The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 144 The Sealed Sky-Swallowing Insect King! Conquer by contract! 【Please order more! 】

Zhuo Yijian knew clearly.

Each of these bugs is at least equivalent to the peak of the Qi Refining Stage, and many of them are equivalent to the Bugs of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Moreover, each of them has a hard carapace that cannot be extinguished by fire, and cannot be broken by spiritual weapons!

They surrounded them from all sides, which was really a headache.

The best strategy is for many monks to use all their strength to open a gap and leave this place.

"That's all we have for now."

Tu Yunfei said in a deep voice.

Mu Yunfeng, Yu Lingfei, Gao Ziyue, Jiang Hai, and more than ten monks nodded their heads, showing alert and horrified expressions.

"What a powerful insect!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the overwhelming insects that were rushing towards them like dark clouds. His pupils shrank sharply and his mind was racing with thoughts. If it didn't work, he could only use Xiaobai's thousand-mile teleportation technique to escape.

at the same time.

Lin Changsheng's powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly spread.

After his cultivation advanced to the 8th level of the foundation stage, his spiritual consciousness reached nearly 800 miles, and Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness penetrated deep into the underground of Iron Mountain.

"What's this?"

Lin Changsheng's consciousness looked at a mass of crystal white jade that was more than ten feet long deep in the ground, with a look of horror in his eyes.

This thing looks a bit like half a sky-devouring insect!

It's just that it's not all crystal clear!

It was like a sky-devouring insect magnified nearly ten thousand times, split in half with a sword. The remaining half of the body, this half of the sky-devouring insect, lay there, motionless.

Around this half-swallowing sky-swallowing bug, densely packed sky-swallowing bugs were crawling around. Among these sky-swallowing bugs, there were also many bugs half a foot in size, which seemed to be some small leaders.

"Insect King!"

Lin Changsheng searched the ground with his spiritual consciousness and saw a sky-devouring insect with a body half a foot in size and a dark and glowing body more than 10 feet away from the ground. It seemed to be the culprit who controlled the insect cloud in the sky to attack Lin Changsheng and others. .

It was lying in a cave three feet in diameter underground, waving its huge sickle-like horn, and black ripples coming out of its two big eyes.

"This bug. Can I use the Soul Contract Technique on him?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the black insect ten feet deep underground, and his heart moved.

The Soul Contract Technique is based on divine consciousness, invading the sea of ​​consciousness of the target that needs to be cast, and forcibly planting one's own brand to achieve control of the target.

Moreover, through the soul contract technique, you can communicate with the target, understand the target's thoughts and ideas, and you can also determine the target's life or death with a single thought.

Thinking of this.

Lin Changsheng's powerful consciousness instantly invaded the mind of the sky-devouring insect more than ten feet underground.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Just when Lin Changsheng's consciousness invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of the sky-swallowing insect, the sky-swallowing insect suddenly became crazy, waving the scythe and looking very manic.

Its scythe was extremely sharp, and the iron wall in the underground cave was cut open like tofu under the scythe.

"This is the leader of a sky-devouring insect! Its strength is comparable to the early stage of the Golden Core!"

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness invaded the sky-swallowing insect's sea of ​​consciousness, and imprinted his own soul mark on the sky-swallowing insect's consciousness.

He felt that although the physical strength of this Sky-Swallowing Insect was powerful, comparable to the early stage of the Golden Core, its spirit had not reached the early stage of the Golden Core, which was equivalent to the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness is in the middle stage of the golden elixir stage. Using the Soul Contract Technique against a sky-devouring insect in the middle stage of the foundation building stage is a complete cross-stage crushing!

In addition, his Divine Soul Contract Technique has been perfected. In less than a few breaths, the Divine Soul Contract Technique has been successfully planted.

at the same time.

Lin Changsheng knew some information about this golden elixir and the early Sky-Swallowing Insect.

The half of the crystal-clear Sky-Swallowing Insect corpse under the ground is the Sky-Swallowing Insect King, who came from the distant fairyland. He was suppressed by the Taixu Palace and has not yet awakened.

These leaders are all descendants of the Sky-Swallowing Insect King!

"Tell me to go down and make the sky-devouring insects surrounding me retreat a thousand feet!"

Lin Changsheng saw that Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Mu Yunfeng and others around him were preparing to attack with all their strength to open a gap and leave. He immediately ordered the leader to open a gap with his spiritual consciousness.


At the moment when Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness commanded him, the leader of the sky-devouring insect suddenly let out a sharp cry.

