The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 122 Earth Veins Fiery God-Burning Formation, Formation Base! Refining God! Jiang Yukun has b

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. I just fell into an illusion and finally came out."

Lin Changsheng looked at Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others, waved his hand, and then asked again. "How many days have I been here? Are you okay?"

"We're fine. We just suddenly noticed that you disappeared. It turned out that you were trapped in the illusion formation."

Concubine Yu Ling smiled slightly and said.

"Let's go down and take a look!"

Lin Changsheng waved to everyone and said.

After comprehending the God Refining Formation, his consciousness reached a range close to seven miles, and he discovered that there was a long-abandoned cave under this mountain peak.

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he walked down first, about 30 feet down, and came to a platform halfway up the mountain.

The platform was covered with moss, some rotten leaves, and overgrown weeds, among which some unknown insects were flying around.

"There is actually a psychedelic quarry outside!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and took one step forward, causing cracks in the stones on the ground.

The psychedelic quarry formation is a basic formation. It is nothing to him and can be broken easily.

Suddenly, the scene in front of everyone disappeared, and the next moment, a stone door about 2 feet high appeared in front of everyone.

"There is actually a cave here?"

"Look at the overgrown weeds here. No one has been here for a long time. Could it be the inheritance left by some senior?"


Seeing the cave mansion appearing in front of them, Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others' eyes lit up with anticipation.

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and punched out. The 2-foot-high stone door suddenly collapsed. Smoke billowed and gravel flew around, revealing the cave space inside.

A hot breath hit his face.

A stone path two feet high and more than one foot wide extended into the mountain. Lin Changsheng opened the path with his consciousness and walked forward. Concubine Yu Ling and others followed behind him.

Not long after, Lin Changsheng saw a space in the belly of the mountain with a radius of thirty feet. In the space, there was a circular formation with a radius of three feet. The formation exuded a hot aura.

The formation was covered with mysterious restrictions and patterns.

Three feet away from the formation, there was an empty stone table.

On the stone wall next to it, there are three doors, all three doors are open. The one on the left should be the training room. There is only a stone futon in it and nothing else.

Lin Changsheng looked at the stone chamber in the middle. There were some dried insect eggs inside, which were probably used to cultivate spiritual insects. The stone chamber on the far right was larger and should have been used to cultivate spiritual grass, but now there was only some soil left.

Lin Changsheng stood next to the formation. Suddenly, he felt a shock all over. The scene in front of him changed. He felt that he had turned into a spiritual body, floating in an endless space. There was endless fire under his feet. His illusory body The form is burned in the fire.

The body of Shen Nian continued to twist and change, and bursts of burning pain came from it.

"Is this? Illusion array?"

When Lin Changsheng saw his situation, his heart suddenly moved. Now that he understood a lot of formations, he was no longer panicked by the formations that appeared.

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness suddenly spread, and he discovered that in this illusory space, there were blazing flames everywhere, with no end in sight. He endured the severe pain of the burning flames, controlled the phantom of his spiritual thoughts, and directed towards Flying away in front.

"Huh? This flame can actually temper my consciousness!"

Lin Changsheng flew forward for a long time, but still did not break away from the raging flames. Suddenly, he felt that his consciousness was shaken, and it was further refined under the burning of the flames.

The spiritual consciousness is revealed, and the perception becomes clearer.

Because of the refinement of divine consciousness, the scope covered by divine consciousness gradually becomes farther.

"I didn't expect it to have such benefits!"

Feeling that the flames could actually refine his consciousness, Lin Changsheng's heart moved, and he immediately stopped walking forward, and instead floated in the flames, burning the shadow of his consciousness far away from the flames.

As time passed, Lin Changsheng discovered that his spiritual consciousness was being burned and distorted in the flames.

However, he also discovered that the range covered by his consciousness had almost doubled from before, reaching a range of 14 miles.

At this moment, in the heart of the mountain.

Lin Changsheng, Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue and others stood blankly next to the formation, motionless, as if they had drifted away.

time flies.

Most of the day passed. Next to the formation, a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect suddenly opened his eyes and fell to the ground, with cold sweat dripping down his body.

"I'm not dead! I came out of that flame space."

This disciple of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect looked at his hands with a look of surprise in his eyes. Suddenly, his expression changed and he murmured in disbelief. "My consciousness has recovered somewhat?!"

"No! My consciousness can actually be tempered in this blazing space!"

