The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 118: Vajra Immortal attains perfection, the Southern Region monks are defeated! Don't y

[It has been detected that the body training method Vajra Mingwang Body Introduction can be simplified by consuming 300 spiritual stones. Is it simplified? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng immediately took out 300 spirit stones and clicked OK.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The body-training technique Vajra Ming King Body is simplified and simplified successfully. Vajra Ming King Body = Waves wash away and purify the body]

Just a moment after Lin Changsheng clicked OK, a red prompt popped up on his panel.

"The waves wash away my body. Are you asking me to take a bath in the sea?"

Seeing the effect of this purification, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned.

It's still okay to take a bath when the waves wash over you.

The Yuntu Tribe is right by the sea and has all the necessary conditions.

"I can't hold the Secret Book of the Golden Buddha in my hand, and then I will swipe the experience value of King Kong Ming King's body at the beach. When it reaches perfection, my physical body will be stronger, and I will be more confident when passing through the flaming sand dunes."

Lin Changsheng made up his mind, and immediately picked up the two body-training secret books, namely, the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique and the Dragon Elephant Technique, and walked towards the seaside.

Five or six miles away from the Izumotu tribe is the beach, which is dotted with rocks.

On the sea, there is no white fog anymore, and the sea and sky are blue.

Waves of waves washed over the rocks and roared.

Lin Changsheng took off his clothes, exposing his tendons, and jumped into the sea. Waves of violent waves washed over him, and his body stood on the seaside, as immovable as a rock.

King Kong Ming’s personal experience value +1!

King Kong Ming’s personal experience value +1!

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Not bad."

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed satisfaction when he saw that the experience value continued to increase and the speed was not slow.

"At this rate, it is estimated that my Vajra King Body will be perfected in a few days. By then, what kind of technique will it become when it is integrated with my Vajra Indestructible Body?"

Lin Changsheng was looking forward to it.

After the Vajra Indestructible Body is completed, his physical strength is equivalent to the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. If the Vajra Ming King Body is also completed, then it can be superimposed, and his strength will be even stronger.

When the time comes, it will be integrated into a new body-training technique, and the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique and the Dragon Elephant Technique will be completed.

"If I perfect all the four body-refining techniques, merge them into a new body-refining technique, and then perfect them again, can my physical body reach the peak of the foundation-building stage or even go further?"

Lin Changsheng thought about this and was about to read the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique first, but found that the waves were so strong that the secret book was already wet.


It’s a bit difficult to read the cheats while reading the experience points of King Vajra Ming at the beach.


Lin Changsheng thought for a while, looked around, and immediately came to a reef. He soaked his feet in the sea water, then took out the secret book of the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique, placed it on the reef to read, and let the waves wash away. His legs.

With the reef blocking it, the secret book will not get wet.

"Well, you can immobilize the Golden Buddha Technique, and you can also flush out experience points. It's almost like killing two birds with one stone."

Lin Changsheng showed a satisfied look, picked up the secret book, and began to read it.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was 2 days later.

This day was a cloudy day, and the sea was covered with light mist. After two days of waves washing, Lin Changsheng's Vajra Ming King Body had been promoted to the realm of Dacheng. His physical body was stronger than before. On the basis of the Vajra Indestructible Body Improved a lot.

At this moment, his physical strength is equivalent to the fourth level of the foundation building stage.

Moreover, he has already mastered the Dragon Elephant Technique. However, after the Dragon Elephant Technique was simplified, it became Riding a Dragon and Riding an Elephant. This is a bit difficult for Lin Changsheng at the moment.

He hasn't seen a dragon yet, and there are no elephants in this soul-stealing place. He can only wait to find dragons and elephants after he goes out.

At this moment, three girls walked up not far away.

"Senior Sister Yu, are we really going to die here?"

Fu Qingyu looked at her senior sister, Concubine Yu Ling, with a look of frustration in her beautiful eyes. Some time ago, the three of them and Senior Brother Zhuo Yijian of the Tianjian Immortal Sect and others went to Huoyao Sand Dune but returned without success.

Without their magic power, they simply could not withstand the scorching heat inside the Huoyao Sand Dune.

"Sister Fu, I don't know either."

Concubine Yu Ling sighed.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, the only hope is the Huoyao Sand Dunes, but the Huoyao Sand Dunes are impossible to pass through. Several of them also went to the Huoyao Tribe to see the mummies.

Obviously, those mummies are all monks who have strayed into the soul-stealing place over the years.

"Without mana, even if our cultivation is foundation building, our life span will only be a few decades."

Zhang Aoxue looked at the sea in the distance and sighed.

For a moment, the three girls were silent.

"Hey, look, is that Fellow Daoist Dragon on the beach?"

Suddenly, Fu Qingyu looked at the reef not far away and exclaimed.

Concubine Yu Ling and Zhang Aoxue looked in the direction of Fu Qingyu's finger.

However, they found a young man with a slender figure, muscles all over his body, and handsome features lying on the rocks, letting the waves wash away. He seemed to be holding something in his hand and looking at it.

The young man's strong muscles and perfect lines made the three of them blush slightly.

"It's really him. What is he looking at at the beach?"

Zhang Aoxue looked at Lin Changsheng with curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

"Senior Sister Yu, Senior Sister Zhang, this fellow Daoist Long is so calm and unhurried in the face of difficulties? Doesn't he want to get out of this forest-stealing land?"

"Still. Is he sure he can leave here?"

Fu Qingyu looked at Concubine Yu Ling and the two of them with a look of speculation.

She remembered, however, that some time ago she invited Fellow Taoist Long to go to Huoyao Sand Dunes, but he declined on the grounds of seclusion.

"Sister Fu, I don't know this either. How about we ask him?"

Concubine Yu Ling had already had this guess in her mind.

