The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 126 Escape! Jasper Spiritual Essence! Concubine Yu Ling’s guess! Got it!

In the distance, bursts of sharp neighing sounds came!

Accompanied by roaring and hissing sounds, the earth trembled, as if some huge monster was bombarding the earth!

"This is."

Lin Changsheng and Concubine Yu Ling looked at each other, both of them feeling horrified. At this time, Zhuo Yijian and Zhang Aoxue had also woken up, while Fu Qingyu, Jiang Hai and others had not yet woken up.

"We are finally out of the land of soul-stealing! The spiritual energy has been restored! My consciousness has increased several times!"

"Very good!"

The first thing Zhuo Yijian did when he woke up was to feel the aura of heaven and earth and his consciousness. He was pleasantly surprised when he found that everything was restored and his consciousness surged.

"Uh what happened?"

At this moment, a distant vibration caught his eye.

"Huh? My consciousness has increased so much compared to before!"

At this time, Zhang Aoxue was also pleasantly surprised to feel the changes in her body. She was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"My consciousness has also increased a lot!"

"Although this soul-stealing place suppresses divine consciousness, the subsequent benefits are great!"


At this time, Jiang Hai, Fu Qingyu and others all woke up and felt the changes in their consciousness, and they were all shocked.

"Everyone, let's say goodbye!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Zhang Aoxue, Zhuo Yijian and others, clasped his fists to say goodbye, and used Three Thousand Thunderbolts to move away in an instant.

His consciousness can cover a radius of 600 miles, and he has already seen that a snow-white giant python and a mountain-like giant turtle are fighting over there.

"Fellow Daoist Dragon, see you later!"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng's back with a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes and said to herself. "When we fell into the water together, there was a three-tailed white fox next to you, but it disappeared later. It must have been put into the spirit beast bag by you."

"If your concubine is right, Long Ping'an and your appearance are both fake. Your real name should be Lin Changsheng, right?"

Concubine Yu Ling remembered.

Previously in the Southern Territory, Lin Changsheng, a disciple of the Liuyun Immortal Sect, also took White Fox with him to obtain 8 Qi of Heaven and Earth. Moreover, he used mysterious means to avoid being chased by all the monks in the Southern Territory.

Finally disappeared!

"I don't know, what is your true appearance?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at the retreating figure with a look of anticipation in her beautiful eyes.

Although she vaguely guessed that Long Ping'an might be Lin Changsheng, who was wanted by the cultivation world in the Southern Region, Yu Lingfei had no intention of revealing Lin Changsheng's identity.

After all, it was thanks to Long Ping'an that she was able to escape from the land of soul-stealing. Besides, she was not someone who repaid kindness with enmity. She had also refined the energy of heaven and earth.

There's no need to do that.

"Senior Sister Yu, why are you in a daze? There seems to be someone fighting over there, let's go over and have a look!"

At this time, Zhang Aoxue and Fu Qingyu came to Concubine Yu Ling, pointed to the mountains in the distance and said.


Concubine Yu Ling nodded and immediately galloped away with Zhang Aoxue, Zhuo Yijian and others.

At this moment.

Yu Lingfei and others were more than 30 miles away.

It is a majestic mountain range with thousands of cliffs and towering ancient trees.

One of the thousand-foot peaks has a thousand-foot cliff that is more than a hundred feet wide.

Under the cliff is a stone valley with a radius of dozens of miles, covered with unknown weeds!

On the cliff, a 1-foot crack opened, and extremely rich spiritual energy spread out from it!

A white giant python that was a hundred feet long and as thick as a bathtub was fighting fiercely with a mottled black-armored giant turtle as huge as a hill.

The giant python's tail swept, landslides and rocks cracked, the giant tortoise's claws slapped out, and the earth trembled.

Lin Changsheng hid himself on a big tree on the top of a mountain. He saw nearly a hundred monks waiting around more than ten miles away from the giant tortoise and the giant python!

It seems that they are waiting to reap the benefits.

Lin Changsheng discovered that among these monks, there were actually several at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage and three at the early stage of the Golden Core Stage.

