The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 127 Killing the Golden Pill! The strongest foundation building period! Big catch! Obtained t

However, if it really doesn't work.

The only choice is to let Xiaobai take action to save his life.

Lin Changsheng felt that although his speed was not as fast as that of the Golden Core stage, his physical strength was equivalent to that of the middle stage of the Golden Core stage, which was worthy!

For safety reasons, he planned to escape first.

[0/8000 on the fourth floor of the foundation phase]

Right now.

Lin Changsheng felt a click in his mind and his whole body was shaken. At the same time, a powerful aura spread from his body!

"Huh? Did you break through to the fourth level of the foundation building stage at this time?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised when he saw the red prompt popping up on the panel and felt the aura on his body that was twice as powerful as before.

A breakthrough in cultivation at this time would be of great help to me.

Lin Changsheng followed the passage he created and moved forward. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness suddenly spread and locked onto the two approaching Golden Core early-stage monks, as well as the snow python and black turtle.

The snow python kept bombarding Lin Changsheng with its giant tail in the cave, but it could never hit Lin Changsheng!

The black-armored black turtle kept slapping the stone wall with its huge palms outside, spinning around like an ant on a hot pot.

Only two Golden Core Stage monks slowly approached and floated on the cliff above Lin Changsheng's head. Their consciousness locked on Lin Changsheng who was hiding in the rocks, waiting for him to come out so that they could kill him with one strike.


Lin Changsheng's consciousness locked on the two early-stage Jindan cultivators in the sky. He thought rapidly in his mind. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he thought of a good idea!

Set up the formation!


In his storage bag, there are the formation disk and base of the Earth Line Fiery God-Burning Formation. Although there is no fire here, there are Earth Lines. According to his perfect understanding of the formation, he can arrange the Earth Line Trap God Formation.

There is no fire to burn the gods, but it is no problem to temporarily trap the monks who break into it.

The principle is.

Use the earth veins here and arrange the spiritual stones to form a trapped space, but there is no flame inside. If the monk falls into it, he will be at a loss for a period of time before he recovers!

Although this formation cannot kill people because of the lack of earth fire, what Lin Changsheng wants is for the two golden elixirs to enter the formation and be stunned for a period of time. With this short time, he can quickly kill the golden elixirs in the middle of the golden elixir stage.

Thinking of this.

Lin Changsheng immediately took out forty-nine formation bases and a formation disk, and began to arrange it. He did not arrange a large area like he did on the island of Soul Seizing Land. He only arranged it on this mountain wall with a radius of 100 feet. , burying the base of the formation.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng's physical body was relatively strong, and he could cut rocks like tofu. He walked through the mountain wall effortlessly, and within a short time, he was able to create passages one after another.

"This bastard, his body is so powerful, what on earth does he want to do??"

Lu Chang's spiritual consciousness paid attention to Lin Changsheng in the rocks. He saw that Lin Changsheng not only did not come out, but also used his powerful body to dig holes in the rocks and bury something, he suddenly frowned deeply.

He also thought about using magical means to split the mountain rocks and kill Lin Changsheng inside, but it was so laborious to kill a small insect, so it was better to wait and wait for the small insect to come out.

"This little bug, at the third level of foundation building, actually dares to snatch food from a tiger's mouth?"

"I must make him regret coming into this world!"

Jian Shaowu's spiritual consciousness paid attention to Lin Changsheng among the rocks, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

at this time.

The black turtle was spinning around under the mountain wall, while the giant python rushed into the cave, trying to catch Lin Changsheng. Two golden elixirs were floating in the sky, waiting for Lin Changsheng to come out of the mountain wall.

"With two Golden Core Stage monks and two Golden Core Stage monsters waiting for help, this third-level Foundation Establishment Stage monk is doomed!"

"I really don't know how to live or die. This is an opportunity for the Golden Core Stage. We, the Foundation Establishment Stage monks, have no chance at all!"



At this moment, many monks who were watching more than 10 miles away were talking about it. They seemed to have foreseen the death of the monk who was on the third floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage.


Lin Changsheng hid in the heart of the mountain, digging for stones and throwing the excavated stones into storage bags. Anyway, he had killed so many monks, and there were at least nearly a hundred storage bags. It was best to use them to hold stones. .

Not long after.

Lin Changsheng buried forty-nine formation bases within a hundred feet in radius, and finally planted the formation disk in the middle!

at this time.

Jian Shaowu sacrificed a long sword and magic weapon, and Lu Chang sacrificed a giant axe, floating above the mountain!

Suddenly, Jian Shaowu felt that the world suddenly darkened!

The mountain peak at my feet has disappeared!

Instead, there was a large rocky mountain, and he was standing on the large rocky mountain!

Lin Changsheng stood on the formation plate, and his spiritual consciousness discovered that the two golden elixir stage monks in the sky slowly fell to the ground, looking around with confused expressions.

