The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 113 Tracking failed? The Four Commanders of Cloud Atlas! The Crisis of Concubine Yu Ling, Th

The edge of the Eastern Wasteland.

The valley where Lin Changsheng, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei and others fell, as well as the surrounding peaks, disappeared and turned into a huge sinkhole!

Just one day after Lin Changsheng fell in.

Three young figures landed beside this sinkhole.

Among the three people, one wore an iron hood and was at the eighth level of the foundation building stage.

Of the other two people, one has five floors in the foundation building stage, and the other has eight floors in the foundation building stage.

"How could this happen? The ghost track has only stopped here. Could it be that the thief got into it?"

Xuan Gu looked at the tracking disk in his hand and frowned deeply.

The traces of ghost paths are looming. It means that the murderer is not dead in the sinkhole!

"Junior Brother Xuan, the depth here is unfathomable. Even if your spiritual consciousness penetrates into it, it will be like a mud cow entering the sea! This..."

Tie Ying looked at his junior brother Xuan Gu and felt helpless.

In order to hunt down the murderer of Xuan Jing, they have been tracking him for several months. The ghost path tracking mark has been fixed here, but the murderer probably entered this sinkhole.


There was a strong suction force in this sinkhole. He threw a big stone in and was sucked in instantly!

It seems that even if the monks go in, they will be dead!

His current thought is that the junior brother has taken the initiative to retreat. Although he is loyal to his master, it does not mean that he is willing to go to the sinkhole to track down the murderer of Xuan Jing!

Hearing this, Xuan Gu was silent for a moment and sighed. "Two senior brothers, this sinkhole is extremely dangerous, let's go back!"

Xuan Gu is the genius of the Tiangui Sect's generation. He has refined the energy of heaven and earth. He is naturally not a fool. He knows the thoughts of the two senior brothers very well.

At the same time, he also knew that this sinkhole was too dangerous.

"Junior Brother Xuan, let's wait here for half a month. If the guy hasn't come up after half a month, or the tracking mark disappears, it means he is dead! When the time comes, shall we go back?"

Tie Chou suddenly said.

"That's fine!"

Xuan Gu and Tie Ying both nodded.

Half a month later.

The place where souls are captured.

The sky is gloomy.

Endless mist enveloped the entire Yuntu tribe, and a fishy smell gradually emitted from the air.

"No! The wave of sea monsters is coming again!"


Suddenly, there was a shout from the Yuntu tribe outside the gate of Dazhai. Following the shout, many watch guards rushed towards them in the endless fog.

This lookout guard is manned by some tribesmen with good eyesight, vision, and experience in the Yuntu tribe. Once an invasion of sea monsters is discovered, they will notify in advance to alert and fight.

"Quick, pull up the gate of Dazhai!"

"Everyone, occupy favorable terrain and resist the beast tide!"

A majestic voice sounded, and the majestic figure of Tumu, the leader of the tribe, appeared on the three-foot-high stone wall of the tribe's stronghold.

Tumu is holding a long spear, majestic and powerful.

Next to him, stood a tall and thin middle-aged man holding a long sword. It was Zhang Nian, the second leader.

To his right, stood the third leader Shao Yicheng. The third leader was a fat man with a big belly and a long sword in his hand. His strength was at the early stage of a martial arts master.

"Is this the wave of sea monsters?"

Lin Changsheng held a long knife in his hand, looking at the shadowy figures in the distance, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

These sea monsters include a red giant crab with a radius of one foot, an iron-skinned crocodile with a length of three feet, a monster with a length of three feet like a soft-bodied leech, and a giant clam with a length of ten feet.

"Swish swish!"

"Boom boom boom!"


While Lin Changsheng was shocked, many tribal warriors and strong men took action one after another, shooting spears and arrows!

The sea monsters rushing forward fell down one after another.

There are many more behind, attacking the wall.

On the other side, Zhuo Yijian and four junior disciples from the Tianjian Immortal Sect, Zhang Aoxue, Fu Qingyu, Yu Lingfei and others were waiting with weapons in hand.


There was deep worry in their eyes.

Only 50% of their mana is left, and they also know that without spiritual energy absorption and replenishment, the passage will only be a matter of time.

At the moment, the mana in their bodies is their only reliance and must be used sparingly.

"Only 50% of my mana is left. However, fortunately, my body is very strong. The twelve levels of the Golden Bell are complete. Even if I stand among the monsters, these monsters cannot break my defense. !”

Lin Changsheng watched many tribal warriors killing monsters and thought to himself.

He followed many warriors and slashed monsters with swords. He did not show that his body was too powerful, but only showed that he was a little stronger than ordinary people.

