The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 121 Island God Refining Formation! The golden elixir period is coming! The consciousness sur

Day 2.

Lin Changsheng, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue and others, as well as 100 warriors from the Yuntu tribe, drove a 30-foot-long ship to the overseas island.

Lin Changsheng was sitting in the cabin, and the little white fox was lying on the side, looking at Lin Changsheng with eyes that seemed to despise him.

"Xiaobai, what do you mean?"

"Aren't I just looking at illustrations? This is a normal thing!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Xiaobai and touched its head.


Xiaobai avoided his hand and rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm doing business when I look at illustrations. You don't understand. Stop making a fuss and come and eat a pear!"

Lin Changsheng took out a pear, placed it in front of Xiaobai, and headed to the unknown island. Xiaobai still had to take it with him because of its ability to teleport thousands of miles.

Very useful at critical moments.

Seeing the pear, Xiaobai was stunned for a while, then silently walked to the side holding the pear, squatted down and started to nibble.

It was half an hour after Lin Changsheng left the Yuntu Tribe.

In Huoyao Tribe, on a beach to the east, a middle-aged man lay on the beach and slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and murmured to himself. "Where have I been?"

"That majestic suction force is actually so strong?"

At this moment, Xuanting felt a little confused in his mind. He did not expect that with his strength at the golden elixir stage, he would be sucked in by the majestic suction force, and he would lose consciousness and fall on the beach.

"Well, the divine consciousness can't be used?"

Xuanting subconsciously deployed his powerful golden elixir stage spiritual consciousness, preparing to sweep across all directions, but found that his spiritual consciousness could not be used at all.

It’s like there is no consciousness!

Even his skull magic weapon is in his Dantian, motionless. As for the tracking disk, it is also in the storage bag, because the sacred stone is suppressed and cannot be taken out!

"how so?"

Xuanting was shocked. He stood up in shock, checked carefully, his face gradually darkened, and he murmured. "What the hell is this place? The spiritual consciousness is suppressed and cannot be used? There is no spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and it is impossible to practice!"

"Doesn't this mean that after my golden elixir stage mana is exhausted, I will be like an ordinary person?"

Thinking of this, Xuanting flashed his figure, used his body skills, and galloped away into the distance.

He had to find out what was going on here.

Not long after.

"There are people living here."

Xuanting's eyes lit up when he saw a large hall in his sight. Although he had no spiritual consciousness, the magic power of the Jindan period was extraordinary. He was very fast and appeared at the door of the Huoyao Tribe's hall in an instant.

At this time, in the main hall of the Huoyao tribe.

Commander Xuanfeng was discussing the resource allocation of the tribe with several deputy commanders when he saw a middle-aged man appearing at the door of the hall as if teleporting.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Xuanfeng looked at Xuanting who appeared in front of the hall, with a look of horror in his eyes, because he felt a powerful force in this middle-aged man, which he could not resist.

"Tell me where this place is?"

Xuanting looked at Xuanfeng and spoke in a deep voice.

Xuanting discovered that the people here were all martial arts practitioners, and the strongest ones were only martial arts masters, not a single immortal cultivator.

"Senior, this is the place where souls are captured!"

Xuanfeng said with respectful fists.

"Why can't we use our spiritual consciousness and cultivation power here?"

Xuanting asked with a gloomy expression.

"Senior, in our soul-stealing land, you cannot use your spiritual consciousness, and you have no spiritual energy. You cannot practice immortal magic. You can only practice martial arts. Even if you are a strong immortal cultivator, if you accidentally enter our soul-stealing land, when your magic power is lost, Even so, he will be just like us ordinary people."

Xuanfeng clasped his fists and said respectfully.

The middle-aged man in front of him was very powerful, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

"I see!"

When Xuanting heard this, his eyes flashed and he asked. "Have any immortal cultivators like me entered here recently?"

"Senior, there were indeed nine immortal cultivators living in our soul-stealing land a few months ago."

Xuanfeng nodded and said.

"Where are they?"

Hearing this, Xuanting's eyes showed a flash of crazy murderous intent and cruelty. A powerful aura swept over him. Xuan Feng and everyone in the hall were instantly suppressed by this powerful aura and fell to the ground.

