The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 114: The foundation of divine refining! Refine your consciousness! Yu Lingfei’s invitation t

"The divine refining technique is not only extremely slow, but also has no effect... ugh!"

Lin Changsheng tried to practice the divine art again, but found that the speed of the divine art was still very slow, like a snail, extremely slow.

And, nothing works.

In the past few months, I have been unable to practice my magic power.

He has been trying to practice divine skills, hoping to find a breakthrough, but he was still disappointed.


Suddenly, Lin Changsheng discovered that he could observe the scene three inches behind his head without looking with his eyes, and his heart suddenly moved.

"These few months of persistence have had some effect?!"

Seeing this, Lin Changsheng's eyes showed surprise.

He knew clearly in his heart, what did this three-inch distance of consciousness represent?

This means that as long as he continues to practice, he can open the storage bag.

If this is the case, he can take the elixir in the storage bag and restore some mana.

With mana, you can cast spells in the foundation building stage, and your body skills and strength will increase, which is a great thing.

"After a few months of cultivation, I have developed three inches of spiritual consciousness. If I practice for a while, won't I be able to open the storage bag?"

Lin Changsheng thought about this and immediately continued to practice the magic.

The place where souls are captured.

Yuntu tribe, in a wooden house under a hill.

Zhuo Yijian and his four junior disciples from the Tianjian Immortal Sect, as well as Concubine Yu Ling, Zhang Aoxue, and Fu Qingyu gathered together.

"Junior Sister Yu, Junior Sister Zhang, and Junior Sister Fu, I am going to make some preparations. In half a month, I will take the four junior brothers to Huoyao Sand Dune to see if I can leave here!"

"Do you want to come together?"

Zhuo Yijian looked at Concubine Yu Ling, Zhang Aoxue and Fu Qingyu and asked in a deep voice.

The magic power has been exhausted and the storage bag cannot be opened. The former immortal cultivator no longer has the calmness he once had. Recently, Zhuo Yijian has been feeling very uncomfortable.

Especially when the magic power was exhausted and unable to use the sword to kill the sea monster, the attitudes of the Yuntu tribe leaders Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng and other tribes members were completely different.

To know.

Zhuo Yijian was a monk at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. The former martial arts master was not in his eyes at all!

But now, he is actually disliked by the martial arts master!

His desire to leave was even stronger.

"Senior Brother Zhuo, we are also going to go together!"

Concubine Yu Ling nodded.

Even if Zhang Nian's covetous desire doesn't die, she doesn't want to be here. She has been cultivating immortality all her life just to pursue a higher path!

"How about we invite Fellow Daoist Long to come with us and see if he is willing to go together?"

Concubine Yu Ling's beautiful eyes flashed and she suddenly said.

"Fellow Daoist Long, please call him and join us!"

Although Zhuo Yijian didn't want to see the dragon safe, in this place where souls were stolen, one more person would bring more possibilities.

Moreover, Long Ping'an's body refining technique is very powerful, almost comparable to that of a late martial arts master.

Having him with you will definitely help you get out of this soul-stealing place.

"Okay, then I'll go tell him."

Concubine Yu Ling nodded.

When she was at the seaside, she once lived on the beach with fellow Taoist Master Long, which was considered a friendship in times of need.

Lin Changsheng was sitting in his main hall.

Slowly practicing the magic technique, although the speed is a bit slow, but there is finally hope.

With spiritual consciousness, you can open the storage bag and take out the elixir inside.

Then you can have the strength of the foundation building period.

At this moment, a burst of light footsteps came.

"Concubine Yu Ling?"

Lin Changsheng looked up and found that the person who came was actually a talented disciple of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

"Concubine Yu Ling, I have met Fellow Taoist Long!"

Concubine Yu Ling stood at the door of the main hall, facing Lin Changsheng Yingying Yifu, cupping her fists and saying.

"I've seen Miss Yu!"

Lin Changsheng returned the gift with cupped fists.

He didn't ask Concubine Yu Ling's purpose of coming, and waited quietly for her to speak.

"Fellow Daoist Long, we are going to explore the Huoyao Sand Dunes, will you go?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng with a look of expectation.

"Flame Dune?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he said. "Okay, when?"

Although it was not the best time to go to Huoyao Sand Dunes, he was still ready to take a look and learn more about it.

"We are going to go in half a month!"

Concubine Yu Ling said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let me know when you go." Lin Changsheng nodded.

"Well, then I won't disturb Fellow Daoist Long!"

Concubine Yu Ling nodded, cupped her fists and saluted, then said goodbye and left.

The place where souls are captured.

Five miles away from the main hall where Lin Changsheng was, in a wooden house.

A tall and thin middle-aged man was sitting in the room. This man was the second commander Zhang Nian.

Next to him was a fat man with a big belly and a long sword hanging on his waist. He was Shao Yicheng who was in the early stage of martial arts master.

"Brother Zhang, that picture made Long Ping'an the fourth commander. He must have sensed something and started to take precautions against us!"

Shao Yicheng looked at Zhang Nian with a hint of worry in his eyes and said.

"Brother Shao, there is no need to worry. We were originally going to deal with that Tumu. Long Ping'an became the fourth commander. He is seeking death on his own. When the time comes, we will deal with him together!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Nian's mouth and he said nonchalantly.

"But Long Ping'an's body-refining strength is comparable to that of a martial arts master!"

Shao Yicheng frowned, a strong body refiner with the strength of a martial arts master is not easy to deal with.

"Brother Shao, don't worry. I found a kind of sea monster toxin in the sea this time. It is colorless and odorless. When the time comes, if it gets into their food, they will definitely die without knowing it! Moreover, there is no doubt about it. On us!"

A sinister smile appeared on Zhang Nian's lips, full of confidence.

"Oh? Then just wait for the good news from Brother Zhang!"

Shao Yicheng's eyes flashed and he said.

at the same time.

He also reminded himself in his mind that since Zhang Nian had the poison that silently poisoned Commander Tumu, he might not treat himself this way in the future!

One or two things must be watched out for.

"Don't worry, you and I are just grasshoppers on a rope. Moreover, this kind of poison is very rare. There is only one copy. Once you use it, it's gone!"

Zhang Nian seemed to have guessed what Shao Yicheng was thinking, and immediately patted his shoulder and said.

"Brother Zhang, I believe you!"

Shao Yicheng nodded.

Half a month later.

The place where souls are captured.

Cloud Atlas Tribe.

"I finally cultivated my spiritual consciousness to the point where it can extend three feet outside my body!"

Lin Changsheng was sitting in his command hall, with his eyes closed, and he 'saw' something three feet away.

In the past half month, Lin Changsheng has been practicing the divine arts almost sleeplessly, over and over again. Although it is slow and the increase in spiritual consciousness is like a snail, he sees hope!

Finally, after half a month, I cultivated my spiritual consciousness to the point where it can extend three feet outside the body!

I could barely open the storage bag and see what was inside.

However, the storage bag has a relatively large space, and things need to be detected by the spiritual sense before they can be taken out, so the spiritual sense needs to continue to be tempered.

"Fourth Commander, the First Commander asked me to call you and say that I will take you to the Huoyao Tribe today!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to continue practicing the divine arts, a dark-skinned girl came over and faced Lin Changsheng, bowing and clasping her fists.


When Lin Changsheng heard this, his eyes lit up and he stood up immediately.

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