The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 119 The Earth Fire Burning Sky Soul Locking Formation, embarrassing illustration, Xuanting e

The Golden Fu Immortal Sect lost its sect headquarters and had nowhere to go, so it had no choice but to retreat to the east, occupying a land of thousands of miles, and re-establish its sect's territory.

at the same time.

The five demon sects, including the Heavenly Ghost Sect, the Corpse King Sect, the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Yin Yang Palace, and the Taiyin Island, were sitting on the sidelines watching the tigers fight, preparing to reap the benefits.

This day.

Four figures appeared outside the sinkhole where Lin Changsheng, Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian and others were attracted.

They are Xuanting, Xuangu, Tie Ying and Tie Chou from the Tiangui Sect.

"Is this the sinkhole you are talking about?"

Xuanting looked at his precious son Xuan Gu and asked.

"Yes, Father."

Xuan Gu nodded.

Xuanting's eyes flashed, and as he waved his hand, a black tracking disk floated in the air. He fired several spells, and the black light shone!


The black tracking disk continued to rotate in the sky and became one foot in diameter.

As Xuanting's spell was played, a black skull pattern appeared on the tracking disk, emitting a dark light.

"This thief is still alive here?!"

Seeing the dark skull pattern on the tracking disk, Xuanting's face became more and more gloomy. His body flew up and gradually approached the sinkhole.

"Father, be careful."

"Master, be careful, the suction force here is very strong!"

Xuan Gu and Tie Ying Tie Chou reminded from the side.

"It's just a sinkhole, what can you do to me?!"

"That thief is still alive, which means there is no danger under the sinkhole! Jing'er was harmed by him. If I, as a father, cannot avenge him, I will be ashamed to be a father!"

"Kill my son, even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!"

Xuanting's eyes flashed with murderous intent. His figure flew into the sky. Above the sinkhole, he carefully observed the sinkhole. His powerful spiritual consciousness penetrated into the sinkhole, and he saw a huge one inside. Empty space.

There is no strong suction force as my son and two disciples said.

"There's no suction, go down and have a look!"

As Xuanting waved his hand, a black skull appeared in front of him. Facing the rising wind, his clothes fluttered and he stepped on the skull and flew towards the sinkhole.

Xuan Gu, Tie Ying, and Tie Chou watched anxiously as Xuanting gradually approached the bottom of the sinkhole.

"Boy, when I catch you, I will burn your bones into ashes and light a sky lantern with your soul to comfort my son's spirit in heaven!"

Xuanting's consciousness discovered that this underground space was very huge. At the same time, the skull pattern on the black tracking disk shone brightly!

Xuanting knows.

The tracking disk flashes, indicating that the murderer of Xuan Jing is trapped here.

Thinking of this.

Xuanting flew downwards relying on his powerful golden elixir level cultivation.


Just when Xuanting flew down nearly a hundred feet, suddenly, a terrifying suction force swept in from the underground space!

"Terrible suction?!"

Feeling this terrifying suction, Xuanting narrowed his eyes and used the magic power of the golden elixir stage to control the magic weapon and stabilize his body.


This terrifying suction force was so fast that it hit him in an instant. At this moment, Xuanting felt that the magic power on his body was not working properly. Even the magic skull shrank rapidly and fell downwards.

"not good!"

Xuanting was shocked and quickly put away the magic weapon and flew upwards, but it was too late. All the magic power in his body was instantly locked and his body fell downwards!

The next moment, his vision went dark and his consciousness fell into darkness.


Xuan Gu stood next to the sinkhole and saw the powerful whirlwind like a tornado inside. He exclaimed and stepped back several hundred feet.

Tie Ying and Tie Chou beside him were also horrified.

The place where souls are captured.

The next day.

Lin Changsheng, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue, and Zhuo Yijian of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect and other five foundation-building monks, a group of nine people, headed towards Huoyao Sand Dune.

Fire Tribe.

Xuan Feng watched Lin Changsheng and others heading towards Huoyao Sand Dune with a very respectful expression.

"Dad, we can't get out of this soul-stealing place at all. Why don't these immortal cultivators give up?"

Beside Xuan Feng, a thin young man shook his head and sighed.