In this soul-stealing place, everything is hard to say.

It's better to hide some.

"No! There are two first-level and intermediate-level sea monsters!"

"Ah! Ah!"

At this moment, four or five warriors in front were torn apart, and there were bursts of miserable screams, causing a burst of exclamations.

Tu Mu and Shao Yicheng, Zhang Nian's expression changed and he immediately walked forward.

Lin Changsheng also turned around and looked, and found that these were two huge sea snakes. Their huge bodies were as thick as buckets, five feet long, and they were covered with dark scales!

The scarlet snake letter penetrated the heart of a warrior in the blink of an eye!

In the picture, Shao Yicheng and Zhang Nian rushed forward to resist the three monster beasts, but they kept retreating!

"No, the two sirens this time are too strong!"

Tumu shouted loudly and said in a deep voice to Zhuo Yijian and others not far away. "Fellow immortal masters, with your strength, it is easy to kill these sea monsters. Whoever takes action this time will be the great benefactor of the Yuntu tribe!"

"Junior Brother Li, take action and kill these two monsters!"

Zhuo Yijian's eyes flashed and he looked at a short junior brother beside him.

With his cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Stage, it would be easy to kill this sea snake demon, which is equivalent to a fifth or sixth level monk in the Qi Refining Stage. However, he is the senior brother of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect here, so he must retain his mana in case of unexpected changes!


Li Yu from the Tianjian Immortal Sect nodded to his senior brother, and his figure flashed past the two siren snakes before returning immediately.

next moment.

Two siren snakes, equivalent to the strength of the fifth and sixth levels in the Qi refining stage, had seven inches of their heads cut off, and the snake blood spurted out!

"As expected of an immortal master! Amazing!"

"Thank you Master Li!"

"Master Li Xian is the great hero of our Yuntu tribe!"


Seeing that Li Yu killed two siren snakes in an instant, many strong men from the tribe screamed loudly.

Next to Tu Mu, Zhang Nian's eyes showed a hint of fear.

After killing two of the strongest Kraken snakes, the rest of the sea beasts were easily dealt with. All that was left was for the tribesmen to process the bodies of the Kraken beasts and turn them into food resources.

Three months later.

"In this land of soul-stealing, resources are obtained through contributions. Without mana, monks are just like ordinary people! Unless they are body-refining monks!"

"However, what I want is not to hide here, but to leave!"

Lin Changsheng was sitting in his own cabin, secretly worried.

Three months passed.

The mana in his body was exhausted.

Here, there is no spiritual energy, it is impossible to practice, and the only magic power in the body is gradually passing away due to the passage of time.

Although Lin Changsheng has no magic power, he has completed the twelve levels of the Golden Bell Shield and has been promoted to the Indestructible Vajra Body. Moreover, the Indestructible Vajra Body was also perfected by him a month ago.

After the Vajra Indestructible Body is completed.

Lin Changsheng felt that his physical body became more powerful. Once the Vajra Indestructible Body was activated, the skin all over his body would turn into gold, like a diamond!

Those sea monsters equivalent to the fifth and sixth levels of the Qi Refining Stage were completely unable to break through his defense!

Lin Changsheng believed that even the monks on the first and second floors of the foundation would be unable to break through his defense!


Lin Changsheng knew in his heart that he had to leave here.

"Tumu has met Mr. Long."

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the cabin, and he clasped his fists at Lin Changsheng.

"Commander, why do you have time to come to my place?!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the picture that came in, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Mr. Long, I came here because I have something to discuss with you, Mr. Long!"

Tu Mu glanced deeply at Lin Changsheng, sat down on a stool in the room, and said straight to the point. "Mr. Long, through this period of observation, I discovered that your physical strength is very strong, even better than that of a martial arts master like me!"

"In the recent hunt for sea monsters, because of your participation, we have obtained resources faster. Therefore, I would like to propose that you be elected as the fourth leader of our Yuntu tribe. What do you think?"

"Let me be the fourth leader of the tribe?"

Lin Changsheng was stunned when he heard Tumu's words. He really had not thought of Tumu's proposal.

His purpose is to leave here, not to be the leader here.

Lin Changsheng pondered for a moment, looked at the picture screen, and asked. "Commander Tu, is it really impossible to leave this soul-stealing place? No chance at all?"

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Tumu was silent for a while and said. "Mr. Long, I know that you were once in the foundation building stage, and you are not willing to stay in this bitter cold place for the rest of your life!"

"However, I still advise you to face the reality. You can't get out! This is a closed place of death!"

"Although I was born and raised here, I understand how you feel!"

