The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 128 The ancient treasure Tianyao Flame Bow, shocking the world of cultivation, the legend of

First of all, what comes into view is a large number of white spiritual stones.

"My God! As expected of the Golden Core Stage, he is so rich!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Xuanting's storage bag and his eyes widened with shock. The storage bag was filled with spiritual stones, estimated to be no less than 150,000 yuan!

All kinds of monster materials, three thousand-year-old elixirs, a dozen 500-year-old elixirs, a copy of the Heavenly Ghost Sect's golden elixir period exercises, the Heavenly Star Ghost King's Canon, and a large bow with a dark luster!

This bow is about five feet long, quite heavy, completely black, and the bow string is also black. It is made of unknown materials. It is carved with mysterious lines and densely packed restrictions!

Looks very domineering and mighty.

Engraved on it are the words Tianyao Lieyan Bow.

"Hey, this bow actually has three seals, it seems unusual!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Tianyao Flame Bow and his consciousness moved.

He couldn't tell the level of this divine bow. From the dense restrictions and three seals on it, he could tell that this bow was not simple.


Lin Changsheng put away this magical bow and planned to study it later. He wanted to see what he had gained this time first and be sure of it.

Immediately, Lin Changsheng found a spiritual weapon, the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, in Xuanting's storage bag.

"This old beast! There are actually 100,000 souls in it."

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the Ten Thousand Souls Flag, and when he saw the densely packed living souls inside, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

Tiangui Sect is a demonic sect, and most of its monks have refined the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, which requires collecting souls. The more souls there are, the greater the power of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner!

"Look at the storage bags of these two golden elixirs!"

Lin Changsheng put the items in Xuanting's storage bag aside and picked up Jian Shaowu's storage bag.

"Jindanqi is indeed rich!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Jian Shaowu's storage bag with satisfaction in his eyes.

When Jian Shaowu was in the early stages of cultivating the Golden Pill, the amount of spiritual stones in his storage bag, although not as many as those in Xuanting, still amounted to nearly 100,000 yuan!

There is a golden elixir period exercise called Taiyin Bliss Dharma, a spell called the Bliss Seal!

Three bottles of golden elixir taken by monks in the golden elixir stage!

There are seven or eight bottles of foundation-building elixirs such as True Yuan Dan and Solid Yuan Dan, as well as monster materials, a lot of high-level spiritual grass, talismans, and a scroll.

"Hey, this scroll?"

Lin Changsheng looked at a scroll in Jian Shaowu's storage bag. He felt it looked familiar. His consciousness rummaged through his storage bag, and a scroll of the same size appeared in his hand.

Lin Changsheng remembered.

He got this scroll from He Tieshou's secret room at Mucheng Tieshou Martial Arts Hall. As long as he inputs spiritual energy, the scroll will be hot to the touch. There is a deep call inside, saying that he is going to have a good fortune!

It seems that there is the spirit of an old monster inside!

"These two scrolls are exactly the same in size and color. Is there any connection between them?" Lin Changsheng looked at the two scrolls in front of him and had no intention of opening them to find out.

He had finally reached the third level of cultivation in the foundation building stage, and the existence here was too dangerous.

He was ready to wait until his cultivation level improved again.

Think of this.

Lin Changsheng suppressed his curiosity and put away the two scrolls.

Lin Changsheng picked up Luchang's storage bag.

"This monk from the Corpse King Sect is really a beast!"

Lin Changsheng opened Luchang's storage bag and saw at a glance the corpses of more than 50 monks inside!

Among them, there are five level 9 bronze corpses, all of which are equivalent to the peak of the foundation building stage.

On the contrary, there are a few spiritual stones, only more than 10,000 pieces, and there are also many golden elixir-stage soul cultivation techniques, corpse-inducing techniques, soul-exploding killing techniques, Yuan-solidifying elixirs, and true Yuan elixirs.

Lin Changsheng picked up the exercises and spells and flipped through them.

Soul planting method: it is to plant some souls into the corpse puppet with restraint. The more souls planted in the corpse puppet, the stronger the soul, and the stronger the corpse puppet will be.

Corpse Induction Technique: A strange method of controlling corpses, allowing zombies to be commanded like arms. The stronger the consciousness, the more corpse puppets can be controlled. Those with stronger consciousness can control the corpse puppets to form formations, which are more powerful.

Explosive Soul Kill: Detonate the corpse puppet to self-destruct, like a thunder that shakes the sky, and is extremely powerful.

"Soul cultivation method?"

"The monks from the Corpse King Sect and Taiyin Island are all very sinister in their methods!"

Lin Changsheng looked at these three techniques with a thoughtful look on his face.

He currently has three golden elixir stage corpses and a fifth-level cold jade snow python corpse. Perhaps, he can refine them into golden elixir stage corpse puppets, which will also increase his strength.