Over the years, many immortal cultivators have entered the land of soul seizing.

All their mana was exhausted, and they finally became a member of the tribe and accepted the fate of dying here!

"Zhuo'er, don't talk too much!"

Xuan Feng glared at his son and stopped his son from talking too much.

That day, he felt the powerful aura of Commander Long Ping'an, and he knew that although he was also an immortal cultivator, this Long Ping'an's physical strength was already terrifyingly powerful.

Don't mess with it.

Therefore, he handed over all the relics left by the immortal cultivators to the Dragon Commander on the spot. Instead of waiting for others to speak, he might as well hand them over himself to leave a good impression.

"Yes! Father!"

Dongzhuo's eyes flickered and he nodded.

The reason why Dong Zhuo pays so much attention to these immortal cultivators is because he has taken a fancy to two of them female immortal cultivators.

He felt that this was not a toad wanting to eat swan meat, because in this land of soul-stealing, even if you were once a high-ranking immortal cultivator, now that you have no magic power, you are just an ordinary person.

And he is the son of the leader of the Huoyao tribe, with a noble status.

Lin Changsheng and his group of nine people passed through the Huoyao tribe and gradually approached the bottom of the Huoyao sand dune.

"Is this the Huoyao Sand Dune?"

Lin Changsheng stood under the flaming sand dune, with a look of shock in his eyes. Not only did he pass through such a terrifying temperature, but he felt his face was being roasted and painful even if he got close to it.

The entire soul-stealing land is shaped like an oval shuttle, with the Yuntu tribe and the Huoyao tribe each occupying half of it. Through the Huoyao tribe, you can see the Huoyao sand dunes.

The flaming sand dune is about three hundred feet high, with hot yellow sand pouring down in mounds!

It is almost impossible to see the edge, and everything you see is yellow sand.

Above the yellow sand, there is a scorching temperature, and the space is a little distorted because of the high temperature.

"Senior Brother Long, we have been here before. We couldn't get up even after trying it. The temperature was too high."

Concubine Yu Ling frowned deeply as she looked at the hot temperature inside the flaming sand dune.

After that time, her heart gradually sank to the bottom.

She didn't want to be one of those mummies. Her ambition was to become a Yuanying Stage monk, but she didn't expect that she would accidentally step into such a dangerous place.

"Am I really going to be trapped here in this life?"

Zhuo Yijian looked at the flaming sand dune with his brows furrowed and a look of despair in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhuo Yijian felt regretful.

I originally thought that the hidden formation would be a great opportunity, but I never thought that I would be trapped in this barren land.

"Vajra Ming King Body!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the scorching hot sand dunes filled with yellow sand, and moved his Vajra Ming King body forward slowly.


A terrifying scorching temperature enveloped Lin Changsheng. Lin Changsheng continued to move, and his Vajra Ming King Body resisted this scorching heat.

Seeing Lin Changsheng walking towards Huoyao Sand Dune, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu and others all looked at him intently.

"Oh my God! The temperature is too high, I can't stop it, I can't stop it!"

Lin Changsheng walked forward for more than 20 feet, but felt that his whole body was burning and aching, and his consciousness gradually became blurry. He immediately did not dare to go any further, and jumped back.

He had a feeling that as long as he continued to move forward, he would definitely be roasted, and his final end would be like those mummies in the Huoyao Tribe.

"No wonder, those people became mummies. It seems because they were unwilling to be trapped here and forced themselves to climb up the sand dunes!"

"The temperature is so high. Not only walking through the Huoyao Sand Dunes, but even walking 30 feet forward is as difficult as climbing to the sky!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the sand dune and his heart sank to the bottom.

His physical strength was equivalent to the fifth level of the foundation building stage, and he could only walk more than 20 feet before he couldn't bear it anymore. These immortal cultivators without magic power entered it by force, unable to move forward and unable to return. They were eventually dried and became mummies.

"Look to the side!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the sand dunes. He did not give up and walked along the Huoyao Sand Dunes. As he continued to move forward, Lin Changsheng discovered that the Huoyao Sand Dunes were endless. After walking for a long time, he was still full of yellow sand and scorching temperatures. .