"What is inside here? Is the aura so rich? No wonder the giant turtle and the giant white python are fighting for it! If I can practice here, my cultivation experience value will definitely increase very quickly, and maybe I can break through the foundation stage 4 Layer!"

Lin Changsheng sensed the terrifying spiritual energy in the cracks in the valley, and his powerful spiritual consciousness swept out, and his eyes lit up.

His consciousness had just discovered that there was a huge cave in the crack of the stone wall. There was a natural stone trough the size of a bowl. There seemed to be some green spiritual milk in it. The rich spiritual energy radiated from the spiritual milk.

However, he did not act rashly. The giant turtle and white giant python in the valley were both at the fifth level, and their strength was comparable to that of the early golden elixir stage.

Moreover, among the onlookers, there were three early-stage Golden Core cultivators. If he were the first to take action, he would definitely be the target of the attack by the Python Turtle and the three Golden Core-stage cultivators.

As far as he knows.

The first level monster is equivalent to the Qi training period.

The second-level monsters are equivalent to the 1st to 3rd levels of the foundation building stage.

The third level monster is equivalent to the 4th to 6th level of the foundation building stage.

The fourth level monster is equivalent to the 7th to 9th level of foundation building.

A fifth-level monster is equivalent to the early stage of pill formation!

The battle between the giant turtle and the giant white python, with water blades and bloody light intertwined, became more and more fierce, and both of them were injured.

Because of the commotion here and the spread of strong spiritual energy, monks at the foundation-building elixir stage came one after another. Lin Changsheng discovered that Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others had also arrived here.

"Huh? Why is Gao Ziyue here too?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng saw a familiar figure, it was Gao Ziyue of Liuyun Immortal Sect!

At this moment, Gao Ziyue is already at the second level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and is standing next to a woman in the early Golden Core Stage!

"Change your body shape first and wait for the opportunity to take action!"

Lin Changsheng's heart moved, and he used the method of rebirth, changing his body shape, and suddenly became a young monk who was about twenty-three or thirty-four years old, with a red face and white teeth, and his cultivation was displayed on the third floor of the foundation building stage!

Becoming an ordinary monk, Lin Changsheng approached the onlookers.

"This battle between dragon and turtle! It seems to be for the treasure inside the mountain!"

"The cracks in the belly of the mountain are so rich in spiritual energy. I feel like my cultivation will break through after just one whiff!"

"For some reason, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the middle of the mountain, and there was a strong spiritual energy. We were going to take a look. Unexpectedly, the Cold Jade Snow Python and the Black-armored Black Turtle came running to fight for it!"

"If I'm not wrong, the rich spiritual energy in this mountain is somewhat similar to the legendary jasper spiritual marrow. This is a treasure that can increase the probability of forming a pill! These two fifth-level monsters are fighting for the jasper spiritual marrow. !”


As soon as Lin Changsheng approached the onlookers' monks, he heard a burst of discussion.

"Jasper Spiritual Essence?"

"A treasure that can increase the chance of forming a pill?"

When Lin Changsheng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. He immediately stepped back a hundred feet and came to an uninhabited place. He took out the Ten Thousand Souls Flag and summoned Murong Tian's soul.

"Senior, what are your orders?"

The moment Murong Tian appeared, he bowed to Lin Changsheng and clasped his fists, his expression extremely respectful.

"Do you know, Jasper Spiritual Essence? I heard it is a treasure that helps to form elixirs?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Murong Tian and asked.

This old boy was the genius of the sect back then, and he definitely knew more than he did.

"Yes, seniors and juniors have read in sect books that this kind of jasper spiritual essence is the essence of the earth's veins. It is very rare. It seems that it takes 500 years to produce one drop. One drop can increase the chance of forming an elixir by 30%. A person can only take one drop at most!”

Murong Tian said in a deep voice.

"One drop can increase the chance of forming a pill by 30%!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up after hearing Murong Tian's words.

This was the first time he heard about Jasper Spiritual Essence.

Now, his spiritual consciousness and physical strength are equivalent to the middle stage of pill formation, but his cultivation level is still just short of being able to advance to the fourth level of the foundation stage!

