The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 147 It’s him! Zhao Fuhu: My master is not dead? What a coincidence [please order more]

"I'm rubbing a few pills in my left hand, and I'm torturing Qi Hui's soul with my right hand, while I'm distracted and running the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique. I can kill three birds with one stone!!"

Lin Changsheng made up his mind and grabbed Qi Hui's soul and continued filming.


"You have tortured me for so many years, please! Let me reincarnate..."

As Lin Changsheng waved his hands and slapped him repeatedly, Qi Hui's soul continued to condense, only to be slapped away again and again. Waves of shrill screams resounded throughout the entire Soul Essence Pool.

Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique experience value +1!

Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique experience value +1!

At the same time, red prompts kept popping up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Qi Hui. What's your ghost name? Will it disturb others to know?!"

Lin Changsheng frowned when he heard Qi Hui's shrill screams, thought for a while, and thought to himself. "Hey, the Soul Suppressing Technique is simplified. It tells me to hit the ghost, but it doesn't say how hard it will be. If I pat his head gently, it should also increase the experience value, right? As long as this bastard doesn't scream!"

Lin Changsheng thought of this, and immediately touched Qi Hui's head gently, holding a few pills in his left hand and rubbing them.

at the same time.

He found that the red experience value prompt still popped up on the panel.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing the red experience value prompt popping up on the panel, Lin Changsheng's eyes showed satisfaction, and he immediately grabbed Qi Hui and patted it gently.

The beating was gentler, Qi Hui's eyes showed fear and despair, and he stopped shouting.

At the same time, Lin Changsheng silently ran the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Art to absorb the rich spiritual energy in the spiritual marrow pool.

The moment Lin Changsheng was running the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique, a half-foot-wide vortex appeared around his body, and the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth swept toward him in a steady stream.

The eight-level experience value during the foundation building period is +1!

The eight-level experience value during the foundation building period is +1!

At this moment, Lin Changsheng discovered that the cultivation experience value on his panel was increasing at least five times faster than before!

"Great, it is indeed the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique. It absorbs spiritual energy faster! The cultivation experience value increases much faster than before!"

"If we continue at this rate, it may not take more than a month for me to reach the peak of the foundation building stage!"

Seeing the continuous increase in cultivation experience points on the panel, Lin Changsheng was very satisfied.

As far as he knows, in this Taixu Palace.

It is divided into three major areas: the Foundation Building Area, the Golden Core Area, and the Nascent Soul Area. After the monks come in, they can look for opportunities inside. After three months, the Taixu Hall will automatically close, and all the monks inside will be teleported out of the Taixu Hall.

After leaving Taixu Hall, they will not appear next to Taixu Hall, but will appear randomly within a thousand miles of Taixu Hall.

Right now.

More than 10 miles away from Lin Changsheng, three foundation-building monks wearing white robes with the Liuyun logo came galloping towards him.

Two of them are at the peak of the foundation building stage, both in their 30s, and one is at the sixth level of the foundation building stage, about in his 20s.

"Two senior brothers, the spiritual energy in front is very strong. Let's go over and take a look. Maybe we have some good opportunities!"

Zhao Fuhu looked more than 10 miles away, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth condensed into substance, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

His cultivation level has reached the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. If he can find a place with stronger spiritual energy to practice, it will not be difficult to break through the Seventh Level of the Foundation Establishment Stage!

"Okay! This is indeed the Golden Core Zone. The spiritual energy is rich and far beyond our imagination. If I practice here for a few months, I might be able to use this rich spiritual energy to reach the Golden Core stage!"

"I don't know, will the Jindan elders of our Liuyun Immortal Sect be here?!"

The other two were at the peak of their foundation building stage, their eyes showing anticipation, and they said in a deep voice.

"This is unlikely. After all, the Jindan District is a hundred thousand miles away, so the possibility of meeting the master is not high." Zhao Fuhu shook his head.

The three of them galloped towards the Spiritual Marrow Pond, and not long after, they arrived thirty feet away from the Spiritual Marrow Pond.

"Two senior brothers, there are a lot of people here, all of them are Golden Core Stage monks. There are only about 10 Foundation Establishment Stage monks."

Zhao Fuhu looked at the Spiritual Essence Pond in front of him. His consciousness was on the verge of withdrawing and he did not dare to make any mistakes. The two senior brothers at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage beside him also became cautious.

In this Jindan District.

Without the protection of the elders of the sect, there are so many golden elixir stages in front of them, and their strength is low. If they dare to sweep away with their spiritual consciousness, it is tantamount to seeking death.

"Eh? Master...Master?"

Suddenly, Zhao Fuhu looked ahead at a tall figure sitting cross-legged next to the Spiritual Essence Pool, 20 feet away, with shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"Junior brother Zhao, what did you say? Our master is here? I didn't see it!"

Yu Tianguang followed the gaze of his junior brother Zhao Fuhu, with doubts in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Yu, he is not the master of the Liuyun Immortal Sect, but the master of the sect I was in before joining the sect... They are so similar, except for the hair, everything else is exactly the same...!"

Zhao Fuhu murmured.

At this moment, he was filled with doubts.

He clearly remembered that the master was the master of the Golden Knife Sect, but he was just a martial arts master. Wasn't he in Minnan County of Dayu Kingdom? I heard that he died at the hands of a mysterious martial arts master in Minnan City!

How could it be, in this Taixu Palace?

Could it be that the rumor that the master was dead was actually a misinformation?

"Your master in a secular martial arts sect?"

Yu Tianguang and Liu Xinyun both looked puzzled.

"I don't know if it's him. I'll observe and see if he recognizes me!"

Zhao Fuhu looked at Lin Changsheng who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, approached cautiously, and sat down cross-legged twenty feet away from Lin Changsheng. Yu Tianguang and Liu Xinyun also sat down cross-legged.

"Zhao Fuhu? Liuyun Immortal Sect?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the three people sitting cross-legged 20 feet away from him, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He did not expect to meet a disciple of Liuyun Immortal Sect here.

He remembered that Zhao Fuhu, who had started with him at the beginning, had the dual spiritual roots of thunder and lightning, and was accepted as a direct disciple by Elder Li Jiantang.

At this moment, nearly thirty more figures were speeding toward them from the horizon in the distance.


"What a coincidence!"

Lin Changsheng kept rubbing the elixir in his hands and looked up into the distance. He found that the nearly thirty monks who came over were all foundation-building monks, including Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Jiang Hai , Gao Ziyue, Xin Yuner and others!

However, Zhuo Yijian and others obviously discovered that there were many monks at the peak of the Golden Core in the spiritual marrow pool. They did not dare to approach, but sat down cross-legged and began to absorb the spiritual energy more than 30 feet away from Lin Changsheng.

There were so many foundation-building monks here. The peak-level and mid-late-stage golden elixirs sitting cross-legged in the spiritual marrow pool just opened their eyes and glanced at them, then ignored them and continued to practice.

As for those early-stage Jindan monks, a few of them had twinkling eyes.

"Is this Fellow Daoist Wei?!"

At this moment, beside Zhuo Yijian, Jiang Hai looked at Lin Changsheng who was sitting cross-legged thirty feet away, with a look of shock in his eyes.

He remembered that Fellow Daoist Wei was surrounded by dense sky-devouring insects, right?

How would it appear here?

"Senior sister, look, isn't that a sky-swallowing insect?"

Gao Ziyue suddenly pointed to a hundred feet away. In the mist, there was a pile of dark insects climbing up and down like a hill. Her beautiful eyes were filled with shock.

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