The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 146 Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique Rubbing the elixir with your hands to kil

Chapter 146 Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique = Rubbing the elixir with your hands to kill the ghost? Integration, shock [Please order! 】


There was a sound of flying sky-swallowing insects, and eight early-stage golden elixir-devouring insects swarmed up and instantly surrounded the sarcoma golden elixir monk.

Only five breaths of time.

These sky-devouring insects flew into the sky and floated behind Lin Changsheng. Where the flesh-living golden elixir monk was just now, there was nothing but a storage bag!

"Go! Eat them!"

Lin Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed at the two companions of the sarcoma golden elixir. Immediately, eight early-stage golden elixir sky-swallowing insects and nearly 100,000 sky-swallowing insects behind him swarmed towards the two early-stage golden elixir monks!

"Oh no!"


When Sarcoma Jindan's two companions saw this, their faces showed horror and horror, and they soared into the sky with flying sword magic weapons.

It's a pity that although they were fast, they couldn't hold back the number of sky-devouring insects. They simply covered the sky and swallowed up two early-stage golden elixirs in an instant!

Less than ten breaths of time.

Two storage bags fell from the sky, and the two early-stage Jindan monks disappeared, leaving no trace of their bodies.

"What a terrifying insect. Although this person has cultivated to the eighth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, his spiritual consciousness is as powerful as that of the Golden Core Stage. He can actually control insects that are comparable to the Golden Core Stage!!"

"If I'm not wrong, these bugs should be the legendary sky-swallowing bugs in Taixu Palace. According to ancient records, these sky-swallowing bugs eat everything. They like to eat gold and iron, and they like to live in groups. If they meet Very headache."

"There are so many of these bugs, I'm afraid even the peak golden elixir has to weigh them!"

"Who is this person? Can he control so many sky-devouring insects?"


Seeing Lin Changsheng controlling 100,000 sky-devouring worms, devouring three early-stage Golden Elixir monks to the point of being devoured by lightning and flint, many Golden Elixir monks present widened their eyes and were extremely shocked.

Even those few who were at the peak of Jindan who were unmoved by external objects and practiced hard with their eyes closed looked at Lin Changsheng with shocked expressions.

Lin Changsheng stepped forward, picked up the three storage bags, hung them on his waist, then came to where the sarcoma monk was sitting cross-legged, sat down and began to practice.

at the same time.

Lin Changsheng controlled 100,000 sky-eating insects, crawling a hundred feet away, piled up like a hill, looking extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng felt that the monks around him were looking at him with fear, and subconsciously stayed away from him.

"It doesn't matter if you're afraid of me, it just so happens that no one bothers me to improve my cultivation experience!"

Lin Changsheng glanced at the many monks around him and thought to himself.

At this moment, he deeply understood that no matter when, even if he wanted to be stubborn, he had to show his muscles appropriately, otherwise he would be in constant trouble!

After all, this is a world of the weak and the strong, and there are too many people who bully the weak and fear the strong!

Lin Changsheng was running the Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Technique, constantly absorbing the rich spiritual energy in the surrounding spiritual marrow pools. His cultivation experience value continued to rise, much faster than before.

The eight-level experience value during the foundation building period is +1!

The eight-level experience value during the foundation building period is +1!

"really not bad!"

Lin Changsheng looked at his own panel, and red prompts popped up. The frequency increased a lot, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

at the same time.

Lin Changsheng took out a Qi Condensing Pill in his hand and started rubbing it continuously.

His Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Technique has not been perfected yet, so he just happened to take this opportunity to perfect it.

As Lin Changsheng continued to practice, five hours passed.

[The Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Technique is complete! 】

Lin Changsheng was shocked and found that a red prompt popped up on his panel.

"The Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Technique is finally complete."

Seeing the red prompt on the panel, Lin Changsheng's eyes showed satisfaction.

[The Perfect Ten Thousand Treasures Pill Condensation Technique and the Perfect Five Elements Soul Refining Technique have been detected, which can consume 5,000 spirit stones to fuse them into a new technique! Is it integrated? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up again on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Huh? Fusion?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he saw the prompt on the panel. He took out a storage bag specifically for spiritual stones, and then clicked OK on the panel.

Must be integrated.

Integrating new techniques will definitely be better and faster for absorbing spiritual energy.

[The Perfect Ten Thousand Treasures Condensing Pill Art and the Perfect Five Elements Soul Refining Art are being fused...the fusion was successful...obtaining the top golden elixir technique Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Art! 】

The moment Lin Changsheng clicked OK, there were 5,000 less spiritual stones in the storage bag, and a red prompt popped up on the panel.

This is what Lin Changsheng discovered recently. When you are sure, you only need to hold the storage bag containing the spirit stones. There is no need to take out the spirit stones so much trouble!

at the same time.

A majestic flow of information poured into Lin Changsheng's mind, and instantly merged with his consciousness. It was the method of practicing the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique.

"Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flickered when he saw the simplified results this time.

Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique, the name is quite impressive!

[It has been detected that the introduction to the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique can be simplified by consuming 7,000 spirit stones. Is it simplified? 】

At this moment, Lin Changsheng popped up a red prompt on the panel.


Lin Changsheng took out the storage bag again and clicked OK at the same time.

[The Greatest Way to Simplicity: The Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique is being simplified... The simplification is successful... The Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique = hand-rubbing elixir to kill ghosts]

Just when Lin Changsheng clicked OK, in less than a moment, a red prompt popped up on the panel.


"Rub the elixir with your hands to kill the ghosts?"

Seeing the results of this simplification, Lin Changsheng's heart moved.

He has pills in his hands, both low-level and high-level. He also has Yinhun, Qi Hui, Xuan Jing, and Xuanting. He can take them out at any time.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng immediately took out three pills, namely the Qi Condensing Pill, the True Yuan Pill, and the Spirit-accumulating Pill. He then waved his hand to summon Qi Hui's ghost and slapped his soul hard on the head. A palm.

The ghost that was hit by this palm collapsed suddenly, but due to the Ten Thousand Soul Flags, his soul condensed again, with a look of pain and terror on his face.

"Lin Changsheng! Kill me! I beg you, please stop torturing me!"

Qi Hui's ghost looked at Lin Changsheng with a look of despair on his face.

Ever since he was caught by Lin Changsheng, he had been refining his soul every now and then. He had almost tasted all the pain, and felt that life was worse than death, that he could neither survive nor die.

"Kill you? Isn't that cheap? Every enemy of mine will end up with their souls refined and unable to enter reincarnation! Enjoy it, I can only blame you for provoking me!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the frightened Qi Hui and spoke calmly.

With a wave of his hand, his soul was scattered again!

Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique experience value +1!

Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique experience value +1!

At the same time, red prompts popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

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