At the end, the flaming hills and the boundless sea form a dividing line between yin and yang. The scorching temperature and sea water stir up mist all over the sky, and a thick layer of sea salt accumulates at the intersection!

"It seems that I can't get out."

Lin Changsheng looked at the yellow sand in the sky and murmured in despair. "Could it be that Jiang Yukun, the number one golden elixir in the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, and Jiang Yukun who came out here are not the same person?"

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Changsheng felt even more desperate.

"No, I want to go to that island to see it!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he thought to himself.

He remembered that the Jiang Yukun here once went to an island thousands of miles away. After returning, he entered the Huoyao Sand Dunes and did not see his mummy.

Most likely, he left this place!

This is Lin Changsheng's last hope.

"Senior Brother Long has no choice."

Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others followed Lin Changsheng. When they saw that Lin Changsheng looked unhappy, they immediately looked at me and me with despair.

Lin Changsheng turned around immediately. He wanted to go back and prepare before heading to an island thousands of miles away tomorrow.

Of course, before going there, you have to ask Xuanfeng and Tumu about the location of the island.

A group of nine people returned along the original route along the coastline. They were all so tired that they were paralyzed. However, Lin Changsheng was full of energy. After all, his physical strength was very powerful, already comparable to the fifth level of the Foundation Stage.

[Introduction to the Earth Fire Burning Heaven Locking Spirit Formation! 】

Lin Changsheng and his group walked back, and not long after, they returned to the place where he had gone deep into the Huoyao Sand Dunes. Suddenly, a red prompt popped up on his panel!


"The Earth Fire Burning Sky Spirit Locking Formation? Is this Fire Shining Sand Dune a formation?"

Seeing the prompt on the panel, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but flash his eyes, showing a look of surprise.

Since it is a formation, it means there is a life gate.

Then you can go out.

[The Earth Fire Burning Sky Spirit Locking Formation has been detected. It can be simplified by consuming 3,000 spirit stones. Is it simplified? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"You want 3,000 spiritual stones?!"

Seeing the red prompt on the panel, Changsheng narrowed his eyes. The total number of spiritual stones he found in these monks' storage bags was sixty or seventy thousand, and he could still get 3,000 spiritual stones.

However, now that there are Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue, Yu Lingfei and others around him, it is certainly impossible for him to simplify the formation here!

"Fellow Taoists, let's go back."

Lin Changsheng glanced at Yu Lingfei and others and said in a deep voice.

He wants to go back first and simplify the Earth Fire Burning Sky Spirit Locking Formation.


Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue and others clasped their fists at Lin Changsheng and left in despair.

Lin Changsheng also went to the Yuantu tribe.


Lin Changsheng watched everyone leave, and immediately covered the storage bag with his consciousness, took out 3,000 spirit stones, and clicked OK on the panel.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: Earth Fire Burning Heaven Locking Spirit Array has been simplified successfully. Earth Fire Burning Heaven Locking Spirit Array == Desire Locking the Body! 】

The moment Lin Changsheng clicked OK, the 3,000 spirit stones he took out disappeared without a trace. At the same time, a red prompt popped up on the panel again.

"Locked with desire?"

Seeing the effect of this simplification, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but frown.

This one is a bit abstract.


Lock yourself?

You mean to make me horny and then hold it and lock it?

Isn't this embarrassing?

The previous technique of not being moved by the Golden Buddha was to keep yourself from watching beautiful women dancing, but here it is again!

"How does this make my fire burn?"

"Is it possible that I should be asked to find Concubine Yu Ling and the others? The key is that even if I look for them, they won't agree!"

Lin Changsheng felt a little dizzy when he thought about this.

This formation has been simplified and perfected. If you control this formation, you will have great hope of leaving this soul-stealing place.

There is no need to live here forever.

However, this simplification is too outrageous.

"Could it be warming up by the fire by the dunes?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, thinking about this, he quickly turned around and came to the side of Huoyao Sand Dune, lit a fire, and observed the panel at the same time.

Unfortunately, he was sweating profusely from the heat, and there was no response on the panel.

"I still have to find Concubine Yu Ling and the others. By the way, as long as they dance for me, my Immovable Golden Buddha Technique can also gain experience points!"

Lin Changsheng made up his mind. He was thinking, what kind of reason should he find to speak, which would be more tactful?

after all.