"Senior, they have left the tribe and gone to the island thousands of miles away, looking for a way out of the land of soul-stealing!"

Xuanfeng said tremblingly.

"Looking for a way out of Turin?"

"What's the meaning?"

Hearing Xuanfeng's words, Xuanting frowned deeply.

"Senior, even if you are an immortal cultivator, as long as you mistakenly enter our soul-stealing place, you will never be able to get out. And our two tribes are actually descendants of the immortal cultivators who mistakenly entered this place. There is no spiritual energy here and you cannot practice. , the immortal cultivator comes in by mistake, and when the magic power is exhausted, he becomes an ordinary person."

"Because they are unable to practice, the first thing every cultivator who enters by mistake is to find a way out. When the magic power in their bodies is exhausted, they will accept their fate like us."

Xuanfeng looked at Xuanting and said cautiously.

"Can't leave this place!"

When Xuanting heard this, his expression was extremely gloomy.

At this moment, he also believed what Xuan Feng said, because he couldn't feel any spiritual energy in the sky, his consciousness was suppressed, and he couldn't practice. This person probably didn't lie to him, and there might indeed be no way out!

At this moment.

Xuanting's heart became more and more resentful towards the murderer who hurt his son Xuan Jing. If it hadn't been for that thief, his son would not have died, and he would not have entered this place by mistake!

The world of immortality in the Southern Region.

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Misty Peak.

"Brother Lin, are you okay?"

"It's been two years, and there's been no news from you."

Halfway up the mountain, in a quiet courtyard, a beautiful girl with a graceful figure in purple clothes looked at the sky in the distance, with deep worry in her beautiful eyes.

"I hope you can practice quietly and hide in a place."

Gao Ziyue looked at the sky in the distance and sighed softly.

She knows that the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Region is very dangerous now.

The Beimu Immortal Clan is fighting against the Immortal Cultivation World of the Southern Territory. The Southern Territory is at a disadvantage. Moreover, there is also a demonic path that is eyeing them, ready to take advantage of them. If the righteous monks are not careful, the path of life and death will disappear.

It is indeed very dangerous for Brother Lin to be alone outside.

Dayu Dynasty.

royal palace.

A peerless empress with a crown on her head, a slim figure and quite majestic appearance, stood outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony with her hands behind her back.

It is Yu Wenjing who has ascended the throne.

"Your Majesty, I just received news that many immortal masters have appeared in the Wei Kingdom adjacent to us. I heard that they are from the Jinfu Immortal Sect. They are disciples of the Immortal Sect who lived in the secular world after being defeated by the Beimu Immortal Clan in the far north!"

"These Immortal Sect disciples control the Wei Dynasty."

"I am afraid that they will enter our Dayu Dynasty."

Behind Yu Wenjing, a middle-aged man clasped his hands in his fists with a worried look on his face.

"Yes, I understand."

Yu Wenjing spoke in a deep voice, with a deep look of worry in her eyes. "I will discuss countermeasures with the officials tomorrow morning."

"It's Your Majesty."

Jin Wuque bowed and clasped his fists.

On the vast sea, a 30-foot-long ship moved forward slowly.

Lin Changsheng was sitting in the cabin. In front of him, there were three stunning girls dancing and dancing. These three girls were none other than Concubine Yu Ling, Zhang Aoxue, and Fu Qingyu.

On the waists of the three women, each hung a tambourine as big as a bowl of sea. These drums were prepared by Lin Changsheng in his daily storage bag. He planned to simplify the exercises and needed these drums, but he did not expect that they would come in handy now. .

The three girls have stunning faces and delicate figures, and their beautiful eyes are as touching as three blooming flowers.

The drums are beating, the sound is graceful, and the fragrance of virginity comes.

Immovable Golden Buddha Technique experience value +1!

Immovable Golden Buddha Technique experience value +1!

As Lin Changsheng watched the three girls dancing, red prompts kept popping up on his panel.

"This is the day to cultivate immortality."

Lin Changsheng sighed inwardly while watching the three girls dance.