Jiang Hai discovered that Senior Brother Zhuo Yijian and many other senior brothers had not woken up. They seemed to be still refining their consciousness in the Blazing Space. He looked at the formation in front of him with a look of surprise in his eyes. He approached the formation again and wanted to He continued to hone his spiritual consciousness, but found that he could no longer enter the blazing space.

"It seems that among so many people, I have the weakest qualifications."

Jiang Hai looked at the many fellow disciples with envy in his eyes.

Although he didn't know the name of this formation, he knew in his heart that the longer he stayed in this formation, the stronger his consciousness would be tempered.

The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the more benefits it will have for future cultivation!

Jiang Hai sat aside. He looked at Lin Changsheng, Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian and other senior brothers, his eyes flickered, and finally chose to silently open the storage bag, take out the spirit stones, and restore his mana.

Not long after, three more disciples of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect woke up one after another.

Everyone found that their consciousness had increased in this blazing space. After finding that they could not enter again, they all opened their storage bags, took out the spiritual stones from the storage bags, and began to meditate to restore their mana.

Two hours later, Fu Qingyu woke up.

"Several junior brothers, have you all exited the flame space?"

Fu Qingyu woke up, looked at Jiang Hai and the other four Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect disciples beside him, and asked.

"Yes, Senior Sister Fu, this blazing space can actually refine our consciousness?"

"It's a pity that we are useless and can't hold on for long."

Jiang Hai looked at Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue, Yu Lingfei, Lin Changsheng and others with envy in his eyes. He knew in his heart that the longer he stayed in the flame space, the stronger his consciousness would be.

"Senior Sister Yu, Senior Sister Zhang, and Senior Brother Zhuo have all absorbed the energy of heaven and earth. It is normal for their spiritual consciousness to be strong."

"This Senior Brother Long really surprised me!"

Fu Qingyu looked at the four people who were still in the flame space, with envy in her beautiful eyes.

"Yes! How can Senior Brother Long be able to persist in the divine flame space for so long? Could it be that he has also absorbed the energy of heaven and earth?"

"Otherwise, Fellow Daoist Dragon's qualifications are extraordinary!"

Jiang Hai looked at Lin Changsheng with surprise in his eyes.

You must know that this fellow Daoist Long Ping'an is a casual cultivator and is unknown. There is no news that he has absorbed the energy of heaven and earth.

To be able to persist in the flame space for so long, it seems that his qualifications are extraordinary.

"I heard fellow Taoist Long said that he was a casual cultivator, but I didn't expect that his spiritual consciousness is so powerful!"

"I just don't know who among the four of them, Senior Brother Zhuo, Senior Sister Yu, Senior Sister Zhang, and Fellow Daoist Long, will wake up first!"

"It should be Fellow Daoist Long. After all, Senior Brother Zhuo, Senior Sister Zhang, and Senior Sister Yu have all refined the Qi of Heaven and Earth! Moreover, they are all talented disciples of the sect!"

Jiang Hai, Fu Qingyu and others all looked at Lin Changsheng with curiosity and started talking.

It was dark in a blink of an eye.

Fu Qingyu, Jiang Hai and others slowly recovered their mana.

Lin Changsheng, Zhuo Yijian and others still haven't woken up.

Fu Qingyu, Jiang Hai and others looked at Lin Changsheng and expressed shock. Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei and others could forget it because they had refined the energy of heaven and earth, but Lin Changsheng had not refined the energy of heaven and earth, so he was like this. powerful!

One night passed again.

At dawn, Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue and Yu Lingfei opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other with shock and joy in their eyes.

In the end, all three people's eyes fell on Lin Changsheng.

"Fellow Daoist Long hasn't woken up yet?"

"No way?"


Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng with deep shock in her beautiful eyes, while Zhuo Yijian showed a hint of envy in his eyes and immediately fell silent.

After waking up from this blazing space, in sequence, it seemed that Lin Changsheng's consciousness was the strongest among them.

"Senior Sister Yu, Senior Brother Zhuo, I, are all talented disciples of our generation, and we are all the sect's geniuses. I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Long to be more qualified than us!"

Zhang Aoxue also looked at Lin Changsheng, inexplicably shocked.

The later he wakes up, the stronger his consciousness is. Everyone was sitting next to the formation, looking at Lin Changsheng while recovering his magic power. Jiang Hai ran to the stone room on the side to check.

"Huh? Look, someone left a message here."

At this moment, Jiang Hai shouted from the stone room on the left.

"What word?"

Zhuo Yijian's eyes flashed and he turned around and asked.

