Brother Tu!"

Concubine Yu Ling was also at the side, cupping her fists and saying.

"Well, come with me!"

Tumu nodded, turned around and walked away with seven or eight strong men.

The group of people walked in the opposite direction to the sea for about half an hour, and finally came to a hilly area where many stone and wooden houses were built.

We learned about it after talking along the way.

This tribe, called the Yuntu tribe, has about a thousand houses and about two thousand people.

This middle-aged man is one of the three leaders.

There are also two leaders, one named Zhang Nian and the other Shao Yicheng, both of whom are at the martial arts master level.

In the tribe, there are more men than women. Men are responsible for killing sea monsters and obtaining living resources, while women are responsible for washing, cooking, and reproducing the tribe.

"Senior Sister Yu!"

"Junior Sister Yu!"

Seeing the return of Lin Changsheng and Yu Lingfei, seven people including Zhuo Yijian, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue and others stepped forward in a hall of the tribe.

"Senior Brother Zhuo, Junior Sister Zhang, and Junior Sister Fu, you are all fine, that's great!"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at the people who were bombarding the hiding formation, and her pretty face suddenly showed joy.

"Everyone, you should rest first. Mo Yu will help you settle down. We still have to go patrolling the sea."

Tu Mu looked at Lin Changsheng, Yu Lingfei and others gave an explanation before leaving.

Mo Yu is a dark-skinned girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with rough skin and a lot of spots. This should be the reason for staying at the beach for many years.

"Sea patrol?"

Lin Changsheng, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei and others all showed doubts.

"Sea patrol means leading the tribe's powerful tribesmen to search for and kill sea monsters on the beach, which provide most of our tribe's living resources!"

"Due to the lack of living resources, the tribe cannot support idle people, so they all need to go out and kill sea beasts!"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng and others were confused, Mo Yu on the side explained.

"I see!"

Lin Changsheng nodded, and Zhuo Yijian and others were also stunned.

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