Of course, it was impossible for him not to react at all when he saw three stunning girls dancing. However, he had been silently running his skills to suppress them. If there was no spiritual energy here, he would use spiritual stones to absorb and replenish his magic power.

In the storage bags of those mummies, he found 60,000 to 70,000 pieces of spiritual stones, which he could not spare in order to improve his strength.

[The Immovable Golden Buddha Technique is complete. 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Hey, the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique has been completed."

Seeing the prompts on the panel, Lin Changsheng's heart moved and he showed a look of satisfaction.


A burst of skeletal explosions spread across Lin Changsheng's body like exploding beans.

A majestic force filled Lin Changsheng's limbs and bones!

At the same time, a faint divine wheel of light appeared behind Lin Changsheng's head, making him look like a golden Buddha, looking extremely sacred.

A powerful momentum spread from his body.

At the same time, there was also a majestic flow of information pouring into Lin Changsheng's mind, which instantly merged with his consciousness. It was about the perfect understanding and skills of practicing the Immovable Golden Buddha Technique.

"Did Fellow Daoist Long achieve a breakthrough in his physical training?"

Concubine Yu Ling was dancing. Suddenly, she sensed the majestic momentum emanating from Lin Changsheng. She immediately stopped dancing and looked at Lin Changsheng, with a look of shock in her beautiful eyes.

She discovered that the aura of Long Ping'an at this moment was no lower than the 7th level of the foundation building stage!

"Fellow Taoist Dragon watched us dance, and he actually made a breakthrough in our physical training! Such qualifications."

Zhang Aoxue's beautiful eyes widened, looking at Lin Changsheng, she couldn't believe her eyes.

She knew in her heart that the physical training method was the most difficult to practice.

Especially after entering the foundation building stage, it is even more difficult to go further. However, once the body training technique is completed, the strength is extremely powerful.

Moreover, she discovered that the light golden halo behind Fellow Daoist Long's head made his body look like a Buddha.

From this point of view, the physical training method practiced by fellow Taoist Long is from the Buddhist school!

"Fellow Daoist Dragon, what are you...?"

At this time, Zhuo Yijian and others outside the cabin also sensed the powerful aura in Lin Changsheng's cabin, and immediately ran in. They saw the powerful aura on Lin Changsheng's body and the light golden round halo behind his head, and their eyes were filled with excitement. Showing horror.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have a breakthrough in my body-training technique."

Lin Changsheng said nonchalantly.

He knew in his heart that he was able to break through entirely because the three women from Concubine Yu Ling danced for him, and his experience points were maxed out before he could break through.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Long, your body refining and cultivation have reached a new level!"

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Dragon, your strength has improved, and we have greater hope of leaving the Soul-Seizing Land!"


Hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian and others were all dumbfounded, and immediately showed envy and congratulated each other.

The same cultivators are also unable to practice.

However, Fellow Daoist Long's physical strength is constantly making breakthroughs. This martial arts talent is simply terrifying.

"Commander Long, the island has arrived."

At this moment, a warrior came in, bowed and clasped his fists and said.

"Oh, have you arrived at the island?"

Upon hearing this warrior's report, Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up with anticipation.

This is his last hope.

Because the monk named Jiang Yukun went to this island and went directly through the Huoyao Sand Dune after returning!

If there is no gain, then he will have to practice hard and cultivate his spiritual consciousness to the golden elixir stage.

At this moment, the Yun Tu Tribe.

Jindan monk Xuanting has gathered the Huoyao tribe and the Yuntu tribe together and urged them to build a large ship and go to the island where Lin Changsheng went.

"Give me some speed!"

"You have 10 days to build the big ship, otherwise you will all die!"

Xuanting's eyes showed a look of madness.

He knew that there was not much time left for him.

He wanted to kill the murderer of his eldest son before the magic power in his body was exhausted.

He had already learned from Tumu and Xuanfeng that there were nine immortal cultivators heading to the island, one of whom was physically very powerful and surpassed a martial arts master.

Xuanting knew clearly.

He didn't train.

If his golden elixir stage mana is exhausted, he may not be a match for the murderer by then.

"Oh my god, this is a devil!"