"It's now!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed murderous intent, he moved the golden body of the Holy Buddha, put his palms together like a knife, soared into the sky, and killed Jian Shaowu who was holding a long sword magic weapon on his left.

Because, while the golden body of the Holy Buddha is operating, Lin Changsheng's palms are shining with a three-foot-long pale golden light, exuding a terrifying and sharp edge!

Wherever he passed, the rocks were torn apart like tofu!


Lin Changsheng clasped his hands together and stabbed the dazed Jian Shaowu like a sharp knife. His sharp palms instantly cut Jian Shaowu's right leg in half. Before he could use his remaining strength, he chopped off Jian Shaowu's right hand!

Jian Shaowu was looking around blankly on the big rock mountain when he suddenly felt a strong sense of danger under his feet. He wanted to avoid it but it was too late. He watched helplessly as the sharp golden light cut open his right leg and cut off his right hand. Cut off at shoulder level!

Under severe pain.

In an instant, Jian Shaowu exited the trapped god space.


Jian Shaowu let out a shrill scream. He jumped up with his remaining left leg, but found that it was too late. A palm with a light golden light penetrated his Dantian and pulled out his golden elixir.


Jian Shaowu looked at the monk who appeared in front of him with a look of disbelief in his eyes. This was a small bug on the third level of the foundation building stage in his eyes!

He was actually killed by a little bug!

At this moment, Jian Shaowu felt that the mana in his body was flowing away rapidly, and a sense of powerlessness permeated his whole body.

His consciousness gradually blurred, his eyes widened, and he died with a look of unwillingness!


Lin Changsheng took off the storage bag from Jian Shaowu's waist. He took three steps in an instant and took Jian Shaowu's body into the trapped god space again.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand, took out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and waved it towards Jian Shaowu's body. Suddenly, an illusory figure appeared on Jian Shaowu's body. It was his soul that was absorbed into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner by Lin Changsheng.

next moment.

Lin Changsheng collected Jian Shaowu's corpse. This was the best material for refining the golden corpse and could not be wasted.

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and instantly appeared in the trapped god space where Lu Chang was.

"Why is there a formation here?"

Lu Chang looked at the Baishi Mountain at his feet with a look of doubt in his eyes. The giant ax magic weapon was surrounding him, and he was extremely vigilant.

Right now.

A strong sense of crisis appeared behind him, and Lu Chang was startled. The giant ax in his hand slashed behind him, and the light of the axe, which was more than fifty feet long, cut through the void.

But it's too late!

Lu Chang only felt a pain in his abdomen, and his body was empty, as if the most important thing in his body had been taken away.

In an instant.

The illusion in the sky disappeared. He slowly lowered his head and looked at his abdomen, where he found a hole as big as a bowl. The mana in his body instantly drained away, and a sense of powerlessness pervaded his body and mind.


"This is impossible!"

He slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Changsheng, who was three feet away, with a look of reluctance in his eyes. He did not expect that his dignified monk at the early stage of the Golden Core Stage would actually die at the hands of a small insect at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Lu Chang's eyes widened and he fell to the ground suddenly.

"Another golden corpse, and the soul can't be wasted."

Lin Changsheng took three steps forward, and the formation was activated again in an instant, and the bodies of Lin Changsheng and Lu Chang disappeared.

In the formation.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner. When he waved it, he saw an illusory figure appearing on Lu Chang's body. His face was exactly the same as Lu Chang's. He was instantly included in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

Lin Changsheng put away Lu Chang's body and left the trapped god space formation.

All this is a long story, but in fact it only happens in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

The cold jade snow python got out of the crack and rushed towards Lin Changsheng, while the black-armored black turtle kept spinning under the cliff.


Lin Changsheng didn't move at all, and there was a large formation behind him. Although this beast was a fifth-level monster, equivalent to the strength of the early stage of the Golden Core, entering this formation would inevitably cause him to lose consciousness and be killed by him.

As expected by Lin Changsheng, the Cold Jade Snow Python entered the formation and froze in place.

Lin Changsheng used Three Thousand Thunderbolts, and the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand appeared, with golden light flashing, and he slashed seven inches away from it!


With a muffled sound, Lin Changsheng raised his knife and cut off the head of the cold jade snow python, and at the same time, his figure flew into the sky.

At this moment, the huge python's body was constantly twitching, twisting, and struggling, and its giant tail swept wildly, collapsing the rocks on the mountain, causing the debris to fly everywhere, and it stopped after a while!

Lin Changsheng stepped forward, picked out the demon core of the Cold Jade Snow Python with his Immortal Killing Sword, and put it into his storage bag.

This is a fifth-level demon core, and it can be used to make elixirs.

