The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 143 Sky-eating Insect? The tiger cub is bald and swallowing the crisis! 【Please order more!

"I hope I can gain something today. You know, those things that the Golden Core Stage monks don't like are good things for us!"

"That's right. In the foundation building area, there is no chance to get the condensed golden elixir. If the golden elixir area gets some things that the golden elixir seniors can't use, it's okay!"


Many monks spoke one after another, and their swords flew forward.

Lin Changsheng took out a spiritual weapon sword and flew behind everyone. He stepped on the sword, holding a Qi Condensing Pill in his hand, and kept rubbing it!

This spiritual energy pill is of no use to him now. It can still be used to rub it to increase experience points.

"It's a pity that we can't recruit Xiaobai and touch its head to increase experience points."

Lin Changsheng looked at the increasing experience value of Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Jue on the panel and thought to himself.

Once Xiao Bai appears, others will know that he, Wei Wuji, is Lin Changsheng!

Lin Changsheng followed Zhuo Yijian, Tu Yunfei and others in low altitude flight.

Suddenly, he saw a cute little tiger cub, about three feet long, crawling forward on a ridge below.

"Hey, why don't I catch this little tiger and touch its head."

Looking at this little tiger cub, Lin Changsheng's heart moved. Little tigers are animals too.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng lowered his body.

He quickly landed on the mountain peak, reached out and grabbed the little tiger in his hand.

The little tiger saw a look of horror in his eyes when he was caught in someone's hand, whimpering and struggling constantly.

"Don't be afraid, little tiger, follow me and you will have meat to eat!"

Lin Changsheng reached out and stroked the little tiger's head. Because the little tiger was too small, he had pulled out the hair on the tiger's head, leaving him bald.

Soul Contract Technique Experience Points +1!

Soul Contract Technique Experience Points +1!

As Lin Changsheng touched the little tiger's head, red prompts kept popping up on his panel.

"This is okay."

Looking at the prompts on the panel, Lin Changsheng's eyes showed satisfaction. There was no need to take out the little white to touch its head, and it could also increase experience points.

You know, Xiaobai has become iconic by his side. If Xiaobai is summoned, the monks around him will definitely know that he is Lin Changsheng.

Then his efforts to transform into Wei Wuji would have been in vain.

at this time.

Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Gao Ziyue, Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng and others all looked at Lin Changsheng in confusion. They felt, why did Fellow Daoist Wei capture this weak little tiger?

"Fellow Daoist Wei, this little tiger was just born, so it won't be of much use, right?"

Jiang Hai came closer, showing curiosity and asked.

"I had a tiger cub when I was a kid, but it disappeared later. This tiger cub reminds me of when I was a kid, so I'm going to keep it!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Jiang Hai and said, while touching the little tiger's head, a red prompt popped up on the panel.

"I see."

Jiang Hai nodded and said. "Fellow Daoist Wei is very nostalgic."

Lin Changsheng held the elixir in his left hand, rubbed it in his hand, and held the little tiger under his arm. His right hand kept touching the little tiger's head, and red prompts kept popping up on the panel.

Many monks moved forward and flew hundreds of miles.

But I didn’t see a single golden elixir stage monk.

[Perfect Soul Contract Technique]

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

At the same time, a majestic flow of information instantly poured into his mind, which was the skill and perfect understanding of the Soul Contract Technique.

These information flows merged with his consciousness instantly.

"Not bad, not bad, the Soul Contract Technique has been completed."

Lin Changsheng looked at his faceplate with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. At this moment, he felt as if he had been practicing the Soul Contract Technique for nearly a hundred years and was extremely proficient.

"Well, later, when no one is around, recruit Xiaobai to try the Soul Contract Technique."

Lin Changsheng thought for a moment and thought to himself.

At this time, he discovered that the hair on the head of the little tiger cub in his arms had been shaved off by him, making him look like a bald tiger cub.

"What a crime!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the bald little tiger, feeling guilty in his heart, and immediately put it next to Xiao Bai in the spirit beast bag.

At any rate, it also helped him perfect the Soul Contract Technique, but he couldn't burn the bridge by crossing the river, leaving Xiaobai as his companion.

"That's not right. We have flown hundreds of miles, but why haven't we seen the monks at the Golden Core stage? Where have they gone?"

Lin Changsheng put away the little tiger and looked around, with doubts in his heart. Not only him, but Zhuo Yijian, Tu Yunfei and others were also extremely doubtful.

To know.

There were twenty to thirty thousand monks who entered the Taixu Hall. Although the majority of the monks were in the Foundation Establishment Stage, there were also quite a few Golden Core monks.

It's impossible not to encounter anyone here.

Lin Changsheng's powerful spiritual consciousness spread, and he discovered that there were endless black peaks under his feet, stretching for tens of thousands of miles. At this time, they were already in the middle of the black peaks.

What makes Lin Changsheng strange is.

These black peaks are all bare, without trees or grass. They are covered with holes as big as fists, like beehives and ant nests, with some unknown insects crawling in and out.

The mountain peaks look like iron mines, all made of iron!

"Is this a mountain of iron?"

"These bugs can actually gnaw holes in the iron mountain? These bugs are extraordinary!"

"It's really an iron mountain. The iron on this iron mountain is as hard as a magic weapon! It's actually been eaten by these insects!"


Many monks flew above the iron mountain and were shocked to see the black bugs crawling in and out of the iron mountain.


Just as everyone was flying over the Iron Mountain with their swords, suddenly, the Iron Mountain shook, and dense insects emerged from the holes and flew towards the monks in the sky.

"No! These bugs are coming for us!"

"Damn bugs!"


Seeing these insects rushing towards them, the monks flew high with their spiritual weapons, fire balls, sword lights, and talismans to greet them!

But what everyone didn't expect was that the defenses of these bugs were very strong. Ordinary fireballs wrapped around these bugs could not burn them to death, but instead aroused their ferocity.

They all screamed and rushed towards many monks.

at the same time.

From the holes in the black mountain, more dense black insects emerged, like a large dark cloud, stretching for several miles, instantly surrounding many monks.

"Oh my god, what kind of insect is this? With our cultivation in the foundation building stage, we can't kill it!"

"Sky-swallowing worm! This is the sky-swallowing worm! Let's go quickly!"

"What is a sky-devouring insect?"

"It's a strange insect in Taixu Palace that swallows everything. I've also seen a few records in the sect's classics. It's best not to anger them!"


Seeing that these weird bugs could not be eliminated, many monks were horrified and retreated into the distance. However, Lin Changsheng found that there were more and more bugs surrounding them, and there was no way to retreat.

He found that these bugs were all dark in color and were about the size of pigeon eggs. Their heads had two sharp, sickle-like horns, similar to ox horns. They had half a gourd carapace on their backs. They had small heads and bulging eyes, which shone with ghostly light. Light.

Lin Changsheng, Zhuo Yijian, Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng and other fifteen monks all used spells and methods to bombard these strange insects.

But I found that I could only kill a few bugs by flying them away, but I couldn't annihilate them all.


Suddenly, a monk at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage was accidentally bitten by more than 10 of these black bugs. His body froze, and more bugs crawled on him. In an instant, he seemed to be wearing a human form. black insect beetle.

Less than a few breaths of time.

The insect beetles turned into insects and flew away, and the monk completely disappeared. Even the bones and the spiritual weapons in his hands were eaten clean.

"Oh my God, this insect is so scary?"

Lin Changsheng was startled, and with all his energy, he kept slashing out the immortal sword in his hand to ward off these insects.

"Everyone, let's work together to open a gap and escape from this place."

Zhuo Yijian looked alert and spoke in a deep voice.

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