The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 142 The Soul Contract Technique touches the animal’s head and carries the ancient treasure o

Chapter 142 Soul Contract Technique = Touch the animal head and carry the ancient treasure of Nascent Soul’s armor!

"I have three spiritual roots. I don't know if I can become a flawless golden elixir if I finally take it."

Lin Changsheng looked at the golden elixir in the porcelain bottle with anticipation in his eyes.

However, now is not the time to take this elixir. His cultivation level is currently only at the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and he needs to wait for the Peak Establishment Stage before he can take it.

"There is another box, I wonder what's in it?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed and he looked at the box with anticipation in his heart.

In the previous two boxes, one found the Golden Plastic Pill and the other the Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Jue. The contents of this third box will definitely be good as well!

Lin Changsheng opened the box and saw a mini armor inside.

This set of armor is only as big as a palm and is light silver in color. Only two eye frames are left on the helmet. The arms and fingers are completely covered from top to bottom. The silver light flows on it, making it look very extraordinary.

"This is?"

Seeing this piece of armor, Lin Changsheng couldn't help blinking his eyes, a little confused. His consciousness instantly enveloped the armor. After more than ten breaths, he opened his eyes, showing a look of shock, and murmured. "It's actually an ancient treasure armor!"

Lin Changsheng learned about this ancient treasure armor.

This is an ancient treasure called Xuanwu Armor, which contains three layers of formation restrictions.

The first level of refining prohibition, the power of this armored ancient treasure can withstand a full blow from the middle of the golden elixir stage.

The second level of refining prohibition can withstand a full blow from the golden elixir peak.

Refining the third level of restriction can withstand a blow at the early stage of the Nascent Soul stage.

As long as the refining is completed and mana is input, this armor will grow in size like a magic weapon and become attached to the body.

"The third layer of restrictions in the refining can actually withstand a blow from the Nascent Soul stage. This armor is awesome!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the mini ancient treasure Xuanwu armor in front of him with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. With this armor, it was equivalent to being able to withstand a blow from a monk at the early stage of the Nascent Soul stage.

This is a treasure that belongs to Shibao!

"First learn the Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Technique, the Purple Lightning Cloud-piercing Arrow Technique, and the Divine Soul Contract Technique!"

Lin Changsheng took out three exercises and spells including Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Jue and looked at them carefully.

time flies.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

[Introduction to Wanbao Condensing Pill Technique! 】

[Detected the Immortal Technique, the introduction to Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Technique, which can be simplified by consuming 5,000 spirit stones. Is it simplified? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng immediately waved his hand and took out 5,000 spirit stones and clicked OK.

In his storage bag, there are currently the most spirit stone warriors.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The Wanbao Lingdan Jue is simplified successfully. The Wanbao Lingdan Jue = rubbing the elixir! 】

Just when Lin Changsheng clicked OK, about 30 breaths later, a red prompt popped up on his panel.

"Rub the elixir?!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the simplified results on the panel, his eyes flickering.

Does rubbing the elixir mean that taking out an elixir and rubbing it slowly in your hands will increase your experience?

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out a low-level elixir from his storage bag, put it in his hand and rubbed it gently a few times.

The ultimate experience value of Wanbao Ling Dan is increased by 1.

The experience value of the Wanbao Elixir Bureau is increased by 2.

"Sure enough, it's so simple!"

Seeing the red prompt on the panel, Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up and he was very satisfied. He immediately rubbed the elixir slowly and then looked at the Soul Contract Technique.

[Introduction to Soul Contract Technique]

[Introduction to Soul Contract Technique has been detected. It can be simplified by consuming 5,000 spirit stones. Is it simplified? 】

Another half an hour passed, and a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng immediately waved his hand and took out 5,000 spirit stones and clicked OK.

[The Greatest Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Soul Contract Technique was successful in simplification. The Soul Contract Technique = touching the head of a small animal]

Lin Changsheng clicked OK, and within a moment, the 5,000 spirit stones disappeared without a trace. He waited for more than 30 breaths, and a red prompt popped up on the panel again.

"Huh? Touch your pet's head?"

Hearing the prompt on the panel, Lin Changsheng's heart moved, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned the little white fox from the spirit beast bag.