"Oh my God! Who is this person? He is so powerful. With his third-level cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he killed two early-stage Jindan cultivators and also killed a fifth-level monster! It's simply unbelievable!"

"It's simply too strong. No wonder he dares to steal the jade essence. He really has two brushes!"

"Have you noticed that although this person's cultivation is only at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, his physical strength is comparable to that of the Golden Core, and when he killed two Golden Cores just now, he was also proficient in formations!"

"That's true. He seemed to have set up the psychedelic formation in an instant, which made the two golden elixirs slow to react and were killed by him in an instant!"


Many monks present were extremely shocked when they saw Lin Changsheng, with his cultivation level of the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, instantly kill two Golden Cores and a Cold Jade Snow Python comparable to the Golden Core Stage.

"This person is only at the third level of foundation building, but he is so powerful. If I fall into his formation, I will probably end up with the same outcome!"

Bai Yufen, who was standing more than 10 miles away from Gao Ziyue, looked at Lin Changsheng on the mountain in the distance, with shock in her eyes!

"It's so powerful. With a cultivation level of the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, I actually killed two early-stage Golden Elixirs and a fifth-order Cold Jade Snow Python!"

"Using the foundation-building stage to reverse the golden elixir, such a record is comparable to Jiang Yukun, the number one golden elixir more than 300 years ago."

"I am also in the foundation building stage. I am three levels higher than him and I dare not say that I can kill a golden elixir. Compared with him, I feel that I am too useless!"


Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue, Jiang Hai, Fu Qingyu and others looked at Lin Changsheng on the distant mountain with shock in their eyes.

Concubine Yu Ling, on the other hand, looked at that figure and remained silent, but the shock in her eyes could not be concealed.

"time to go."

Lin Changsheng glanced at the monks everywhere, and with a wave of his hand, he put the body of the Cold Jade Snow Python into the storage bag.

"No, the Corpse King Sect's golden elixir is at its peak!"

At this moment, Lin Changsheng's expression changed.

He didn't expect that after he had just killed the corpse king sect in the early stage of the golden elixir, a companion who was at the peak of the golden elixir would arrive!

Immediately, as fast as possible, he fired one spell after another. Forty-nine formation bases and one formation disk passed through the rocks and floated in the sky, and were put away by Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng put away the formation base and formation disk, flashed his figure, used Three Thousand Thunderbolts, and flew his sword into the sky.

"You little bastard, if you dare to kill the golden elixir of my Corpse King Sect, you must die!"

At this moment, a thunderous sound sounded in the distant sky, and following the sound, a figure in black robes came galloping towards him with a three-foot-long white jade coffin at his feet!

At the same time, a terrifying pressure suddenly spread!

Wherever it passed, strong winds swept across it!

Behind him, there were 5 golden corpses following him, all of them exuding the terrifying power of the late Golden Core!

"Oh my god, I am at the peak of my golden elixir strength, and I still have five golden corpses with me!"

As Lin Changsheng galloped, his consciousness swept across the golden elixir peak behind him.

After discovering this situation, he made an immediate decision and summoned Xiaobai from the spirit beast bag with a wave of his hand. He shook the sleeping Xiaobai anxiously and said. "Xiaobai, teleport quickly, someone is chasing me."

Xiaobai's eyes widened in confusion, and he glanced at the Golden Core Peak and the five golden corpses chasing him not far behind him. He immediately fired a few spells with his front paws, wrapping himself and Lin Changsheng into a white light!

"Whoa! Whoa!"

In an instant, with two soft sounds, Lin Changsheng and Xiao Bai turned into white light and disappeared instantly, without knowing their whereabouts.

"White fox! Teleport!"

"Where are you going?"

Lu Yunchang watched the monk who was ten miles away from him disappear when the white fox used teleportation. He immediately jumped up in anger, flashed his body, and chased after him at full speed.

"This is Lu Yunchang, the first golden elixir elder of the Corpse King Sect. I didn't expect him to come this time. It seems that the devil is going to invade our southern immortal world blatantly."

"That monk at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage has so many tricks. He is physically powerful, has powerful spiritual consciousness, and is proficient in formations. He actually has a white fox that can teleport? It's really unbelievable!"

"This person teleported away with the white fox? I remember that in the Southern Cultivation World, a monk named Lin Changsheng took away 8 heaven and earth energy with the little white fox, and finally left with the help of the little white fox. Can you guys still remember?."

"As soon as you reminded me, it is really him! This person has refined 8 qi of heaven and earth. No wonder he is so powerful. Both the good and the evil in the entire world of immortality are looking for him. I didn't expect him to be hiding here!"


Seeing Lin Changsheng teleporting away with the little white fox, many monks present were shocked and talked about it, and many of them had twinkling eyes.

You know, that Lin Changsheng received a lot of bounty back then!

"It's Brother Lin!"