This is his only hope to get out of the soul-stealing land.

If he can complete this formation, he can find a way out.

So, he had to convince them.

If it really doesn't work, you can find a girl from the tribe and watch them dance. However, the girls in the tribe are all very rough due to the sea wind and sun.

There are no female Shuilings such as Concubine Yu Ling, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue, etc.

Lin Changsheng returned to his main hall.

After killing the second commander Zhang Nian and the third commander Shao Yicheng, Lin Changsheng became the second commander of the Yuntu tribe.

Originally Tumu wanted him to become the commander-in-chief, but Lin Changsheng was unwilling. What he wanted was to leave this place, so he declined and became the second commander-in-chief in name only.

"What should I do?"

Lin Changsheng opened his storage bag and browsed through them one by one, trying to find a good method.

"Huh? There are a lot of pictures on this Spring Breeze illustration. Can I take a look? In this way, wouldn't it mean that I don't have to look for Yu Lingfei and the others?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng glanced at one of the storage bags, and his heart suddenly moved.

These illustrations depict the events in the Spring Palace, as well as part of the plot.

Lin Changsheng remembered that several of these books were taken from their storage bags after killing Wu Wu when he met Su Ying, Jiang Haoxue, Tang Xing and others when he went to Liuyun Immortal Sect. spoils of war.

There are also a few books found in Nanman Immortal Master's storage bag.

"Take these to see if they can arouse desire? Then lock yourself to gain experience points?"

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately put these illustrations on the desk and started to read them.

Earth Fire Burning Heaven Locking Spirit Formation experience value +1!

Earth Fire Burning Heaven Locking Spirit Formation experience value +1!

"It's great! It really works! No need to ask for help!"

"I didn't expect that these demon cultivators also did some good things!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed satisfaction when he saw the red prompt popping up on the panel.

In this illustration, there are various martial arts and magical skills.

Fighting cattle boxing across mountains, climbing mountains and dancing willows, traveling around the world, Su Qin carries a sword.

Lin Changsheng was very energetic!

Just when Lin Changsheng was watching with great interest, suddenly, a strong wind blew outside!

"Why is there such a strong wind?"

Lin Changsheng frowned deeply and immediately walked out of the hall to check. In this soul-stealing place, his spiritual consciousness was suppressed. Otherwise, he could know the situation dozens of miles outside with just one sweep of his spiritual consciousness!

Lin Changsheng walked towards the entrance of the hall, his long hair was rolled up by the strong wind, and his clothes were flying!

At the same time, more than a dozen illustrations placed on the desk were blown everywhere. Lin Changsheng turned his head and took a look. He was going to go out to take a look and pick it up again.

"Senior Brother Long, the wind is so strong!"

At this moment, what Lin Changsheng didn't expect was that outside the hall, a pretty figure quickly ran in to escape the strong wind. The strong wind rolled up her dress and clung to her body, revealing her exquisite silhouette and her hair with flying green hair!

It’s Concubine Yu Ling!


Concubine Yu Ling sighed softly. In order to prevent her dress from being picked up by the strong wind, she hurriedly squatted down. She couldn't help but sigh inwardly when she thought that she had lost all her magic power and that even the strong wind had made her lose her composure.

"Yeah! This"

Suddenly, Concubine Yu Ling blushed as she looked at the two illustrations in front of her.

Although she was still a virgin, it didn't mean that she didn't know that the older senior sisters in the sect had once had bedside conversations, which she had heard.

She didn't expect that Senior Brother Long would actually like these illustrations!


When Lin Changsheng saw that Concubine Yu Ling had discovered his illustration, he immediately felt very embarrassed. It was like being caught playing with the fifth wife, and he wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

At this time, Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng. Suddenly, the two looked at each other, and both of them blushed extremely.

"Uh, Miss Yu, I captured this from the magic cultivator. I found it when I was cleaning out my storage bag today, so I just admired it. Who knew that the damn wind had blown it away."

Lin Changsheng said, suddenly feeling, why should he explain to others?

"You also know that I am a normal man and have never seen this kind of thing before. This is normal."

Lin Changsheng thought about this and simply spread his hands and said.

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