Tumu sighed as he spoke. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he spoke. "In the records of our soul-stealing land, the immortals who were sucked in wanted to leave at first. However, as time passed and their mana was exhausted, they gradually accepted their fate and died here! The Huoyao Tribe next door to us There is a fairy tower, and there are more than 330 immortal mummies in it! They are all immortal cultivators who escaped from the Huoyao Sand Dunes and finally died!"

"However, one of them, a monk named Jiang, also left with him, but the body of the monk named Jiang was not seen. I wonder if he left Huoyao Sand Dune!"

"According to the leader of the Huoyao Tribe, the reason why the monk surnamed Jiang did not leave a mummy was because he was devoured by desert fire ants instead of leaving!"

"Fire Yao Tribe!"

After hearing Tu Mu's words, Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up, and a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart.

"Master Long, how about you serve as the fourth leader of our Yun Tu first, and in return, I will take you to contact the leader of the Huoyao tribe and see those mummies?"

Tumu saw Lin Changsheng's expression and immediately suggested. After that, he whispered his intention to ask Lin Changsheng to become the fourth leader.

"So that's it!"

After listening to Tu Mu's words, Lin Changsheng suddenly realized.

The reason Tumu proposed him to become the fourth leader was because the second leader, Zhang Nian, had recently been promoted to the late stage of martial arts master. Together with the third leader, Shao Yicheng, he wanted to replace him.


Tumu wants to unite with Lin Changsheng to suppress Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng.

"You take me to contact the Huoyao tribe, and I will help you suppress Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng. However, once I find a way to leave, I will leave!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the picture screen and said in a deep voice.

"Okay! It's a deal!"

Tumu looked happy when he heard this.

In his opinion, no one has ever been out of this soul-stealing place. As long as Long Pingan is willing to be the fourth leader, it will be fine.

The place where souls are captured.

Cloud Atlas Tribe.

Outside a wooden house.

"Miss Yu, in this place where souls are captured, even if you are an immortal cultivator, there is no spiritual energy here!"

"Once all the mana in your body is used up, you will be like an ordinary woman!"

"And in this soul-stealing land, both men and women need to contribute to the tribe! Without contribution, being attached to me is the only way out!"

"Please consider my proposal carefully!"

A middle-aged man, tall and thin, with extremely large hands, wearing a gray robe with his hands behind his back, said in a deep voice as he looked at a stunning woman in white clothes with snow-white skin sitting cross-legged in front of him.

"I am currently focused on practicing and have no thoughts of getting married! I appreciate Commander Zhang's kindness!"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Zhang Nian with a very ugly expression on her face, but she still held her fists in the air.

She was a talented disciple of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, but she was actually coveted by a native. She was extremely angry, but being under the eaves, it was difficult to get angry. She was extremely anxious at the moment.

"Miss Yu, no one has ever left this soul-stealing place. Don't give up any hope of getting out! If you want to live well here, attaching yourself to me is the best choice!"

Seeing Concubine Yu Ling's refusal, Zhang Nian didn't take it seriously, he knew it in his heart.

No matter how firm your confidence is, it will be exhausted as resources become scarce!

His cultivation has now risen to a new level, and his self-confidence has skyrocketed, so he is ready to take this immortal cultivator who has exhausted his magic power as his third wife.

"Commander Zhang, I have no intention of getting married! Please!"

Concubine Yu Ling's pretty face was covered in frost, which looked very unsightly.

"Miss Yu, I am very patient!"

Zhang Nian laughed, turned and left.

Just half a year after Lin Changsheng was sucked into the Soul-Seizing Land.

Each of the five sects of the righteous path sent two Nascent Soul stage monks to the area of ​​the Jinfu Immortal Sect to fight against the Beimu Immortal Clan.

Zhuji, the golden elixir monk, started a series of battles on the front line.


The Beimu Immortal Clan used strange methods, and the immortal cultivators in the Southern Region suffered losses one after another. However, after gradually becoming familiar with the methods of the Beimu Immortal Clan, they gradually stabilized the situation.

The Southern Immortal Cultivation World and the Northern Mu Immortal Clan were in a stalemate thousands of miles away from Jiuyuan Immortal City.

The place where souls are captured.

Cloud Atlas Tribe.

"My spiritual consciousness cannot be used, and my mana has been exhausted. I wonder if there is a body-refining technique here? Do the monks who died in Huoyao Sand Dune have a body-refining technique?"

Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged in the hall belonging to the four commanders, looking worried.

He has a simplified panel. As long as you have the physical training method, get started with it, and then simplify it, your strength can still be improved. Improving your physical strength will still be of great help in finding a way out.

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