As long as he works hard, he will soon consider forming a pill.

This jade spiritual essence can still be considered.

"Ah, very good!!"

Lin Changsheng thought of this, put away Murong Tian, ​​hid his body, and slowly approached the crack in the mountain!

At this time, the black-armored black turtle and the cold jade snow python were fighting fiercely. The moment Lin Changsheng approached the crack, the giant turtle's giant palm and the giant python's tail suddenly turned around and bombarded Lin Changsheng!


Lin Changsheng immediately used Three Thousand Thunderbolts, but although he was physically strong, his speed was still at the level of the third level of the Foundation Stage. He was immediately swept away by the tail of the giant python whose strength was comparable to the early stage of the Golden Core Stage, and he was deeply smashed into the mountain wall. !

The stone wall collapsed and boulders rolled down.

The giant turtle's palm failed.

"What a powerful cold jade snow python!"

Seeing a monk at the third level of the foundation building stage sneaking into the crack and being swept into the stone wall by the cold jade snow python in the battle, the three golden elixir stage monks who were about to take action all showed hesitation and watched from the sidelines.

"That monk on the third floor of the foundation building stage is probably doomed!"

"What a terrifying monster, comparable to the early stage of the Golden Core!!"

"You dare to go up to the third floor of the foundation building stage to seek death. I'm afraid you won't be shattered to pieces now!"


More than 10 miles away in the valley, on a mountain peak, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Zhang Aoxue and others were hiding behind a big rock, watching the giant python below sweep a young monk who was on the third floor of the foundation building into the stone wall. Everyone was shocked.

"On the third floor of the foundation building stage, although he was blown away by the giant python, his body penetrated deeply into the stone wall. This person's body is absolutely powerful. Could it be? Is it him?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at the human-shaped hole punched by the humanoid monk on the mountain wall in the distance, her heart moved, and her beautiful eyes revealed a look of thinking.

She knew that Fellow Daoist Long Ping'an, the physical body of Lin Changsheng, was extremely powerful and could kill Jindan stage demonic monks, so he couldn't be killed so easily.

"Oh my God! This giant python is faster than lightning!"

Lin Changsheng was trapped in the stone wall, feeling shocked in his heart.

Although his speed is not as fast as that of the giant python in the Golden Core stage, his physical body is comparable to that of the middle stage of the Golden Core stage. Even though he was swept into the stone wall by the giant python, he was not injured at all.

"Being swept into the stone wall, I can use the cover of the stone wall to break through the stone wall and enter the cave to get the jade spiritual essence!"

Lin Changsheng did not go out immediately, but dug a hole in the direction of the cave in the mountain. He stretched out his hands, like cutting tofu, put the cut stones into the storage bag, and instantly created a passage.

Lin Changsheng dug the passage very fast, like a pangolin or a marmot.

Not long after.

He opened the passage and came to the cave. His consciousness had already seen clearly the situation in the cave.

This cave has a radius of 100 feet.

Supported by more than 100 natural stalactite pillars, the aura inside is extremely rich.

In the middle of the cave, there is a natural stone platform one foot in size.

Above the stone platform, there is a stalactite the size of a hug. There is a small hole on it, and bursts of rich spiritual energy spread out from the hole.

On the stone platform corresponding to the stalactite, there is a groove as big as a fist, and there is some green cream in it. The cream exudes extremely rich spiritual energy.

"Jasper Spiritual Essence!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he saw the cream in the groove. He reached into his storage bag and took out five palm-sized jade bottles.

At the same time, he fired several spells to cover the jade spiritual essence in the groove. Suddenly, these jade spiritual essences were condensed by his magic power into a fist-sized spiritual marrow group, which were collected into five jade bottles. middle.

"I got it! It's so cool!"

Lin Changsheng put away the jade spiritual marrow, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Damn it! That kid is not dead! He actually went in and took away the jade spirit marrow!"

At this time, outside the valley, more than ten miles away, a middle-aged man with a bald head and a black robe with a small coffin logo embroidered on his lapel looked in the direction of the cave with an angry expression.