As this voice sounded, the dense cloud of insects surrounding Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng, Gao Ziyue and others suddenly separated, retreated thousands of feet, and floated motionless in the sky.

The cloud of insects that covered the sky flew away, and Zhuo Yijian and others suddenly felt their eyes light up.

"Hey, what's going on? Will these bugs retreat on their own initiative?"

"Don't worry so much, let's get out first!"


Seeing these sky-swallowing insects suddenly retreating, Zhuo Yijian, Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng and others all looked surprised and uncertain. Their figures flashed and they galloped into the distance along the gaps in the insect cloud.

"This fellow Taoist! Chong Yun retreats, let's go!"

"Fellow Taoist, leave quickly!"


At this moment, two clear voices came to Lin Changsheng's ears. His consciousness rolled out, only to find that it was Gao Ziyue and Concubine Yu Ling who were wielding flying swords and shouting to Lin Changsheng.

That Jiang Hai, Xin Yun'er also shouted from the side.

"Thank you! I know!"

Lin Changsheng nodded to Concubine Yu Ling, Gao Ziyue and others.

He will not leave. There are still many Sky-Swallowing Insect leaders here, as well as the Sky-Swallowing Insect King. He must at least control some more Sky-Swallowing Insects before he leaves!

Gao Ziyue, Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian, Tu Yunfei and others saw that Lin Changsheng was unwilling to leave, so they had no choice but to gallop away.

Everyone left, and Lin Changsheng was floating in the sky, looking at the Iron Mountain below.

At this time, in the iron mountain below.

From a cave with a radius of more than ten feet, a black half-foot-long sky-devouring insect flew out, flew to Lin Changsheng's feet, and lifted Lin Changsheng's body up.

"Well, this soul contract technique is really useful!"

Lin Changsheng saw a look of satisfaction in his eyes when he saw the Sky-Swallowing Insect King under his control automatically becoming his mount.

The soul contract technique is to invade the target's sea of ​​will with one's own consciousness, planting soul marks and soul restrictions.

The target is naturally fearful and submissive to the caster. Once the target has a different intention, the caster can use his spiritual consciousness to instantly obliterate it!

Controlling the leader of this sky-swallowing worm by yourself is equivalent to controlling all the sky-swallowing worms in this area!

With these sky-devouring insects, my trump cards will be greatly increased!

"Get two more insect leaders!"

"We can't waste it!"

Lin Changsheng secretly made up his mind that bugs like these were at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage and the Foundation Establishment Stage. The more they were, the more powerful they would be.

Must get more!

At this moment.

Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Mu Yunfeng, Tu Yunfei and others had already left the area of ​​Tieshan for dozens of miles before they put down their steps.

"Then Daoist Fellow Wei doesn't know why he didn't come out!?"

Tu Yunfei looked back at Tieshan and frowned deeply. He was the one who brought Fellow Daoist Wei in to form the team. Now, he actually didn't want to leave. He couldn't understand.

"Fellow Daoist Tu, when we came out, Daoist Friend Wei seemed to be standing on the back of a huge sky-devouring insect. I shouted to him at that time, but he didn't move."

At this time, Jiang Hai took a step forward and said in a deep voice.

He shouted at that time, but Lin Changsheng didn't follow him, and he couldn't care less. It's important to save your life.

"Hey, with so many sky-devouring insects, Fellow Daoist Wei may be in danger. I don't know why he doesn't want to come with us!"

Tu Yunfei sighed and said.

Everyone fell silent. The cloud of insects was overwhelming and there were too many.

"let's go."

Tu Yunfei looked in the direction of Tieshan, remained silent for a long time, and waved to everyone.

"It's a pity that Fellow Daoist Wei is unwilling to leave, but I always feel that his eyes are a bit familiar."

Concubine Yu Ling turned around and looked in the direction of Tieshan, her brows furrowed deeply. This was the main reason why she took the initiative to ask Fellow Daoist Wei to leave.

She always felt that she had seen this fellow Daoist Wei somewhere.

"Why do I feel a little uneasy? Why am I worried about that Fellow Daoist Wei?"

Gao Ziyue stood next to Concubine Yu Ling, looking in the direction of the insect cloud, with a look of confusion in her beautiful eyes. He thought carefully, but felt that the eyes of Fellow Daoist Wei were very familiar, as if he had seen them before. .

However, she couldn't remember when she had met this fellow Daoist Wei.

"Junior sister Gao, let's go!"

At this time, a female cultivator at the peak of the foundation building stage came over and said to Gao Ziyue.

She was sent by her master Ji Ruyan to protect her junior sister Gao Ziyue.

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