At this moment, on a mountain peak more than 10 miles away, Gao Ziyue looked at the teleporting figure, with shock and surprise in her beautiful eyes.

She didn't expect that Brother Lin, whom she longed for, would be right in front of her.

She remembers.

Previously, in the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, the Qi of Heaven and Earth appeared. Brother Lin took eight of them away with the little fox, and has been missing ever since.

At that time, the monks from the Southern Immortal Realm and the Demonic Sea were looking for him and issued a reward.

She thought that Brother Lin had died, and she had been worried for a long time. Now that she saw Lin Changsheng actually used teleportation well, she was worried and surprised at the same time.

"Brother Lin, I hope you must escape!"

Gao Ziyue prayed secretly in her heart.

"You can teleport with a white fox. This person is Lin Changsheng from our sect!"

"After refining 8 qi of heaven and earth, no wonder he is so powerful!"

Bai Yufen stood beside Gao Ziyue, looking at Lin Changsheng's leaving figure with a look of shock in her eyes.

She did not expect that the monk at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, with a strong body, powerful spiritual consciousness, and proficiency in formations, was actually the disciple Lin Changsheng that the sect was looking for!

You know, in order to find Lin Changsheng, the sect sent all the foundation-building disciples and the Jindan elders.

To know.

Zhu Changkong, the leader of the Liuyun Immortal Sect, had refined the energy of heaven and earth back then and advanced to the Nascent Soul stage in less than 200 years!

And Lin Changsheng, who had refined 8 qi of heaven and earth, was actually able to kill two early-stage Golden Elixirs and a cold jade snow python equivalent to the early-stage Golden Elixir at the third level of Foundation Establishment!

This Lin Changsheng's future achievements will definitely far exceed that of the sect leader Su Changkong!

"Ziyue, let's go."

Bai Yufen said to Gao Ziyue, after saying that, a cultivation force rolled up Gao Ziyue and turned into a rainbow and left.

Many foundation-building monks at the scene entered the mountainside and tried to find if there was any jade spiritual essence, but found nothing, and the black-armored ghost finally left helplessly.

It is thousands of miles away from the land of jade spiritual essence.

Lin Changsheng and the little white fox appeared in a mountain forest.

"Xiaobai, are you okay?"

After Lin Changsheng landed, he looked at Xiaobai in his arms and asked.

He found that Xiaobai looked a little sluggish at this moment, and it seemed that he had consumed too much.


Xiaobai gave a feeble cry, shook his head, and then closed his eyes, indicating that he wanted to take a rest.

"You should absorb this!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed, and he took out a bottle of jasper spiritual essence and placed it in front of Xiao Bai. This jasper spiritual essence can increase the chance of a peak monk in the foundation building stage advancing to the golden elixir stage by 30%, but a person can only take one drop.

It’s useless if you take too much.

It's better to take a drop and give it to Xiaobai. After all, Xiaobai has made a great contribution today. If it weren't for it, it would be hard to predict his end!

You know, the peak golden elixir not only has a strong cultivation base, but also carries five golden corpses!


When the little white fox saw this bottle of jade essence, he perked up. He immediately held the bottle with his front paws and licked it clean. Then he looked at Lin Changsheng with a look of hope, as if asking if there was more?

"Xiaobai is gone, this is all."

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and said, there are still 4 drops, he will use one drop himself, and the remaining three drops can be exchanged for other useful treasures.


Xiaobai's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Changsheng suspiciously. Although he didn't believe it, he still lay there and fell asleep.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and put Xiaobai into the spirit beast bag, unfolded his body, and galloped forward.

he knows.

You don’t know when the golden elixir peak will catch up. The further you go, the safer it will be!

After 10 days.

Lin Changsheng galloped all the way and came to a deep mountain. His consciousness swept across 600 miles, but he did not find a single monk.

"I will retreat here to digest my recent gains!"

Lin Changsheng stood under a cliff and under a vine, and began to open up his cave. He threw the stones dug out from the cave into his storage bag.

His physical body was so powerful that he dug a cave in less than an hour.

The cave is divided into three rooms.

There is a training room, a rest room, and a room for Xiaobai.

After finishing everything, he covered the entrance of the cave with vines, and then covered the entrance with big rocks. Then he came to the training room and sat down cross-legged on the futon.

"Let's see what good treasures Xuanting sent me first!"

Lin Changsheng first took out Xuanting's storage bag, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Lin Changsheng estimated that Xuanting should be at the late stage of Jindan cultivation.

It's a pity that he shouldn't have entered the Soul-Seizing Land to hunt him down.

You must know that the Soul Seizing Land has no spiritual energy, cannot practice, and suppresses divine consciousness. Xuanting, who is in the late stage of Jindan, cannot exert his full strength after entering the Soul Seizing Land!

In the end, he was beheaded by himself out of frustration!

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