The little white fox appeared in the cave and looked at Lin Changsheng with big, sleepy eyes. It was sleeping just now and was summoned by Lin Changsheng. It felt very dissatisfied.

"Xiao Bai, come and eat a pear."

Lin Changsheng threw a pear and put it in front of Xiao Bai, then reached out and touched Xiao Bai's head. Seeing the pear, the little white fox's expression softened a lot and allowed Lin Changsheng to keep touching his head.

[Experience value of Soul Contract Technique +1! 】

[Experience value of Soul Contract Technique +1! 】

"This is really good. If you touch Xiaobai's head, you can increase your experience points."

Seeing the red experience value on the panel increasing, Lin Changsheng felt relieved and immediately took out the third skill, Purple Lightning Cloud-piercing Archery.

Lin Changsheng spent another hour getting started with the Purple Lightning Cloud-piercing Archery.

"Purple Lightning Cloud-Piercing Archery, simplified to using one arrow to pierce the clouds? This"

Lin Changsheng frowned a little when he saw the simplified results on the panel. This was relatively troublesome.

Take it like this.

Wouldn't it be necessary to fly up to the sky with a sword, take out an arrow and poke it into the white clouds?

To increase experience points?

"Put this Arrow Chuanyun aside first, absorb all the elixirs, and see if you can advance to the 8th level of the foundation building stage!"

Lin Changsheng put the ancient treasure armor aside and took out all the True Yuan Pills, Solid Yuan Pills, Condensing Yuan Pills and other elixirs in the storage bag. He was going to use all these elixirs.

In the Golden Core Zone of Taixu Palace, only strength is the greatest guarantee.

Although some pills can only add a dozen points of experience, they are better than nothing.

Lin Changsheng is currently at the 7th level of the Foundation Building Stage. The power of these low-level elixirs is too weak for him.

After practicing the Ten Thousand Treasures Pill Condensation Technique, Lin Changsheng discovered that the speed of absorbing pills and converting them into mana was greatly increased!

Therefore, he swallowed two or even three low-level elixirs at once, and used the Ten Thousand Treasures Condensation Pill Technique!

As he continued to absorb the elixirs, Lin Changsheng felt that the mana in his body was constantly increasing, and he was getting closer to the eighth level of the foundation building stage.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, fish belly white appeared on the horizon.

[Foundation Stage Eighth Floor (1/128000)]

At this time, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.


Lin Changsheng felt a sound in his mind, as if something had broken~~

at the same time.

A powerful feeling filled Lin Changsheng's limbs and bones. He felt that the mana in his Dantian was full of force, like the mighty waves of the sea.

An aura belonging to the eighth level of the foundation building stage spread from his body.

"Great! Finally a breakthrough!"

Lin Changsheng felt the powerful aura on his body, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

We are already at the eighth level of the foundation building stage. If we advance to one more level, we can try to break through the golden elixir.

At the 8th level of foundation building, the mana is twice as much as the previous 7th level. With the improvement in cultivation level, there is another level of security.

"It's dawn now. Let's go back to the mountain peak and have a look. It's time to set off."

Lin Changsheng raised his head, looked at the mountain peaks in the distance, stood up, and galloped out of the cave.

Not long after.

Lin Changsheng rushed to the mountain platform where Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Gao Ziyue, Xin Yuner and others were staying. Many monks had recovered their mana and were ready to set off to continue searching for the golden elixir. area opportunities.

"Eh? Fellow Daoist Wei, you actually made a breakthrough?"

When Jiang Hai saw Lin Changsheng and felt the aura on his body, he suddenly showed surprise and clasped his fists. "Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Jiang Hai's words attracted the attention of Zhuo Yijian, Mu Yunfeng and others.

However, they didn't care, because, in their opinion, Wei Wuji was an ordinary monk in the foundation building stage, with only eight levels of foundation building stage, he could be easily defeated.

Of course they wouldn't care about a monk with a lower level of cultivation than themselves advancing.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang. I made a lucky breakthrough last night. I stayed on the seventh floor of the foundation stage for too long. This can be considered a matter of course! Haha!"

Lin Changsheng smiled modestly, waved his hands and said.

"Fellow Taoists, it's dawn, let's set off!"

At this time, Tu Yunfei was flying in the sky with his sword, looking at the many monks, he spoke cheerfully.

py a brother's book

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