If it doesn't work, killing these zombies with soul explosion can be regarded as a method.

"First consume all these elixirs and increase my cultivation experience value."

Lin Changsheng finished cleaning the storage bag and secretly made up his mind.

His spiritual consciousness is equivalent to the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his physical body is also equivalent to the middle stage of the Golden Core. However, his cultivation is only at the 4th level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, which is too far behind, so he must speed up.

Any time.

Strong strength is the guarantee of safety!

[Cultivation: Foundation Building Stage (Fourth Floor 23/8000)]

Lin Changsheng looked at his dashboard, took out a True Essence Pill from his storage bag, and drank it silently, absorbing the majestic power of the medicine.

The True Essence Pill is a stronger elixir than the Condensation Pill and is suitable for monks at the seventh level or above of the Foundation Establishment Stage. He found a total of 18 bottles in the storage bags of several Golden Elixir Stage monks, with 5 pills in each bottle. 90 pieces in total.

The majestic medicinal power filled Lin Changsheng's eight extraordinary meridians, was absorbed by his Five Elements Soul Refining Art, and became the magic power in his Dantian.

As Lin Changsheng continued to practice, the cultivation experience value data on his panel continued to increase.

"One True Essence Pill can increase 600 experience points, which is not bad!"

After absorbing the power of the True Essence Pill, Lin Changsheng found that his experience panel showed 600 more experience points.

One pill can increase 600 experience points, and he is still very satisfied.

"At one go, push the experience value of the 4th floor of the foundation phase to the top."

Lin Changsheng made up his mind, took out another True Essence Pill and threw it into his mouth.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was a month later.

[Cultivation: Foundation Building Stage (Sixth Floor 324/32000)]

"As expected of the True Essence Pill, it's so powerful! It actually allowed me to break through to the 6th floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage!"

Lin Changsheng looked at his panel with a look of surprise in his eyes.

On the 8th day of seclusion, his experience value on the 4th floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage reached its peak. Due to the powerful medicinal power of the True Yuan Pill, Lin Changsheng directly entered the 5th Floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage. With a lot of True Yuan Pills, he continued to take the pills to practice. .

Entering the 5th floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage, one True Yuan Pill can only increase 300 experience points. He absorbed all the True Yuan Pills and finally reached the 6th Floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage!

"My cultivation has reached the 6th level of the foundation building stage. I can take a break first and improve my attack methods!"

Lin Changsheng took a deep breath, and with a sudden realization, he took out the Tianyao Flame Bow from Xuanting from his storage bag.

"Let's refine this Tianyao Flame Bow first!"

Lin Changsheng looked at this bow and was very satisfied.

Bows and arrows are long-range attacks, which suits his taste.

Lin Changsheng held the Tianyao Flame Bow in his hand and sat cross-legged. His consciousness slowly sank in and began to refine the restrictions within it.

time flies.

The sun rises and sets.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Just when Lin Changsheng was in retreat.

The world of immortality in the Southern Region.

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

The main hall of the clan.

Su Changkong, the leader of the sect, was dressed in white and stood in front of the main hall with his hands behind his back.

Beside him stood a woman in her 30s, none other than Jin Dan Bai Yufen.

"Elder Bai, where did you see our disciple Lin Changsheng?"

Su Changkong looked at Bai Yufen, the shock in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Sect Master, I came back from the border of the Beimu Immortal Clan. I encountered a crack in the earth's crust, and the jasper spirit marrow was born. Among them were two demonic beasts whose strength was equivalent to that of the early Jindan. Later, another one came from Taiyin Island. The early stage of the golden elixir and the early stage of the golden elixir of the Corpse King Sect.”

"There were nearly a hundred monks watching around. I was watching from the sidelines. At this moment, a monk on the third level of the Foundation Stage approached the cave at the belly of the mountain and was discovered by two Golden Core Stage monsters. Among them was the Cold Jade Snow Python. , and blasted the third-level monk in the foundation-building stage into the mountain wall!"

"Just when everyone thought that the monk had died, the monk on the third floor of the foundation building stage actually took the opportunity to break through the stone wall, got into the cave, took away the jade spiritual marrow, and hid in the mountain. Come out, at this time, the cold jade snow python got into the cave."

"Jian Shaowu from Taiyin Island and Lu Chang from the Corpse King Sect immediately stood guard on the mountain wall, waiting for the third-level monk in the foundation-building stage to come out. Unexpectedly, the third-level monk in the foundation-building stage arranged a formation, which made the two golden elixirs lose their concentration for a moment. Then kill two Jindans with one strike, and those on the third floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage are ready to escape!"

