The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 117 In the body of King Vajra Ming, Xuanting enters the place where souls are captured!

Tumu couldn't help but look at Lin Changsheng, there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He knew that Long Ping'an's strength was many, many more than that of a martial arts master!

If he can stop it, he will definitely be able to turn the tide!

"Rebellion? Haha, Tumu, you sacrificed the interests of the tribe to satisfy a certain person's selfish desires. What you did is not worthy of being the leader of our Yuntu tribe!"

"Also, you and Long Ping'an colluded to send supplies to the Huoyao Tribe, and you are a spy of the Huoyao Tribe!"

"Now, Fourth Commander Shao Yicheng and I, on behalf of all the warriors of the tribe, will capture you and publicly execute you as a warning to others!"

Zhang Nian squinted, looked at the screen, and spoke in a deep voice.


Hearing Zhang Nian's words, Tumu was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he couldn't raise his energy at all and became a lamb to be slaughtered!

"Brother Shao, let's take action together to capture this guy!"

Zhang Nian turned around and looked at Lin Changsheng, who was sitting cross-legged beside him, with a confident smile on his lips.


Shao Yicheng nodded and looked at Lin Changsheng. His fat body moved towards him. His powerful momentum gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"Boy, the picture is ruined, why don't you just surrender?"

Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng laughed sinisterly, one holding a sword and the other holding a knife.


Lin Changsheng watched the two approaching, snorted coldly, waved his hand, appeared in front of Zhang Nian, and punched out!


Before Zhang Nian could react, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and found a hole as big as the mouth of a bowl, with blood pouring out!


Zhang Nian looked at Shao Yicheng not far away with horror in his eyes!

In sight, Shao Yicheng's head was slapped into the chest by Long Pingan like a watermelon!

"Killing a martial arts master is like killing a chicken."

Zhang Nian watched Shao Yicheng die. He also felt the strength in his body flowing away crazily, and he fell to the ground with a crash!

"What a powerful cultivation level!"

Tumu was sitting on the ground aside, watching Long Pingan destroy the two martial arts masters Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng in the blink of an eye!

To know.

Zhang Nian has just been promoted to the peak of martial arts master, and he is not sure of defeating Zhang Nian!

And such a powerful Zhang Nian was like a chicken in the hands of Long Ping'an!

"Brother Tu, are you okay?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the picture screen and asked.

"Thank you for your help, brother. I should be fine. I just can't get angry anymore."

Tumu checked his condition and burst into tears of gratitude to Lin Changsheng.

"Well, you go and deal with tribal affairs. I need to retreat for a while."

Lin Changsheng said to Tumu.

He now wants to practice divine skills and strengthen his spiritual consciousness, then open the storage bag and take out the Vajra Ming King Body and Tianyang Yiqi Jue to practice.

"Yes! Brother, please stay in seclusion. If you need anything, please tell Mo Yu."

Tumu nodded, turned around and left the palace.

Cloud Atlas Tribe.

Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu and others stood under a hill and looked at the Yuntu tribe in the distance, which was very lively.

At this time, a young man, about twenty-four or five years old, walked quickly and bowed to Zhuo Yijian, clasping his fists. "Senior brother, the two leaders of the Yuntu tribe are dead!"

"What? Which two commanders are dead?"

When Zhuo Yijian heard this, his face suddenly showed emotion.

He remembers.

The Yuntu Tribe originally had three commanders, Tumu, Zhang Nian, and Shao Yicheng. Later, the monk Long Ping'an who came with him and others was invited by Tumu to become the four commanders because his physical strength was comparable to that of a martial arts master.

"Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng are dead."

Lin Yu bowed and said.

"Zhang Nian? Shao Yicheng? Was Tumu the one who killed him?"

Zhuo Yijian asked again.

"No, it was Long Ping'an who killed them. I heard that Zhang Nian and Shao Yicheng teamed up to destroy Tu Mu. In the end, Long Ping'an took action and killed the two of them with one move."

Lin Yu said in a deep voice.

"This Long Ping'an's physical strength is actually so strong?!"

Hearing his junior brother's words, Zhuo Yijian's eyes showed horror.

Although he is a monk in the foundation building stage, without magic power, he is not much stronger than ordinary people.


This Long Ping'an is also a cultivator. His physical body is so powerful that it actually surpasses that of a martial arts master!

"Very good!"

"Fellow Daoist Long, this is equivalent to saving me!"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at the main hall in the distance, with deep shock and gratitude in her beautiful eyes.

That Zhang Nian was wishful thinking, and now that he was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that when we go to Huoyao Sand Dune, we must invite Fellow Daoist Dragon to come with us!"

Zhuo Yijian said secretly in his heart.

time flies.

Three months later.

"In three months, my consciousness successfully reached a distance of one to five feet!"

"Now, you can take out the Vajra Mingwang body technique in the storage bag!"

Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged in the main hall, opened his eyes, and murmured with a look of satisfaction.


Here, the spiritual consciousness is suppressed, but the divine refining technique is extremely powerful, just like walking in the mud. In three months, he has been able to cultivate the spiritual consciousness to a distance of one foot to five feet, which is commendable!

Best of all, the storage bag can now be opened!

In this soul-stealing land, maximizing your own strength will bring you all the benefits without any harm!

Lin Changsheng took out the storage bag he got from the Huoyao Tribe, and found the storage bag with King Kong Ming's body in it. His consciousness enveloped it and he went deep into it instantly.



Two yellowed booklets appeared on the table in front of Lin Changsheng.

It is the Vajra King Body, the Tianyang Yiqi Jue, and three second-level talismans, namely a second-level water arrow talisman, a wind blade talisman, and a golden knife talisman.

"Look at the other storage bags and look around to see if there are any body-training techniques!"

Lin Changsheng's heart moved and he immediately checked other storage bags.

Half an hour later.

"Not bad, what a harvest!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the three body-training techniques in front of him with a look of satisfaction.

King Kong Ming's body, the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique, and the Dragon Elephant Technique.

Three body-refining techniques were found in the storage bags of the three monks respectively. As for other foundation-building techniques, there were also five copies. The Qi-refining stage techniques had the most, with more than fifty copies.

He decided to practice these three body training techniques first.

Lin Changsheng immediately picked up the Vajra King's Body and began to read it carefully.

Demonic sea.

There is a huge ghostly island with row upon row of halls and dark glazed tiles, which looks depressing.

This is the residence of Xuanting, the elder of Jindan of Tiangui Sect.

At this time, Xuanting was sitting in the main hall. In front of him, three people were kneeling, namely Xuan Gu, Tie Ying, and Tie Chou!

"You said that the thief has been sucked into the vortex of the pit? Then the mark on the tracking disk is still there, which means that this person is not dead!"

Xuanting's expression was very gloomy. His eldest son had died and there was no body left. He felt very painful in his heart.

"Father, the kid and the two senior brothers went to that pit, and the thief was indeed sucked in! The kid and the two senior brothers waited there for more than ten days before finally coming back!"

"The suction force of that pit is very strong. As long as the monks in the foundation-building stage get close, they will probably be sucked in!"

Xuan Gu was also very helpless. He wanted to avenge his elder brother, but he was also afraid of death!

"Trash! They are all trash! Take my father to that pit!"

"Kill my son, I will kill him!"

Xuanting suddenly stood up, with resentment in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.


Xuan Gu was helpless and nodded immediately.

Cloud Atlas Tribe.

【Introduction to King Kongming's Body】

"Finally the entry point!"

Lin Changsheng was sitting in the main hall, looking at his panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

In order to get started with the Vajra King Body, he spent a day studying.

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