After all, in this dangerous place, it is unreasonable for this fellow Daoist Dragon to be so calm and unhurried!

"Then let's wait until he takes a shower."

Zhang Aoxue's beautiful eyes flashed and she said.

There is no magic power here, they are not much stronger than ordinary people, and as women they cannot go out to kill the sea monsters, so they can only make contributions in the tribe by sewing and mending like the women in exchange for some food.

Concubine Yu Ling and Fu Qingyu nodded.

time flies.

The sun is gradually setting.

[Introduction to the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique]

Lin Changsheng stood next to the reef, and a red prompt popped up on his panel.

"Have you finally mastered the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique?"

Seeing the prompts on the panel, Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up, and he learned another body-training technique. When the time comes to simplify and perfect it, his physical strength can be improved. Although he has no magic power, his physical body is still strong!

[It has been detected that the introductory body-training technique, the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique, consumes 300 spiritual stones and is about to be simplified? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

[The Greatest Way to Simplicity: The body-training technique, Fudo Golden Buddha Technique, has been simplified successfully. Fudo Golden Buddha Technique = Don’t be tempted by watching beautiful women dancing! 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Aren't you tempted by watching beautiful women dancing?"

"I'm afraid this is hard to do."

Seeing the simplified effect of the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique, Lin Changsheng was not only a little confused.

As long as you are a man watching beautiful women dancing, you will definitely have an idea, but how can you do it without being tempted?

【King Kongming's body is perfect】

At this moment, as the waves continued to wash away, Lin Changsheng's experience value continued to increase, and a red prompt popped up on the panel.

“The body of King Vajra Ming is complete?”

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he saw the red prompt.

at the same time.

He felt that all the bones in his body were booming, and a powerful aura spread from his body.

this moment.

Lin Changsheng heard the muscles and bones in his body roaring together, the muscles trembling, and a powerful sense of power emerged from his body. Lin Changsheng discovered that the perfection of the King Kong Ming King's body greatly improved the strength of his physical body.

Although the Vajra Ming King Body and the Vajra Indestructible Body both belong to the body training techniques of the Foundation Establishment Stage, the completion of these two techniques will still increase his physical strength to the level equivalent to the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage!


"When the Golden Buddha Technique and the Dragon Elephant Technique are fully integrated and become a new technique, my physical strength will definitely reach the peak after the foundation building period or even go further!"

Lin Changsheng felt the strong strength in his body, and his eyes showed anticipation.

Lin Changsheng broke through King Kong Ming's body, and his powerful aura was immediately sensed by the three concubines Yu Ling.

"The aura of Senior Sister Yu and Fellow Daoist Dragon"

Fu Qingyu looked at Lin Changsheng on the beach, with shock in her beautiful eyes.

"It turned out to be a breakthrough in the physical training method, practicing both physical and mental training, this"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng and was extremely shocked.

To know.

Compared with the path of cultivating immortals, the path of body refining is more difficult. Not only does it require a lot of resources, but it is also difficult to achieve. Looking at the aura exuding from this fellow Taoist Dragon, it is no less than the fifth level of the foundation building stage.

Dual cultivation of law and body requires more resources and takes longer!

At this time, Zhang Aoxue's eyes also showed shock.

"Three fellow Taoists, why are you here?"

With King Kong Ming's perfect body, Lin Changsheng naturally did not need to be washed in the waves. He left the reef, looked at the three girls in white not far away, and asked.

"Fellow Daoist Dragon, we were anxious and came to the beach to have a look. We didn't expect you to practice here. Congratulations to Friend Daoist Long for your breakthrough."

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng with curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, Fu Qingyu and Zhang Aoxue also came forward and clasped their fists to see each other.

"Thank you all three. I have nothing to do, so I just want to practice some physical training. I can become stronger."

Lin Changsheng looked at the three girls and brushed them off.

Of course he wouldn't say that he was in this wave to gain experience.

At the same time, Lin Changsheng's heart moved. He couldn't be tempted by the beauty. Aren't there three of them in front of him?

Discuss with them and see them?

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Long, I see that you are not in a hurry. Don't you want to go out?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng, her beautiful eyes flashed, and asked.

He remembered that when he went to explore the Huoyao Sand Dunes, Long Pingan declined.

"Of course I want to go out, but there's no point in being anxious. Only by becoming stronger will the chance of passing through the flaming sand dunes be greater!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the sea in the distance and said in a deep voice.

Lin Changsheng seemed to have thought of something and looked at Concubine Yu Ling and asked. "By the way, did you find anything when you visited Huoyao Sand Dune last time?"

Concubine Yu Ling stroked the green hair on her forehead with her bare hands, looked at the sea in the distance, and said with a worried look on her face. "No, the fire shines on the sand dune, and the temperature gets higher as we go inside. At this temperature, if we don't have the magic power to enter, we will definitely die. If we can't find a way to get out of the soul-stealing place, our final ending will be to die here."

Hearing Concubine Yu Ling's words, Fu Qingyu and Zhang Aoxue's beautiful eyes dimmed.

"Fellow Daoist Long, do you have any idea about going out?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng and asked. This was the question she had been wanting to ask Lin Changsheng for the past few months.


Lin Changsheng looked at the sea in the distance and said. "I'm going to explore the Huoyao Sand Dunes tomorrow."

"Then can we go together then?"

When Concubine Yu Ling heard this, her eyes flashed and she asked.

She wanted to know if Lin Changsheng had any solution.


Lin Changsheng nodded.

When Lin Changsheng was trapped in the Soul-Seizing Land.

An earth-shattering event happened in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World!

The Beimu Immortal Clan has captured one-fifth of the territory of the Southern Immortal Cultivation World, and the Golden Fu Immortal Sect has been forced to move!

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