"At this moment, Lu Yunchang, the peak of the Golden Core of the Corpse King Sect, came back. Seeing that he could not escape, the third-level monk at the foundation-building stage summoned a white fox and teleported away in an instant. Only then did I know that the third-level monk at the foundation-building stage The monk at the top level is Lin Changsheng, a disciple of our Liuyun Immortal Sect!"

Bai Yufen looked at Su Changkong and explained the cause and effect of the incident.

"With a cultivation level of the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he can also form a formation and kill two people in the early stages of the Golden Core Stage. He is worthy of having refined the Qi of the Eight Paths of Heaven and Earth!"

"In order to find Lin Changsheng, I sent out all the golden elixirs to build the foundation, but no trace of him was found. It's great that he is fine now."

When Su Changkong heard this, his eyes flashed, and he asked. "Elder Bai, do you know which direction he teleported to?"

"Sect Master, I once scanned with my consciousness and found no trace of him. Then, I came back with Gao Ziyue."

Bai Yufen shook her head and said.

"I understand, go and do your business."

Su Changkong nodded.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Bai Yufen clasped her fists at Su Changkong, turned around and left.

"If such talents grow up in the future, why should our Liuyun Immortal Sect not be prosperous?"

"He must be brought back."

Su Changkong looked at the sky in the distance with a glint in his eyes.

The magical effect of the Qi of heaven and earth.

He knows best.

He himself once refined the energy of heaven and earth.

In less than 200 years, it will be the time to advance to the Nascent Soul stage. No wonder Lin Changsheng can kill two golden elixirs with only the third level of cultivation in the foundation stage. That's because he has refined the Eight Paths of Heaven and Earth alone. gas!

Originally, Su Changkong wanted to bring Lin Changsheng back. The energy of the eight heavens and earth could create eight Nascent Soul monks like himself. In this way, it would not be a dream for Liuyun Immortal Sect to become stronger.

Su Changkong's original intention was to make Liuyun Immortal Sect the most powerful Immortal Sect in the Southern Region!

But now it seems that Lin Changsheng has refined all the eight heaven and earth qi, and it is impossible to take out the heaven and earth qi again.

It would be better to influence Lin Changsheng. You must know that he is a disciple of the Liuyun Immortal Sect. No matter how successful he is in the future, he will still be a member of the Liuyun Immortal Sect.

What needs to be done now is to send out powerful men from the Golden Core Stage and Nascent Soul Stage to find Lin Changsheng and bring him back to the Liuyun Immortal Sect for protection.

Thinking of this, Su Changkong stretched out his hand to make a secret, and instantly fired more than ten communication talismans, flying towards the 12th peak!

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Misty Peak.

Ji Ruyan was sitting in the elder's hall. In front of her, stood a beautiful woman with a slim figure and wearing purple clothes, it was Gao Ziyue.

"Ziyue. Lin Changsheng's nephew refined the energy of the eight worlds by himself, and was able to kill two golden elixirs at the third level of the foundation stage. This achievement is really shocking!"

"This also shows the powerful effect of the Qi of Heaven and Earth. At that time, I wanted to find Lin Changsheng and get a piece of Qi of Heaven and Earth to create a flawless Dao foundation for you. It's a pity."

Ji Ruyan asked Gao Ziyue clearly how Lin Changsheng killed the two golden elixirs, and a look of regret appeared on his face.

"Master, I have already established the foundation. The energy of heaven and earth is no longer important to me, as long as Brother Lin is safe."

Gao Ziyue said in a deep voice.


Ji Ruyan nodded and said again. "My master just went to the sect master's hall. The sect master told me to take people to find Senior Nephew Lin. Talents like Senior Nephew Lin are the hope for the future prosperity of our Liuyun Immortal Sect and must be protected by the sect."

"And the sect master promised to give you a top-level magic weapon!"

"You and Junior Nephew Lin come from the same place, and he is familiar with you. I am going to take you there. I hope to persuade him and let him return to the sect safely!"


"Okay master!"

Gao Ziyue nodded when she heard this, but she was very conflicted in her heart. She really wanted to see Lin Changsheng, but she was also slightly worried.

Seeing how Brother Lin changed his appearance that day, he must have the ability to disguise himself.

If it weren't for the white fox and the teleportation of the white fox, she wouldn't have recognized it at all. The third-level monk in the foundation building stage who killed the two golden elixirs was Brother Lin.

Golden Talisman Immortal Sect.

Located in the East Wasteland, in the newly built sect’s headquarters.

A tall young man with an extraordinary temperament was sitting cross-legged under a date tree in a large courtyard. Standing beside him were two young men and two girls.

"Junior Brother Jin, the three nephews, and Lin Changsheng, who has been making a lot of noise in the cultivation world recently, have you ever known each other?"

Shi Hao looked at the four people in front of him, including Tang Xing, Jin Yun, Su Ying, and Jiang Haoxue, and asked in a deep voice.