Xuanfeng and Tumu looked at each other, both showing worry and helplessness. Building a big ship in 10 days was really difficult for them!

But if they fail to do so, the Yuntu Tribe and the Huoyao Tribe will be destroyed!

What appeared in Lin Changsheng's sight was a gourd-shaped island with a radius of a hundred miles.

There are two high mountains above, with thousands of cliffs, towering giant trees, and white seabirds flying among them.

"I hope we can find Jiang Yukun's footprints!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the island with anticipation in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue and others looked at the island and then at Lin Changsheng, showing expressions of anticipation.

Now Lin Changsheng is the hope for them to leave the land of soul-stealing!

"Let's go up and have a look!"

Lin Changsheng walked towards the nearest mountain first. At the same time, his consciousness was not idle either.

Concubine Yu Ling and others followed Lin Changsheng with alert expressions.

On the island, poisonous insects, monitor lizards, and various sea monsters lived on it. In half an hour, Lin Changsheng killed 13 monitor lizards whose strength was comparable to the seventh level of Qi Refining, and more than 10 of which were comparable to the eighth level of Qi Refining. of venomous snakes.

Not long after, Lin Changsheng and others arrived at the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the sea in all directions and all the mountains. However, Lin Changsheng didn't notice anything strange about the island, so he immediately climbed up to another mountain peak.

Along the way, there were rotten leaves everywhere underfoot, exuding the smell of decay.

Because of the lack of magic power, Yu Lingfei and the three women were exhausted, but they were still gritting their teeth and persisting.

After another half an hour, Lin Changsheng and others finally arrived at the top of another mountain. Lin Changsheng was walking at the front. At this moment, Lin Changsheng noticed that the surrounding environment had changed, and the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds.


Lin Changsheng only heard a scream and realized that Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others beside him had disappeared, leaving him alone standing on the vast land.

The sky was covered with clouds, like fog.

The ground was pitted with dried blood, and there were broken weapons and broken limbs everywhere. More than ten feet away from him, there was a dead tree with a vulture parked on it, seemingly waiting for its prey.

"Another formation?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the surrounding environment and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is not afraid of the formation. He has the panel. He only needs to take two more steps to get started with this formation.

Right now.

Three feet away from Lin Changsheng, the space suddenly changed, forming a three-foot-long white tiger.


The tiger let out a roar, bared its fangs and claws, and rushed towards Lin Changsheng. In an instant, a strong wind blew, and Lin Changsheng even smelled the bloody stench from the tiger's mouth.


Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed, and he punched out. The punch was so fast that it tore the air and formed a screaming sonic boom!


With a loud noise, the transforming tiger exploded and turned into a sky full of white mist, dissipating in the air.

"Huh? This is...?"

Lin Changsheng looked around to see if there was a second morphed tiger, but found that his spirit was shaken, the air became extremely fresh, and his consciousness was instantly nourished!

"Can the white mist after these phantom tigers dissipate nourish spiritual consciousness?!"

Lin Changsheng discovered that the reason why he felt refreshed and the air became extremely fresh was because he absorbed the white mist after the transformed tiger dissipated!

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately sat down and started the Divine Refining Technique. Foundation Building Chapter.

With the operation of the divine refining technique, the faint white mist in the air was absorbed by him, constantly nourishing his consciousness.

"After absorbing the white mist drawn by this fierce tiger, my consciousness actually increased by half a foot!"

"This is so cool!"

"As long as I absorb more, why should I worry that my consciousness cannot reach the golden elixir stage?"

Half an hour later, Lin Changsheng stood up. He found that his spiritual consciousness had increased by 1 foot from the original range. Lin Changsheng was immediately shocked and looked around for the phantom tiger.

Not long after.

Lin Changsheng encountered another giant white python 30 feet away!

After he killed the giant python, he absorbed the white mist, and his consciousness increased by more than 1 foot.

"What the hell is this place? These shape-shifting monsters are simply experienced babies!"

Lin Changsheng looked around, his eyes shining brightly, and he searched around.

This is a good opportunity to increase your spiritual consciousness, so of course you can't let it go.