"Senior Brother Zhuo, it seems that he is retained by a casual cultivator from the Southern Territory, named Jiang Yukun!"

Jiang Hai said in a deep voice.

"Jiang Yukun? Could it be..."

After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian, Fu Qingyu, and Zhang Aoxue all headed towards the stone room.

Everyone came to the stone room and saw the stone wall.

There is a line of words engraved on one wall: Loose cultivator Jiang Yukun is here for a visit!

"Senior Sister Yu, do you remember that some time ago, the No. 1 Jindan Yukun Divine Lord in the Southern Territory had a very powerful spiritual consciousness. Could it be that Jiang Yukun who came out from here?"

Fu Qingyu's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed, revealing a guessing look, and said.

"It's possible! According to the records of the Huoyao Tribe and the Yuntu Tribe, there was indeed a monk named Jiang Yukun who walked into the Huoyao Sand Dunes, but there was no mummy left. It seems that this person is the number one golden elixir in our southern region. Monk Jiang Yukun is gone.”

Concubine Yu Ling's beautiful eyes showed a look of shock as she murmured.

There is the first golden elixir in the Southern Territory. He practices divine arts and his spiritual consciousness is very powerful. And Jiang Yukun who went out here has also been to this island. His spiritual consciousness must have been burned by this raging flame space!

"If Jiang Yukun, our number one golden elixir in the Southern Territory, and Jiang Yukun who left here are the same person, then we can hope to get out."

Zhuo Yijian's eyes lit up and he said.

"Yes, now we have to wait for Fellow Daoist Long to wake up. He is the only one who understands the formation."

Zhang Aoxue said in a deep voice.

Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei and others nodded in agreement.

Time passed, and it became light and dark again.

In the early morning of the second day, Lin Changsheng finally opened his eyes, looked at Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue, Jiang Hai and others sitting not far away, and asked. "Fellow Taoists, how long have I been trapped?"

"Fellow Daoist Dragon, you have been trapped in the Fire Space for more than two days. I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Long's spiritual consciousness is many times stronger than ours!"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng with deep shock in her beautiful eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Yu is too complimentary. It's not that my spiritual consciousness is too strong. I didn't see the fire space inside, only the formation. I was delayed because I was studying the formation."

Lin Changsheng smiled slightly and said, of course he would not admit that his spiritual consciousness was very strong.

"I see!"

Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei and others all nodded when they heard this. Yu Lingfei immediately showed hope and asked. "Fellow Daoist Long, how are you studying the formations here? Will it be helpful for us to go out?"

"It helps! Let me understand it again, you can go about your business first!"

Lin Changsheng nodded, walked into the space, and examined the formation carefully.

"Well, okay, then we won't disturb you anymore!"

At this time, Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others took out the spirit stones in their storage bags because their consciousness had recovered. Their cultivation levels had been restored to half, and they could all use spells and swordsmanship in the foundation building stage.

They all flew out of the mountain and looked around.

[Introduction to the Earthly Flame Burning God Array]

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Huh? Earthly Fire Burning God Array?"

Seeing the prompts on the panel, Lin Changsheng's heart moved. This formation is good. If it is arranged and the spiritual consciousness is continuously condensed, how powerful will the spiritual consciousness be in the end?

Become the first foundation builder in the Southern Region? The first golden elixir?

[The Earth Veins Fiery God Burning Formation is detected, which can consume 1,000 spirit stones to simplify it! Is it simplified? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


When Lin Changsheng saw that there was no one in the cave, he immediately reached out and touched the storage bag. 1,000 spirit stones appeared on the ground. At the same time, he quickly reached out and clicked OK.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Earth Line Fiery God Burning Formation was simplified successfully. The Earth Line Fiery God Burning Formation == God Burning! 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Burning God? This."

Seeing the result of this simplification, Lin Changsheng was not only a little confused, Burning God?

Where should he go to find God?

Besides, even if there is a god.

Is it something he can burn?

I am afraid that before I even get close to God, I will be turned into ashes.


"Can I write a divine word and burn it? Or find a stone, carve a divine word on it, and then use the fireball technique?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the panel and suddenly felt something in his heart.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately found a stone and stretched out his hand to carve a divine word on it.

Then a fireball was thrown out, burning the stone.

Earth Veins Fiery God-Burning Formation, experience value +1!

Earth Veins Fiery God-Burning Formation, experience value +1!

"Sure enough, it's great!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed satisfaction when he saw the red prompt popping up on the panel.

Think about it too.

How could a panel simplify the impossible?

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