His consciousness penetrated into the cave and he saw that the young man on the third floor of the foundation building stage who was swept into the stone wall by the cold jade snow python took away the jade spiritual essence in the cave.

It's not that Lu Chang doesn't want to take the lead, but he is afraid that not far away, there is Jian Shaowu, an early stage Jin Dan from Taiyin Island, and Bu Yufeng, an early stage Jin Dan from Yin Yang Palace!

Further away, another early-stage golden elixir master from Liuyun Immortal Sect had just arrived.

What's more, the fifth-level monsters are comparable to those at the early stage of the Golden Core stage. If they go crazy, they will also hurt themselves. If they are injured, these powerful people in the Golden Core stage may take advantage of them.

He didn't expect that this was the difference.

The treasure that was helpful in forming the elixir was taken away by a small bug at the third level of the foundation building stage.

"You can't run away."

Lu Chang's eyes showed anger.

His son Lu Zhen is already at the 7th level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. In a few years, he will be able to reach the Core Formation Stage. This jade essence is just for his son to break through. How can he let this little bug at the 3rd level of the Foundation Establishment Stage take it away?

"Got it."

Lin Changsheng put away the jade bottle, flashed, and was about to retreat along the stone cave he had made. Suddenly, he felt a rumbling sound coming from the entrance of the cave!

Only a white shadow was seen entering the cave, and it was the cold jade snow python.

The cold jade snow python got into the cave and saw that the jade spiritual essence was gone. It immediately looked at the stone cave where Lin Changsheng was hiding, and its long giant tail swept over.


Landslides and rocks cracked, cave stalactites were swept away one after another, and large areas collapsed!

Lin Changsheng was completely submerged by a large boulder.

at the same time.

Outside the cave, there is a giant turtle that looks like a hill. Its body is too big to enter the cave. The huge claws can only be slapped on the cracks on the mountain wall, looking extremely manic!

"Brother Lu, now, that little bug at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage has obtained the Jade Spiritual Essence."

"Those two demonic beasts are equivalent to the early stages of the Golden Core stage. How about we work together to suppress those two demonic beasts, and then take the jade spiritual marrow, and then we will do it 50-50 between you and me?"

at this time.

Jian Shaowu, an early-stage Golden Elixir from Taiyin Island, looked at Lu Chang and suggested.


Hearing this, Lu Chang nodded.

Next to him, there was an early-stage Golden Elixir from the Liuyun Immortal Sect, who was a monk belonging to the immortal world in the Southern Region. He and Jian Shaowu came from the Demonic Sea, so joining forces was the best way out.

"Ziyue, there are too many powerful people, let's step back a little and take a look before we talk!"

At this time, Bai Yufen, the elder of the Liuyun Immortal Sect, who was standing aside, took Gao Ziyue beside him and stepped back several hundred feet!

The monks from the Southern Region and Beimu were defeated in the battle.

She was entrusted by her senior sister to protect the safety of her disciple. When passing by this place, she found that the earth veins had cracked and jasper spiritual marrow appeared. She immediately stopped to take a look.

"Go ahead, these two monsters are too fierce!"

"It seems that I must get more light-body spells and fuse them into stronger and faster light-body spells!"

Lin Changsheng felt the bombardment of the two monster beasts outside and thought rapidly in his heart.

His physical body is comparable to the middle stage of the golden elixir stage, and his strength is sufficient.


The movement speed of three thousand thunderbolts is still not enough when faced with the Cold Jade Snow Python that is comparable to the early stage of the Golden Core Stage!

Another one, there are three golden elixir stage people outside looking at him eagerly.

His physical strength is not afraid of any of the early stage golden elixirs present, but he is afraid of being surrounded by three golden elixirs and two monster beasts. That would be too dangerous.

His speed is not good, so it is a bit difficult to escape, so he must find a way.

At this time, if his physical strength is as good as anyone's, there is no need for Xiaobai to teleport and retreat.

Thanks to Brother Xu Changshu for the 700 starting coin reward! Thank you very much brother!

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