Lin Changsheng continues to expand the search scope. He has killed more than 100 phantom monsters, including tigers, vultures, giant pythons, giant lizards, etc.!

[Introduction to the God Refining Formation! 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Huh? God refining array?"

After seeing the prompt on the panel, Lin Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up with joy and he murmured. "No wonder it can nourish spiritual consciousness. It turns out this is called the God Refining Formation!"

[The introduction to the God Refining Formation has been detected. It can be simplified by consuming 1,000 spiritual stones. Is it simplified? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up again on Lin Changsheng's panel.


With a flash of consciousness, Lin Changsheng took out 1,000 spirit stones from the storage bag and clicked the OK button on the panel.

The moment he clicked, the spirit stone in front of him disappeared without a trace.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the God Refining Formation was simplified successfully. The God Refining Formation = extension of divine consciousness! 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Extended spiritual consciousness?"

"This is relatively simple."

Seeing the simplified result this time, Lin Changsheng was still satisfied, and immediately his consciousness swept out and enveloped the surrounding space.

God Refining Array experience value +1!

God Refining Array experience value +1! !

Lin Changsheng's consciousness extended while looking for phantom beasts to kill.

Constantly nourishing his consciousness, the scope of his consciousness gradually became wider and wider.

Lin Changsheng kept killing phantom beasts. When he was hungry, he took out food from his storage bag and continued to kill phantom beasts!

Three feet, four feet, five feet and one hundred feet

As time passed, five days later.

Lin Changsheng's consciousness gradually extended to 1,000 feet, equivalent to a range of nearly 7 miles!

"In this soul-stealing place where my consciousness is completely suppressed, my consciousness can extend to nearly 7 miles. If my consciousness is not suppressed after I get out, how terrifying will my consciousness be?"

Lin Changsheng sensed his consciousness, covering a range of nearly 7 miles, with satisfaction and expectation in his eyes.

He knew it very well.

The stronger the spiritual consciousness of the immortal cultivator, the more benefits it will bring.

In the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Territory, Jiang Yukun, the number one golden elixir, was able to conquer the invincible opponents at the golden elixir stage in the southern region because he had practiced the art of divine refining, and finally used the peak of the golden elixir to defeat the great master at the Nascent Soul stage!

It created the myth that the Golden elixir stage reverses the Nascent Soul stage.

[The God Refining Formation is Complete]

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"It's finally complete."

Lin Changsheng looked at the panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. At the same time, a majestic flow of information poured into his mind, instantly merging with his consciousness.

This flow of information.

Astonishingly, it was the method of setting up the Divine Refining Array and the perfect realization. At this moment, Lin Changsheng, who had integrated the perfect comprehension of the Divine Refining Array, felt as if he had been proficient in the Divine Refining Array for nearly a hundred years.

"It turns out that this is how the God Refining Formation came about!"

"It seems that it is no longer possible for me to continue to refine my consciousness through this divine refining array."

Lin Changsheng looked at the battlefield-like space he was in, and felt enlightened.

This kind of formation requires time to accumulate after the formation is set up. In the God Refining Formation, through the power of the special formation, the souls of many monster beasts locked up will evolve over a long period of time into formation soul beasts. !

The power of these formation souls can nourish spiritual consciousness!

Each God Refining Formation has a limited number of formation souls. Once they are used up, it will take a long time to continue to breed!

That is to say.

In the space of the God Refining Formation where he is now, all the Formation Soul Beasts have been killed and absorbed by him, and his consciousness has been tempered, and there are no more.


"Concubine Yu Ling, where are Zhuo Yijian and the others?"

Lin Changsheng thought about this, his body flashed, and he appeared on the top of the mountain in an instant.

His divine refining formation is complete, and it is naturally easy to get out of the formation.

At the top of the mountain, Concubine Yu Ling, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue, Zhuo Yijian, and eight others sat beside a large stone with worried expressions. Next to them, there was a pile of dried animal meat.

"Senior Brother Long, are you okay?"

"Senior Brother Long, we are worried to death because we can't see you!"

"It's so good to see you're okay!"


Seeing Lin Changsheng's appearance, Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others immediately showed surprise and surrounded him.

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