"Returning to Uncle Shi, a few years ago, we were thousands of miles away from the Demon Sea and were chased by demon cultivators. In the end, senior Lin Changsheng saved us."

Jin Yun bowed to Shi Hao and clasped his fists, saying.

At this time, because the Beimu Immortal Clan invaded the Southern Territory, the sect took out all the foundation-building pills and distributed them to the disciples who were in the 9th level of Qi training. Jin Yun got one. Unexpectedly, it was a fluke. Foundation building successful.

"At the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he can actually kill two Jindans. In addition, there is a monster that is comparable to the early stage of the Jindan Stage. I really want to meet him for a while."

Jin Hao looked at the sky in the distance with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Recently, there are rumors about Lin Changsheng in the entire Southern Territory and even in the Demonic Path.

As for the white fox next to Lin Changsheng, it can teleport thousands of miles. There are legends that the fox is a thousand-year-old vixen, and even a powerful demon clan.

Shi Hao, as a talented disciple of this generation of the Golden Talisman Immortal Sect, has refined the energy of heaven and earth, and has cultivated to the sixth level of the foundation building stage, and he has a very high self-esteem.

Hearing that Lin Changsheng was actually able to build the third-level reverse cutting golden elixir in the foundation stage, he had an idea in his mind to confirm it face to face.

"You go ahead!"

Shi Hao waved to Jin Yun and others and said. "If there is any news about Lin Changsheng, please tell me immediately."


Jin Yun nodded, cupped his fists at Shi Hao, and left with Su Ying, Jiang Haoxue, Tang Xing and others.

The world of immortality in the Southern Region.

Giant Whale Fairy City.

In a luxurious manor, in the main hall.

"Boy, I thought you had fallen."

"I didn't expect that not only did you not die, but you were still alive and well. You could kill two golden elixirs at the third level of the foundation building stage. Is this the special thing about refining the eight heaven and earth energy?!"

A girl wearing purple clothes, with a graceful figure and a beautiful face, looked at a message slip in her hand, with a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

"Hmph, how many hours do you dare to hit my vagina? I need to settle this account carefully for you!"

Wan Wushuang suddenly felt extremely ashamed and angry when she thought about being whipped by Lin Changsheng for several hours in that hook fence.

At that time, if she hadn't endured it to avoid being chased by several talented disciples of the Righteous Path, she would have beaten that boy up.

She remembered that at that time, Lin Changsheng was only in the Qi training period.

Unexpectedly, just how long has passed, that boy's cultivation level is at the third level of the foundation stage, and he is powerful enough to kill two golden elixirs, plus a monster beast in the early golden elixir stage!

Jiuyuan Fairy City.

Hehuan Building, second floor.

A middle-aged man with a medium build and short beard held a beautiful girl in his arms. He squinted his eyes and seemed to be in a state of wandering.

"Huh? Lin Changsheng?"

Suddenly, the short-bearded man opened his eyes, with a look of shock in his eyes, and murmured. "This kid is not dead? Hahaha, I told you, this kid doesn't seem to have such a short life!"

"With the Qi of the Eight Paths of Heaven and Earth taken away, I was able to kill two Golden Cores in just the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage! That's awesome!"

Cao De pushed away the beautiful girl in his arms and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment he appeared in the restaurant next door.

He just scanned the restaurant with his consciousness and overheard the monks talking about the recent trends in the world of cultivation, and happened to hear rumors about Lin Changsheng.

The junction of the Southern Immortal Realm and the Northern Mu Immortal Clan.

On an inaccessible cliff, there is a hidden cave entrance covered by dense vines and stone walls.

This is where Lin Changsheng retreats.

"Unexpectedly, this Tianyao Flame Bow is actually an ancient treasure!"

"With this Tianyao Flame Bow, my long-range attack power has been compensated. Now if I can find it and combine the bow spells, I can cast the Tianyao Flame Bow, and the power will be increased by another 30%!"

Lin Changsheng sat cross-legged on the stone futon, touching the heavy Tianyao Flame Bow in his hand, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

As far as he knows.

Ancient treasures are different from magic weapons.

The ancient treasure is a magic weapon refined by ancient monks. Its power is equivalent to that of a magic weapon, but it cannot be taken into the body.

This is an ancient treasure of bows and arrows.

There are 3 levels of restrictions.

The first level of forbidden refining can release the initial power of the golden elixir!

The second level of forbidden refining can release the power of the golden elixir in the middle stage!

The third level of forbidden refining can release the late or even peak power of the golden elixir!

Currently, Lin Changsheng has refined the first two levels.

"I don't know, is the corpse king sect's golden elixir at its peak still chasing after him?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly spread his spiritual consciousness, and his cultivation level was promoted from nearly the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage to the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. His spiritual consciousness increased by 100 miles again, reaching 700 miles!

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